• Published 18th Feb 2018
  • 3,628 Views, 35 Comments

Hearts Intertwined - BlueCuddlePonyGhost

Twilight and Spike have been best friends for years. Nothing could ruin their friendship. But one day, when they both get into an arguement that escalates out of control, Spike decides he is no longer appreciated, and runs away.

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Chapter 2: Running Away

Chapter 2: Running Away

For the rest of the day, Spike left Twilight alone, and thought about what he was going to do. If he was going to leave Twilight, he had to figure out where to go. Not to any of her friend or anywhere in Ponyville. Certainly not the Dragon Lands, or the Changeling Hive. Yes it was true he had buddies all over Equestria, but he couldn't risk getting found.

Wait, found? Oh no! The Cutie Map! What if Twilight's cutie mark glowed and gave away his location? Hmmm. It wouldn't work if he ate parts of the map ... but it was a gift after defeating Tirek. He couldn't just eat it. Burn or cook it? Yeah, that sounded fine.

Now, for a destination. Where could he go? Somewhere far, but familiar. The Crystal Empire sounded good, but he would be found for sure. Maybe travel to different places? Maybe? He just needed someone to help him out. Then he thought of the perfect place. How could he have missed it?

After making sure everything was packed up, and secretly away, Spike knew he would need to leave tonight, and put his plan into action. Spike even made sure to leave a note as a final goodbye to Twilight. After all of that, he continued to do his usual work, clean dishes, organize books, make the meals, ect. After dinner, he read a comic book, hung out, and then waited for everypony to be asleep.

'I need to be as quiet as possible, or I'll be caught!' Spike thought to himself as he knew one mishap could spell disaster for his running away plan. Carefully checking to make sure that everypony was asleep, Spike carefully grabbed his suitcase and started walking down the hall.

"Ah Ah! Hold on there! There be no oranges for sale on the farm!" a voice cried out, making Spike jump. He looked to his left to see Applejack talking in her sleep.

'Boy was that close - and a bit creepy!' Spike thought as he continued down the hall. He needed to make sure no pony saw him. Luckily, Twilight had no guards! He quietly stepped through the hallway, checking every shadow or movemebt to make sure he wasn't being followed. Once he got to the Throne room, he got started!

Ffffwooooosssshhhhu! went a burst of green flames, as they burned the crystal map. Spike was careful not to cause much light or noise, or some pony would have noticed at some point. Still, he continued burning the map.

Once the task was done, Spike got his bags, and quietly left the castle. So far so good. Now, he needed to catch a train! Unfortunately, the train station was closed at night. He would have to wait until morning. Hopefully, he wouldn't be caught leaving. Upon reaching the train station, Spike sat on a bench, his luggage next to him.

"I know running away isn't a good idea, but Twilight said it herself! She wished I was never her assistant! What am I going to do?" Spike said, talking to himself, feeling blue.

"That is up to you, my friend!" a voice spoke from above. Spike looked up to see Princess Luna gliding down from the sky, and over to where he was.

"Princess Luna!" Spike said before giving a bow. Suddenly, a thouht popped into his head.

"Oh great! You're going to tell Twilight about me, aren't you?!" Spike said nervously.

"Not unless I see it as a good reason. A Princess of the night is only responsible for dreams, stars, the moon, and many ongoings. However, I have no idea what you speak of Spike," Princess Luna replied calmly. She then took a seat.

"Please Spike, tell me what's on your mind. I won't say a word about anything," Luna commented. Spike sighed.

"Okay. It all started in the afternoon ..." Spike said as he began explaining what had occured earlier. There were even moments whee he had to pause because he would start crying. Princess Luna was patient, and comforted him. By the time Spike was done, Luna had mixed feelings.

"I am surprised by you, Spike. Running away was never something I would expect! But your reasoning makes sense. I'm so sorry," Princess Luna replied, before hugging the dragon. After a minute of hugging, they separated.

"As a Princess, I can understand the stress of a Princess getting to be too much. It seems Twilight has also gotten worked up quite a bit. Too much in fact! Princess responsibilities can be a major stress, but Twilight was certainly wrong to blame you, when all you were trying to do, was lend a claw. Papers can always be negotiated and re-done, but friendships can't. I will keep your journey a secret, Spike, but I suggest you at least try other options if you plan on living where you decide. Mind if I tag along?" Princess Luna commented.

"Of course, Princess. What suggestions did you have in mind?" Spike replied, curious by the Princess's words.

"I think talking with some of your friends from distant lands would help. Burning the map won't stop Twilight and the others from finding you for long, and the cutie mark finding system can't be turned off in the blink of an eye. You need a better plan than just a simple destination. For example, once you reach said destination, how will you live? How will you get food and water? What about shelter? This may be no survival in the Everfree Forest, but you must think of top priorities if you plan is to work!" Luna explained.

"I agree. But there aren't many places to go when I'm alone. I want to avoid being caught. I thought of other places, but they wouldn't really work. Starlight's old village, living with Daring Do or Zecora, the Badlands, heck even Bug Bear Territory. Yeah, that last one is a bad idea!" Spike responded casually.

"Some of those early ideas weren't bad though. Think harder, and I will help you out," Princess Luna replied, smiling.