• Published 3rd Oct 2017
  • 11,943 Views, 56 Comments

Anon-A-Miscommunication. - Sun Aura

With Anon-A-Miss starting up her blog, the girls decide to bring out their Secret Weapon.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Sunset shivered as she walked in the doors of the school. The halls may be decently heated, but it still took until half-way through first class for students to defrost. Though perhaps it was just the atmosphere.

The day before, a blog called ‘Anon-A-Miss’ had popped up on MyStable and began posting people’s secrets. It had started with Applejack, the blog revealing an embarrassing nickname with an even more embarrassing origin story. There had been a few more posts, but they didn’t get as much attention. Mostly because they were ‘common knowledge’ secrets, reminders of embarrassing events that everyone knew about, but everyone waited in either anticipation or fear for the next secret.

Sunset had blocked the page when it first came up. She wasn’t one for gossip, at least now that she’d stopped needing it for blackmail. Perhaps, under usual circumstances, she would be curious to see what Anon-a-Miss would post about her. But between the fact that everything posted has been true, and that her life was pretty much an open book, nothing would be said about her.

Still, waking by others snickering at their phone screens did catch her morbid curiosity. She shrugged it off, well, shuddered it off, due to the lingering cold. Her friends were still zipped into their jackets when she walked up. Applejack even had her hood up, which looked a bit silly with her hat on top. It was then that she noticed they were all on their phones as well.

“Hey girls,” Sunset greeted, a little cautious. “What’s going on?”

“Sunset, did you…” Applejack began. “Have you lost your phone recently?”

“No?” she answered, instinctively pulling it out to double check. “It’s right here. Why?”

“Then you need to explain this,” she replied, holding out her own phone.

Taking the phone in her hand, Sunset scrolled through the images. It was them, all the dorky pictures they’d taken at their last sleepover, with Rarity’s Closet of Shame. It wasn’t too bad, but the blog’s caption killed it, ‘OMG… What a bunch of dorks!’.

“What?!” Sunset gaped in disbelief. “How did she get our pictures?!”

“They’re not ‘our pictures’, Sunset,” Applejack said.

“They’re yours!” Rainbow frowned.

“All of those pictures were taken by you,” she said.

“Wait, but-“ Sunset stammered as the phone was taken back. “I’ve had my phone this whole time! How did she-“

“Yeah, how did she?” Applejack asked. “The nickname was one thing, that could’ve been anyone’s fault. But damn it Sunset, the pictures are from your phone! You five and my family were the only ones who knew my nickname, none of my family could’ve gotten your phone. And the rest of us-“

“Aj and Rares had their secrets put up,” Rainbow interrupted again. “Pinks and Shy go nuts if they accidently hurt someone, and while I can be a jerk of a prankster, I wouldn’t do it anonymously.”

“The point is, you’re the only one left,” Rarity said.

“You think I’m-“ Sunset shook her head. “That’s crazy. You guys know me. I wouldn’t do this.”

“That’s what’s confusing,” Pinkie said. “We don’t want to believe it, but there’s evidence against you and we can’t ignore it.”

“Sunset,” Applejack commanded. “Just do one thing. Tell me you’re not Anon-A-Miss. Look me in the eyes and tell me that you wouldn’t do this.”

Despite the anxiety and tears starting up, Sunset did as she was told. Applejack’s eyes were… intense. They looked sharper than normal, perhaps a little more orange than her usual green. She felt the words bubbling up from within as she answered.

“I’m not Anon-A-Miss,” Sunset stated. “I know I can’t explain how she got my pictures, but I wouldn’t. I’ve been terrible before, but you’re my friends and I wouldn’t even dream of hurting you.”

“So there’s no stash of secrets waiting to be uploaded?” Applejack asked.

“Yes and no,” she admitted without thinking. “Honestly, if I was still a bitch I would’ve used my old blackmail material first.”

“Your old blackmail material?” Pinkie asked.

“I thought you got rid of that after the Fall Formal?” Fluttershy asked.

“I did,” Sunset said. “Well, I tried. While I’m better with tech nowadays, I don’t have the trust in it due to not growing up with it. I was paranoid I’d hit a button and accidently delete everything, so I made copies. I had multiple folders on my laptop, a copy on my phone, a handful of online storage folders, and several flash drives that I hid around my house, around the school, and even around town. It’s hard to get them all rounded up and deleted. And I just remembered where another is, so great, have to stop by Sugarcube Corner on the way home.”

“You had flash drives with blackmail material hidden around town?!” Rarity gasped. “What if someone finds them?!”

“It’s fine,” she answered. “There’s no point to blackmail if it’s public knowledge, so I had one of the tech guys rig a virus into the drive. Unless someone typed in the password, the drive deletes itself. And since the password is the name of a Phoenix in Equestria, it’s not like anyone can guess it.”

“Last question,” Applejack said before anyone could respond. “Do you have any idea, any at all, on how Anon-A-Miss could have gotten the pictures from your phone?”

“None, which is the weirdest part,” she said. “I’ve had it in my pocket since I left Rarity’s, except when I went home to shower off Pinkie’s pancake palooza, which I really need to question how you got syrup everywhere except yourself. But my phone was in my house on the charger. No one could’ve done it.”

For a few seconds, Applejack just stared at her. Just the look, and Sunset had to struggle to stop talking, to keep from telling everything from the old secrets, to the password, to why she chose said password. As time went on, fear and words stuck in her throat.

“Alright,” Applejack sighed. “You’re telling the truth.”

“Thank you,” Sunset sighed. “Just… thank you for believing me.”

“What were we supposed to do?” Pinkie laughed. “Yell at you and kick you out of our friend group? We have a literal lie detector!”

“What?” she asked.

Instead of responding, they all looked to Applejack. She took off her hat to let her hood fall back, revealing her set of magical pony ears. She shook her head before replacing the hat.

“You used the Element of Honesty on me,” Sunset mused.

“Sorry,” Applejack replied. “It’s not a trust thing but-“

“No, I get it,” she nodded. “Even if I managed to convince you this time, if something suspicious comes up again we’d be back at square one. It’s kind of brilliant. Now you know I’m not lying, so there’s no suspicion on me. Though I could’ve gone without the feeling of words bubbling up in my throat, and I bet you hated having that hood up. Trust me, I remember what it’s like to have something pressing on your ears. Thankfully Equestrian headgear know to accommodate them, but never buy something with a hood from the Griffon Kingdom because-”

“As Pinkie said,” Rarity cut off her Honesty-induced rambling. “We had to address the evidence against you, but we weren’t just going to assume the worst when we could find out ourselves.”

“I mean, come on,” Rainbow said. “Imagine if we did ‘yell and kick you out’, and then we find out later it wasn’t you. We’d be major assholes.”

“So now we just need to figure out who Anon-A-Miss really is,” Applejack sighed.

“Well, I was thinking,” Sunset said. “This started with Applejack’s nickname, and the rest of the posts were things people already knew about, until today with the pictures. Combined with the fact that the blog’s colors are modeled after me, I think whoever this is has it out for us, or at least out for me.”

“To be fair, not everyone’s sure you’re ‘good’ now,” Rainbow said. “None of them deny ‘magic’, but they think you’re only able to use it because you’re a Unicorn, not because of Friendship.”

“But none of them had access to my phone,” Sunset said. “Anyone that would have known about Applejack’s nickname wouldn’t have access to my phone. I’m the only person who could have done it, but we’ve ruled that out.”

“That’s it!” Pinkie exclaimed. “You’re the only ‘person’ who could’ve done it!”

“Was that a joke about how she’s technically a pony?” Applejack asked.

“Please tell me she didn’t mean another magic creature,” Fluttershy near-whimpered. “Does Equestria even have creatures that could post secrets online.”

“Well, hypothetically-“ Sunset began.

“That’s not what I meant!” Pinkie pouted. “I meant ‘what if more than one person is Anon-A-Miss’? Because we already ruled out the six of us, and the only ones who could’ve known about Aj’s nickname are us and her family, unless Maud overheard you telling Sunset. But none of them could get to Rarebear’s house to take Sunny’s phone. Unless they were working with someone in Rarity’s house!”

“But… that’d mean Sweetie Belle,” Rarity said. “She was the only one with us.”

“And that implicates Applebloom,” Applejack frowned. “If she were working with one of them, it’d be her.”

“If the two of them are involved, Scoots is too,” Rainbow huffed. “They usually drag one another into things.”

“It fits fairly well,” Rarity admitted. “Except for motive. Why would they want to do this?”

“Let’s ask them,” Sunset said. “Applejack, think your Honesty Power’s staying for a bit longer?”

“I can handle it,” Applejack answered. “But I think a confrontation should be kept to us, Rarity, and Rainbow. Not to be rude, but it’s our sisters, and they tried to frame Sunset, so...”

“Totally get it!” Pinkie chirped. “We can find something to do. Come on Shy!”

Pinkie grabbed her arm and, with a squeak from Fluttershy, dragged her down the hallway and out of sight. The remaining four rolled their eyes and headed to the music room, since it would be empty for a little while longer.

The three girls texted their respective sisters, and waited in anxiety. Rainbow paced, Rarity tapped her fingers along any surface she could, and Applejack stood far too still, staring at a fixed point. Sunset ended up fiddling with things. At first instruments, but then she focused on Applejack’s magic.

Despite not having her horn, she could still feel the magic and all its properties. She’d never paid much attention to it before, but everyone’s magic felt different. Applejack’s , for lack of a better term, felt like Applejack. It was blunt, straightforward, and practical. There was no vagueness or suggestion of feelings, just her. Yet there was something underneath it that was her, but wasn’t. It was the thing that made Sunset want to tell her anything with just a look, with just being in its’ presence. That, was Honesty.

After what felt like forever, the three freshman opened the door. Each looked nervous, but that in itself wasn’t a sign of guilt. As they had already agreed to let Applejack talk, she stepped forward.

“Hey, AJ,” Applebloom greeted. “You wanted to see us?”

“What’s going on?” Scootaloo asked.

“Quite a lot,” Applejack said. “You see, we were trying to figure out who Anon-A-Miss is.”

The three stiffened a little at the mention, but there wasn’t much change.

“What does that have to do with us?” Sweetie Belle wondered.

“Maybe a lot,” Applejack answered. “For a little bit, we thought maybe Sunset was Anon-A-Miss, because of the pictures and my nickname, but we’ve ruled her out.”

“How?” Applebloom asked.

“Long story,” she shrugged. “But see, we’d run out of suspects. Until someone pointed out that maybe Anon-A-Miss could be more than one person. Sweetie’s the only one who could’ve gotten Sunset’s phone. Bloom, you’re the only one of our original suspects she’d work with. And if the two of you are Anon-A-Miss, I doubt you’d leave the third member out.”

“That’s insane!” Scootaloo protested, looking to Rainbow. “You can’t think-“

“Maybe it is,” she agreed, forcing her attention back. “So do me a favor. Look me in the eye and tell me you’re not Anon-A-Miss.”

The trio followed her command, but when they met her gaze, something stopped. Applebloom shuddered, Scootaloo looked as if she were biting her own tongue to keep her mouth shut. Sweetie Belle actually opened her mouth to speak, before she was cut off.

“What makes you think it’s us!” Applebloom demanded.

“I told you,” Applejack replied calmly. “It couldn’t’ve been one person, so it must’ve been two or more.”

“Did Sunset come up with that idea?” Sweetie wondered.

“No,” she answered. “Pinkie Pie said it, after we ruled out Sunset.”

“What makes her so damn special?!” Scootaloo demanded, stomping her foot in frustration. “Why do you believe she isn’t Anon-A-Miss, but somehow we’re the more likely culprit?!”

“I’ll tell you why,” she glared. “Do y’all feel something right now? How’d you describe it before, Sunset, ‘like words bubbling up in your throat’? That’s my magic, Honesty. It’s making you want to tell the truth. I asked Sunset the same thing I asked you, to look me in the eye and tell me you’re not Anon-A-Miss. Sunset said word for word it wasn’t her, even rambled further when prompted and said some things she’d probably wish we’d never known about. You three deflected. You didn’t lie, but you didn’t answer.”

“She probably knew how to counteract your magic!” Applebloom said.

“Or she’s resistant since she is magic!” Scootaloo added.

“One last chance,” Applejack said. “Just say the words. Say you’re not Anon-A-Miss and we look for other suspects.”

The three opened and closed their mouths, trying to say something. But nothing came. As time dragged on, Applejack’s stare got more intense than before. Though it wasn’t aimed at her, Sunset could still feel the magic forcing her thoughts forward. It was no longer a matter of ‘if’, it was ‘who would break first’.

“Fine!” Scootaloo shouted.

“Scoots, don’t” Applebloom began.

“It doesn’t matter Bloom,” Sweetie shook her head. “If you can see a way out, be my guest!”

“I-“ she glanced around before stomping her foot in frustration. “Fine! It was us. Are you happy now?!”

“Really?” Rainbow asked, keeping a lid on her anger.

“Why would you post those things?” Rarity asked.

“Let’s start with your sleepover,” Sweetie answered.

“All this because you didn’t get invited to our sleepover?” Applejack asked, backing up her gaze. “That’s-“

“No it’s not over one dumb sleepover!” Applebloom screamed. “It’s because you’re never around anymore! We don’t see each other at school, then after school you hang out with your friends for hours! By the time you get home you’re only around long enough to do your chores and then go to bed!”

“The same with you!” Sweetie Belle glared at Rarity. “You come home and lock yourself in your workshop. Sometimes you don’t even come down to eat! Yeah, I’m old enough that you don’t need to feed me, but I’d like to see you for more than half an hour!”

“I don’t even live with you!” Scootaloo shouted at Rainbow, tossing her backpack to the floor. “But you have school, soccer practice, band practice, and just general hang out time with them! And your few free days are days I have my own appointments! Most of the time I see you it’s because everyone’s at the farm, but it’s hard to hang out with one person when there’s nine of us!”

“And I tried that too,” Sweetie added. “I thought maybe if your friends were my friends too, then we could all hang out together. But any time I’m around them you shove me out of the room!”

“Did you try talking to them?” Sunset asked.

“Of course we did!” Applebloom said. “Aj said she’d set aside a day for us to hang out, especially with the holidays coming up. But it never happened.”

“I asked if we could hang out over break,” Scootaloo frowned. “You said you’d have to see if you’d be too busy with ‘family’.”

“You thought I was worried about how little you ate,” Sweetie pouted.

“So why involve Sunset?” Applejack asked. “Sure, passive aggressive teasing online is some petty revenge. But what does she have to do with this?”

“Because she obviously used some kind of brainwashing magic on you!” she said.

“Sweetie Belle, that’s ridiculous,” Rarity laughed. “We’re not brainwashed. She’s our friend.”

“Really?” Applebloom scoffed. “Then how come when Aj finally scheduled a day for us to hang out, suddenly she has to go to a sleepover for Sunset? And all she’d say was ‘this is important for her’, but what does that even mean?!”

“And Rainbow said we might not hang out over break” Scootaloo said. “Because she might be busy with her family. But suddenly her schedule is free for a week of sleepovers and the Apple Family Party because of Sunset? If Rainbow really wanted me gone, she wouldn’t be passive-aggressive about it, she’d tell me to fuck off!”

“Language!” half the group warned.

It was then that the younger girls’ words sank in to their sisters. Now it was their turn to open and close their mouths while looking for an explanation. Thinking quickly, Sunset decided she should get a handle on the situation. Stepping forward, she knelt down in front of the trio, a little sad to see them back up from her.

“I promise you,” Sunset said. “I’m not brainwashing your sisters. I know you’re upset, and it’s easier to believe that than think they might be capable of screwing up, but I’m sorry it led you to think the worst of me again.”

“Then what’s so important?” Scootaloo asked, beginning to break a little. “What is it about you that makes you so special that they’ll just drop everything to see you, but not us?”

“Well, I can’t speak for every time,” she answered. “But as for the last few days, I’ve never had a Christmas before.”

“How can you have never had a Christmas before?” Applebloom asked. “Don’t they have that in your magic dimension?”

“Not exactly,” she said. “We have a similar holiday, called Hearth’s Warming. It has a lot of the same traditions and themes as Christmas. You know, family, togetherness, presents under a tree and such, we even have our own version of A Christmas Carol. Though our Santa doesn’t have flying Reindeer, he is a flying Reindeer. Not sure if he exists, but knowing Equestria….

“Anyway,” she said, shaking her head. “Since I’ve been in this dimension, I haven’t had anyone to spend Christmas with. Even when Flash invited me to spend Christmas with him, I didn’t want to spend hours on end pretending to be romantic with him, so I made up excuses and stayed home. And I’ve been in this dimension for six years now.”

“Six years?” Sweetie asked. “But you’re still a teen!”

“Yep,” she nodded. “I was your age when I ran away. And before that, well, I wasn’t the best Pony, so I really didn’t care about the holidays by the time I left. So I haven’t had anything Christmas-like in about seven years. So when I told Applejack about that, she got the group together and decided to make up for lost time.”

“That’s… A good reason,” Scootaloo admitted, tilting her head. “If they told us I’d probably have been cool with it. Now I feel like an ass for almost ruining your first Christmas.”

“Me too,” Sweetie and Applebloom chorused.

“That said,” Sunset looked over her shoulder. “You three need to work on time management and communication. Yes, you have a duty to be there for your friends, but you need to remember to be there for all your friends, which includes your family.”

“We really screwed up, didn’t we?” Applejack sighed.

“I’d say,” Rainbow nodded, looking away.

“It’s a bit of an understatement,” Rarity agreed.

Sunset wisely decided to not make a sarcastic comment.

“So, it really was just you guys messing up?” Sweetie asked.

“Yes, it was,” Rarity said. “And I’m sorry for that. I know it’ll sound a bit empty, but I promise I’ll make sure to have time with you.”

“Same here,” Applejack nodded. “I don’t know what to do about the other sleepovers though, but I’ll think of something.”

“Hey, we can always invite them to the sleepover,” Rainbow shrugged. “Just tone down the activity from R to PG-13.”

“The only thing R rated is your mouth,” Sunset said.

“I think we can compromise on that,” Scootloo laughed. “You want to do something gross, just tell us and we’ll figure something else out.”

“But again,” Sweetie added. “Tell us.”

“And if you need help figuring out schedules,” Sunset said. “I know a purple pony princess who’d love an excuse to visit.”

“So, is everything cool?” Rainbow asked, running a hand through her hair.

“Almost,” she said. “For now, you three need to do something about the actual Anon-A-Miss account.”

“Oh, right,” Applejack said. “Are there any posts scheduled to go up?”

“Not right now,” Applebloom said. “But there’s…. a lot of stuff we could’ve posted.”

“How many people have a flash drive of blackmail material?” Rarity sighed.

“What?” Sweeite asked.

“Long story,” Rainbow said. “What kind of stuff is left on there?”

“Again, nothing we’d post,” Scootaloo said. “But, considering the blog name and its first post, people thought it was a ‘share your secret’ blog and started submitting stuff. We only put up stuff we knew everyone knew, since it couldn’t hurt anyone. Okay, it wasn’t ‘right’, but if you were the only targets it’d be suspicious. Some of the submissions looked like their own confessions, and others were just stirring up old drama, but others were…..”

“Revenge,” Sweetie said. “They were complete rumors, or people trying to prank their friends, or embarrass people they hate, and there were more than a few ‘X is cheating on Y with Z’ messages. We though about posting the cheating messages, but we had no idea if they were true, and if it wasn’t we’d ruin someone’s relationship. Speaking of ruined relationships, there were, uh, some people wanted us to post pictures of their ex. As in, like, naked pictures.”

“That is disgusting!” Applejack gagged a little bit. “Who in the right mind- please tell me you didn’t open those!”

“Well, you can’t tell until you open the message……” Applebloom trailed off.

“Okay, change of plans,” Sunset said, grabbing a notebook out of her backpack. “You’re going to write the login information down for me, and I’m going to give it to Principal Celestia.”

“Why you?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Do you really want to face her and Luna?” she asked. “If I give it, then I can keep them from knowing you were involved.”

The trio nodded, taking the notebook and pen. Yet Applebloom’s hand hovered over the page, not wanting to write it out. Neither of her friends tried to push her to do it. They hovered, just as she did.

“Still don’t trust me, huh?” Sunset said.

“No!” Scootaloo exclaimed. “Well, yes, but not-it’s-“

“We’re trying,” Sweetie interrupted. “We know you’re a better person, and we know you helped when those Sirens showed up, and we definitely owe you for thinking you were still evil and trying to frame you.”

“It takes more time when we don’t have some sort of ‘friendship magic’,” Applebloom said. “My sis, her friends, they all said there was some kinda magical connection. But we don’t have it. And honestly? Without that, I’m scared of what would happen to Aj if you had actually been brainwashing her.”

Sunset thought over that fact. It did make sense, after all. Even her friends hadn’t completely trusted her before feeling her friendship through their magic. And stars know that the rest of the school was at varying levels of forgiveness. She wondered how she could make it up to them, to prove she was really a good person now. And she realized, she couldn’t. At least, she couldn’t as long as she kept herself from them.

It was then that she felt their stares. There was an oh so familiar feeling of Honesty, but not from Applejack. Looking in their eyes, she saw its source not in Applebloom, as she expected, but in Sweetie Belle. Applebloom’s gaze, however, was fierce and burning, but protective, much like Rainbow’s. On the other hand, she couldn’t place Scootaloo’s for a moment. It felt firm yet soft, like a gentle shove that could become something to stop you in your tracks. It was then that she thought of the few times she saw Fluttershy pushing someone toward what they need. Loyalty and Kindness.

Smiling softly, she walked back to the side of the room, and poked at the keys of a piano. As she checked its tune, she started to talk.

“Here’s what I’m going to do,” Sunset said. “I’m going to be your friend.”

“What?” Scootaloo asked.

“Exactly what I said,” she stated. “One of the reasons others don’t trust me yet is because I haven’t reached out. At first it was because I was sure no one wanted it, but I was scared too. Helping the Sirens was a step up, but I need to actually, you know, talk to people. Maybe make more friends so I don’t hog your sisters.

“And sure,” she shrugged. “You might not have Magic like them, and maybe ‘Friendship is Magic’ isn’t literal here, but you can still feel it without actual Magic. So, to prove it, I’m going to show you one of Equestria’s Holiday Traditions, the Heart Carol.”

All six looked between one another as she began to find the pitch. Hoping she remembered the words, and hoping she could sing it despite being one person, she began.

As dawn shines on us every morn,

The Fire of Friendship is reborn.

And all the friendships that we have made,

We cherish in every way.

She moved toward the older trio first, locking arms with Rainbow.

Loyalty binds us and makes us strong

She pulled her to the side and dragged Applejack down into a hug.

Honesty shows that we belong.

Letting go of them, she spun to Rarity and took her hands, apologizing in advance that the lyric doesn’t quite fit.

And Kindness Shared will unite us through each day.”

She stood in the center, projecting her voice as much as she dared. Magic was all around her, all around them. And it felt wonderful.

The Fire of Friendship lives in our hearts

As long as it burns, we cannot drift apart.

Though Quarrels arise, their numbers are few.

Laughter and singing will see us through.

We are a circle of Pony friends

A circle of friends we’ll be to the very end"

Despite technically missing an Element, Sunset could feel them all. No, they weren’t missing any, she could feel Pinkie and Fluttershy listening at the door. With a gesture from Sunset, Sweetie Belle opened it for her, letting the two sheepishly shuffle in. She just smiled and rolled her eyes, inviting them to join.

Though winter brings all its cold and storm

The glow in our hearts keeps us warm.

The friends we now call our family

Will always see us through”

Sunset could feel all the Elements working as her friends grabbed instruments and joined in as best they could, though Pinkie seemed to have it down. Magic surrounded her, and she could feel it all.

Honesty shifted, becoming trust and the feeling of confiding your dreams and fears in another you care for.

Kindness was care, like hot soup and holding someone close as they cry on your shoulder, and a belief in others.

Loyalty softened, feeling like family. Warm and soft and above all, safe in their presence.

Generosity always felt like a holiday or a birthday, presents given of love in the form of time and energy, and far more than can ever be said.

Laughter was the song itself as it resonated in their souls, tastes and smells that filled the senses and made them smile. It calmed fears and chased away sadness.

Friendship was everything at once, a Spark that lit a Fire within her. It’s love of all kinds, of friends and family and romance, and the potential every stranger brings. It was a bond that transcended Time, Space, and Dimensions, and it was Magic.

Her friends began to ‘Pony Up’ as they sang. Going for another round, Sunset decided to dance with the younger girls this time. She playfully bowed and took Applebloom’s hand.

Loyalty binds us and makes us strong

She switched and grabbed Sweetie Belle, picking her up and twirling her as she laughed.

Honesty shows that we belong

Going for simple this time, she finished off with a hug and ruffling of the hair for Scootaloo.

And Kindness shared will unite us through each day

Sunset wasn’t sure, but she saw that everyone was glowing, even those that shouldn’t be. Shrugging it off as an effect of the Holiday Spirit, or at least an effect of Magic, they continued to dance and sing.

"The Fire of Friendship lives in our hearts

As long as it burns we cannot drift apart

Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few

Laughter and Singing will see us through

We are a circle of Pony friends

A circle of friends we’ll be to the very end!"

They descended into out of breath giggles as the song finished. A few students had ended up gathering around the door, and now applauded their impromptu performance. Of course, that was when the bell decided to ring and everyone groaned as they had to go to class.

Once Applebloom had written down the sign-in information for their blog, Sunset promised she’d be along to class as soon as she met with the Principal about this. Along the way, she remembered another flash drive taped to the bottom of the water fountain.

The halls were strange with no one in them. Any sound seemed to echo off the walls. Yet nothing could bother her. Sure, the day might’ve started out horrible, but a song sequence and the Magic of Friendship could fix a lot of things. Besides, it was kind of hard for her to be mad when she had pony ears that actually felt functional instead of like a ridiculous decoration.

Thankfully, when she knocked on the door of the Principal’s office, Celestia’s voice immediately allowed her to enter. Sunset walked in and, perhaps too cheerfully, greeted the Principal and Vice principal. Though neither looked particularly like celebrating the holidays.

“Please tell me ‘Anon-A-Miss’ isn’t another Magical Emergency,” Luna deadpanned.

“You’re the second person to ask that today,” Sunset answered. “And no, I’m here to tell you that Anon-A-Miss is taken care of.”

“Forgive me, it’s the ears,” she said.

“What do you mean, ‘taken care of’?” Celestia asked.

“Exactly that,” Sunset answered. “My friends and I found out who set up the account, talked it out, and now there won’t be any more posts.”

“And who was ‘Anon-A-Miss’?” she wondered.

“Can’t tell you,” she said.

Both sisters looked at one another, then back to her. Deciding to tone back the cheeriness, she tried again.

“Look,” Sunset began. “Anon-A-Miss was the result of a lack of time management, miscommunication, and the fact that it’s easier to believe I’m still terrible instead of thinking certain people can have faults. And the message has gotten through, so there won’t be any more posts.”

“Why would you want to protect the blog’s creator?” Celestia asked. “Judging from your comments and the design of the blog, it’s pretty clear they tried to frame you.”

“Many reasons,” she shrugged. “But mostly it’s because I know what happens when you go too far trying to get through to someone, and end up getting punished for being desperate. Those involved don’t deserve detention.”

“They made posts antagonizing students,” Luna said, ignoring the fact that she agreed quite a bit. “Good reasons or not-“

“Depends on your definition,” she said. “Most of the posts were common knowledge. They got maybe two minutes of laughter, and were the equivalent of a passing comment of ‘remember this happened?’. Appplejack and Rarity were the only ones with new information, and both of them agree with me about keeping the blog creator from punishment.”

“However,” she continued before either could speak. “How about we refrain from naming names, but their punishment is Community Service?”

“We’d need a name to assign their tasks,” Luna said.

“Again, depends on the definition,” she said, pulling out the notebook. “I asked for the sign-in information to the blog, originally so you two could have proof it was deleted. However, apparently, other students submitted various things. I haven’t actually looked, but word has it that some people were sending in things to start various dramas or confessing things they did, which may give you proof you need for other cases of bullying. And there’s also the fact that some people sent in ‘interesting’ photos of their ex, hoping to get some revenge.”

Both sisters winced in disgust at the idea. Taking the notebook, Principal Celestia attempted to log in, surprised when the computer let her through. Despite her pokerface, she was not nearly as practice as her Pony Counterpart, and visibly stiffened when she saw the number of messages.

“We will launch a proper investigation,” Celestia said. “But as your request, we will leave the blog’s creator alone. Community Service, as you mentioned.”

“Another thing,” Sunset said, pulling out the flash drive. “This is from my time being, well, terrible. It was all of the material I had gathered as potential blackmail.”

“Potential blackmail material?” Luna raised an eyebrow.

“It’s not a crime to plan it out,” she said. “And I’ve already paid for my actual crimes. But it has a handful of things you might find interesting. Nothing that would get me in trouble, but it could get a few others in trouble. Oh, and it’s password protected, so when the screen pops up type in ‘Philomena’.”

“Why are you turning this in now?” she asked. “You could have just destroyed this and we’d never know.”

“Trust me, I tried,” she said. “Paranoia made multiple copies, and I can’t keep track of all of them. But I’ve realized that I need to do more to make it up to people, to get them to trust me and see me as a good person instead of a disaster waiting to happen. You know, make some more friends than the one group. And helping you find people who are as bad or worse than I was seems like a good step. Though, I would suggest waiting until after break to investigate properly. Wouldn’t want to ruin Christmas for any families.”

“We’ll keep that in mind,” Celestia nodded. “I’m glad to see you really getting into being a better person.”

“I am too,” she laughed, picking up a sticky note and a pen. “Last thing though. I don’t know if there will be any other Magical Emergencies, but if there are, you should be able to contact me. I’m a pretty good Magic Expert.”

“Thank you,” she said. “Hopefully it’s not needed, but considering how this school year has gone, I wouldn’t rule out something happening at the Friendship Games.”

“Great, that gives me two months to prepare,” she said, heading to the door. “Anyway, Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukah or Yule or whatever you celebrate. Or even a Happy Hearth’s Warming!”

“Hearth what now?” they both asked as she closed the door.

Sunset hummed the Heart Carol to herself as she walked to her class. Thankfully, her teacher knew better than to question the ears by now. Not that her lateness mattered too much, since no one was doing any teaching this close to break.

Instead, Sunset thought over potential presents. She’d already bought some for her friends, but with new friends she needed to go shopping again. At the very least she needed gifts for Sweetie, Scoots, and Bloom, but maybe she should get a little gift for the Principals. From there, her mind wandered back to Flash, thinking that she really should start over with him. Maybe she could even get something to be a peace offering in her snark-off with Trixie.

Her thoughts were broken by Pinkie, bouncing near her desk. Oh well, gifts would have to wait till later. Who’d have thought that such a lonely Christmas could turn into the best Hearth’s Warming she’d had in years?

Author's Note:

Yeah, this ended up very cheesy and fluff. Fluffy cheese. I don't care. Want to see how much I don't care? I'm posting something Christmas-y in October.

Comments ( 56 )

After all the cynical stories about this particular subject, nice to see something that takes an entirely different route with this, frankly, old and tired story genre and actually makes it a kinda Christmasy story, or at least one that feels happy.

You could write a sequel. Someone from Crystal Prep finds one of the flash drives and manages to break the password on it.

I want to see a version where the girls never believe sunset ever did it

Edit: And I must say thank you for giving me just that

That was exactly the whole point in writing this. While I appreciate the darker takes, I love cheerful stuff that makes people feel all fuzzy. And I don't think I've read an Anon-A-Miss story that has such a cheerful attitude overall. And for a Christmas Special, even the original comic had very little of the cheesy Christmas Spirit.

And I thought I had a current monopoly on "different" Anon-A-Miss stories.

Good work, though. Keep it up!

Overall a nice story with sloppy execution. The concept was nice, but the lie detector Applejack felt like a complete cop out (using debunked season one fanon without any lead in or build up as the main conflict resolver) and part of the resolution ignored that Sunset was actively reaching out in Rainbow Rocks (CMC in the beginning, volunteering to show new students around, and the credits). Other parts were handled rather clunky as well, mainly the part with Celestia and Luna. Still, it was nice.

The lie detector thing is less 'debunked' and more 'never used', and considering half of my fics is 'me being salty about things', I like making the Elements something more than just a magical laser beam. And Sunset doesn't really 'reach out' much in RR. She tried once with the CMC, and yes she did help the new students, but these were both safe options. The Crusaders are her friends' sisters(who should have more of a reason to trust her because of said association), and new students are people who don't know about her past and she doesn't have to make any amends with. The Comic implies that the Humane 5 are her only friends still, and that the school in general still believes she'd be Anon-A-Miss, so it seems doubtful that she's worked to apologize to anyone else by this point. By Friendship Games people actually seem to like her, so something happened in between Anon-A-Miss and that movie. (Still upset that they waited until LoE to give her a scene with Flash though, and it was short and about Twilight and ugh I have more fics to write on that.)
I'll admit some of it's a bit sloppy, but I'll also admit I'm not the best writer, especially when sick.

The lie detector thing definitely was debunked, as Applejack is one of the easier characters to lie to. She’s been tricked many times and there have been very few (if any) cases where she’s the only one to notice a lie. It also clashes with the first two movies, as she was easily lied to multiple times in the first and didn’t catch Twilight’s lies or that Sunset was honest that she didn’t sabotage them in a fit of jealous rage. As for Rainbow Rocks, after the first two scenes with Sunset trying to reach out, everyone was under the Dazzlings’ influence until the end, and during the credits you see Sunset getting along with more people.

Finally one that isn't mean-spirited, has everyone NOT be borderline sociopath jack asses to Sunset, has Sunset not be suicidal/homicidal/bitchy about the entire thing, has the CMC PROPERLY punished and not have half the school threaten their lives, and the best part is that it doesn't feel like it's an accusation fic. It's a feels good fic.

There's a difference between hearing someone lie to you and actually using lie detector powers to check when you think you're being lied to.
As for Rainbow Rocks, 1. the Dazzlings aren't to blame for everything. They upped the Desire, but how the others went about doing that was up to the individual. 2. I'm trying to merge the continuity of both Rainbow Rocks and the Anon-A-Miss comic, which is difficult due to the, well, differences between the setups. Like, the credits scene for RR has the CMC liking Sunset and being her friend, yet by the time Anon-A-Miss happens after that, where they hate her? It really makes no sense, and I'm trying to fix it as best I can, which involves ignoring parts of Canon.
This series can't even handle the continuity within a 22 minute episode. And as I'll readily admit, about half of me writing fics is be being salty about how things happened or how they were written and trying to fix it into something that works coherently in my brain, or just striaght up clinging to old Headcanons that make more sense to me *CoughcoughSombraandAlicornsandImmortalscough* . I use Canon as a springboard to work off of, but I adjust things as I like because that's the whole point of Transformitive Works. While I do this with most fics, this one is the first 'Adjustment Fic' in my Rewritten Project which is supposed to do exactly this.

Very good read! It actually fits better the spirit of the show than the original comic!:twilightsmile:

Can you give an example of the lie detector ability? To my knowledge, Applejack has never shown anything of the sort and there are plenty of counter examples.

I never blamed the Dazzlings, just saying it would be pointless for Sunset to try and reach out to people who don’t like her when they’re all fighting with people they do like while constantly trying when the influence wasn’t there.

As for the comic itself, it was apparently supposed to take place between the first two movies but the writer forgot the journal was introduced in RR, so it was moved there... Then again, the comics are completely irrelevant to the series.

Okay, I see you are not listening to about half of my comment, so I'm just going to not continue this back-and-forth.

Not listening to which part? That the show has crap continuity (which is irrelevant)? That this was written to change things up? My initial point was that the key changes need to be established and worked in when they contradict canon. I found my immersion breaking whenever the arguments and key ability in the story directly contradict canon but have no setup (the lack of setup is the problem). The changes to the Anon-A-Miss scenario only work because the lead in was changed, but we don’t know what the lead in is. You try to handwave the lie detector ability as canon and try to argue against Sunset reaching out, treating both of those as canon. You didn’t just wave them away as changes (in which case it would still be clunky for the same reason, no setup) but tried to argue them as canon...

Pray tell, how are you supposed to say 'this is what was changed from canon' without outright saying 'this was changed from canon' in the actual fic and breaking immersion even more? Actually, I have the answer: Mention it in the summary of the fic or the Author's note. The summary of this fic mentions that not only is this fic within my own Continuity that has made these changes, but it is part of a project where I am specifically changing things I don't like and admit that there will be differences because of this.
When I read 'Part of my X Continuity' in someone's summary, I already know that there will be extra things that won't be addressed properly unless I read all their fics(and even then, not all headcanons get a direct fic because they don't need one). For example, I'm not going to read Samey90's "Moonwing" and go 'Hey, Diamond Tiara wasn't a serial killer in the show! Why don't they explain that?'. I'm going to say 'okay, they have a set of stories where Diamond killed a few ponies.' and read from there. Or how about another example from my own works? I already used Grogar in my continuity. If the show uses him now, that's not going to effect my story. And if I use him again within that continuity, I will make a note of it and say that it is a separate canon. If you read past that, it's 'signing the contract' to recognize this is happening.
The series lack of continuity is a bit relevant due to, you know, everyone other than Trixie likes Sunset at the end of Rainbow Rocks, but suddenly everyone hates her in Anon-A-Miss. And considering half of your problem with the writing is how I fixed this error, well, I'd consider that relevant. And you know what? Considering a lot of the Anon-A-Miss end with a handful of deaths, the friend group still being broken, or even Celestia and Luna losing their jobs for allowing it to happen, obviously they're not adhering to canon as, you know, the series continues?
Same for all fics in general? Fanfiction isn't canon. It's a place for people to write stories based off Canon or change Canon as needed. that's the whole point of fanfiction. I'm not saying whether the lie detector thing is canon or not, only that it is a possibility that could have been used in the show but wasn't, and I used it because I like the idea. So it is Canon to this world, but not every single world.

I think what the critics are trying to say is that Applejack lie detector powers are so at odds with canon that this work should have an AU tag, so we know what we're getting into.

Still, I normally detest Anon-A-Miss stories because they arbitrarily change thing just to make things darker, despite the whole problem with the comic being that it was too dark for the resolution it offered. That this story actually caught my interest is something special. Great work. Especially appreciate the bold step of giving the CMC better reasons for their antagonism or having the whole fic exist just as an excuse to punish them.

Am I the only one who finds it objectionable that these fics find it necessary to further punish the only characters form the comic to actually own up to their mistakes (even if it was only because they were about to be exposed, it still better than anyone else) and accepted the harshest punishment any redeemed antagonist has faced (six months detention, which per the popular months=moons fanon, equal to what Sunset for her far, far larger list of transgressions)?

"This series can't even handle the continuity within a 22 minute episode." That can be easily rationalized within canon. It's officially stated Applejack's parents were on "couple's vacation". Assuming Applejack was 13 and Apple Bloom was conceived around this time, born when AJ was 14, and AB being 8 at present, this would make AJ 22. A small enough difference from her human selfs 17 to explain their identical personalities, but makes way more sense since the pony counterparts have full time careers. Remember the EG 'verse aged down Celestia and Luna by around 1000 years.


Shoot! I wanted to write an Anon-A-Miss story like this but I never got the time. Still, this was pretty good.

Here's the thing about the 'AU' tag: what qualifies as an Alternate Universe varies vastly between users. If I used the AU tag for everything that was pure speculation/headcanon but not directly Canon, then every story would be an AU. Personally, if I'm working mostly on the Canon material, but have made adjustments for some headcanons and/or things established in other parts of the Continuity of stories(For example, if the show uses Grogar before I use him again, or anything about Alicorns and the Immortal/Royal's history), then I don't qualify it as an AU. However, if I'm changing a large part of the story, I will. (The example here is my story In Another World, which while based in Canon happens very differently and changes the universe far more than adjusting the Lore/History/Worldbuilding.). Or if I just went ahead with, like, dropping the characters into the Little Mermaid, or something like what Earthsong9405 does, that would qualify as an AU.
Like, by technicality, a Fanfic, especially a Rewrite, is an AU, but it doesn't necessarily need a tag because, well, people know going in. But as I pointed out, I do warn people that this is not only part of a Continuity, which implies established worldbuilding/lore that may be different due to being written before episodes that change Canon, but it is also part of a project of rewriting episodes so it will definitely have a different path. Therefore, 'Alternate Universe' isn't exactly right in this. I guess a better term would be 'Universe Alteration', which implies minor shifts in Canon, but not a full different world.
And yeah, I definitely agree that a lot of the fics go too far with the punishment on the characters. Like, while we know Sunset was innocent the whole time, there is the fact that she's the only single person who could have done it, so their reaction in the comic is understandable. As for the CMC, oh my stars do they get worse. Like, yeah, cyberbullying is bad and they should get some detention for that, but sometimes... wow. But people always focus on the 'you did all this because you weren't invited to a slumber party?!' bit, even though in the actual comic, they say they weren't getting to spend time with their sisters, not 'I wanted to have a sleepover but you said no'. So I ran with that and just elaborated what was implied.
As for my thing about the ages, well, okay, this might get long but screw it this is my story I can comment/rant as long as I want.
1. 'Word of God' tweets don't count as canon. Honestly, Comics barely count as Canon. that's all Limbo Canon and up to the fans until otherwise stated in-show. That said, it doesn't explain why Granny would be the one to give AJ or Big Mac the farm, since their father would be the one to choose and Granny would be dead by then, which implies he's not around to do so. But even if they were:
2. As Applejack is the size of an adult, a few years older than Cutie Mark Age, and out of school, she's in what should be the 17-19 range, but as Ponies age differently I estimate that they're 'born two years old', so she'd be 15-17 in the flashback.
3. Listen, Cutie Marks definitely have puberty vibes. 'becoming an adult' and all. Puberty age is technically 9-16, but 11-15 is much more common. As the CMC are the last of their class to get their Marks, and the fact that Apples in general are late bloomers, plus the fact that they're allowed to run around town unchecked(something no parent would allow anyone under 12 to do), they're put at what would usually be 15, but adjusted for the 'born two years old' makes them 13.
4. even if Applebloom were conceived off-screen during this very episode, it would still be about a year before she was born(Humans take 9-10 months and horses are 11-12, and that 'born at two years' leans more toward the 11-12). So 13 + 1=14, and then add that to AJ's age makes 29-31
5. Even if you were right and AJ was 22, it still makes the rest of the Mane 6 in their twenties, which still really makes Equestria Girls creepy as FUCK, since you have 22-ish Twilight with possibly underage Flash, not to mention Sunset being older than Twilight and also being with Flash when he was DEFINITELY underage, and now shipped with possibly underage Sci-Twi.
6. Other than the errors in this episode, you can use that 'born at two years old' thing to explain why the Mane 6 are adults with careers but their Human Counterparts are still in school. The answer being that Ponies are legally adults at a younger age(whether or not they reach physical/mental maturity at that age is a whole other can of worms, but some real humans don't mature until early twenties). That way, you can have them be in their late teens but still be 'adults'. High School students are typically 14-18, but they can be 13-19 for various reasons. 13 already fits what I put the Crusaders at from other episodes, and while the Mane 6 seem 18-21 life wise, the two year adjustment puts them at 16-19, which happens to be the age of High School Seniors, which the Human Counterparts happen to be. The Immortals are the only ones to get an age adjustment due to a lack of Immortality.
7. All of this is wild speculation and until we get actual confirmation in-show.... well..... I'll probably still ignore it due to my established universe(and possibly sake of mind because STARS I can't stop thinking about the potential pedophilia EQG might accidently imply.)

Trust me, I know the feeling. I get story-blocked by Canon a lot(which is half the reason I'm salty and created my own Continuity of stories). Still, go ahead with your version! Even if it's similar, it'll still be it's own thing,

I'm posting something Christmas-y in October.

Yeah, just like every business that ever existed, am I right?

Fair point. I'm a huge Halloween fan, but I'm not good at writing horror. That said, you should see my place around Christmas because we love the holiday spirit. We have at least three full-size, fully decorated and lit trees(One is your typical green with sentimental/weird ornaments and colored lights, one's green with purple lights and glittery pink and purple ornaments, and one is white with gold ornaments), several half-size trees, lights all around the edge of the roof and the plants in the yard, themed pool floaties, signs, fairies, multiple nativity scenes(ranging in elaborateness), light up yard decor, lights around lampposts and on the fence, a portrait of Santa(that's honestly pretty cool), and I think last year I counted 37 Santas in my bathroom alone. All while the carols blast out of every speaker. Even if we didn't want to, we have to start decorating November 1 because it takes so long to set up.

8465392 Holy crap, I just have one litttle fibre optic tree... that's been sitting on the mantle for the last three yeears cause I could never be bothered putting it away.:twilightsheepish:

Whoops, sorry for rambling there I haven't slept in a while. But yeah, I live with my mom and grandparents, and they have a lot of stuff, and are very social people so they like to host Christmas parties. You know what's a bad idea? Jello shots next to a fire pit and a pool. And a lake.

I don't know, sounds like a good set up to me. That way, if you set yourself on fire while drunk, you have several large bodies of water to drown in, for a less painfull death.

I really loved the story!

About the ages.

1. Granny was not dead by the time they came of age (present), so her being the one to make the call is viable. It's easy to assume the parents would have deferred to her judgment as long as she was around.
2. Applejack, while as tall as adults, still has a different, smaller frame than adults (every age between teens and seniors), so she younger than adult by a significant margin. It's also the same build as filly Fluttershy when she got her mark, so it make way more sense that they were young teens at most, and the CMC are clearly younger than that. I speculate that biological puberty and "cutie mark puberty" are distinct things.
3. I find it hard to believe that the Crusaders are teenagers when they are less mature then the borderline-teenage at most Spike (he had a crush and a full time job long before the Crusaders got their marks). Differences in dragon aging are ignored since I'm basing it off his being raised long enough to have a roughly 12 year old mindset. If ponies view getting a mark as coming of age when it's so different from what we humans would consider such (reach X year age), letting children wander is easy to dismiss as values dissonance.
4. Duration of pregnancy is pure speculation at this point, but I'd say it learns to shorter since Cadance's happened completely offscreen.
5. Given the dissonance between how ponies and humans determine age, it easy to assume Twilight never considered the age gap (Is that really more disconcerting then the species gap? Wait I just realized given how Spike x Rarity is treated as harmless in-series, what little evidence there is on the matter suggests species gap is not an issue for ponies.), especially with all the other things going on at the times. Maybe it's once she had time to think about it is why she's dropped the crush by "Friendship Games".

finally a version that has the girls NOT think its sunset this is what it should be them trusting her despite there doubts

1. I'm not saying Granny's dead by the time they're 'adults'. I'm saying that she'd be dead by the time ownership of the farm should pass to them from their parents. Because, like, Granny still owns the farm and runs things. Yeah, AJ and Big Mac do most of the work, but it's because they physically can. Granny can still manage the business side of things, and helps out as much as she can during major events like Zap Apple and Cider seasons. But usually, by this time, she would have handed off ownership/leadership to her son, because as I said she can't do everything like she used to. So, let's use my family as an example. I'm 21, my mom's 50, and my grandma's 69. Now, as I am an only child, I'll be using Big Mac as a reference instead of AJ here. Let's put Mac at 21, their parents at 50-ish, and Granny at 70-ish. 70 is a good retirement age. So she passes the farm down, and her son runs it for twenty years and is now at 70-ish and ready to retire and give the farm to a 40-ish Big Mac or AJ. Granny would be 90-ish. While not impossible to live to 90, it's unlikely. So the fact that Granny gets a say in who gets the farm, and the fact that AJ and Mac are fighting about which one of them gets it a few decades to early, it implies the farm's going directly to them, skipping their parents. Which only makes sense if they're dead.
2. You have to remember that this is animation, not reality. The animators needed to get across the message 'she's younger than now, but older than her Cutie Mark flashback'. So, as I said, she's as tall as the adults, but has the gangly teen look which gets the message across. And that does fit 15-17 year olds pretty well. I reached adult height about early Sophmore year, but I still looked very 'teen'. And while Fluttershy looked gangly in her Cutie Mark story, she wasn't really taller than the other foals. Also, we've seen Cutie Mark Age AJ, and she smaller than this episode's AJ, she was actually CMC sized. So she's grown a few years since then. As for whether or not 'Cutie Mark Puberty' and 'Actual Puberty' are different things, well, like, probably? You get your Cutie Mark when you find your Talent, which can happen any time, but considering everyone we've seen to get it has been the same age, it typically happens at a specific age range. And just... just listen to the way they talk about Cutie Marks when they're first introduced. It really sounds like 'the talk', and kids wondering 'when am I gonna grow up and be an adult?"(You'll regret adulthood later, kid!). Only thing that doesn't fit the metaphor is the 'Blank Flank bullying'.
3. I think the difference between Spike and the CMC can be put more to environmental differences rather than age. Spike was raised in Canterlot with Twilight, probably homeschooled, most likely taught how to behave around stuck-up Nobility, and his 'job' is less of a 'job' and more 'helping family'. Compare that to the three fillies who went to public school in a small town and never had anyone to impress(Especially because of the species differences!). They're going to be a bit more immature. That said, Spike is still plenty immature and makes kid-like mistakes. Like eating far too much ice cream because 'that's Future Spike's problem!'. Also, I never said they consider Cutie Marks a 'you're an adult now' thing. They still have a 'you're a legal adult at X years old' system, it's just younger because of that 'born at two' thing, so say 15? and for the 'running around' thing, yeah, that's still normal. If they're 13, but Pony 13 is our 15, then yeah, I was allowed to go around with my friends as long as I told my mom where I was. But when I was 10? Only if it was in eye-sight of the front door.
4. Kid, I don't know how to break it to you, but all of this is pure speculation. We're trying to figure out the aging and culture of cartoon technicolor horses. Unless the show itself sits down and says 'I'm Applejack and I'm turning 22 today', any of this will be speculation. And as speculation, it's up to each fan's interpretation. So, yeah, this whole thing is speculative and opinion based, nothing's really going to happen. That said, with the pregnancy, we have no idea how much time passed between seasons. We haven't even seen the model for a pregnant pony? Like, Mrs. Cake was pregnant during season 1 and half of season 2, but she didn't look pregnant. That said... it is confusing on how much time has passed in this series. Like, okay, the first three seasons was one year. Then we have Equestria girls happen. Cadence gets pregnant at the end of season 5 and has her child at the beginning of season 6, but over in EQG world, they're still in their Senior year of High School, been though at least two years should have passed. I'm going to sigh and brush it off as Hasbro being Hasbro and saying 'we need to push a baby toy now!', so they shove in the pregnancy announcement episode so that the sudden baby is less of a surprise. I'm not going to hold Time against the show, at least not in figuring out the timeline. I mean, how many things happened 1000 years ago? " It’s actually 962 years, but 1000 sounds more ominous."
5. Twilight probably would've been a little concerned about the age gap. Like, she would've noticed that the others are still in school while she's not. Since her friends' Counterparts are also in that school, she'd probably assume it's just cultural differences more than an age gap. Especially if she asked after explaining the 'I'm a magic pony from another dimension' thing. As for the species difference, like, we as Humans don't have to think about that because we're the only fully sapient beings we know. For Equestria, they have many sapient creatures(it's debatable in the fandom which creatures are actually sapient and which are just animals that happen to talk(like parrots), but that's a whole other debate). So, I feel like Equestria would have a mindset of 'as long as it is a sapient creature of legal age it's cool'. So a species difference like a Dragon and a Pony would be okay as both are sapient creatures that can properly consent. Humans are sapient, so Twilight would be okay with the difference.

The fact that the conflict of the story could've been dealt with THIS easily makes me die a little inside. :rainbowlaugh:

Great job, man, this is brilliant! Thumbs up! 10/10!

Honestly I thought scrotal brought up a good point about rainbow dash being upfront and telling her about everything and she would had said that she had other plans but to ask to hang out a different time. I feel that it was never properly solved on scootalo's end, even a " sunset told us this right before we had a sleepover and it was a last minute thrown together event so I could have not possibly known about it until the end so I didn't know about this when we were talking" would have been fine

1. I understand and agree it doesn't make sense, but assuming Granny would make the call the parents would (be inclined to) stick to makes more sense then Apple Bloom being born after her parents deaths.

2. Never noticed the size thing before, Thanks for pointing that out. That actually may effect my headcanons on their ages. 17 seems viable now. I'd still say she's younger than her 17-18 EG self, since teen Applejack had only just underwent the character development into EG and pony selves present personality.

Fair enough, I just like pointing it out because it confuses me when I try to work it into my headcanons, established fics and even NextGens that mention these facts, and sometimes I end up having to toss out the contradiction I can't use, even if it's the 'Canon' one. For example, in this episode where it has near-adult AJ and not-born-yet Applebloom. I've already written that they're 13 and 19, so I kept that and disregarded the episode entirely(I also disregarded the name Spoiled Milk, but to be honest...). It's the hazard of writing a solid universe based off an ongoing series, but I try my best to say 'keep in mind that this is Canon-Divergent, and might have major changes'.

This definitely feels like a better version of whatever it was Mr. Anderson (FAR less cool than the Matrix one) gave us. The opening felt a bit rough, but those are rarely easy to do. I really liked the idea that Sunset had a ridiculous amount of backup black-mail sources "just in case" :rainbowlaugh: The rest felt much more in line with what a 'proper' way to do it would have been without making any of the characters look bad.

Truthfully, I'm a little iffy on Anon-a-miss redoes, but I felt this would work very well as all around better version that could slot in in place of the comic without taking things off the rail (E.G. Sunset goes back to Equestria. I mean, that story has it's appeal, sure but it kind of tramples on a lot of movie goodness).

Yeah, the opening was kind of rough, but tbh I was just trying to skip all the first chunk of the comic. Like, if you're here you've read the comic and know the story, but I feel like I needed to recap it without going fully into 'writing a storybook version of the comic' as some people do. Honestly that probably would have doubled my wordcount.
And as for the other thing, when it comes to rewrites, unless the point of the rewrite is to derail the story and diverge from Canon completely, they should always end with everything staying to the Canon's 'Status Quo'. So many Anon-A-Miss stories have everything skewed sideways, to the point where Friendship Games and Legend of Everfree can't happen properly, either because of deaths, expulsions, Tia and Luna getting fired, or even just the friend group being broken up, but they rarely expand on how these events go down in their universes. Here, everything happens differently, but everyone is now in a better place than they were. I have a handful of Episodes that are on my Rewrite list, but all of them will end pretty much the same way as they did in the show except for the changes that make it, in my opinion, better, because it's leading to the same future as other episodes.

I can agree that that's a good goal to shoot for. Improving without forcing an AU of the whole thing. And yeah. Taken in the context that the opening is more or less something everyone is familiar with that needs to be skipped over is familiar to me as well. It's pretty hard to find joy in simply recounting a thing that's a text version of something you figure your readers are already familiar with.

I love this take on Anon-A-Miss. I enjoy the depressing one but this one was very refreshing.

This is made with win. :ajsmug:

Sunset wisely decided to not make a sarcastic comment.

It seems Sunset and I have a similar problem in life.

I find that this story makes 10x more logical sense than the actual comic. This is now canon in my head. Thank you for your work.

“That’s crazy. You guys know me. I wouldn’t do this.”

Exactly; what would she stand to gain from this? Extreme notoriety and lost friendships, friendships that were hard-won in the first place. Doesn't sound like a great prize. Furthermore, this isn't even close to her old M.O.; when she was a bitch, she did her best to hide it from anyone not titled 'victim'. This "Anon-A-Miss" thing is so far removed from that, it might as well be in China - in that it all but states "THIS IS SUNSET SHIMMER".

If anyone were to take a moment to compare and contrast old-Sunset with Anon-A-Miss, they'd realise this - and instantly know Shimmer was being set-up. Furthermore, if one were to check the page's linked email (like what hackers or the site administrators could do, if it isn't publicly listed), it'd be easy to see if it was connected to Sunset or not; send an email (the more genuine-seeming, the better, as it lowers the risk of the owner/s deleting it) to the address, for example. If Sunset gets it, it's her. If someone else gets it, it's highly likely it's that person who's behind Anon-A-Miss.
Or, if it's a school email address, go through the email server's database to cross-reference the address with the person who created it, or check the account's previous emails - there should be more than enough information there to both discredit the "It's Sunset Shimmer" theory and uncover the true culprit.

Or, if the Anon-A-Miss owner logs in while connected to the school's LAN, just get the IT Department to check the logs, and trace the IP or MAC addresses back to the source. Or have them outright block MyStable on the school LAN; sure, this would do nothing about the possibility of Anon-A-Miss usage in other areas, but if Sunset's at school when a new post goes up, she'd have an alibi - and it'd make all students not currently on school grounds (if they were sick, for example) look suspicious. Also, this would lower the post's impact, since there would be a day's gap (or three day's, if one was posted on Friday afternoon) between the post and school reconvening.

Lastly, there's always the simple method: Sunset gives her phone, laptop and any other Internet-capable device to Principal Celestia or other trustworthy staff member, and she herself is watched closely; if a new post goes up despite this, there can be no way it's Sunset. Boom - page's motive is instantly obvious, and all suspicion can be lifted from the not-quite-human's shoulders. Which would also get the owners to stop posting, since continuing would be pointless.

So in summary: there's no point to Sunset doing it, and there's several different ways to uncover both a) if Sunset's truly the culprit, and b) who the real culprit actually is.

Oddly enough, while I agree... I also somewhat disagree. I brought it up in the fic, but the girls are well aware of Sunset's lack of motive, and defended her before. Then pictures only Sunset should have had access to were posted. "When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.". True, they're wrong. But with the evidence given, that's the only explanation. That said, your methods for uncovering who it is likely wouldn't work.

It's difficult to upload from the school computers. Not only are you in the open for everyone to see, but to do that you'd need to bring the pictures in on a flash drive or your phone and hook that up to the computer to upload. It's far easier to upload from either a home computer or a smartphone. And really, phones don't like school wifi. The website blockers are built in, and make your phone run so slow. I couldn't even run my game apps on school wifi. If you want to use your phone's internet at school, time to upgrade your data plan and go without.

The email thing wouldn't work because emails are free. You can create as many accounts as you want, and it can't be traced back to you. Unless you know how to attach a virus to the email that will hack the webcam of the computer that opens it to take and send pictures. Which is illegal on several levels. And while Principal Celestia likely has the authority to scan school computers(which I already pointed out are likely not being used for uploads), she can't just track down someone's home computer/phone. Again, at least not legally. She'd need the cops to get a warrant, which they won't do until there's a significant crime(It's technically cyberbullying/harassment, but so far it's on a small-scale that most cops wouldn't deal with. Hell, real-world principals wouldn't even care!).

Making Sunset hand over all electronics and be watched wouldn't work either, because you can queue posts or set them to upload at a certain time. She doesn't have to have to actually be there for a post to go up. It doesn't eliminate her.

MLP in a human setting sure is weird.

Good points. Nice to see you gave this a positive ending that doesn't end with character bashing.

That was incredibly cheesy. I don't think I've read that much cheese in... who knows how long. But if I ignore the maximum cheese parts, the rest was pretty alright.

Cheese isn't inherently a bad thing; I quite like cheese. Sure, this story's got a bit of cheese - “I mean, come on,” Rainbow said. “Imagine if we did ‘yell and kick you out’, and then we find out later it wasn’t you. We’d be major assholes.” - but it's not overdoing it, like I once did with halloumi. It's still an enjoyable story - unless you're lactose-intolerant and can't have any cheese, that is.

To be fair, every lactose intolerant person I know says 'I know I'm gonna suffer for it, but I'm totally gonna eat all of the dairy I can'.

I actually appreciated this alternative take on this story. Thank you for sharing!

A Anon a Miss story where the motivations for the CMC aren't just 'My sister didn't let me go to a sleepover with her :applecry: guess I'm going to ruin one of her friends lives now:trixieshiftright:' those are rare. I like how their motivation for doing what they did makes sense because of course they would think Sunset is to blame for taking their sisters like sunset said it's easier to believe she's to blame then believe their sisters aren't perfect does that excuse their actions :rainbowlaugh: hell no but you can understand why they did it also love the fact they use AppleJack's element against Sunset to make sure she's innocent instead of just assuming she is without listening to her because like Pinkie said there was evidence against Sunset that they needed to address that's what pissed me off in the comic not that they accused Sunset but the fact that they never let her try to plead her case before they abandoned her (that and the lousy as fuck consequences for the CMC but we aren't gonna talk about that) great story hope to see more from you

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