• Published 6th Oct 2017
  • 6,890 Views, 82 Comments

Spike Snuggles Everypony - B_25

Ponies are only scary until they are snuggled. A baby dragon learns this first-handly.

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Pinkie Pie

~ Pinkie Pie ~

Hoof-steps and incessant chatter were the sounds of the streets, each lane filled with ponies alike, all walking in their own direction and some conversing among another. An observer of the scene would be forgiven for their lack of mention of a dragon among the town, only because of the latter's height.

Spike grumbled to himself, caught between a group of stallions, each one towering over him, and not seeming to notice. They were walking in some general direction, one of which he hoped to be north, but couldn't bring himself to care of this might not being the case.

"At least the shade is alright," Spike muttered, keeping within the stallions' shadows. "But I'd take the heat over being short any day."

'Ya shouldn't let your height affect you,' the voice of Applejack echoed, drawing him back inside his mind. 'It's something outside of your control, so ain't a lick of sense sweating over it. Focus that energy on making things right with Twilight—something that is within your control.'

He raised his claw. A tanned pouch sat on his palm, the weight of bits having a slight pull; the funds earned from a hard day at work. Try as he might to refuse the payment, Applejack insisted that he take the bits, asking that they be spent on both him and Twilight.

They were on the threshold of the farm when he had been paid. Spike didn't hesitate to throw himself at the orange mare, who merely chuckled at the show of affection, wrapping a hoof around his head and holding him close for the embrace.

Then he was off. Applejack called out to him, stating he was always welcomed back—that her ears were always for him if his were open for hers, another fair exchange between the two. He planned on helping on the farm when he could, for he enjoyed the work and felt the reward on his body, as well as closing the gap between himself and the wonderful Apple family.

"That's great and all," Spike said to himself, snapping back to the present, "but I still have no clue what I'm supposed to do now."

The stallions began to part, walking down their own roads, exposing the drake to the blistering rays of heat. He sighed, stopping in the middle of the road and looking for shade, but as he did so, he couldn't suppress the sound of a voice speaking from the back of his mind. He shook his head, wondering if the heat was already getting to him, before spotting a pink blur in the corner of the vision.

Spike turned his head, found blue eyes staring into his, and a pink muzzle pressing into his. Before he could react, to cry or fall back, she seized him by the arm, and promptly threw him onto her back.

"Quickly!" Pinkie said, rearing to charged as she reared up on her hind legs. "We don't have much time!" She galloped forward, feeling claws hold onto her puffy mane, as she cut through the street like a dagger and barreled up the steps to her store.

The door to the store was thrown back, its lobby dimmed and empty, causing a smile to stretch on a pair of pink lips. Pinkie cantered into the place, closing the door behind her with a kick of her hoof. She then wiggled her body, singling for the drake to clamber down, which he complied with, abet still as confused.

"Uh, Pinkie?" Spike asked, his feet touching the floor. "What exactly is going on?" He turned around, only to find by the windows, peering out of them with suspicion at the passing ponies. "Are you okay?"

"Not okay!" Pinkie said, pulling the cord next to her. The blinds folded. "Worse than okay!" She turned around, pulling back her head as she looked down at him. "Things will never be okay until you consider me your friend!"

Spike opened his mouth but did not speak.

"Fluttershy requesting a book made sense, but Rainbow Dash giving away cider!?" She crossed her forehooves and fell to him rump. She then shook her head. "Nice try, mister, but I knew something up ever since my tail ticked twice and my ear flicked thrice!"

"Uh," Spike managed out, rubbing the back of his head. He tried again. "This is gonna sound weird, but—"

"I already know the story, so don't think you can get away with telling it twice!" Pinkie rose up once again, walking towards him. "You don't feel as though we're your friends, so you're trying to get closer to us."

"But I've realized how silly that sounds!" Spike said, clasping his claws. "I know you six are my friends just as much as my friend's as Twilight it. Just because I failed to notice that doesn't make it any less true!"

"Liar!" she replied, now standing over him. "Your words say one thing, but your heart says another." She bent down, biting his tail, and raising him into the air. Her next words were mumbled. "Now you and I are going to my bed, having a heart to heart, and becoming friends, and that's final."

Spike tried to open his mouth, but her voice shut him down.

"I've already told Twilight you're spending the night," she said, walking towards her room with him in-tooth, "so don't try pulling that card. Now c'mon!"

Spike couldn't do anything, really, besides lightly sway in tandem with her steps. If he was honest, the week and previous day work were starting to take effect on his body, and an early and long rest seemed not at all unpleasant. As for Pinkie, he was unsure if this was some game or if she was acting from the heart, but quickly remembered that this was Pinkie he was dealing with and gave up on logic.

Spike was dropped on the bed, one bigger than at the farm and the cottage, with enough space to have his own area if he so pleased. A few moments later, Pinkie clambered in, sliding under the sheets as he continued to sit upon them,

"You don't have to snuggle if you don't want to," she said, eyes set on him. The irritation in her tone was faint. "But I do want you to open up. Something big or small, it doesn't matter, just anything we can bond over."

Spike sat there, head dipped slightly in thought, finding it hard to search his feeling in such a bizarre situation. The sun was still out, most of its light blocked by a thick curtain, but it still added to the eerie atmosphere.

"Guess I'm a bit weirded out about this," he said, gesturing the bed with his claws. "Usually it requires me doing something before a pony lets me sleep in the same bed as them."

"Well I wanna skip to the friendship making as quickly as possible," she said, shifting slightly underneath the covers. "You don't have to do something for me for us to get close. I just want for us to get, well, close!"

"And that's enough for us to snuggle?"

She nodded.

"But why?" Spike asked, surprised, that for once, he wasn't self-aborted and genuinely curious about the present. "I mean, I consider you six my friends now, so something natural is bound to come out from that.

"I don't want to wait," she replied, head shaking. "I'd rather we become real friends right now."

Spike sighed. The situation was so weird, so bizarre and some other third thing, that it overloaded his system and caused him to stop thinking. Then his eyes focused, on the pink mare half-hidden beneath the covers, on how her mane draped over her eye and covered the pillow.

He fought off the urge to hug her with all his might as he slipped underneath the covers. He didn't embrace her yet, keeping the space as the conversation continued. "Why the rush for someone like me?"

"Because I like you," she said, almost laughing, "and I want to be your friend."

"Why though?"

"Does there have to be a reason?" she asked, lowering herself down the bed so that they were on eye-level. "Do I have to list all the qualities about you I like, or all the stuff that you've done for the girls or me, everything separate from who you are?"

Spike kept silent, mulling over the words as he shifted. The mattress took his weight, foaming around him as it adjusted itself to his shape, as the blanket was just a layer of warmth that he just wanted to cover himself with.

"How about me?" Pinkie said, her tone now tired. "You want to be my friend, right?"

He nodded, watching the rise and fall of her chest, feeling the warmth it radiated even from the distance between them. It took everything just not to throw himself at her and snuggle the mare for all her fur was worth. "Of course I do."

"Without thinking like a filly, why do you?"

"Because I want to," he said, scooting towards her. "Because all I want to do is cuddle next to you and fall asleep. To dance with you whenever you throw parties, and just talk over muffins if you're ever free."

Her eyes narrowed. "Do you really want to cuddle me?"

"More than anything."

"Then prove it," she said, "and I can see for myself whether you're lying or not."

Spike was more than happy to comply, scooting up to her under her watchful gaze, and opening up his arms as they flew around her barrel. She giggled at the sharp touch of his claws, tickling her back as he put himself into the hug, laying his head against her pink chest.

"You comfy like that?' she asked, to which, she felt him nod against her coat, causing her to laugh once again. "Okay then." She wrapped her hooves around his smaller body, enjoy how his smooth scales rubbed against her fur, the two taking delight in the embrace. They felt so lazy, so free in the bed, just basking in as much warmth as they could consume.

"Hey, Pinkie?"

"Yes, Spike?"

"Thank you for being my friend," he said, letting his eyes drift away from the tufts of pink. "Even though the rest told me afterward, it's nice not to have to say something, to do something to get sompony else to become your friend." He yawned, tickling her chest. "Having sompony that just likes you for who you are feels really nice, but not as nice as how you feel, Pinkie."

She smiled, getting into the habit of stroking his spines with a hoof, any irritation in her system dissipating within a second. She let her eyes drift as well, her motions becoming automatic as she too started to drift away.

"That's what great about friendship," Pinkie mumbled, "it doesn't need a reason."