• Published 10th Oct 2017
  • 4,176 Views, 185 Comments

A Shattered Diamond - SuperPinkBrony12

Collab with Matt11. When Filthy Rich unexpectedly dies, Diamond Tiara is dropped off at an orphanage by Spoiled Rich. The filly is soon adopted by Dizzy Twister, Scootaloo's mom, which leads to a huge shake-up in Scootaloo's personal life.

  • ...

Scootaloo's Jealousy

Scootaloo woke up the next morning, briefly surprised not to see Diamond Tiara in her sleeping bag, before she remembered the scream that had woken her up. "I guess she did end up sleeping with Mom and Dad after all," The filly thought, as she climbed out of her bed and lightly styled (or rather unstyled) her bedroom mane. "Why does that bother me so much? It was just for one night. I could still technically sleep with Mom and Dad if I really wanted to, I just choose not to because I'm a big filly. There's no reason to feel jealous about Diamond because she slept with my parents, right?"

The tomboyish filly shook her head to clear her thoughts. She had a new sister now, even if said sister was technically older than her by a few months. She was no longer an only child, she could finally relate to her friends Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, who both had older siblings they were related to by blood. Why should she have any reason to feel so conflicted about Diamond Tiara living with her? Her parents weren't going to suddenly stop loving her just because Diamond was still so freshly adopted.

Scootaloo ended up dwelling on these thoughts so much, she almost didn't notice when she and Diamond ended up bumping into each other, the process having the unintended effect of knocking Diamond's signature headgear off her mane. "Oh, I'm sorry, Diamond. Really. Here, let me pick it up for you." Scootaloo quickly apologized, bending down.

Diamond shook her head, even as she two bent down. "It's fine, it's just my tiara. I've had fall it off my head all the time, and in far worse situations than right now. It's my fault for not securing it like normal."

The two fillies ended up touching hooves as a result of reaching for the tiara, and both blushed just a bit in embarrassment, before Scootaloo let her hoof go. "Well, that was awkward," She thought to herself. "Guess I'm gonna have to get used to Diamond being the stubborn filly she is."

Tiara quickly sought to de-escalate the tensions created by the unintended encounter. "I, uh... hope you don't mind, I was just about to take a shower. I tend to take one every morning," She announced to Scootaloo. "Ever since I was six I've been doing it, partially because of... well, you know who."

"Oh, that's fine, I don't usually take showers," Scootaloo happily admitted. "I just hose off at Sweet Apple Acres before I come home, then wash up with soap before bed. I only take a bath twice a week, sometimes three times if I get really dirty."

"O-kay then... Guess I'll see you downstairs for breakfast, Scootaloo." Tiara spoke up, and slipped past and into the bathroom a second later, shutting the door behind her.

Scootaloo said nothing, she just took notice of the direction Diamond had come from. Sure enough, it had been her parents' bedroom. The filly tried her best not to dwell on it, but she still felt the tiniest bit of jealousy over such a fact. "I wonder if I should tell somepony about this," She briefly considered, before shaking her head. "Nah, they'll just think I'm being ungrateful. It's not like Diamond's gonna make a habit of sleeping in my parents' bed all the time, right?"

Scootaloo's mental ponderings were interrupted by the sweet sounding voice of her mother. "Good morning, Scootaloo," Dizzy Twister called, yawning just a bit as she stretched her wings. "I trust you slept well last night, my little Wonderbolt?"

"Y-yeah, of course I did." Scootaloo quickly replied, trying to sound proud of such a fact.

"That's good, because poor Diamond Tiara had quite the nightmare," Dizzy commented. "Dear Celestia, the pain that filly's going through. I just hope Princess Luna keeps a closer eye on her dreams for the near future, I never would've imagined Diamond could be hiding such deep concerns."

"I'm sure she'll overcome them eventually, sweetheart," Quick Shot spoke up, standing next to his wife. "Still, she's welcome to sleep with us for as long as she feels is necessary, or at least until the end of the week. Can't have her making this a habit. She may be a filly but she's a growing filly and all growing fillies need to be able to sleep in their own bed, or sleeping bag as the case may be," After kissing his wife on the cheek, the stallion then added. "If Diamond wonders where I am, Dizzy, let her know I'm probably gonna be gone for at least today. I need to get in touch with the team and let 'em know I need to take some time to be there for my new filly." And he turned and trotted down the stairs without another word.

Scootaloo pretended to gag a little at the display of affection she'd just witnessed. "Can't you and Dad wait until I'm asleep or at school to do that kind of mushy stuff all the time?"

Dizzy just giggled. "Someday soon you won't mind it so much, Scootaloo," Then, clearing her throat she changed the subject. "I hope Diamond's okay with pancakes, I didn't get much of a chance to ask her what her favorite foods are. Maybe this coming weekend I can take her grocery shopping with me, and she can show me what she likes."

As Dizzy trotted downstairs to make breakfast, Scootaloo felt her jealous feelings start to rise. "I can't remember the last time Mom let me go grocery shopping with her, at least when she let me pick out what I wanted. I think Dad only let me do it once when I was a toddler, back before he was always away from home to manage the Cloudsdale Windigos all the time." The filly had to once again shake her head and clear her thoughts. Hopefully, a delicious pancake breakfast would be just the thing to get her mind off all these feelings, at least until she could find somepony she trusted to talk to about them.

Indeed, Diamond did like pancakes, though she was surprised at the variety of flavors offered to her. Spoiled, on the few occasions she cooked, never served anything but plain old pancakes or lumpy oatmeal for breakfast. Even Filthy never made an effort to buy store brand flavors, except of course when they were on sale at Barnyard Bargains. For the filly to be offered flavors like blueberry, chocolate chip, and strawberry/banana, it was quite an experience to say the least.

But what Tiara was most surprised by, was when her plate of pancakes was pushed in front of her and she noticed a small smiley face made out of whipped cream. "Thank you, Mrs. Twister! You really didn't have to do that." She said sincerely, before she promptly cut up her pancakes and started to eat them.

Dizzy reflected a smile similar to the whipped cream that had been depicted on the pancakes, as she flipped another in the frying pan. "Oh, it was no trouble, Diamond Tiara, really. It's just a small way to show I care. I do it every day for Scootaloo."

"Wow!" Tiara exclaimed, momentarily forgetting her table manners. The pink coated filly quickly realized her mistake, as she swallowed her pancakes and wiped her face clean, before she said to Scootaloo. "You're so lucky to have such a sweet mother, and one that's a good cook. My ex-mother's cooking was... 'subpar' to say the least."

Scootaloo couldn't help but laugh at the mental image that brought up. To picture the high and mighty Spoiled Rich, laboring over a hot stove in an apron that read 'Kiss the Cook', all the while she managed to burn even juice. It was just too funny. It helped that laughing at such an image, helped to take her mind off the feelings of jealousy that had been brought up when the filly had seen Diamond's smiley faced pancakes. Scootaloo had always considered that one of the things about her family that was unique.

Once breakfast was over, Dizzy offered two brown sacks to her fillies. Both labeled with a black marker in a hoof writing that clearly indicated which sack was for which filly. She then did something neither filly had been expecting, she walked with them to the school house. She even went so far as to wish them a good day in school when she arrived, before she turned and set off back for home.

By the time Diamond and Scootaloo had taken their seats in the classroom, they could already hear the chatter among their classmates. Not surprisingly, a lot of it had to do with the new developments in Tiara's home life.

"Is it true what they say? Is your father really dead?" Sweetie Belle innocently asked.

"Well, I guess he's not technically my father anymore from a legal standpoint," Tiara glumly commented, before she nodded her head in confirmation. "But it's true, he died just yesterday. Doctor Stablehoof said it was due to a cerebral hemorrhage, whatever that means."

"Gosh, I'm sorry to hear that, Diamond Tiara," Apple Bloom commented in easily detectable tones of sympathy. "Still, at least you got to know your father before his untimely passin'. Ma and Pa passed away while I was still a foal, wasn't until a few weeks ago I found out why nopony ever really talked about 'em. At least gettin' to know my grandfather made it a little bit better."

"So, are you and Scootaloo, like, sisters now or something?" Silver Spoon asked in confusion. "I mean, Scootaloo's parents did adopt you, right? Or did you just make that up so ponies wouldn't pity you for being an orphan? Because if you are still an orphan, I think maybe my big sister and her roommate might be willing to adopt you."

"No, it's true, I'm officially part of Scootaloo's family. We're sisters and everything." Diamond confirmed.

Everypony in the classroom (except of course Scootaloo and Diamond) gasped. Pipsqueak was quick to ask. "So, what are Scootaloo's parents like? Is it true her dad manages the Cloudsdale Windigos?"

Diamond nodded. "Yup. Sure wish I knew what his wife does, she seems to just be a stay at home mom. But apparently, she once tried out for the Wonderbolts but didn't get past the academy."

"You know, you guys could've asked me about stuff like that." Scootaloo spoke up, feeling just a tad bit ignored.

"Yeah, but you never wanted to talk about your parents. You'd always keep changing the subject whenever we asked, and let's not forget all the times you had Rainbow Dash or your aunts come in for Family Appreciation Day," Button Mash protested. "Even I at least got my mom to come in for it once. Seriously, you ponies are weird, she's my mom for crying out loud!"

"But you can't deny she looks good for her age, in a general sense of speaking." Ruby Pinch commented, and several colts and fillies snickered quietly.

"So? If you guys were really that curious, I would've gladly told you about them." Scootaloo protested, but no one acknowledged her reply.

Just then, the doorknob turned and Cheerilee came trotting into the classroom. That prompted all the colts and fillies to stop whatever they were doing and greet her with a cheerful chorus of. "Good morning, Miss. Cheerilee!"

"Good morning, class!" Cheerilee cheerfully greeted in reply, as she sat down at her desk. "Now, I know you're all well aware by now about what happened to Diamond Tiara over the weekend. But please, try to respect her feelings and leave her alone. You'd want the same from her if you were in her horseshoes, and I've always said the golden rule of the classroom is 'treat others the way you want to be treated'. Why don't we take your minds off such matters and get them focused on your education? Let's start the day with some math problems."

Cheerilee's lessons quickly pushed all thoughts of Diamond's situation out of the minds of everypony. Even Scootaloo appreciated the welcome distraction from her own conflicting feelings that she was still trying to sort out. "I'll be fine just so long as I don't have to think about it too much. I'm sure by the end of the week, all my worries will be gone and I'll wonder why I ever felt the way I do now." She mentally convinced herself, as class was let out for lunch recess.

Scootaloo gladly let Tiara sit next to her on one of the wooden tables in the school yard, joining her small circle of friends that not only included her fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders, but also Pipsqueak, Ruby Pinch, and even cutie marked ponies like Twist and Featherweight.

But when Diamond opened up her sack lunch (which included a few apple slices, a peanut butter and zap apple jam sandwich, chocolate milk, and a few cookies for desert), she was surprised to find a hoof written note taped to the inside. She pulled it off and read it aloud:

Hey there, Diamond Tiara

I normally don't do this, but I wrote this note so that you know I'll always be there for you no matter what.

I hope you're having fun at school and making friends, I can't wait to hear all about it when you come home.


Dizzy Twister.

P.S. Let Scootaloo know I love her too. I would've written her a note as well, but I don't have anymore note paper at the moment.

Well, that note may have made Tiara feel just a little bit better. But it certainly didn't help Scootaloo to forget about her jealousy. In fact, it only brought those feelings back to the forefront, despite what her mom had written. "Mom never writes me notes," The filly thought rather angrily. She had to take a few deep breaths to calm herself. "It's fine, it's all good. I've still got my obligations as a Cutie Mark Crusader after school, that'll be just the distraction I need."

And that was just what Scootaloo banked on once school let out for the day. She did hang around the schoolhouse for a bit, when she noticed that Diamond hadn't followed her outside. But she soon overheard as the classroom door swung open. "Thanks again for clearing up what a cerebral hemorrhage was, Miss. Cheerilee. I feel a lot better now that I know nothing I did or didn't do led to my birth father's death." Tiara called.

"It was no trouble, Diamond Tiara," Cheerilee warmly replied, waving a hoof. "I'm glad you talked to me about this. In fact, I might see about possibly having a class on cerebral hemorrhages and a few other brain related issues in the future. I'm sure Doctor Stablehoof or Nurse Redheart would be more than happy to be guest speakers. See you tomorrow."

Scootaloo pretended she hadn't overheard a thing, as Tiara approached her. Feigning ignorance she asked the pink coated filly. "So, whaddya wanna do now, Diamond Tiara? We've got an entire afternoon to play, and I was hoping to bring you along for the next Cutie Mark Crusaders meeting."

"Actually, I think I'll take a rain check on that. I'm just gonna head home if that's okay with you." Diamond suggested to Scootaloo.

Scootaloo just nodded and trotted off, though not before she quickly gave the reply. "Alright, catch ya later." The orange coated filly then made a beeline for Sweet Apple Acres. No matter what the situation might be at home, the tomboyish pegasus could always count on Cutie Mark Crusaders activities to keep her distracted. And right now, the filly could really use a distraction from those feelings of jealousy that just wouldn't leave her alone. It really didn't make sense, Scootaloo knew she wasn't usually the jealous type, and Diamond had just lost her dad not even two days ago (heck there had yet to be funeral arrangements for the stallion). So, why did she feel so envious of the attention Tiara was getting? It just didn't make any sense.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were already waiting for Scootaloo when she arrived, panting quite heavily from her long trek across town (the filly regretted that she hadn't swung back home to pick up her trusty scooter). "Ah, there you are, Scootaloo." Apple Bloom greeted.

"Hey girls, hope I'm not too late," Scootaloo panted, as she trotted into the clubhouse. "So, what's the deal? Who's our client for today? Do they have a cutie mark? Are they a colt or a filly? What about race? Come on, lay it on me. Who and what are we dealing with?"

But Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle exchanged nervous looks, before Sweetie made the suggestion. "Actually, Scootaloo, why don't you just go home and let me and Apple Bloom take care of things?"

"What?!" Scootaloo exclaimed, her mouth almost dropping open! "But, but, but I'm ready to help!"

"Look, we know you're tryin' act to brave and everythin', but you don't have to keep it up," Apple Bloom explained to Scootaloo. "Right now, it's best if you spend time with your family and helpin' Diamond Tiara adjust. Besides, I don't think you'll really care for today's client. Apparently, Twist is havin' some problems with her cutie mark, and they're related to her aunt. You know, the pony who's always talkin' funny and hangin' out with that Lyra pony?"

"Just go, we can handle things. And if we can't, we'll be sure to let you know," Sweetie insisted with a nod. "Family's more important than business. It's just like when you and Apple Bloom filled in for me while I spent the day with Rarity."

Apple Bloom then added. "And it's not like we haven't done things independent of bein' Crusaders before. Hay, you practically ride your scooter everywhere regardless of whether it's Crusader related or not. This'll be no different."

"But, you don't understand! I need this!" Scootaloo pleaded. But Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle didn't acknowledge the response, they just lightly escorted her to the door and shooed her away. Sensing that there were really no other options, Scootaloo reluctantly set off for home. At the least she could visit with her mom for a while, and maybe talk to her about how she was feeling. Maybe her mom would be more understanding?

Scootaloo had prepared herself for anything upon coming home, or so she thought. Upon opening the door and trotting inside, her purple eyes fell upon the one sight she hadn't expected to see. Sitting at the living room table, where Diamond Tiara and Dizzy Twister, the two having just put the last piece into place on a one hundred piece jigsaw puzzle of the Wonderbolts!

"Well, that wasn't as hard as I thought it would be." Diamond commented out loud, unaware that she and Dizzy were not the only ponies in the room anymore.

"It probably helped that we worked on it together," Dizzy suggested, wrapping a wing around the pink coated filly. "It's always nice to have a little quality family bonding time. When Scootaloo was younger, we'd often spend hours together working on puzzles like this. In fact, I think we might have broken her record just a bit."

Scootaloo refused to be silent for even a moment longer! She'd worked long and hard to get that record (which she'd done without any help from either of her parents, a fact she was very proud of), and now it had just been broken so effortlessly by the same filly that had come into her family life?! Maybe that alone wouldn't have set Scootaloo off, but to her that was just the straw that broke the camel's back! "It's fine, it's fine," She tried to convince herself. "It doesn't bother me, it doesn't bother me at all... It.. it bothers me! It bothers me SO much!" And then, loudly stomping her hoof down on the floor she proclaimed! "How dare you! Do you have any idea how long it took me to get that record?!"

Both Diamond and Dizzy spun around, coming face to face with a very frustrated looking Scootaloo! Her eyes were narrowed just a bit, and it seemed like steam was blowing out of her nostrils. "Scootaloo, indoor voice, please," Dizzy spoke up, trying to calm her daughter down. "If there's something you want to discuss, that's fine. But please, don't yell, use your words."

Scootaloo seemed to calm down a little, but that's just it, it was only a little. "I am so sick and tired of Diamond getting all this attention! I get it, her dad died, everypony's supposed to feel sorry for her! But what about me?! Don't my feelings count too?!"

"Oh of course they do, my little pony," Dizzy cooed in a soothing tone. "Maybe your father and I have been going a bit overboard with our treatment of Diamond Tiara, but it's only been a day."

"B-besides," Tiara nervously stuttered. "I wanted to do the puzzle on my own, I had no idea it was your favorite. But Mother decided to help me on it, because she thought it would be a good bonding activity," Then the pink coated filly gasped, realizing her mistake! "I meant your mother! I didn't mean to call Mrs. Twister that, I swear!"

But it was too late, the words had slipped out. And that just made Scootaloo even more frustrated! "She's not just YOUR mother! She's also MY mother!" She shouted at the top of her lungs! Such a shout probably could've rivaled even Princess Luna's "Royal Canterlot Voice" in intensity!

An uncomfortable silence fell over the Twister family household as a result. Diamond and Dizzy both alternatively opened their mouths to say something, but nothing would come out. The expressions on their faces were hard to read, but they seemed to reflect looks of confusion, sadness, but most of all shock!

Scootaloo didn't bother to wait for a reply. Already, she felt guilty at uttering such an outburst. She hadn't truly meant to get so upset over something so trivial as a record. Desperately trying to hold back tears, the tomboyish filly quickly blurted out. "I just.... need to... go... somewhere!" And she rushed out of the house before anypony could get a word in edgewise. Heck, she had no particular destination in mind, she just knew she needed to be anywhere but home for the time being.

"Scootaloo, wait! Come back, please!" Dizzy called as she frantically rushed out after her daughter! It was too late, Scootaloo was gone! Dizzy sighed and hung her head. "I should've realized there was a reason why that puzzle was so familiar to me," She thought to herself in shame. "And maybe I should've done a better job of paying attention to my first daughter and not just my new one."

Dizzy barely had time to register Diamond rushing out after Scootaloo. "I think we need to talk about some things we should've talked about this morning!" She said in a frantic tone. "At the least I need to make sure she doesn't do something crazy!"

"Absolutely not. You just stay here, and stay out of trouble," Dizzy firmly insisted in a serious tone of voice. "I will look for Scootaloo. She needs to know that she is still my daughter, and that I still care about her."

"I can't let you do that, Mrs. Twister," Tiara protested, brushing aside the wing Dizzy had put up to block the pink coated filly. "Scootaloo's out there because of me, I have to know she's okay!"

Dizzy was going to protest some more, but she took one look at Diamond's cornflower blue eyes. She saw the same look of fiery determination that she was used to seeing in her biological daughter whenever she perceived something as an obstacle to overcome. Reluctantly, she sighed and said to her adopted daughter. "Well, I suppose that since it's still daylight, there's no harm letting you go out and look for Scootaloo. Just try to be back by sundown. I was hoping to go out to dinner at the Hay Burger tonight, it's her favorite restaurant."

"No way!" Tiara exclaimed, eyes all aglow for a moment! "I've always wanted to go there myself! Father never had the time, and my ex-mother wouldn't have been caught dead in a common eatery like that! Now I really need to find Scootaloo!" And she took off without another word.

Author's Note:

It was my intention here to potray Scootaloo's jealousy more as lingering, conflicting feelings that she was trying to ignore. At the same time, I wanted to try and give her feelings some justification, and have her realize just a little that she's overreacting given the time frame.

I also wanted to show that Scootaloo's parents aren't neglecting her in favor of Diamond Tiara, and neither are her friends, just because of what happened to Diamond.

Next chapter will see Scootaloo talk things over and patch things up with Diamond, though first she's gonna have to talk to someone else about how she feels. I can't say more though, because the spoiler tag doesn't work in author's notes. Hopefully I'll have it out by Thursday, and chapter 7 out by Saturday, but we'll have to wait and see what real life brings.