• Published 9th Oct 2017
  • 517 Views, 5 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Recon - Comrade Bagel Muffin

Free Range a Steel Ranger Knight is forced to take shelter in an MoI building in the blasted out ruins of Las Pegasus. There she meet a group of tribals and begins to question if all tribal are primative savages.

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Tribals and the Steel Ranger

Free Range was a strong, and well trained Knight of the Steel Rangers. She never put a lot of stock in the notion of curses. Of course she was always open to changing her mind if given more evidence. And today had built a solid case that this city was cursed. What was suppose to have been a simple recon assignment to a tribal settlement, had turned into a total fiasco.

First off the data that she had been given was completely faulty. Then there was the storm that was still raging outside turning many of the roads and streets into rivers. And then last and worst of all the building she fled into was a heavily guarded MoI building and heavily defended with anti robot rounds. Causing her to strip out of her heavy armor and into the Steel Ranger recon armor. Which was barely able to keep her safe from the turrets that utilized actual bullets.

Not to mention that she was now without EFS and could no longer communicate with her allies at the bunker, not like she could do that with the storm anyways. She was stranded on the second floor in a poster designing room. The windows and ceiling were at least fully intact, so she could at least rest in peace.

"This day absolutely cannot get any worse." Her ears perked up as the doors to the old building opened, and then slammed closed just beneath her hooves. "I stand corrected." She levitated her pistol up to her side and lay down flat with her ear to the ground, hoping that the instillation wasn't as strong as the glass. It wasn't.

"Alright, we got a place to stay for the rest of the night, Circuit, see if you can hack that terminal." A stallion's voice, probably older. She continued to listen. "Half Hazard, set up our beds in the corner." He was definitely the leader. Three so far.

"Hey, Two Bit, we've got a bit of problem." The voice was younger, mare, no filly. Free Range mused to herself weather this was Half Hazard or Circuit Breaker. "It looks like somepony's been here recently. Really, really recently. This computer was accessed less than half an hour ago." Circuit Breaker.

"Half Hazard get that sling of yours." There was movement down below. "Circuit Breaker place a couple of frag mines down that hall way. It's time to see if this mutt was worth the caps." Free Range sighed. There were three targets one stallion, one filly, one dog, and one unknown. The leader was named Two Bit. They were clearly traders. Normal protocol dictated that she go and search them, take any tech, they might have, and vaporize them if they resisted. Seeing how she had no energy weapons she'd settle with putting holes in there heads. She headed she got up from the ground.

There was a howl from below. "Something's got its attention."

"Want to bet it's our guest." She headed down the hall so long as she didn't go up stairs she was fine she had already dealt with all the turrets and other defenses on the first and second floor.

"Hey there!" She called as she reached the base of the stairs. It was against protocol to attempt to negotiate with tribals. given how basic and primitive they were, but still given that they already knew she was here that and they were already prepared. Talking would was the best way too get close and make sure these primitives didn't destroy the computer, or have any tech on them. "How are you folks doing?"

"Well hello." Two Bit called from further in the building. "Whose there? How many, and how heavily armed? And don't come any closer there are ten of us and we've got the whole floor mined."

"No, you don't. There are three of you Two Bit, Half Hazard, and Circuit Breaker, and one dog. And you've only got the hall leading to the mane hall booby-trapped."

"So you were up above us, good parlor trick, but I'm not impressed. And by the way you talk let me guess Steel Ranger, sans power armor."

"How did you know?"

"Ha, I didn't but I do now." Free Range face hooved. They were talking amongst themselves now. "Alright, Ms. Ranger come on up we've got no gripe with your group." She walked slowly and cautiously down the halls. Her pistol floating in her Grey aura by her side. She entered the foyer, and was greeted by Two Bit. Who leveled his gun in his tannish glow. "Sorry, but I don't do well with other ponies having guns. You understand right?"

"You want my gun?"

"Nah just put it back in it's holster and we'll be fine." When she complied Two Bit floated his gun into his holster.

"Tell me Mr. Bit what's stopping me from pulling out both guns in my magic and killing all of you?"

"That's an easy answer, Cutie will eat you long before you can even pull back the hammer." Circuit Breaker, a green filly with a blue mane and grey googles, answered, as she continued typing away on the terminal. Her cutie mark was the symbol on the power button. Free Range's eyes shrank to pin pricks when she saw what the filly was standing on. A nearly fully grown Timber Wolf.

"Beds are set up Two Bit.." Half Hazard trotted out of the corner. He smiled he swayed his sling side to side. His cutie mark was of a treasure map with a dotted line ending in a question mark. "Can I go explore now."

"I wouldn't the third and fourth floors still have their turrets online."

"Don't you worry about those turrets Hazard. They'll be down by the time you get up there." Half Hazard looked back at Two Bit who just nodded and smiled.

"Make me some rich kid."

"Yes sir Master Two Bit." He ran down the hall with a grin a mile wide.

"I love that kid." Two Bit's smile faded when he saw Free Range's sour face. "What slavery is perfectly legal I'll have you know. Besides I protect them and look after them like they were my own. I even reward good behavior."

"Speaking of which what is my reward for cutting off the turrets?"

"Well we only have three beds and if Ms. Steel Ranger wants to sleep with us. Then poor Half Hazard is going to have to sleep with someone else." The green unicorn let out a squeal and hit a key. "No making out until we get to Las Pegasus. But you two can sleep in the same bed fair right?"

"Please Ms. Steel Ranger pony, please say yes."

"That goes entirely against my protocol. Besides you're way to young to be interested in colts."

"Hey, I had my first heat two years ago."

"Circuit calm down." Two Bit stepped between the two of them. "Now then Ms. Ranger what's your name?"

"Knight Free Range."

"Well now Ms. Range why don't you stay down here and help keep watch for tonight. Ten eyes are better than two right. We can give you directions, and we've got more than enough food to share." Free Range blushed as her stomach grumbled. "So it's settled you can stay with us for the night. I won't take no for an answer.

Free Range was surprised by Circuit's ability in prewar tech. Especially since the filly had taught herself from a big book of science and Computer Encryption magazines. After hours of listening to Two Bit regale her with stories of their travels and how he had purchased the colt and then later the filly, and their seemingly episodic escapades. She soon fell asleep on the center cot. Circuit and Hazard having already gotten cozy together an hour before she could relax enough to fall asleep. When she woke up the trio were gone leaving behind a note and some breakfast. She smiled as she ate down the nearly two hundred year old food, and soon had her armor back on and was headed back to her bunker.


"Hey Master Two Bit." Half Hazard asked as the four of them trotted leisurely to Las Pegasus. "Why were you so nice to that Steel Ranger?"

"Simple being nice takes them off guard. And did you notice she didn't search us. We would have been in a lot of trouble had she found those Pipbucks and plasma riffles."

Comments ( 5 )

Is Two Bit based off of another character?

He's an OC from 100 Caps another of my stories.

Good story! Shows that there are still people you can trust.

You're welcome, keep up the good work.

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