• Published 18th Oct 2017
  • 1,791 Views, 33 Comments

A Ponyville Ghost Train - Darth Redbeard

The saying goes that Legends never die.Turns out the saying is true for the small town of Ponyville.

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Hope's Backstory

Author's Note:

This chapter was one of the more difficult to write, but I think it's worth it.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and be sure to let me know if you see any mistakes.

As Hope reached the river, he looked for a way to fill the tender. He didn’t have any buckets and there weren’t any water towers nearby. He needed a way to get the water into the tender, but it was looking like he wouldn’t have any luck.

‘What I wouldn’t give to be a unicorn or pegasi,’ he thought.

“Need some help?” a voice from behind asked. Hope turned and saw Caramel, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash walking over to him.

“To be honest,” Hope replied. “I could. I don’t have anyway to fill the tender and it takes a lot of water.”

“I can help,” Rainbow stated. “I’m on the weather team so I can get the water you need really quick.” True to her word, Rainbow began to fly over the lake, creating a vortex of water and guided it all the way to the tender. Dusk, who had been sitting on the tender, gasped and rushed to open the tank, allowing the engine to be partly ready to travel again.

“Thanks,” Hope said as he sat down. “Might as well get comfy. Dad will be a bit on gathering the wood.”

“While we wait,” Rarity began. “Why don’t you tell us about yourself. I mean, all we know is what you did for a living and that you were married and had a son. What else could you tell us?”

Hope sighed as he looked in the water. He never really talked about his past, but now it seemed that he would have no choice. Something in his mind told him that they would find a way to know about him.

“I was born in Canterlot hospital,” he began. “My mom was an earth pony by the name of Terra Shield. She died when I was young, about eight years old. When she passed, I asked my dad to let me take her maiden name to honor her. As you can tell, he agreed. It was when I was in school that I met my best friend.”

Ten year old Hope was walking alongside his dad on his way to school. It had been two years since Terra’s death and Crimson was doing his best to take care of his son. He had left the guard and began to work in the local bakery to earn some bits as well as be home more often to take care of his son.

“I’ll pick you up after school,” Crimson said. “Be good and don’t get into any trouble.”

“OK dad,” Hope answered. Hope could only look at the ground, afraid to cry in front of his father.

Crimson sighed and lifted Hope’s head to look at him.

“It’ll get better,” Crimson said. “I know it’s hard. I’ve been out of the guard for a few years now and I’ve gotten a steady job. I just need time to get everything settled more.”

“How much longer dad?” Hope asked.

“At the very least another year,” Crimson answered. “Until then, keep your chin up. You’re a Crown. We may not be royalty, but we do show the rest of Equestria that we never give up. That’s also where your Shield name comes from. Also protect those around you.”

“Sir,” Hope replied, saluting his dad. Crimson laughed and walked his son to the school steps.

“I love you son,” Crimson said.

“I love you too dad,” Hope replied. Crimson left for work as Hope walked into the school building.

School was about the same for Hope as it was everyday since his mother died. He had just sat down and got out his supplies when a student went over and tripped his chair. Hope fell to the ground on his back as the other students laughed. The laughter died down as the teacher walked into the room. The teacher looked and saw Hope on his back.

“This is not a game, Hope Crown,” the teacher stated. “If this keeps up I will have to have a talk with your father.” The teacher went to her desk and got ready for the lesson.

Hope put his chair back and began to take down the notes the teacher wrote on the board. After notes, the teacher handed out the tests that they had taken yesterday. When Hope got his, all he could do was stare blankly at the paper. On the top right was a D-. He looked at the student to his left and saw that their answers were the very same.

“Miss. Grumps,” Hope began. “I have a question about my paper.” Miss Grumps just looked at him.

“I would suggest that you don’t copy off your classmates,” Miss Grumps began. “I will see you after school in detention as well as have a talk with your father.” She turned to the board and began the next part of the lesson just before the bell rang for the students to head outside.

Hope sat on the wall as the others played. For some reason, the teacher made him sit on the wall when he didn’t do anything. He watched as some colts threw a ball around, laughing and having fun when a voice interrupted his thoughts.

“Hey, look who it is.” Hope could only groan. “I believe it’s time for your usual beating.”

“Leave me alone, Darkmane,” Hope countered. Darkmane only laughed as he walked over and was about ready to hit Hope when another voice intervened.

“Leave him alone!” They all turned to see a pink earth pony filly with a brown mane walk over.

“What you going to do about it?” Darkmane asked. Before the new pony could reply, Darkmane hit Hope in the face. As Hope fell to the ground, the new pony ran up and bucked Darkmane in the jaw, his eyes rolling in circles as he smiled before falling to the ground out cold.

“You OK?” the pink pony asked as she went over to Hope and helped him up.

“I’m fine,” Hope replied. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” she replied. “What’s your name?”

“Hope Shield,” Hope answered. “Yours?”

“Light Flare,” Light said. “You’re in my class with Miss Grumps.” Before Hope could reply a shrill voice called out.

“Hope Crown!” The two turned and saw Miss Grumps walking over. “My office now! I told you not to talk to anypony while you were on the wall and you also attacked an innocent student!”

“But I didn’t––” Hope tried to explain, but before he could continue, another voice interrupted.

“MISS GRUMPS!” They all turned and saw Princess Celestia along with a few of her guard walking over. What also surprised them was Crimson wearing his formal guard uniform.

“Dad!” Hope exclaimed. “What are you doing here? Why are you in your guard uniform?”

“I’ll explain in a bit, son,” Crimson answered. “First, we have to deal with your teacher's attitude.” Crimson turned to Miss Grumps. “Just because you hated me doesn’t mean you can take it out on my son. You have a problem, you take it to me.”

“Like that will teach you anything!” Miss Grumps replied. “Your family has been and always will be a family of idiots.” Celestia just shook her head.

“Miss Grumps,” Celestia began. “You are hereby placed on suspension without pay. I would suggest that you come quietly or the guards will use force.” The guards walked over and cuffed Miss Grumps, keeping her away from Hope. Crimson walked over over to his son and checked to see if he was alright from the hit Darkmane gave him as the guards took Miss Grumps away.

Crimson took Hope to the school nurse as Celestia took Light to the office as a witness. If they were going to get Miss Grumps on emotional foal abuse, they were going to need all the witnesses they could get.

As soon as Light had told everything to the principal, she went over to the nurse’s office to see how Hope was doing. Hope was just beginning to wake up when Light arrived.

“What’s your name?” Crimson asked.

“My name is Light Flare,” Light replied. “It’s nice to meet you Mr. Shield.” Light bowed to Crimson in a formal manner.

“I actually go by Mr. Crown,’ Crimson said. Light looked down in embarrassment. “It’s OK. My wife’s last name was Shield actually. Hope took his mother's name after she passed.”

“Where am I?” Hope asked, just now waking up fully.

“In the nurse's office,” Crimson replied. “I’m just glad you’re alright.”

“Sorry for scaring you dad,” Hope said. “What were you doing here anyhow?”

“School presentation,” Crimson stated. “Celestia brought me in to speak and help lead her escort just for today.”

“Oh,” Hope felt sheepish that he didn’t know his dad was going to be there at the school. Crimson laughed and walked out the room to speak to the nurse.

“I’m sorry about what happened to you,” Light said.

“It’s alright,” Hope began. “You did help me against Darkmane.”

“True,” Light laughed. “So friends?”

“Best friends,’ Hope replied. They shook hooves and hugged as a sign of their new friendship.

“From there, Light and I were always close and soon we began dating. After that, we were married and we moved to Ponyville with my dad when he got the job to run the Ponyville Railroad.” Hope finished. When he opened his eyes, he saw Rarity crying out rivers of tears with Rainbow and Applejack smiling. Caramel nodded, a few tears in his eyes, but not as bad as Rarity.

"So what happened to the teacher?" Applejack asked.

"She was fired for her attitude," Hope replied. "I wasn't the only student she treated bad. No idea what happened to her after."

They got up and began walking back to the engine as a noise from behind startled them. Hope turned and saw Timberwolves approaching.

“RUN!” Hope yelled, as they all picked up their pace.

“What’s going on?” Dusk asked. He looked behind them and saw around fifty Timberwolves approaching. Reacting quickly, he ran in front of the group and held one back as Luna, Starswirl, Moonlight, and the others fought back.

Dusk swung his sword and kept a timberwolf away from Moonlight, who was using her arrows to pick off the targets. Starswirl used his magic to blast many of them back into the woods, only for more to arrive. Hope used his shovel and slammed one of the wolves in the head, before getting out his ax and chopping it up. Rainbow, Rarity, and Applejack threw rocks at them, keeping them distracted as Caramel used a sledgehammer against any that got too close to the girls. Luna was cornered by the front of the engine and was about to be attacked when Crimson jumped down with his ax in hoof and killed the Timberwolf about to strike her.

“FADA BEO AN BANPHRIONSA!’ Crimson shouted as he hacked away at the wolves with his ax.

As another wolf tried to get him from behind, Big Mac smacked it away with his stick, Pinkie, Twilight, and Fluttershy coming up from behind and getting into the tender with their friends to throw rocks at them. This went on for another few minutes until the Timberwolves backed away, running back into the forest.

“Good timing dad,” Hope said.

“Considering those things attacked your wife,” Crimson began. “I think we can agree of no mercy for these creatures.”

“Mr. Crown,” They turned and saw Luna walking over. “Kneel.” Crimson knelt before Luna. Luna pulled out her royal sword. “For your bravery, honor, and loyalty to the crown, for your years of service to the guard, for helping out the best you can and doing your best along with your son to help out cities when needed, I dub thee, Sir. Crimson Crown, Knight of The Order of The Moon. Rise.” Crimson rose as Luna turned to Hope.

“Kneel.” Hope did the same. “For your years of service in the crown. For protecting your father and mother. For Loyalty to the crown, I now dub thee, Sir. Hope Shield, Knight of The Order of The Moon. Rise.” Hope also rose.

“This is to also help protect you from Celestia’s new captain, Cold Heart,” Luna explained. “I’ll do my best to explain it more when we get back on the rails. I hope you got the wood.”

“Yep,” Crimson replied. “We’re all set there.”

“Alright,” Luna said. “Let’s see what else has to be done.” Everypony went back to work, hoping to make it back to Ponyville before the Timberwolves returned.