• Published 10th Dec 2017
  • 1,761 Views, 2 Comments

A Dream is a Wish...or a Nightmare (Redux/Continuation) - G33kySt3v3

When you wish upon a star, you may not get what you're actually looking for.

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The Pinkie Pie party yesterday was pretty standard, but if Twilight was being honest, she didn't remember a lot of it due to her large amount of inactivity during said party. Though, if Pinkie asked, Twilight would've told her the games, music, and punch were great, even though none of the correct activities were participated in to have that knowledge. Currently Twilight was eating breakfast with her resident goddess, the other goddess currently residing in her home, and her number one assistant, Spike. Though, she was being less than talkative during the meal, currently still brooding over the matter that had caused her to miss most of the Pinkie Party yesterday. That matter, if Twilight was asked and chose to tell them, would be her current residency in the body of her resident goddess.

It had only been two days since the soul swap, and Nightmare's endless teasing was already becoming unbearable, not that Twilight would admit it out loud. Not only was Nightmare's teasing making life difficult for Twilight, it was also making every moment with both of them in the room awkward for everyone else. Though, currently, Nightmare was letting up on her teasing to instead also think on the same issue. The question on both their minds? When was the swap going to end. Although Nightmare wasn't complaining too much, she didn't really care which body she experienced life with, it was an amazing feeling all the same. But, nonetheless, her mistress was understandably upset about the body arrangement. So what could they do to try and speed up the process? The first thing that came to perform the action they had when they first switched. Though, honestly the chances of that working were pretty slim, but trying it out would be enjoyable nonetheless. Even Twilight could agree with that.

Both her and Twilight were too silent, so Luna was currently trying to make small talk, with less than stellar results. Every question she asked to Twilight or Nightmare was met with an unenthusiastic mhmm. Eventually Luna got annoyed and tried a different approach. Most would say that this approach was less than appropriate at a breakfast table, she started chewing on Twilight's ear... It didn't take long for Twilight to react "L-Luna! What are you doing?" This tactic also broke down Twilight's mental barriers broadcasting the sensation to Nightmare as well, who also was broken out of her trance by Luna's plan for attention.

"Mm hum hmm mm hn." Luna said, trying to speak around Twilight's ear. Only causing Twilight to react harder by jerking away. "As I was saying," Luna started. "I was trying to get both your attention through normal means, but was met only with halfhearted answers such as mhmm. So I was forced to go through less than normal means of gaining attention, but it seems that my strategy has worked. Now what has got both of you so quiet?"

It was Nightmare who answered next knowing what was on both their minds, "The soul swap and how we might speed up the process of our souls going back to their rightful locations. I have thought of a couple theories to how we might do this. The first of these was to do exactly what we did before when I defeated the chimera." Again Nightmare thought about how the likelihood of that working was low, but would be enjoyable to try anyway. You didn't think that quietly enough you little perv. Twilight commented telepathically. Nightmare, not expecting that could only stare at Twilight from across the table. But Nightmare wasn't one to be defeated so easily.While that may be true, don't deny that it would be enjoyable. Now it was Twilight's turn to stare in shock at Nightmare. Where eventually she just turned her head with a loud hmph.

Luna having only watched the conversation they had had, and not heard, was understandably confused. "Right... Remind me what you did during that event again?"

"Well, Twilight had exhausted herself just trying to keep us alive with a shield, and I was trying desperately to find a way to get back my goddess-like powers so I could defeat the chimera. As Twilight's shield was broken I gave one last attempt to regain my power, I touched the necklace Twilight wears that keeps me alive and I kissed her. Somehow this caused a reaction and our souls, and bodies joined, but I was in control. I quickly changed the tone of the battle for us into an offensive one, instead of defensive. The chimera, caught off guard by the new overwhelming power it was faced with was easily defeated. Having my earlier exhaustion catch up to me due to no longer having the adrenaline rush, I passed out. When I awoke we had split again, but I was in her body, and she was in mine."

"Hmm, okay. So you're suggesting you two do the same thing you did before you attacked the chimera? You hold her necklace and kiss her with a desire to release your goddess like power? While unusual, I guess it could work. As a plus there's not much harm in trying."

Twilight could only stare at Luna in disbelief, "You're agreeing with her? You two are impossible!"

"While I do understand your dislike for this plan I myself am having trouble thinking of a solution. Do you have any ideas?" Luna inquired.

"I do, in fact, have an idea. I was thinking about talking to Zecora and see if she has any ideas, since she's the one who separated us in first place."

"While that is a good idea, I think it would still be a good idea to try Nightmare's idea first."

"And why is that?"

"Because we wouldn't be bothering the poor zebra without first trying to find our own solution, and we can guarantee the ability try this idea out now."

Twilight turned her head down, crestfallen. She knew Luna was right, but so soon after she had actually started dating Luna officially, it felt wrong. Though, technically it wasn't official yet, they had just started acting like it was. "You're right. I just didn't want you to feel to jealous..."

"I can understand your fear, but I would rather you have your own body than not. It would definitely make things less awkward for both of you. And me," Luna finished in a whisper.

"Alright, let's try it right now then!" Nightmare exclaimed without warning. Then things changed when Nightmare attacked. She jumped across the table at a speed faster than thought possible with an equine body. Soon she was on top of Twilight with both of them knocked to the floor, she gave Twilight one moment to react while she got a hoof on the necklace Twilight wore, which Twilight spent doing the entirely wrong thing. She let out an annoyed hey! That's when Nightmare finished her ambush, she quickly shoved her lips against Twilight's and drew Twilight in with a couple nips to the bottom lip. After just a couple seconds Twilight had gone from annoyed to putty in Nightmare's hooves. The kiss deepened until you could no longer tell where Twilight's face ended and Nightmare's started. But soon they ran out of air and pulled apart, they only thing that came out of Nightmare's mouth was, "Wow."

Twilight could only respond with a "Yeah." Unfortunately, as far as Luna could tell the plan had not worked, and she was confused; and aroused...

"Did it work?" Luna decided was a safe thing to ask before whisking who she thought Twilight away for some more kissing.

Nightmare was the first to recover, and due to the fact she was still looking down at her own body, and not up at the beautiful one of her mistress, it had not worked. "No, the plan did not work, but hell if it didn't feel good to try." She didn't even hear a response before the body she was under suddenly disappeared, leaving her to fall to the ground, getting a loud oof out of her. Soon she heard a door slam shut upstairs and a subtle click. Hmm, seems she wouldn't be hearing from the for awhile. And unfortunately Twilight's mental blockade was in full effect, making it impossible to get entertainment from that. Due to her appearance she would be unable to leave the library without causing confusion, and if she started acting like she usually did with Twilight's body, her mistress would undoubtedly be unhappy. That left either a conversation with Spike, who seemed to have fled during the recent event. She couldn't blame the poor young drake for the action though, it was just another addition to the events that had flipped his life upside-down. So, due to her location that pretty much left her with reading, although from the sounds of things, they had gone to Luna's room for their fun. Maybe she could find something in Twilight's a little more restricted. One thing was for certain though they wouldn't be getting anything done until later today hopefully then they would go find Zecora to get a solution to their current predicament. After she was done reading she might try for nap, but until then they would have to continue their wait for the swap to end.

Author's Note:

I LIVE!!! MUHAHAHAAA!! [Insert Nightmare Moon emote here] dammit fimfiction, why don't we have one of those? Anyway, while anyone reading this is probably glad that I finally updated this, they were undoubtedly upset to find that it was just filler. But honestly I just felt bad that it had been almost 3 and half months since I put out a chapter. And honestly it will probably be awhile before I update again for the chapter where I throw Zecora back in the mix, which will end with me, a thesaurus, and time spent wishing I was playing Warframe. Which is another reason this came so late, I got an actually good computer set up, and decided to start playing games that could run off of things other than potato hardware. Hope to be here again soon, but probably won't be due to life and video games, see you all next time.

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