• Published 14th Oct 2017
  • 2,023 Views, 34 Comments

MLP Movie: Rainbow Dash Does Everything - Rdasher12

Rainbow Dash does the whole MLP Movie herself. Because we all know that she totally could if she had to.

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Rainbow Dash Does Everything

"Twilight!" yelled Rainbow Dash as she flew towards her friend as fast as she could in such a short distance.

Just moments ago, Commander Tempest and her goons invaded Canterlot on behalf of the Storm King, seeking the magic of the four princesses. Tempest had already turned Princess Cadence, Celestia, and Luna into stone by hitting them each with a strange green orb.

Twilight herself was about to be turned to stone as well, but not if Rainbow had anything to say about it. The Princess of Friendship was struggling to keep Luna from plummetting to the ground and turning into a thousand pieces, and she was unable to move because of that. Therefore, Rainbow Dash would have to move Twilight herself.

Rainbow Dash had nearly reached her dear friend, and was ready to grab her. The green orb launched by Tempest mere inches away. But before it could make contact, Rainbow Dash grabbed her friend and dashed away from the blast.

She landed off to the side, where no goons had reached yet. But as she looked at who she thought was Twilight, she saw a cross-eyed Derpy with a confused look on her face.

"W-what?! If I picked up you, then where's Twilight?!" Rainbow Dash frantically looked back to where she thought she saved her friend, to find out that she was still there, turned to stone.

For a moment, she couldn't believe her eyes.

But, realizing that she had to save who she still could, she flew upwards and looked for her other friends, only to find out that they too had been captured by goons.

Luckily for Rainbow, she wasn't one to give up easily, as she raced towards her friends in an attempt to rescue them. But, Tempest was quick to notice this, and launched another one of her green orbs towards the speeding pegasus.

To her surprise, the pegasus was able to dodge it at the last moment. Rainbow then dove down towards her friends who were encircled by the goons, only to be hit back by their shields.

She landed on the ground just behind the henchmen. "Guys! Twilight's been turned to stone! What do we do?!" yelled Rainbow Dash in panic.

One of her closest friends, Applejack, was able to respond through the blockade. "Don't fret none, Rainbow! We still gotta chance! You need ta' find the Queen of the Hippos, jus' like Celestia told Luna! Whoever she is, you'll find 'er south, past the badlands! Don't worry 'bout us, we'll be-" Her sentence was cut off, as one of the goons had placed a hand over her muzzle and put restraints on her.

Rainbow really wanted to save her friends, just as the element of loyalty should, but more goons had nearly surrounded her and all she could do was focus on herself at the moment. She flew up into the air before any of them could grab her, and she almost continued trying to rescue her friends. But, to her dismay, they were nowhere to be found. She looked over at where Twilight was last, and she was gone as well.

Rainbow Dash looked on, worryingly, and swallowed hard. 'I only have one choice here...' she thought to herself.

Putting her Wonderbolt training to good use, she used the sun to figure out which way was south. Upon this, she took one last look at her home, being ravaged by Tempest and her goons.

"I'll be back Tempest... and when I am, you and this Storm King guy are going down." Rainbow Dash spoke softly to herself. With this, she flew out of the city stealthily, making sure not to get caught in the act. Her entire home was now resting on her hooves, and she wouldn't rest until it was safe.


"The Queen... of the Hippos. I mean, seriously? It couldn't be something cool, like dragons, or lions, or bears?"

Rainbow Dash was ranting to herself as she sped through the desert, heading south as Applejack told her. Despite her complaints, she was entirely focused on the task at hoof. As much as she wanted to worry about her friends, she knew that all she could focus on right now was speed, speed, and more speed. The pegasus had no idea how much time she had to save Equestria, if any time at all. She had to be as quick as possible just in case.

After nearly an hour of flying, Rainbow had become quite weary. The intense heat of the desert, coupled with the vast distance she was covering had started to take a toll on her. But, conveniently, she spotted what looked to be some sort of town off in the distance.

"Awesome, a town! I can't wait to rest my wings and figure something out about this Hippo Queen!"


Rainbow Dash landed just outside the town center, having not yet been noticed by any pedestrians. When she saw the countless number of caged birds off to the side, she was glad she wasn't.

'Man, I really need to be more careful. I could've been caught and caged like these birds.' Rainbow thought to herself as she casually walked through the town, looking for anything or anypony that could help her.

"Hey you, with the wings. You sellin'?" A pig on the other side of a shop stall mischievously asked Rainbow Dash.

She was baffled by the question at first, but quickly came up with a smart comeback for the pig.

"Doesn't matter, you couldn't afford me." She got an annoyed look from the pig as she trotted off with a smug face.

Off in the background, a mysterious looking cat in a thin coat took notice of the vibrant pegasus due to her remark.

"Interesting..." The cat said quietly to himself as he looked on.


Now, Rainbow Dash had gotten herself into quite the kerfuffle. She was perhaps a little too show-offy with her skills around the town's residents, and many now surrounded the pegasus, looking to purchase her.

"I want her hair!"

"I want her wings!"

"I need all of her for my collection!"

Rainbow Dash quickly stifled any of those ideas. "Look, the only reason I'm here is to find the Queen of the Hippos! If you all won't help me, then I'm outta here!" She was sure that she could fly away from them, but just as she was about to, the cat from earlier jumped in between her and the residents.

"Back off, everyone! Back. It. Up! Y'all in some serious danger! Now you didn't touch her, did you?" The cat asked an anteater. "Just look at all those colors. You think that's natural?" He said, pointing to Rainbow Dash. "She's infected, with pasteles coloritis." He whispered to a hedgehog.

Rainbow, for one, knew that the cat was talking utter nonsense. "What? There's no such thing as-" Her words were cut off by the cat's long tail.

"Don't worry, don't worry. As long as you're not covered in purple splotches, you'll be fine." He said, as he took his tail off of Rainbow's muzzle and dipped it in a puddle of purple juice from a tarnished fruit on the ground, and covered the fish next to him in said splotches. He then pretended to look around. "Uh, oh." He pointed to the fish to signal his worries.

The fish, in panic, shouted. "W-What do I dooo?!"

The mischievous cat responded sarcastically. "Enjoy your last moments, and don't touch anybody, because parts will fall off."

The townspeople screamed in panic as they all ran off in different directions. The cat then turned his attention to Rainbow Dash. "Well then..." He purred.

"You. Are. Awesome!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she flew up to the cat and hit him in the shoulder with her hoof.

"Capper's the name, charming's my game. To the Queen of the Hippos, then?" Capper motioned the pegasus to follow him, and she did just that. Not really thinking about anything other than getting some help to find out where the Queen of the Hippos might be.

Unfortunately for her, Capper had other plans.


"You sure you're looking for the hippos?" asked Capper just as they entered his home.

"Yeah, the Queen of the Hippos." replied Rainbow as she looked around the room.

"You sure it wasn't like, the lions, or tigers, or bears?"

"That's what I was thinking earlier."

By this point, Rainbow Dash had reached the bookshelf. As she browsed through the titles, she came across a book labeled with a drawing of a creature who looked to be half-pony and half-eagle. Intrigued, she took the book down and skimmed through the pages, hoping that the hippos might be in the book as well.


"Hey, Capper! Come look at this! I'm not looking for the Queen of the Hippos, I'm looking for the Queen of the Hippo-griffs!" Rainbow Dash had stumbled across the name of the pony/eagle creatures. She was positive that this was what she was actually supposed to be looking for.

"Oh, v-very nice. The only problem with that is, no one knows where they are." Capper replied, trying to keep the expensive-looking pegasus from leaving.

"Says here, they're on the top of Mount Aris. You know, the one right outside the window?" She pointed with a hoof outside at the peak of a mountain that matched the one on the map.

"Hehehe, objects in windows may be less mountainous than they appear..." Capper twidled his fingers in embarrassment.

"Alright, well, thanks for helping me out back there with the townspeople, but I really gotta get going. I'll try to invite you over to Canterlot once I fix everything." Rainbow Dash rolled up the map and grabbed a holster from the counter to put it in.

"Whoa whoa whoa wait! You can't get there on your own! You need an airship. And luckily for you, I can get you a ride." Capper blocked the doorway leading out of his home, again trying to keep the pegasus there long enough for his plan to work.

"Um, dude. I got wings, I'll be fine. Thanks anyway, though. See ya!" Rainbow Dash spread her wings and took off towards the window, making it out before Capper could hold her up any longer.

When Rainbow glanced back at the house, she spotted a sort of mole-looking thing talking to Capper. She could only guess what that was all about.


After an hour of flying, Rainbow Dash had reached the peak of Mount Aris after a near brush-up with an airship.

"I hope I can rest up a bit up here. I haven't flown for that long without stopping in ages..." The speedster landed right outside of the entrance to the Hippogriffs' home. But as she walked in, she quickly noticed just how abandoned the place was. Vines and unkempt shrubs had sprouted everywhere around the old city.

"Hello? Anypony home?" After no response, Rainbow was almost ready to give up. But, then she heard a noise. More of a hum, really. She followed the sound into a run-down building with a body of water in the middle.

The noise seemed to be coming from a creature. Rainbow Dash weakly flew up to what seemed to be a big flower with the shadow of some creature inside.

"Um, excuse me. I'm looking for the Queen of the Hippogriffs. Can you help me?" Rainbow Dash slowly opened up the flower to reveal just who was inside.

To her surprise, it was a sea-pony. Something that Rainbow had only ever heard about in stories.

"Ahh! O-o-o-oh, hi there..." the sea-pony eventually replied. Obviously not used to any interaction with ponies.

"Hey, don't worry. I won't hurt ya. I'm just looking for the Hippogriffs." Rainbow replied back, trying to sound as friendly as possible.

"Oh... I-I can help you with that. I'm Princess Skystar, what's your name?" the sea-pony seemed to lighten up to the pegasus, and seemed quite friendly herself.

"Rainbow Dash. I'm from Equestria. But just a while ago, the Storm King and Tempest took over my home. And I need to find the Hippogriffs for help."

"Oooooooh! Your home got taken over by him, too? Come on, follow me! I'll take you to my mom!" Without warning, Princess Skystar pulled Rainbow Dash underwater.


Rainbow Dash woke up in an underwater enclosure with a bubble around her head to breathe. In front of her, was Princess Skystar next to an even bigger sea-pony holding some kind of crystal ball.

"Where am I?" asked Rainbow, confused as to how she got to where she was. The bubble around her head was made a little too late for her, and she had passed out shortly after being pulled underwater.

"You're at our home! And this is my mom. She is, well, she was the Queen of the Hippogriffs! But I totally didn't tell you that." Princess Skystar added in a wink as she introduced her mom.

"Yes, I am Queen Novo. And this crystal has the power to turn you into any creature in the world. But, I'm afraid that I can't let you borrow it. The risk of it getting into the enemy's claws is far too great to take. I'm sorry about your home, I truly am. But I simply cannot allow you to take this away from-" Queen Novo was cut off by Rainbow Dash as she swiped down and took the crystal from out of her fins.

Rainbow swam for the exit and was out of the water before the guards could even reach her.


Rainbow Dash was flying back to Equestria as fast as her worn out wings could carry here. She knew that she could've tried convincing the Queen to let her borrow the crystal, but she had no idea how much time she had left to save her home. And she wasn't about to let anypony get in the way of her task.

With the city of Canterlot now in view, Rainbow gave one last push of her wings.


She broke the sound barrier, creating a sonic rainboom overhead.


The Storm King had arrived at Canterlot not too long ago, and was just about to insert his staff into the center of the throne room in the castle. But, just before doing so, he got knocked down to the ground out of nowhere by a streak of rainbow.

In all of the confusion, Rainbow Dash grabbed the staff out of the Storm King's claws and pointed it at the princesses to turn them back to normal.

"Come on princesses, it's time to fight back!" Rainbow pointed the crystal orb at all four of Equestria's rulers. It turned three of them turns into Ursa Majors, which especially scared off Tempest for whatever reason.

"Thank you so much, Rainbow Dash! How did you ever pull this off?" asked the now Hippogriff Twilight, amazed by the crystal ball.

"There's time for a reunion later, this isn't over!" Rainbow tossed the crystal ball at Twilight and flew down from the castle to rescue her friends.


After using the Storm King's staff to rescue all of the ponies, they used the crystal ball to turn each and every one of them into something strong enough to beat Tempest's goons.

And now, many hours later, it is nightfall. The Storm King and all of his henchmen had been defeated and either driven out, banished to Tartarus, or turned into stone themselves. All of the ponies were celebrating the illustrious victory with a party. Which was more or less what the Friendship Festival was supposed to be.

Songbird Serenade was performing her hit song "Rainbow", the crystal ball was set to be returned to Queen Novo the next morning by the royal guard, Capper would be sent an invitation to visit Canterlot. Even though they might've been saved in a different way than what they were used to, everypony was safe now. And it was all thanks to Rainbow Dash.

And that is how Rainbow Dash did everything.


Author's Note:

Well, this is the result of a random idea that popped into my mind as I was taking a shower a while ago. I knew that I wouldn't be able to work on any of my other stories if I didn't get this out of the way, so I whipped this up in about a day. Don't take/rate it too seriously. I know it's crappy. I could've made something decent out of this, but it wouldn't be relevant by the time I had it done. Either way, have a good day!


Comments ( 34 )

Hence we have My Little Pony: Awesome Pony edition.

I haven't seen the movie, but I know that one of my fics will in fact be based on the movie. ^_^

And Spoilers for the fic based on the movie: it's Samneo related :-)

A bit silly, but still amusing.

There is a bit of tense confusion in it, though, with the story randomly switching between present and past tense in the prose a few times.

Oh, that’s my bad! I was trying to use past tense for this one, but I’m used to using present tense in my other stories. I’ll go through and fix the issues later today.

It should be AJ and Flutters who escape.
They were borderline background characters in the movie.

Well truthfully, the only ones given anything to do in the movie we’re Twilight, Rainbow and Pinkie. AJ, Fluttershy and Rarity hardly did anything at all. But, I wouldn’t be able to make it so that AJ and Flutters escape as they wouldn’t be able to do everything that they would need to do in the movie.

And therein lies the problem with those two: you can't write much for them given their characters.
I'd say Rarity had more face, though, given her interactions with Capper.

I hope there will be a Sonic The Hedgehog crossover story for the movie soon. Because I really want to see Sonic kick the Storm King's butt with Chaos Control!

Written by a true Rainbow Dash fan.:rainbowlaugh: As an Applejack fan, maybe I'll have to write MLP Movie: Applejack Does Everything!:ajsmug:

Overall, an enjoyable read. Keep up the good work.


Good luck with that :rainbowlaugh: it wouldn’t be easy with no magic or wings. I say she gets as far as the airship and gets tossed overboard because she can’t make them be awesome again! XD. And thanks man! Although I personally thought it was crappy.

This version would've won oscars. No doubt about it.

Oh yeah definitely XD. Not to mention that most of the people who went to watch the movie only went to see Rainbow Dash in illustrious Toon Boom Harmony animation :rainbowlaugh:

I went there to see a good 2D animated movie in theaters, which I haven't done since Treasure Planet (and it wasn't my favorite Disney movie, nor was Atlantis), and to see the Storm King die. (Credits aren't meant to be taken seriously, and are inconsistent with that scene in the film)

But, the Sonic Rainboom was pretty spectacular.

MLP Movie: Rainbow Dash Does Everything Written by Rainbow Dash herself.
Also good work.

Yeah, she might as well have! :rainbowlaugh: and thank you! Although, to be honest, I probably put the least amount of effort into this of any of my stories.

An interesting take you did here

This. Is. A. Masterpiece!

It would probably also be the MLP equivalent of Clara Who, where a supporting main character suddenly becomes the lead main character.

Thanks for the kind words! To be honest, I tried the least on this one out of all my stories, and yet wouldn't you know it, it's done the best over the years... I think I tried too hard and was too serious with the sequel to this and I don't think I caught the same feel for it that I would've liked. Oh well... Never actually heard of Clara Who, but I do think that's an interesting concept.

Clara Who was a time during Doctor Who when all the fans were saying that Clara Oswald, the Doctor's companion, was overtaking the Doctor's role in every episode.

Ya know that makes a lot of sense... Always been told just how good Doctor Who is, but have never found the time to see for myself. Maybe I will now! :rainbowlaugh:

It's really good, imo it really deserves a proper crossover with MLP.

Ha, never done one of those before :rainbowhuh: Not really my forte. Maybe you should:rainbowlaugh:

I barely have the time to write a one-shot, how do you think I'd maintain a massive crossover saga with multiple fandoms and universes? Cuz it isn't just Doctor Who and MLP, there's also Miraculous Ladybug, the Lion Guard, etc...

Hey, you know what they say. If you really care about something, you make the time! :rainbowlaugh:

But I have homework, procrastination and games, I don't have any time to make! :raritydespair:

Ha! Sounds like someone is going to have to pay to get it commissioned!

I'm under 18, I can't access my bank account! :fluttershbad:

That's tough... Maybe they'll accept mailed bits

Bits as in little snippets of how I'd want the story to go, or bits as in Equestrian currency? Because I have neither of those, but I can make some snippets.

Sorry I never replied to this lol. I was, unfortunately, referring to Equestrian currency.

Ah. Thanks for replying. By the way, I've since moved to AO3 (not that I've really written anything there either yet), I'm just lurking on here and adding stories to my reading list (1000+ chapters and counting) now.

Archive of Our Own (abbreviated as AOOO, hence AO3)

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