• Published 19th Jul 2012
  • 16,748 Views, 303 Comments

Unexpected changeling - The ancient one

When you turn into a baby changeling, things tend to get...weird.

  • ...

Perceptions and Deceptions

(Authors warning: I personally feel this is the worst chapter I have ever written. Just skip past it, continuity wise, not too much happens.)

Back at the library, Twilight was cleaning up her lab. The place still had that odd smell from when Shifting Sands broke some of the vials, the liquid on the floor began burning a hole. What a mess, all the work she had poured out from researching changeling characteristics and similarities to insects, gone. Well, not all of it, she remembered the recipe she used, and if anything she knew it somewhat worked. It caused changelings to act incredibly weird though, almost Pinkie Pie weird.

“TWILIGHT!” Spike yelled through the door, “You have a visitor!”

Twilight wondered who would be asking for her attention. No one was in trouble, as far as she knew, and the baby wasn't in her care anymore. She made her way up the stairs and to the door, it was a familiar shape, a white coat with a flowing mane of aurora borealis. It could only be, Celestia.

“Hello, Twilight, is Shifting Sands still here? I must find him and bring him home at once.” She said with her eyes closed giving a small smile.

“No, sorry Princess, he's already in the care of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.” She responded.

“Oh it's quite alright. I'll just go get him then, take care!” She said walking from Twilight, giving a small wave.

“You too!” Sparkle waved back.

She went back into her library and closed the door. Then another knock, or rather, bangs hit her door. Several of them, rapid pace too...what could be going on now, she wondered. Coming back to the door she saw Rainbow Dash flailing her arms around trying to say something.

“WE-EI-SE-DFID-UHJ-GONE!” She managed. Twilight asked the poor mare to collect herself and to try to convey her message again. Taking a deep and slow breath, she let out, “WE LOST SHIFTING SANDS!” Twilight gave a small nod and smile, then collapsed to the floor. “Uhh...Twili-”

Twilight burst forth, “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LOST HIM!?”

“Well, you see I left to help Fluttershy with her animals and then when I came back, he was gone!” Rainbow dash withdrew. “Oh this is bad, this is so bad! What are we gonna do!? When the Princess-”

“THE PRINCESS!” Twilight gasped “She's already on her way over to Flutterhy's cottage!”

It was now Rainbow Dashes turn to faint, and she did it with eloquence, placing one arm over her forehead and falling back, no doubt Rarity herself would be proud.

“That seems a bit dramatic don't you think?” Sparkle deadpanned.

“Look, me and Rarity got into this bet after hearing about the weight thing, and it's a long story...”

“We can talk about this later! Go get Applejack and tell her to bring Winona. And I don't care what you tell her, but do not tell her the truth! I'll go see if I can slow down Celestia long enough to think of a plan.” Twilight urged.

Rainbow Dash gave a salute and shot off in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres. Twilight ran out the door, towards the direction of her mentor. It took quite a while to catch up, odd considering that she had been on her doorstep not too long ago. Was she in a hurry? Finally the colorful mane came into view, with Celestia right next to Fluttershy's house.

“Ohhh no.” She grimaced before perking up and shouting, “Celestia wait!”

Celestia lifted her head and looked back to see Twilight gunning for her.

“Twilight, whatever is the matter?” She leaned her head down, eyes still closed.

“Uhh, I just thought I would give you the new lesson I learned about...uhm, friendship! Yeah!” She put on a fake smile that reached high onto her face.

“Alright, I'm listening.” Celestia replied with her calm demure.

“Uhh, I thought it be best if..I..gave it to you with the rest of the girls!” She began to sweat, her smile becoming more obvious by the second.

“Oh, alright then, let's go inside. Two of them are in there anyway right? I can wait for you to get the others.” She started walking to the door, only to have Twilight jet infront of her from a stream of purple and pink.

“NO WAIT! I uhh, wanted to ask how you were doing? Yeah! That's it, how are you doing Princess?” The stress in her voice becoming more and more evident.

“I'm doing fine, Twilight. Now if you don't mind, I would like to bring Shifting Sands home.” The princess sternly declared. She walked to Fluttershy's door, Twilight unable to think of anything else to say or do, she could tell her mentor was becoming agitated and didn't want to further her temper. Celestia lifted her hoof moved it to knock, suddenly, she stopped. Why? Didn't she want to bring the child home? There was the door, and as far as she knew, he was in there. Something was amiss, Celestia's nostrils began flaring. She's smelling the air? Twilight thought, looking puzzled.

“Celestia?” She suspiciously called out.

Celestia snapped out of whatever trance she was in and bared her teeth for a moment before quickly covering it with a smile.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack had arrived at that moment, with Winona running along side them.

“Oh Rainbow Dash and Applejack! Whatever are you doing here!?” Her forced surprise resounded.

“Well Rainbow said sumthin' about yall needin' Winona for sumthin about...what was it? Cheerin' up the little feller.” Applejack said turning her head to Celestia “But I see it's time to bring the little guy home.”

“That's right, it's time. In-fact he should have been home a long time ago, but there have been some..” She looked to Twilight “Minor setbacks, although I am sure the, 'little problem' I was having is done with. Right, Twilight?”

Twilight lowered her head “Yes, Princess.”

Celestia knocked on the door, and waited for a response, it took a while, but Fluttershy opened the door just enough to see who was at it, and unleashed an incredible scream in horror, or at least, the best her voice could do. Which would be around ten or so decibels.

“Princess Celestia!?” Were the words she uttered.

“If it's alright with you Fluttershy, I would like to come in.” Celestia said gently.

“Uhh I don't think that's a very good idea” She said, her eyes bolting around her head.

“Why is that?” Celestia responded, once again showing the aggravation in her voice.

“Well, uhh...you see...” Fluttershy began sinking back, slowly closing the door in the vain hopes that Celestia wouldn't notice. It was however, quite the contrary.

“Fluttershy, I can see what you're doing. Now why shouldn't I come in?” Celestia started raising her voice. Scaring poor Fluttershy even more.

“I-I won't let you in.” She whispered.

“Excuse me?” Celestia asked, unable to hear the squeak that was Fluttershy's voice.

“I-I...don't think-”

“No, scratch that. I demand you let me in!” Celestia finally fumed cutting the gentle mare both in words and in spirit.

Flutershy looked behind her, then put on a brave face. “I will not let you in!”

Applejack's, Celestia's, Rainbow Dash's and even Twilight's jaw dropped. Did they hear right? Did Fluttershy, of all ponies, just deny Princess Celestia's wish?! Was she being brave? Or was she being stupid?

“I don't believe you heard me.” Celestia's face began turning red, “I SAID LET ME IN!”

“I-I heard you just fine! There's no need to shout. I stand by what I said, I will not let you in.” She puffed out her chest in defiance.


Fluttershy kept her brave face and didn't move an inch, her only response was a well practiced, “No.”

“AHHHHH!” Celestia finally lost it, her anger was booming. “Princess wait, she didn't mean it!” Sparkle said, trying to diffuse the situation before something worse, happened. Celestia turned her head to Twilight and said,

“SILENCE FOAL! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH INSOLENCE FROM ONE OF YOU!” She pushed her student back with her voice alone. She turned her head back to Fluttershy, “I hope you're prepared for oblivion!”

“Hey, Celestia!” A voice called out, Fluttershy finally opened the door, “You mad?” A golden beam shot out from the door, blasting Celestia back through the gate.

“PRINCESS,” Sparkle, Rainbow And Applejack collectively screamed then looked to the doorway, “Celestia!?”

“Ugh...” The downed Celestia groaned, “W-What..Who would dare strike me!? Do you have any idea who I am!?”

“No, but that would've been my first question.” Said the voice, the holder stepping out of the doorway revealing a snowy body, a flowing mane of colors. It was Celestia, looking mildly annoyed. “So, do you mind answering that for me?”

The downed Celestia stood up, showing the blast was very effective.

“Actually, I do mind. Do you mind allowing me inside, so I may take, Shifting Sands?” She smiled.

“Why yes, I do.” Celestia chuckled, “Oh I'm sorry for being so rude, but do you think you can stop pretending to be me? I wouldn't want my little ponies getting confused.”

“Oh, my pleasure. It was getting a tad stuffy in here anyway,” She complied, her form being wrapped by green flames, the area changed in color, the wind carried an ominous feel, the flames then spread out and became spherical around the stranger. Celestia began walking towards the flames, which had started to die down and fade, revealing a holed body and long blue silky hair. “Is this better?”

“Queen Chrysalis!” The girls screamed, Twilight began charging her horn, Rainbow Dash and Applejack prepared for a fight, tensing themselves.

“Better, but I would prefer you stop messing with my friends.” Celestia said calmly, stopping her advance mere inches away.

“Hmm? I thought you would prefer a familiar form.” She said, patronizing the sun princess, finally opening her eyes to reveal their green and blue nature.

“I thought it a bit strange to see a royal guard here.” Celestia began walking around the shape shifter Chrysalis.

“And if I may, why are you here?” The shape shifter asked, walking around Celestia.

“Same reason as you, to bring him home. Although, you'll be quite shocked to learn he isn't here.”

“Oh, then, may I know where he is?” The copy snickered, stopping in her place

“No.” Celestia said, doing the same. Her horn began charging with golden light, “I think it's time you leave, before I am forced to act.”

“Hmm, really now? I'm sorry, but physical bouts are not my forte. I much prefer a...battle of the minds” The unknown foe said, her wings beginning to produce a high pitch screech. Walls began to rise from the ground and curved into a large dome. Encasing the fraud along with everyone else inside, though there was no source, light shone in as if it was high noon. The area that was Fluttershy's cottage now stood as a red rocky wasteland.

Celestia faced the shape shifter with full attention, and in turn the shape shifter did the same. They both smiled at each other. Celestia made the first move, charging in with her horn and aiming at the foe's neck, the foe's saw her aim and lowered her horn and cashed it with Celestia's. The counterfeit Chrysalis drew her head back and sharpened her horn like that of a blade, in which she used to horizontally slash at Celestia. Celestia ducked her head and made a quick stab at the fake, who seemingly left herself open, she flew back into the air high into the dome and shot six fireballs at Celestia, who in response raised a shield of light. The shield only held against two of the blasts, the third one destroyed it and the shock wave threw Celestia far back. Celestia winced in pain for a moment, but she noticed a fourth one heading toward her.

She spread her wings and began galloping avoid the fourth blast by a large margin, she began flapping her wings and soon enough started galloping through the air. Celestia noticed the fifth and sixth blast heading towards her, but managed to avoid them with ease by going higher. The blasts were not done with her though, they stopped and flew towards Celestia once more. She hadn't noticed them, and one hit her left wing, causing her to stumble through the air. By pure luck she avoided the sixth blast, but as it was becoming more evident that if Celestia didn't regain control, she would be hit again.

The blast turned it's attention back to Celestia, who was still struggling to get control, the blast was getting closer. She managed to control her wings well enough for her to hit the ground running, she shot off a spear of energy into the center of the blast, causing it to implode on it's self. Celestia ran towards the edges of the dome, the foe watching, charging herself for more attacks. Celestia started running on the walls of the dome, going higher and higher around the mock. Celestia's horn started to glow and a spike grew in her path. Running past it, she grabbed it with her mouth and it shattered into a new form, a large, golden battle hammer. The hammer was had spirals along it's handle, spikes along it's neck and the hammer itself was larger than Celestia's own head, yet she acted as if it were as light as a feather.

Celestia leaped at the fake with great speed and precision, and slamming the hammer into her face, breaking it in totality. The fake hit the ground like meteor, but she stood up as if the crushing force she was dealt meant nothing. It was her turn again, she began shooting magic bolts at rapid pace. Celestia opened her wings, and flew at the barrage of magic missiles. She noticed most of the blasts were meant to scare, purposely aimed off center to cause panic in the target. She really was adjusted to mind games, Celestia thought. Celestia, seeing through this, dove straight into the center, her wing beginning to cause her agony. She spun to the right, avoiding a vertical line of blasts, she flew lower and leaned to the left avoiding a small cluster of energy. She grabbed onto one of the passing blasts with her teeth, and once again the hammer was formed. Celestia slammed the giant hammer onto the phony Chrysalis, but she in turn used her horn stab into the mighty construct, and hold it off.

“Mind telling the class how you managed to turn my own attack into your weapon!” The unknown one outraged in confusion.

Celestia stomped her hoof, and the hammer reversed it's form. The now becoming the end, and vice versa, due to this, the hammer was set free of the fake's horn and Celestia made no waste of the opportunity and smashed it against her foe once more, the construct had again been destroyed and only seemed to annoy the fake.

“This isn't my first mental battle.” Celestia smiled.

The doppelganger was suddenly struck in the face by a pink stream of energy, it was Twilight who started running to help her mentor.

“Ah, ah, ah. No cheating...” The knock off said, the ground infront of Twilight beginning to warp. Something started to rise from it.

“TWILIGHT GET BACK!” Celestia screamed at her student, luckily for her, it was just in time. Twilight jumped back just as a incredibly large mouth had come through and tried to snap down on her. Twilight froze in fear at what was staring at her.

“Pop quiz.” The shape shifter gave an awful grin, as another head rose from the ground. They opened their mouths revealing four fangs in each mouth, both had forked tongues. “Ophidiophobia is the fear of...”

“SNAAAAAKES!” Twilight shrieked in fear, running back to the girls.

“Correct! A+!” The fake started giggling.

The twin headed serpent following her. Rainbow Dash flew at one of the heads as fast as she could, but the snake whipped her away with it's tail. The serpent opened it's mouths and tried to bite down where she lay, but Applejack's rope had made it just in time to pull her away from the danger. She picked up the unconscious pegasus and began running towards Twilight. The snake, still not giving up it's pursuit.

“MhHa-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha!! As fun as this is, I'm afraid-”

“SCHOOL'S OUT!” Celestia cut her off, smashing another golden hammer into her face. This time the hammer held, so she brought it back for a second strike. It cracked, but held, time for a third. The cracks were bigger, but it could still be used, but how many more times did she have? It was time to find out, she thought.

Four, she smashed it into her face at a downward diagonal angle.

Five, the hammer reversed again, and on the return the fake's horn clashed with the hammer, holding it in place.

Six, Celestia pushed through the hold and gave a downward swing, smashing the fake into the ground.

It's affecting her now, gotta keep going, Celestia said internally. The counterfeit Chrysalis got up, now was time to continue.
Seven, Celestia gave a hard strike to the shape shifter's side.
Eight, the fake growled and the ground spewed forth spires of ice, Celestia flew back into the air, barely avoiding them. She saw the ice was like a virus, spreading onto anything it touched. She had to make sure she didn't touch it...She flew to the right, curving along the sides of the dome, and with a hard kick off of the walls, she rocketed toward the fake and managed another hit. The strike was powerful enough to knock her away from the ice. Celestia charged her opponent.

Nine, She began the strike, dragging the hammer through the ground and finally smashing it into the chin of the foes, the rocky earth also played it's part. Ten, she poised herself for the next strike-It shattered.

The fake laughed, and became engulfed in circular flames. Bursting forth came a winged serpent, Celestia leaned to the side, missing the bite of her foe. But she was not done, it's revenge time. And that means, sudden death.

The serpent hissed out, the spires of ice began shooting shards at Celestia. Celestia gave it her best effort in avoiding them, even using that to her advantage, using the shards rapid fire on the snake that was chasing her student, causing it to become a large ice sculpture. But that's exactly what the fraud wanted. With Celestia so focused on avoidance of the ice shards, she wouldn't notice her. She took the opening and wrapped around Celestia's body, holding her in place as a shard grazed her wing and began to turn her into ice. The serpent looked at Celestia face to face.

“Don't worry, I'll take good care of the boy.” That reappeared on her face.

“Sorry, I don't hire bad babysitter's”Celestia's horn charged with energy and blasted out in a shockwave, launching the snake to the ground, this time she stayed down. The walls of the dome began to fade, and the ice on the white mare had melted.

“Curses...I was so close...too...” She faded away.

“Celestia!” Twilight said galloping towards her mentor, with Applejack and the still unconscious Rainbow Dash next to her. “What was that all about!?”

“An old friend, and enemy...and if she's after shifting sands, then that can only mean trouble.” She looked around to her student, “She's been weakened, she won't be able to do anything more for a few days, at the very least a week.” She turned to the forest and made her way to it,

“Applejack we can't let her go alone...” She said, clearly holding the weight of worry. Applejack told her that she had to make sure Rainbow Dash was alright, she needed to be taken to the hospital.

Twilight nodded to her friend and began following close behind Celestia. “No, Twilight, you and your friends stay here, I can take care of myself in there. Now go, rest. Everything is fine now.”

Twilight still felt the heavy boulder known as worry, but she obeyed her teacher's orders. She noticed that she hadn't seen Fluttershy during the entire ordeal, she ran back to the cottage to see the mare unconscious in the doorway. She lifted the mare with her magic and started making her way to the hospital, just as Applejack was. A small thought struck her on her travels though, where was Winona? She probably ran off somewhere during the confusion, nothing too much to worry about since she's a pretty bright dog.

Celestia smiled and walked into the forest, after a few minutes she stopped and looked behind her.

“You know, you didn't have to hit me so hard with that thing.” The voice of the fraud echoed.

“But it was just so much fun!” Celestia replied with a Pinkie Pie level of joy.

“Ugh, you sadistic freak...” The imitation's voice echoed as she seemed to mold out of thin air. “Games over, stop dressing up like a girl.”

Celestia began to burn in subtle green flames, when the flames died they revealed a changeling with streaked back, rough, blue hair. His horn split into two, his mouth displaying a single fang instead of two. “What can I say? I really get into character.” He said with his suave voice, “By the way, shouldn't YOU be in your casual attire as well, Marissa?”

Green flames passed over her, and underneath resided a pony, a unicorn to be more precise. She looked to be fairly tall, perhaps around the same height as a certain blue alicorn. Light blue body, with a red mane and tail. Their eyes matched their mothers, the changeling queen.

“Darius, this seemed like a lot of work just to make sure they didn't come after him.” She stated, questioning the mentality of the changeling infront of her. Her voice being seductively divine.

“About that, what were you thinking? I told you to take your time and wait for the girls to show up, but you tried to rush right in with only Twilight Sparkle there.” he said arrogantly. “If we're going to put on a good show we need a full audience. Because of your impatience we got stuck with only four of them.”

“Look, I hate it when we pull these stupid theatrics, you can't blame me for trying to get it over with.”She replied with slight annoyance. “Besides, the only reason we do them is to fill your belly, and your ego.”

“Ah, but that is where you are wrong! That is where you miss the point! As an actor, it's your job to pick up what I, the director, am thinking.”

“I tried, but all I got was elevator music.” She said, acting cute.

“Ha-Ha, funny. But really, Marissa, I truly do believe you are missing the vital concept of our little display.”

“Which would be?”

The changeling sighed “All the world is a stage, and all men and women are merely players.”

“Mhm, I have no idea what that means.” She put it very bluntly.

The changeling put his hoof on his face. “Fine, I'll put it into terms you can understand. Say you're playing a video game, it's no fun if you simply win right away without any challenge, right? You want something that will hold your attention, keep you moving, on your toes. Correct?”

Marissa nodded.

“Now imagine how the designers of that video game feel. They want you to enjoy their game, they want you to spread word of their creations greatness, but to get what they want they must capture the audience, the gamers, with their story. Now how do you do that?” He said, a sly grin growing.

“I don't know?” Marissa scratched her head.

“The answer is simple. If you wish to capture the audience, if you wish to get what you want, you must put on a good show” He said, turning his head to a cocoon hanging on a tree. A small window occupied the center, showing Shifting Sands inside. “Now, let's take our little brother home.”