• Published 17th Sep 2020
  • 361 Views, 14 Comments

Tales Untold - ArgonMatrix

Everyone is the star of their own story, but not every story gets told. Take a quick look away from the action, though, and you might catch a glimpse of something special.

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II. Maybe Next Year

Dear Princess Celestia,

First of all, I hope this letter finds you well! You must get so much mail on a daily basis, and I can only imagine how exhausting it would be to read it all, let alone reply to any of it. So thank you for taking the time to read mine. I’ll try to keep this brief so I don’t make your day any longer than it needs to be.

I understand you’re in the process of scouting locations for this year’s Summer Sun Celebration, and I would greatly appreciate it if you would consider our little village. I realize that it’s customary to send a delegate in person to represent the town, but the problem is that we’re still such a small community that we don’t really have anypony to reliably send. I only founded the village this past year, and we don’t even have an official name yet! I could come myself, but the village can’t really operate without me around. I hope you’ll still take us into consideration all the same.

Now, I know what you must be thinking: “Why in Equestria would I let such a new, small, podunk village host the Summer Sun Celebration, let alone the thousandth one?” And while that is a reasonable stance to take, I wouldn’t waste your time asking if I didn’t believe we could bring something truly unique to the conversation.

You see, all my life I’ve been searching for a place where everypony lives in true harmony. Many of the cities and towns of Equestria are lovely, don’t get me wrong, but all of their societies support the same antiquated principle of maintaining a status quo. Wherever you go, ponies are separated into groups based on any number of traits. Wealth, special talents, heritage. The haves and the have-nots, if you will.

Most ponies are willing to accept this as the natural state of things, but I disagree. I think there is a fundamental inequality in pony culture that prevents everypony from living fair, just, harmonious lives. My goal in founding this village is to erase that inequality. I want to create a place where everypony does their fair share and nopony is left out. A society free from the shackles of unfair division and discrimination.

And so far, we’re exceeding everypony’s expectations! Our community may be small, but we are strongly united. Our own tight-knit family, and it’s growing all the time. I think it’s a perfect representation of the ideals that all Equestrians should be trying to uphold, and by allowing us to host one of the defining events of the millennium, you would be making a statement that a lot of ponies need to hear. It could be the start of a cultural revolution the likes of which nopony has ever seen.

Okay, maybe that’s a bit melodramatic, but I truly believe we’re doing a good thing in our village. Your support would go a long way in helping us make a real change, which has always been my goal. My dream. I hope you can see the benefit this would have.

I’ll understand if you’re not quite sold on the idea. After all, right now we’re still just a nowhere town in northern Equestria, and it’s hard to really explain the scope of our mission on paper like this. You really have to see it in action to understand. If you would do us the honor, we would be thrilled to have you visit and experience our way of life for yourself before making a decision. I could personally give you a tour, and I guarantee you won’t be disappointed. Why, once you see how happy we all are, you might just choose to stay and live with us!

I’m kidding, of course.

Thank you for taking the time to read my proposal. I speak for our entire village when I say that we are eagerly looking forward to your response. Have a pleasant evening!

Warmest regards,
Starlight Glimmer

Princess Celestia gave a soft smile as she finished reading. Of all the mail she had gotten recently, this was certainly the most interesting. Had the celebration not needed to be in Ponyville this year, she may well have considered the offer. It might still be prudent to visit the town regardless, if only to ensure that the zealotry evident in the message wasn't becoming too radical.

Then again, if anything untoward was happening in this village, they certainly wouldn’t want to draw her attention. I’m sure it’s fine.

A bit somberly, she set the letter aside and began penning her reply. Hopefully Starlight Glimmer wouldn’t be too disappointed.