• Published 16th Oct 2017
  • 2,808 Views, 9 Comments

The Siren who won’t say she’s in love - Saiyan of the North Star

Adagio has a certain feeling for a certain Sentry but she refuse to admit it, but her heart won't stay quiet for long.

  • ...

At least not out loud

The Siren who won’t say she’s in love

The school-bell rang for the end of the day as students either walk or ran out the door so they can enjoy the rest of the day as they please with their friends, families, and others doing some stuff either at home or hanging out somewhere. Among them are three girls who are sisters walking out together. Though they did always start out that way.

They are Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk, the three were once known as Sirens from another world wanted to conquer all with their magic singing voices to control others and absorbing negative emotions to become more powerful but they were stop by 7 special girls with the of ‘friendship’. After their defeat, they ran away in hiding not sure of what to do next since they also lost their magic and singing voices. They had nowhere left to go until one boy came up and offer them shelter.

His name is Flash Sentry, he’s friend with the 7 girls wanted to help them start out new in their life and hope to show them what more life has to offer. He helped them out through some tough times and eventually convinces them to go to school at Canterlot High, most of the students were against it at first but they grew to accept them and forgive them for their past sins. Even the 7 girls became friends with them as well. They have also begun to sing again though still no magic power anymore, which is okay with them.

“So, Adagio, getting excited for today?” Sonata asked smile widely.

“What are you talking about?” Adagio asked one-eye glaring at Sonata.

“Don’t play dumb with us, we know you’re going on your date with Flash.” Aria said playfully punch Adagio’s arm as she is blushing.

“It is NOT a date, we’re going to be hanging out at the park as friends.” Adagio said angry even though her face is blushing more.

“Come on sis, you’ve been having a crush on Flash after he took us in.” Sonata stated remembering all the times Adagio couldn’t keep her eyes off of him.

During those times, Adagio has started to develop feelings for Flash but she’s been suppressing them, denying them that she could really love a guy like Flash. Fearing that he doesn’t share the same feelings and will just leave her in sadness like the last guy she was in love with.

“I just don’t think Flash sees me like that.” Adagio said hanging her head as she signs.

“I’m sure Flash feels the same, not like that jerk who made you cried.” Aria pounded his fist into her palm. The last guy who broke her older sister’s heart got beaten up badly as a painful lesson.

“Yeah, Flash is WAY sweeter and cuter than that airheaded jerk. You two are perfect for each other!” Sonata squealed in joy.

As they made it to the sidewalk, a car pulls over and a window rolls down revealing Flash Sentry behind the wheel.

“Hey Adagio, you ready?” Flash asked as he steps out of the car.

“Yes.” Adagio said before Flash handed the keys to Aria. The two decided to walk to the park today seeing as it is a nice day out.

“Have fun you two.” Aria playfully said as Sonata giggles making the two blush a bit before they drove off leaving them.


Adagio and Flash walk down a path through the wide forest-like park together seeing the wonderful sights of the trees, the little animals that lives here, and enjoying each other’s company. Flash then hold her hand as they continue walking, Adagio was shock at first but decided to let it be as she hold his hand as well.

A few hours have pass, the two are sitting down on a bench enjoying the rest of the sight as the sun slowly goes down and the sky changes color from blue to almost red.

“Wow, this was a fun day I’ll admit.” Adagio said really enjoyed the time.

“Yeah, going to the park always help me relax to get my mind off of things.” Flash said breathing in the fresh air around them.

“So… have you been seeing any girls lately.” Adagio asked nervously.

“Yeah, hanging out with Sunset and the gang.” Flash said Adagio signed not what she meant.

“I mean as in… going on a date or two?” Adagio asked while twiddling her thumbs together, Flash starts to blush from that.

“Oh, no, no, I’ve just been on my own but if want some dating advice I can help you with that.” Flash teased.

“P-Please, there’s not a man or woman in the world that can handle this much dazzle!” Adagio smirked striking a little sexy pose. Suddenly the two finds themselves laughing together like someone just did a joke.

When they stop laughing, they soon find their faces being very close to each other staring into each other’s eyes. They couldn’t look away or stop of what they’re about to do, leaning each other close as they slowly close their eyes.


Flash’s phone started to ring getting the two to snap out of their traces, gasps of what were they about to do, then Flash quickly got out his phone to see who’s calling him.

“Hello?” Flash starts hearing rabbling sounds of few people talking differently at the same time he can hardly make out any word.

“Guys, guys, one at a time please I can barely hear a word.” Flash said seems calm now, but he now looks worried as he signs.

“Alright, I’ll be there.” Flash said hanging up and looking at Adagio.

“What’s wrong?” She asked.

“Some of my friends who volunteer to help out at the mall, one of them broke his leg making a big mess. So now I’ll have to help out cleaning it up.” Flash explained he didn’t want to leave Adagio all alone.

“Go on, I’ll be fine on my own, promise.” Adagio said.

“Okay, see at home.” Flash said leaving but he quickly turns around to give Adagio a flower he got from the flower garden before leaving for good this time.

Adagio smiles as she watches Flash hurrying on to help out some friends and look at the flower, but she began to look sad wondering if she really deserves love at all.

“Oh, Adagio, have you really fall for someone, you think a girl would learn.” Adagio said to herself walking off somewhere in the park hopefully some alone time would help clear her head.

(Music: I won’t say I’m in love, Disney Hercules)

As Adagio wonders off just to get her mind off of the whole ‘being in love’ and Flash Sentry out of her head, but no matter how hard she tries neither of those things would leave her mind. Suddenly she bumps into someone and drops the flower.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention and all.” Adagio apologized.

“No worries kid, I was lost in thought about being in love with someone a long time ago.” The long dark auburn hair woman said, Adagio shock.

“How do you know what I was…?” Adagio confused.

“Like I said, I know what’s that like and hurts me more when I couldn’t tell him my feelings until I got the courage to do it.” The woman said sitting down on the grass, looking up to the scarlet sky.

“How did you find that courage?” The former siren asked.

“Let just sometimes people do the most craziest thing, when you’re in love, and you already know the answer to that. You’ve just been pretending you don’t.” The woman said somehow that actually help Adagio.

Adagio always knew she wanted to be with Flash for the rest of her life being with him every day through every moment, going through the good and bad times, and maybe start a family together with one or two or dozens of children to play with. Her very soul screams for Flash Sentry and it won’t shut up, now she’ll answer her souls cry. Clutches her hands tightly together with the flower in it, she smiles at the woman.

“Thank you, I know what I must do!” Adagio said before running off back home like a runner on a marathon.

The woman just kept watching Adagio going farther away until she can no longer see the puffy-haired girl in sight, she chuckles a bit and got up on her feet.

“God, didn’t I can be good with advice at all. Wait until Wonder-Boy hears this.” The woman said to herself walking off to home, where her beloved husband is waiting for her.


“Well, finally got things done.” Flash signed feeling tried from cleaning some of the mess from the mall wanted to just rest on his bed.


Flash heard someone calling his name, looking around to see anyone nearby but no one around, until he looks up to the roof of the house mush to his shock. Adagio is standing on the edge still holding the flower he gave her.

Adagio, what are you doing?!” Flash shouted fearing of what’s gonna happen next.

Then, Adagio did the unthinkable.

She jumps off the roof falling towards Flash. He is shock so much, he didn’t have time to react as she falls right on top of him pushing him to the ground hard on his back.

“What the Hell was that? What were you thinking?” Flash asked groaning from the pain of his back. Adagio looks straight into Flash’s eyes and said three words that blew his mind.

“I love you.”

Flash suddenly felt his heart beating faster than normal, feeling the whole world around him is coming apart nothing is left except him and Adagio together. Without any thought in mind, Flash quickly press his lips onto Adagio taken by surprise but quickly return the kiss feeling each other’s warm and soft lips wrapping their arms around each other to never let go.

On the upstairs window, Aria smirk watching the scene and Sonata smile big and wide happy to see her eldest sister finding true happiness and Flash is the man who gave her that happiness for the rest of their life.

“I think I’m starting to hear wedding bells!” Sonata cheered loud jumping up and down for joy.

“Yeah, things are definitely going to be interesting from now on.” Aria declared believing that this is just the beginning of the newly couple adventure of love.

Author's Note:

KO everypony, sorry but had to redo most of it because copyrighting the lyrics from the movie or other things is not allowed so hope you like this version better.

Again thought it'll be great doing a little romance one-shot story of Adagio and Flash together because let just say people do the most craziest thing when they're in love, you know.

KO comment, favorite, click the thumbs up button, and enjoy the story!

Comments ( 9 )

My "song cue" sense is tingling...

KO glad you’re enjoying it though I did tried adding the singing of the song from Disney’s Hercules but couldn’t because of some rules. Hope you’ll tell all your friends about my story!

Wow...I feel like you must've read my mind somehow cause I was planning on doing this exact idea only difference is I was gonna have it be one of the following

Adagio x Sunset or Aria x Rainbow Dash(or Fluttershy)

KO thanks hope you enjoy it as well as you tell all your friends about it!

Theres a story called to House the Sirens were Flash took all 3 of them after he found them scrapping for food. A shame it dosen't have more like maybe when he comes back for camp everfree all depresed with the whole Twilight and Timber thing and maybe the 3 try to cheer him up.

Also maybe Sunset finding out they live with Flash.

I guess you have read it.

Not really a fan of this ship, but I can see it.

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