• Published 17th Oct 2017
  • 1,003 Views, 16 Comments

Apple Dash - Stormbringer

Because of past losses, Applejack runs away instead of facing and proclaiming her love for a Special Somepony.

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ACT ONE: Applejack

Author's Note:

This is like the first story of my series  Bookends  in that it is a short (yes and rushed) story to see how it is received. That way I know if any sequels are to be attempted.

Applejack was finishing up the apple bucking for the day. It was a long day because Rainbow had warned that the next several days would be very rainy. It was the end of summer and there was the Fall weather to think of.
As the last of the apples fell into the baskets on her back, AJ started the trek to the barn to put the apples away. Once that had been accomplished, she put the baskets away and went into the house.

“Just in time, sis,” said Apple Bloom. “Granny just put dinner on the table.”
“That’s ‘kay, Sugar Cube,” said AJ to her sister, “Tell Granny that Ah ain’t hungry. Perhaps Ah’ll grab somethin’ later.”

Apple Bloom watched as her big sister walked slowly up the stairs to her room.

Applejack went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. And in spite of it being early evening, she climbed under the covers of her bed and lay there looking out her window. The view was toward town, she could barely make out some details of the rooftops above the trees that were between Sweet Apple Acres and Ponyville. She could see the occasional Pegasus flying above the town or flying off toward Cloudsdale. As she did, she let out a deep sigh.

She reflected on what Pinkie had once said:

‘Applejack cries on the inside, Twilight!’

But from the dampness on her cheeks and pillow, Applejack wished that was true.

“Dagnabit!” said AJ to herself, “why am Ah doin’ this to myself again? Why can’t Ah just be happy with the way things are? Why do Ah have to feel this way?”

Applejack looked out the window again. There by the window was her dresser, and on it was several picture of she and her friends. As she scanned these, she started to cry harder.
Suddenly, there was a knock at her door.

Applejack heroically stopped her sobbing and called out;

“Applejack, it’s Granny, can Ah come in?”
“Ah’d rather ya not,” said AJ.
“Too bad,” said the old pony as she entered the room.

Applejack turned away from the door as not to face Granny. Granny sat on the edge of the bed and placed a hoof on AJ’s shoulder.

“What botherin’ ya sweetie?” said the old pony.
“Ah don’t wanna talk ‘bout it,” said AJ.
“Yer gonna have to talk ‘bout it some time. It ain’t gonna get any easier if’n ya wait.”
Applejack thought, she knew Granny was right. So she took a deep breath and let it out.
“Granny,” said AJ, “Ah’m gonna move to Dodge Junction an’ go back to work fer Cherry Jubilee.”
“What in tarnation fer?” said Granny shocked.
“Ah contacted Caramel, an’ he’ll be fillin’ in fer me.”
“That don’t answer my question, Applejack.”
“Sorry Granny,” said Applejack, it could be heard that she was crying again, “but fer now, it’s all Ah wanna say. Ah’m leaving in the mornin’. It’s hard ‘nough. That’s why Ah ain’t said nothin’ to anypony.”
“Applejack, that ain’t fair, ya pulled this after the Equestria Rodeo. It hurt ‘nough then. But ya’ve got a lil’ sis that adores ya. Ya ain’t gonna break her heart like last time.”
Applejack knew Granny was right, it would be hard to do this. But she knew it would be harder on AB. In spite of Granny raising Apple Bloom, Applejack was more a mother figure and the filly’s best friend.

“’Kay Granny, Ah’ll tell her in the mornin’,” said Applejack.
“My hoof ya will,” said Granny, then turning to the door, “get in here Apple Bloom.”

The door opened and there stood Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom had heard most of this, as apparent by the tears on her cheeks.
Granny got up and walked to the door.
“Yer sister has somethin’ to tell ya Apple Bloom.”
Apple Bloom entered the room as Granny left and closed the door. The filly approached as Applejack sat up.

“Don’t ya love us no more,” said the little sister.
“It ain’t that AB, Ah love ya more than ever.”
“Then that’s a funny way of showin’ it. Runnin’ ‘way again. An’ ya weren’t gonna tell anypony. That don’t say Ah love ya in my opinion!”

The sister looked cross and very hurt. Applejack knew her sister was right. It was the reason she was going to just slip away. She wasn’t sure how to say goodbye.

“AB, come up here.”

Apple Bloom climbed on the bed with her sister. Applejack hugged her sister tightly.

“Apple Bloom,” said Applejack, “this ain’t got nothin’ to do with lovin’ or not lovin’ ya or Granny or Big Mac.”
“Then what?”
“Apple Bloom,” continued Applejack, “Ah ain’t getting no younger. When ya get to be an adult, there’s ‘urges’ that come on ya. Urges to be with a special somepony. Urges that Ah can’t take care of here.”

“Is that all? Are ya sayin’ yer horny?” asked AB.

“Where did ya hear that word?” asked the big sister amused.
“Scootaloo says that when a pony is wantin’ to have sex real bad, that they’re horny.”
“Well AB, that’s correct, but it ain’t exactly a polite word to be usin’,” said Applejack. “An’ it might be close to what’s goin’ on with me, but it ain’t the reason.”
“Then what?”
“Sex is ‘portant, when it’s with a special somepony. But there’s more to a relationship than just sex. There comes a time in a pony’s life when they need to be with another pony. More than just friends or family. A pony to be part of. An’ they you.
Ah got a lot of friends here, but what Ah’m lookin’ fer is a pony to be that special somepony.”
“An’ there ain’t nopony here that could be that special somepony fer ya?”

Applejack thought, should she say more? There was a pony she wished was her special somepony. But she’d never said anything to anypony. Or to that pony especially. And Applejack wasn’t sure what her sister would think if she found out who that pony might be.

“Apple Bloom,” said Applejack, “yeah, there’s a pony that Ah might want to be that special somepony. But Ah ain’t never said anythin’ to her…

Ah mean them.”

It was too late to take back. Applejack expected AB to react to this. Strangely enough, she didn’t.

“Do Ah know her,” said Apple Bloom.
“If’n yer just too shy to say somethin’,” said the little sister, “Ah could tell her.”
“No sis,” said AJ, “the only thin’ worse than not havin’ that special somepony is makin’ a fool of yerself to a friend an’ havin’ that awkward moment between ya fer the rest of yer life.”

It was another clue for AB. The little sister thought she’d play a hunch.

“So she’s one of yer friends,” said Apple Bloom. “Ah don’t think Rainbow Dash would react badly. She’s such a nice pony. She even gives my friends and Ah rides sometimes.”
Applejack was taken aback. How did Apple Bloom know. But too late she realized that without saying a word, she’d answered AB’s question.
“Apple Bloom,” said the big sister, “ya can’t say nothin’ to nopony. Promise me that.”
“Ah wouldn’t say anythin’ to anypony. That’s yer responsibility. But Sweetie Belle said that Rarity had told her that sometimes yer only given one chance to say somethin’ to that special somepony.”

Applejack knew her sister was right. But Applejack wasn’t ready to make such a pronouncement. Maybe it would be losing her ‘only chance’, but she didn’t know if she could live with Rainbow laughing at her.
The mental picture of Rainbow on her back, hooves in the air laughing so hard that there were tears in her eyes. There’d be tears in Applejack’s eyes as well, but not the same type.

“Ah ain’t sayin’ Ah’m goin’ away ferever, Ah just need to get my head straight.”

That was it. Applejack had let it go so far out of hoof that she’d just lied to her sister. Applejack had no intention of returning. She wasn’t even sure that Dodge Junction was where she’d be going.