• Published 19th Oct 2017
  • 4,856 Views, 92 Comments

A Glimmer of the Past - milesprower06

Twilight walks in on Starlight at the worst possible time, and one of the most awkward situations she's ever had with her student ensues.

  • ...

Turning Back The Clock

As the much younger version of Starlight looked up at them Twilight turned her attention to the items surrounding her, namely the trio of scrolls, one of which was unrolled. She picked them up, and inspected the open one first, showing it to Sunburst.

"This... Is the regression spell she used last weekend. Looks like it's been modified; the locus mutatio has been removed, that transformed the throne room into her childhood home. When it comes to how far back it goes... Looks like she turned back the clock a bit more. She doesn't look a whole lot older than Flurry." Sunburst said, peeking over the scroll at Starlight. The yearling on the floor in front of them was already diapered, and the supplies next to her seemed to be in her size, probably another effect of the spell.

Twilight unrolled the other two scrolls; one was another spell, and the second was a letter, to the two of them. She read aloud.

Dear Twilight and Sunburst,

Once again, thank you for trying this. I thought it would be a tad less awkward if I put myself into a form that the two of you have become familiar with in taking care of Flurry Heart. This spell will last for approximately 48 hours. During that period, there will be a memory block; I won't have any of my adulthood memories, so I can't promise that I'll have absolutely perfect behavior, you know, for authenticity. I will transform back very early Monday morning, at which point the block will be lifted, and I will retain any memories of what happened over the weekend as well.

Of course I'm aware that something could come up over the weekend. If there's something with the map, or if there is an emergency of any kind, I have provided 'Exponentia Ruptor'; Spell Breaker. Cast it, and I will immediately revert back with no ill aftereffects.

I'm hoping this weekend is enjoyable for everyone involved.


As Twilight looked over Spell Breaker, Sunburst walked up to Starlight, who was now reaching up to him with her stubby little hooves. He lifted her up with his magic and cradled him with his right leg, and she began to fiddle with his glasses. Then once she was secure in his grasp, he suddenly realized what had happened to the rest of the room.

"Hey Twilight, look." He told the alicorn, using a hoof to motion around the room.

Except for the beanbag chair on which Starlight had sat, everything else had transformed. Her desk was now a changing table; the shelves next to it had even more diapers, powder, and changing supplies. Her bed was now a crib fit for a yearling, complete with a mobile with all different styles of kites, along with the curie marks of Twilight, Sunburst, Trixie, and Maud.

"So... What first?" Sunburst asked, now that Starlight had gone from inspecting his glasses to the brooch on his cloak.

"Well, I don't remember seeing her this morning before now, so let's get her some food. How about you, did you eat?" Twilight asked.

"No, I had to catch the very first train here. I'll take whatever you have available."

With that, the trio went to the dining room, where Sunburst saw a high chair that looked like it was for a fully grown pony.

"You got prepared, I'll give you that." Sunburst said.

"Not prepared enough. I need to resize this thing now." Twilight said, firing up her horn. She cast minor mole until it was just the right size for Starlight, and Sunburst plopped her down between the chair and tray before safely buckling her in.

"I'll keep her company while you get the food." Sunburst said, beginning to coo at Starlight, who giggled in response. She was well-behaved enough for the three minutes that it took Twilight to return with a small bowl of oatmeal, and a bigger one, with added fruit, for Sunburst.

"Smells delicious, thank you!" Sunburst said in gratitude. He took a bite, then offered a spoonful to Starlight from her bowl.

"Here comes the wizard on the broomstick!" He playfully said to her, arcing and twisting a path towards her mouth with the spoon. Starlight opened her mouth and happily took the bite. A little came out, but Sunburst skillfully scooped it back up with the rubber-coated utensil. He set the bowl down to take another bite from his blueberry-and-strawberry filled oatmeal, and Twilight took this opportunity, and grabbed the spoon herself.

"Alright, here it comes..." Twilight told her, doing a similar path and made whooshing sounds as the spoon closed in.

But Starlight's demeanor changed, and she turned her mouth away. The Princess of Friendship tried again from another angle, and Starlight turned away again. A third time, the foal turned towards the spoon as it came, and her horn lit up, overriding Twilight's aura and grasped the spoon herself, flinging it back towards Twilight.

"Yah!" She let out as the bite of breakfast splashed against her forehead.

Sunburst successfully suppressed a snicker as a glob of oatmeal dripped from the tip of her horn, as he knew laughing would only encourage the behavior further.

"Starlight, no." He said as sternly as he could, magically taking a washcloth and quickly wiping Twilight's forehead down.

Twilight thought at first that she had done that on purpose, and maybe she had, but it wasn't the student she had come to know; and wouldn't be until approximately Monday morning. Still, she felt a pang of annoyance when Sunburst took the spoon from Starlight's grasp, got another spoonful of oatmeal, and she ate it without fussing.

"Well, I guess I'll leave breakfast to you." Twilight said, taking the washcloth and finishing cleaning her face. She remembered Flurry being just as difficult, but if Sunburst could pull it off with far less mess, then more power to him. Alternating between taking bites from his bowl, and feeding Starlight spoonfuls from hers, breakfast took about fifteen minutes. After that, the tray was removed and Sunburst wiped her face down, and plopped her down on his back.

"Where to? I'm sure you've got the entire day planned out." Sunburst asked her.

"I've turned the library into something of a play room, yeah." Twilight said, gathering the two empty bowls and quickly deposited them in the kitchen sink, before the two of them took Starlight down to the library. Upon entering, Sunburst was once again impressed. In the center of the room, Twilight had set up a playpen, once again, for an adult pony, but didn't bother resizing it this time, because it would give her more room to play. Inside, she had gathered a couple plushies, a rubber ball, and an abacus. Before setting Starlight inside, Sunburst added what he had brought; the teddy bear, rattle, and alphabet blocks, and gently set her in the center of everything.

She went for the blocks first, magically picking up and inspecting the first few individually. Then, seemingly satisfied, she began constructing a tower, block by block, trying her best to make sure the next one was perfectly aligned with the one below it. Over the course of five minutes, she constructed a tower that was over twice as tall as she was. Then, when her creation was complete, her telekinesis went over to the plush bear, and she magically made it walk over and with a leap and a roar, made it demolish the tower. It reminded Twilight of how Rainbow knocked down the rock tower at Applejack's farm. Sunburst applauded Starlight's deconstruction, getting a giggle out of her. He then climbed into the playpen with her, magically took hold of the rubber ball, and started playing with her, rolling the ball back and forth, while the princess smiled and watched.

Twilight couldn't help but be a bit perplexed. For all the reading and preparing she had done for the past few days, Starlight actually regressing herself back to a yearling state wasn't something she had prepared for, and it had thrown her for a loop. It was becoming apparent to her that this infant version of Starlight was favoring Sunburst more than her, and in the back of her mind, she was currently trying to figure out why. It probably had a great deal to do with whatever her spell had done to her mind. If the 'adult' side of her really was locked away until Monday morning, pending any roleplay-ending emergencies, perhaps Sunburst was the only pony she was familiar with and comfortable around.

If that was the case, just how much was she going to be able to participate this weekend...?