• Published 20th Oct 2017
  • 1,684 Views, 12 Comments

My Little Pony: The Movie Deleted Scenes - EnergeticRider

Or just some scenes, that could be in the movie.

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How It Should Have Ended

Author's Note:

Unlike previous scenes that were to explain or refine the story of My Little Pony: The Movie (and add some neat action sequences), this is more like a set of wild random ideas. They offer completely wild turn of events and I’m not sure if I would like to see them in the movie. Still “Deleted Scenes” would feel incomplete without those HISHE scenarios.

“Ooh! I bet those are the clowns I ordered!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

The airship that emerged from black cloud seconds later was indeed pinkish and cheerfully painted. It stopped just at the Canterlot central plaza bounds and descended. Then it’s hatch opened and gangway was automatically brought down.

“Those clowns should drive more carefully,” grumbled Twilight. “They nearly crushed decor towers.”

And then everypony was stiffened in astonishment as from the hatch strange gray creatures began to jump out. Upon landing they formed two lines, standing in some strange poses. And that was quite amusing since they were not dressed in ordinary clown outfits but in some weird colored armor and tiki masks.

“Yes!” cried Pinkie “Definitely clowns, that I ordered.”

Suddenly there was a loud horn sound.

“Ponieth of Equethtria,” started a voice, definitely enhanced by magical loudspeaker. “We come on behalf of the fear… I mean friendship and stuff to make your festival truly unforgettable!”

The gray creatures in colorful outfits began to dance very strange dance. Though it was funny and resembled walk-like-Egyptian-pony, the creatures didn’t move in unison. Or maybe they just failed to do so.

“Now, put your hooveth together for Amathing and Magical Teeempesht!” with the last word a shadow burst through the hatch and flew almost to the center of the plaza.

When she landed, everypony saw that Tempest was definitely a pony. However she was wearing an overall, that was painted in a same strange manner as creatures costumes. And her head was covered by a unicorn mask.

But she obviously was a real unicorn. Otherwise, she just couldn’t make a lightning that flew into the sky and exploded like the most awesome fireworks. Then Tempest made several backflips and as if she was a stage magician pulled four green balls out of nowhere and started juggling them.

“Wo-o-ow!” sighed everypony with amazement, when amazing acrobat made another lightning-fireworks without interrupting her juggling.

“Yes, it is pretty cool,” said Rainbow Dash with a slight hint of jealousy in her voice. “It’s almost as good as my Sonic Rain...”

Before Dash finished the word, suddenly all four green balls Tempest was juggling flew about the plaza. Two of them landed at the hooves of three princesses. Celestia, Luna, and Cadence were standing together, like everypony else bewildered with Tempest’s show. And before they were even able to understand what was happening, obsidian crystals grew from the green balls, encasing them.

Another green ball stroked directly in Twilight’s muzzle. Even without magic that hit would probably knock her out. But instead, Princess of Friendship was standing as a dark statue.

“Now!” cried, Tempest. “Get them all!”

Creatures stopped dancing and rushed to attack. In a few minutes, everything was over. Most ponies were captured, a few escaped. But with all four princesses in her possession Tempest wouldn’t have to worry even if they would form some force to counterattack or call upon Equestrian allies. In less than a day everything will be over.

“Thee? My plan worked.” proudly said Grubber.

“Oh,” Tempest removed her mask and put a hoof to her face. “I don’t know what is more unbelievable – that we had actually pulled that off or that you had convinced me to become a laughing-stock in the first place!”

“Yeah, we had thome flaws. Thtorm throopers dancing was off beath.”

“And those paintings on their armor looked completely weird.”

“Oh, but I liked thothe. Anyway, you capthured all four printhesses in few seconds! Imagine if you arriveth in full force, as you wanthed to? Whath if they were able to puth of a fight? Whath if one of the printhsses escaped and we had to chase her beyond the borthers of Equethtria?”

“Ok, fine! Maybe putting on that ridiculous show was worth it.”

“So, now we jus call Storm King? And he would get his Sthuff of Sacona powered up and restore your horn.”

“Open up your eyes Grubber! He will turn on me the moment he would get that magical power. No. I will take the Stuff from him, get magic myself and then force him to restore my horn.”

“Yeah, that would probably be smarter sthrathegy,” agreed Grubber.

Mane Six was standing before Dragon Lord’s Throne. Princess Ember was looking at them with a smirk. She really enjoyed it. Probably too much for someone, who was supposed to be a friend.

“So, you want me to free Equestria from that Storm King’s army?” she asked at last.

“Well, we are allies after all.” answered Twilight.

“Listen, Ember,” said Spike. “For dragons, it’s not a big deal to defeat some big hairy goons. With fire and everything. Also, you won’t be alone. We want to call for Thorax with his changelings and maybe yaks.”

“No.” Ember interrupted him.

“What?” exclaimed all ponies and dragon in unison.

“As you’ve said, for dragons it would be a piece of cake to defeat those creatures. So if we do it, we will do it without any help.”

“Are you sure?” asked Twilight.

“Yes. After all, you came to us first. Isn’t that because you are so confident in dragon abilities yourselves? Neither changelings nor yaks would rival our fighting skills.”
“Well, yes.”

“But of course we won’t do it for free.”

“Ok,” For saving our princesses we are ready to pay any price,” replied Twilight Sparkle.

And that’s how Storm King’s army was defeated and for next seven years, all gems mined in Equestria were bound to go to the dragons.

Twilight felt that they need to leave Capper’s apartment as soon as possible. She opened the door. And suddenly backed from it.

Just at the doorstep was standing a short green-skinned guy. He was in a very rich-looking suit and his hat concealed part of his face, making him look mysterious and attractive.

“Here's Anno!” exclaimed the guy with a laugh.

And despite his all attractive appearance that laugh made Twilight to shiver. And how he looked at her...

“These ponies better shoot rainbow lasers out their eyes if they're gonna settle your debt!” said the guy to Capper. “But they will be a fine addition to my collection anyway. Let's load 'em up!”

All six ponies gasped.

“You were... You were going to sell us?” exclaimed Rarity.

“I knew it!” cried Twilight angrily. “We gotta get outta here!”

She was trying to decide if they better go for a door through Capper’s weird business partner or for the window when she saw Tempest Shadow. With an escort of two Strom King’s creatures, she came to the doorway.

“He-h. Silly little ponies.”


“Trusting strangers? Big mistake. Big...”

“Huge!” butted in Grubber, who was also following Tempest.

“Hoo-hoo! My goodness! Well, look at you! With your scary broken horn and scowly eyes.” Anno turned to Tempest and petted her cheeks. “You are soo edgy. Want to be my waifu?”

“What now?!” Tempest stood in stupor totally forgetting to zap this insolent weirdo and chase her prey.

“I bet you do shoot lightnings out of your eyes. Or horn.” the greenish guy continued to pet Tempest and looked straight into her eyes.

However attractive this greenish guy was, his manners were really annoying. She began to power her horn again.

And at that moment Twilight, who was the last pony climbing out of the window, knew what she has to do. The chance of success was minuscule, but she had to try. Any direct attack spell would be repelled by Tempest’s armor, but that Anno guy wasn’t protected.

There were mere seconds in Twilight disposal and she called to all her mental training to recreate that spell, she had cast on her Smarty Pants doll making it irresistible. And she made it just in time.

“You soo way better than ordinary ponies.” continued Anno, oblivious to the Twilight’s spell cast on him.

And his words, combined with affection spell broke Tempest’s concentration, so energy discharge from her horn instead of frying Anno went all over the place just slightly hurting him.

“I know. I already captured three alicorn princesses. I’m the second-in-command in Storm King’s army.” and despite her anger Tempest was compelled by the spell to appeal that stranger. “What can you offer me?”

“Just all this town and it’s trade. Marry me!”

“Wow!” said Gruber “Thorm King couldn’th thrump thath offer.”

“So you just saw me for the first time and already like me so much that you offer to spend the rest of our life together?”

“Yes *cough*,” Anno’s clothes smoked a little after discharge. “It was love at the first sight.”

“Ok. I will be your waifu then.”

And they lived happily ever after. Even overthrew Storm King, but that’s entirely another story.

Ponies and hippogriffs together were ascending to the surface.

“Ya know... one small thing...” princess Skystar lightly shoved Pinkie Pie who was swimming beside her and whispered. “Can make a really big difference!”

“Yeah! Imagine that,” and Pinkie, in turn, shoved Twilight. “If I left you alone in the throne room, you could make some really stupid thing, like trying to steal that Pearl.”

“How could you…” Twilight stopped short, because she was going to say “possibly know”, but it was definitely what she won’t say in Queen Novo’s presence. “How could you think that!”

Before Pinkie could answer they came out on the surface of the ocean.

“Ok, everyone. Transform and fly out!” said Queen Novo and raised the Pearl.

It’s magical aura embraced six ponies, their dragon and hippogriff elite guard that Novo took with them to the surface. And all of them transformed from sea creatures into their true forms. Within a few moments, pegasi and hippogriffs were in the air. Novo’s guards also took three ponies and Spike, who were unable to fly, out of the water.

Spreading their wings a small army began it’s flight to Canterlot. To save Celestia, Luna, and Cadence – three princesses turned into obsidian statues. With the power of the Pearl Twilight was sure they could turn them back to normal and if the huge gray creatures would stand in their way, Novo would use transformation powers to turn them into something harmless.

However, Twilight and Novo plan never came to fruition. Just then their majestic squadron reached the shore a lightning struck. And not from the sky but from the ground. It hit straight into Queen of the Hippogriffs.

Numb from the shock Novo dropped the Pearl out of her newly remade claws. And at that moment she saw three airships in the sky. They were coming out of the clouds fast. It was a trap and Twilight with her new allies came right into it.

Rainbow Dash was the first to come to her senses. She swooped down to catch the Pearl, but several flashes of lightning stroke in her direction. Pegasus barely dodged them and then saw Tempest Shadow. It was her who made shots with her unstable magical horn.

And before Dash could make another swoop the Pearl reached the ground where Storm Creatures caught it with a safety net. Tempest’s plan worked perfectly. Moments later she was with the creatures and the Pearl was in her hooves.

“Everyone! Hold right there.” she cried through Grubber’s megaphone. “Or I will use Pearl’s power to transform you all into something that can not fly!”

“How she could learn Pearl’s magic?” asked Twilight.

“I don’t know,” answered Princes Skystar.

And as if Tempest have heard the question, she cried.

“Just in case if you think that I'm bluffing and don’t know how to use the Pearl properly.” she made a dramatic pause. “I don’t. But if my spell goes wrong it wouldn’t be my problem. Now! Descend.”

“I told you that we risk too much,” said Queen Novo when hyppogriffs and ponies were just above the ground. “I told you that if we go out of hiding, the Pearl could fall into the Storm King’s clutches. But no-o-one listened. Pf! I’m merely a queen after all.”

“Cut the chatter,” said Tempest angrily. “I only need the princess. And with this pearl, I can restore my horn myself. I don’t need the Storm King anymore.”

“And then I used the magical Pearl to infuse Stuff of Sacanas into my horn,” explained pony with an elegant crystal nested in her forehead. “With it, I not only got my magic stabilized, but also received powers from all four princesses. And became sole ruler of Equestria after disposing of the Storm King.”

She slightly turned her head to show both ponies who were sitting at the cafe table the item of her pride. And then sipped cocktail through her straw.

“Epic story indeed,” said regally looking colt on her right who was wearing a white cape and a crown resembling M letter. “Though your last feat with taking on the whole squad of hyppogriffs made you seem a bit overpowered.”

Coffee in colts mug got cool so he heated it up with his heat-glance.

“Why? It’s not that I pulled all that energy out of the blue. I waited for hours for those ponies.”

“I think Maximus missed the point here,” said mare on the left, who was wearing a purplish-dark costume with a cape and wide-brimmed hat. “After you got your horn and everything, you basically usurped the throne from the righteous rulers. This effectively makes you a villain. Why had you come to a cafe for superheroes?”

“Listen. The world is not just black and white.” answered crystal horn mare. “Yes, I became ruler by force, but then I made many positive reforms, changes for the better.”

“Such as?”

“For starters, I improved Equestria defenses. I increased numbers of Wonderbolt. They now have a Strike Force and Patrol Division to watch over the borders. Each major city now has a garrison of troops. And I personally trained the Royal Guard – now their fighting skills are much higher.”

“So you made Equestria militaristic superpower?”

“Of course. We ponies need to protect ourselves.” leader of Equestria stomped her hoof on the table. “Success of my attack on Canterlot is the hardest proof of all. But with enough ponies not only able but also prepared to fight there is no chance that someone pulls off such assault on Equestria ever again.”

“And what about diplomacy? Old Equestria always relied on the power of friendship and you can say all you want, that made it rather far.”

“You mean their so-called allies?” smirked crystal-horned pony. “The dragons by the way only had more respect for us after seeing new military might. And those weakling changelings agreed to deal with us anyway. And did I mentioned that with the help of Star Swirl the Bearded I also redirected a lot of resources to studies of magic? Not only it made our magical defense impenetrable, but in thirty years we made more progress in other areas than in a thousand years!”

“Wait. Star Swirl the Bearded as the head of Pillars? He was OK with you on the throne?”

“Of course. After I explained to him that my goal is solely the good and prosperity of Equestria, he agreed to help me. In fact, it was he, who devised a spell to fuse crystal into my horn. Carrying that stuff was really inconvenient.”

“Or maybe he didn’t have much choice? You had the power of all alicorns at your command.”

“Listen. I made Equestria the most powerful and prosperous land in history! Due to my reforms, we had thirty years of peace and progress. I’m now practically goddess with my powers tied to Tree of Harmony able to travel between dimensions.”

“But why come to our dimension then?” asked Mare Do Well.

“Yes,” added Maximus. “Since your power is tied to Tree of Harmony in your world, here you are no more powerful than an ordinary unicorn.”

“Even as an ordinary unicorn I could kick your butt!” chucked mare.

“Doubt it,” answered Maximus. “Even Power Ponies in their prime had though time with me.”

“Power Ponies?” Queen of New Equestria looked surprised. “Weren’t they a team of heroes in your world?”

“Yes. And back then I was a villain,” answered Maximus. “But I was reformed since then.”

“Let me guess,” buttered in Mare Do Well. “In your world villains don't reform. And Pillars of Equestria can’t manage with maintaining your “peace and progress” so you decided to get some heroes to fight those who undermine your regime. He-he. So much for your Utopia, Queen Berrytwist!”

“No. I’ve said, everyone is fine with me! Even that Glim… whatever, who was a pupil of Princess of Friendship came to terms with my rule. Everyone is happy!”

“I suppose everyone, except you?” a pony in his forties came to the table.

“What?” exclaimed Berrytwist. “Who are you? Were you eavesdropping?”

“My name is Hummdrumm.” answered colt. “ Or at least used to be. I was Power Ponies’ sidekick back in the day. And now I’m retired. Built this cafe for superheroes.”

“Nice career choice,” replied Berrytwist, still looking at the colt with suspicion.

“Yes. And I also happen to understand a lot about friendship problems,” said Hummdrumm. “Let me guess. With all your success there was no one in your kingdom you could share it.”

“It’s...” Berrytwist fell silent. “The one who rules is always alone. But I do so much good. That’s most important.”

“Do you believe that? From your story, it sounds like others abandoned you, and that’s why you wanted to restore your horn so badly.” Hummdrumm sat at the table with Berrytwist, Maximus and Mare Do Well. “You wanted others to accept you, but now you are as lonely as before getting your horn.”

“Ha! Nice speech,” Berrytwist made a bit forced laugh. “Where had you learn all that? From filly stories?”

“Something like that. There was a movie that I watched as a filly. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was somehow connected to events in your world. Just like comics in your world connected to ours.” Hummdrumm scratched his head with a hoof. “Let me remember. It was a pony, who became a benevolent but ruthless Queen. She made her land prosper, but still many of her subjects were unhappy. In the end, while she was distracted, some other pony, who knew time travel spell went back in time and changed the past.”

“Ha-ha-ha! That’s ridiculous!” laughed Berrytwist. “There is no such thing as time travel. Star Swirl and Starlight Glimmer would have told me.”

“Would they?”

Now a shade of worry fell on Berrytwist’s face. Her crystal horn made a spark and small portal, a window to her home dimension opened. She hastily looked into it. For about a minute she was motionless. Then closed the “window” and turned to her company.

“So it appears that I stuck here.” she sipped her cocktail trying to hide her distress and almost succeeded. “If I understand correctly, returning to my home dimension with changed timeline will erase me. Well, at least this me.”

Four ponies were sitting still for about a minute. Only a Mare Do Well took an apple and sucked it dry. “I am a batpony!” answered she to others weird glances.

At last Berrytwist shook her mane.

“So. Are you hiring new superponies to fight crime? Or I can work in this cafe for a while.”

Comments ( 2 )

The first bit was the best. Bamn, all princesses captured just like that :rainbowlaugh::twilightoops:

Amazing work.

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