• Published 23rd Oct 2017
  • 2,418 Views, 31 Comments

My Little Pony: The Movie, How it Should Have Ended - G33kySt3v3

I'm sure that all of us that watched the movie had moments that we thought made no sense, or could've been funnier in a different way. Well I decided to make a story based on HISHE where I comment on all the things I thought were weird. Twilight POV

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After Meeting the Seaponies

We had just gotten out of the water after I had tried to steal the Pearl of Transformation and I was kind of upset. Not only had I accidentally tripped a security spell that I should have seen, I also got trapped in a very compromising position. Have you seen Queen Novo? That lady is crazy, guess I can see where her daughter get's her personality. I was scared she would have taken me right then and there! Anyway... can't wait for ponies to somehow find out about that, and have hentai written about me before I can say Princess of Friendship. Understandably, I was a little upset. Then my friends started yelling at me because somehow Pinkie had been able to convince Queen Novo to help us or something.

"Maybe I would be better off without friends like you!" Oops, I hadn't meant to say that... Seriously, I didn't even know saying that could make my horn hurt like it does right now. What happened, did I get hit by a stagecoach? Couldn't worry about that friend to console. "Pinkie, I didn't mean th-"

"I just can't talk to you right now Twilight." Now I really felt bad, especially when they started walking away in that kind of manner that somehow reminded me of my brother's wedding. Like Shining Armor had just said I was full of shit again, as well as Celestia agreeing with him just like that.

"Now come on guys, don't be like that? What if Tempest finds us and captures me? Will you even worry? Or will you be like how you were at my brother's wedding and just assume everything is fine?"

Rarity decided now to speak up, "How dare you compare now to that time Twilight! We just need some time away to think about everything! No need to be so rude!"

Alright, whatever they didn't care that's fine. I'll just sit down and cry like I did at my brother's wedding when everyone didn't believe me, then Tempest will show up and be like. Hah, all your friends left you. And will be pretty much the same thing as when Chrysalis caught me, there might even be a song right before I escape, sung by the only other pony with me... Oh well, I guess I'll go do that sulking thing now. Hey! Spike followed me this time, I'm not completely alone like last time, maybe it will be different. Though, now sitting upon this rock, I could only think of one thing. "Hey Spike?"

"Yeah, Twilight?"

"You know that movie in the human world? Madagascar?"

"Yeah? But what's that got to do with anything?"

"Well I was just thinking, we got stranded on a beach, in the middle of a deserted island, no idea how to get home, and got separated over a disagreement. I kind feel like Alex the lion right now-"

"And all our friends are Marty!" Spike finished for me. "That's kind of weird Twili-"

I turned to look why he had stopped talking "Spike?" and he was being manhandled by one of the giant creatures Tempest always had following her... I tried to fire some magic at them. And I was in a cage now... I don't think I cared enough to yell anything, I had been right after all. I especially didn't care since it seemed that Spike's flame was effective against the creature, he would warn my friends. I reached the peak of my ascent, in some room which I could only describe as a Star Wars looking kind of thing. I had already proved to myself that magic didn't work, why try again? Then Tempest walked down the steps in the room like some kind of Kylo Ren wannabe, we get it... Your the bad guy, why does my life always seem like one of those movies from the human world made by that company called Disney? This much excitement must have been bad for me in some way. I tried to seem like I cared about the situation enough, "Why are you doing this? You're a pony, just like me."

She smashed her head against the cage, and said something insulting, then some random orchestra started up from an unknown origin. I bet anyone who hears about my life somehow can guess what happened next. She started singing... All I could do was just shout out, and interrupt her. "I BUCKING KNEW IT!"

Author's Note:

Alright, there's that scene, too many things to reference to not, I just couldn't help myself, I mean seriously take a look at some of the things I referenced.

There's Twilight, trapped after trying to steal the pearl, which look like they came right from a hentai comic, I'm sure there's already art of it. Also the pearl is actually called the Pearl of Transformation which you can see here if you read the second paragraph of the film description.
The next thing I reference was Twilight being told she's wrong about things, and all her friend's abandoning her in both the movie, and A Canterlot Wedding, here's a comparison.
Skipping to about 3:15 in this should show exactly what I'm talking about.

This next to

Seems kind of funny to me, especially since I also compared Open Up Your Eyes to This Day Aria. Y'know, since both villains sang after they captured Twilight?
Alright, moving down the line was Madagascar, if you haven't seen the movie, that's odd, you should go watch it, it was pretty bad. And if you have, you probably laughed at my reference without need to explain. My Star Wars reference was pretty obvious, so I don't feel the need to explain.