• Published 29th Oct 2017
  • 3,203 Views, 30 Comments

Luna Visits the Snuggle Den - Seraphem

Luna needs to relax, and Cadance knows just the place to help her do it.

  • ...

The snuggles shall be doubled!

“We’re here.”

Luna looked up at Cadance’s words, her magic absently adjusting the heavy black collar around her dark blue neck. She’d been so focused on ignoring the looks the two had been getting as they moved through the dungeons of the Clocktower Society she hadn’t been paying attention to where Cadance was leading her.

“Now Auntie, promise me you’ll try to enjoy this.” Cadance’s wing tightened over Luna’s back as the smaller mare gave her aunt’s neck a playful nip. “You’ve been so tense and withdrawn ever since the wedding, you need to relax, and this place, “ Cadance swept a hoof towards a passageway carved into the wall of the dungeon cavern, “is perfect for that.”

They were at the edge of the main dungeon cavern, standing in front of an archway chiseled into the stone walls adorned with with carvings of pillows across the top of it, while a burning lantern stood out on either side of the doorway.

“You are positive it must be me who does this, not Fading Crescent?” As odd as it had felt initially to assume another form and identity while engaging in the Society’s usual decadently salacious activities, Luna had come to enjoy the security of the anonymity it provided her.

“Yes! I’ve already explained this, you need to start letting ponies get used to seeing you down here. That little show you put on during my collaring ceremony was a great start,” Cadance’s other wingtip slid over her new crystal ‘eternity’ collar, the kinky Clocktower version of a wedding ring, “and you shouldn’t waste it. Especially not after a performance like that!” Cadance gave her aunt a wide grin, her eyes sparkling with excitement at the memory.

Luna blushed and averted her gaze at the reminder. “I… It… You… We merely lost ourselves in the excitement of the festivities!”

Cadance swatted Luna’s rump with her tail. “What you really mean is you forgot to be nervous about showing off in public for a change.”

Luna turned back to Cadance, still blushing, but with a maliciously gleeful smirk on her muzzle. “Honestly, I am surprised that you managed to notice anything given how busy you were up on the stage. Your ‘Master’ did a great job of showing off how skilled his little sub is.”

Cadance chuckled, sliding her wing off Luna’s back and nudging her in the ribs with it. “Please, there were what, only six, seven other ponies up there at a time, not counting Shiny? Now stop trying to change the subject, we both know what you can do when you relax and stop worrying about what other ponies think about you. So let’s just build up from there.”

She held a wing tip to Luna’s lips before the elder princess could reply. “We’ll take this slow, and this,” she nodded her head towards the archway, “is about the gentlest place to begin. You are doing this as yourself and getting used to the idea of ponies seeing you having fun down here. Besides...”

Cadance stepped back, spreading her wings, “to get the best treatment here, it helps to have wings.”

Luna gave her niece a puzzled look that Cadance returned with a ‘you’ll see’ grin. Taking a deep breath, Luna nodded. “Very well, but will you at least tell me what to expect? I am not exactly ‘in the mood’ for most of the services offered here.”

Cadance slid her wing across Luna’s rump. “I know, that’s half the reason I dragged you out here in the first place. Stress will do that, and this place is great at getting rid of stress.” She pushed the older alicorn towards the entrance. “As to what it is… You’ll see.”

Luna stumbled forward a few steps before looking back at Cadance. “Fie! Very well, Mi Amore.” She swatted Cadance playfully with a wing before trotting towards the passage. The archway led to a short tunnel lit by flickering oil lamps along the walls, which were smooth and clearly the result of tunneling through solid rock rather than the product of more typical construction utilized in the caverns.

Luna listened to the echoes of her hoofsteps bounce off the stone. She estimated the passage to be something shy of ten lengths long before it opened out into a larger chamber. On the far end Luna stepped through another archway. Even lacking any notion of what to expect, she was surprised at what she saw.

The room was large, easily the size of the royal throne room. Dim lighting was provided by the same flickering lanterns that had lined the passageway, with an additional small, candle laden chandelier hanging from the middle of the ceiling. Every surface was covered in softness, from the simple tapestries hanging along the walls, to the soothingly colored buntings draped from the ceiling.

The floor was no exception. Everywhere Luna looked there were pillows and cushions and blankets piled about, many occupied by ponies pressing close together. In the center of the room was a deep set pillow pit that put Starsong’s to shame.

The sounds were like nothing Luna would have expected to find within the dungeons. There were low whimpers and sighs of pleasure, but none of them contained the lusty need she was used to hearing. The soft giggles and gentle whispers gave the place a calm, almost reverential quality.

Likewise, the sharp, musky scents of Society activities were replaced with a mixed bouquet of calming aromas. Luna could clearly smell jasmine, lavender, and a hint of sandalwood, along with several other equally relaxing aromas.

She felt Cadance step besides her, giving her aunt time to take in the scenery before placing a wing on her shoulder. “Welcome to the Snuggle Den, Aunt Luna.”

Luna gave her niece the barest nod as she looked around the room, watching groups of ponies cuddling together. Some held tight to one another while others took a more active role. She could see pegasi getting preened, and other ponies being groomed with teeth and hooves. The pillow pit was filled with a giant, multi colored pile of fur, hooves and wings from at least a dozen ponies. “I had no idea such a place existed here.”

Cadance nuzzled her aunt’s neck, draping a wing over her back and leading her out onto the main floor. “I figured, it’s not really a secret, but doesn’t seem to get talked about much either. It’s a wonderful place to simply relax after a hard night of play. Or even to just come to when you need some companionship, but aren’t ‘in the mood’ for anything major.

“The rules are pretty simple. Out on the main cuddle floor, anything outright sexual is prohibited and will get you asked to leave. In the private rooms… well nopony will be watching, but there are plenty of other places around for that kind of thing. Though a bit of nice, gentle, snugglefucking can be very relaxing.”

She guided Luna around the piles of cuddling ponies, none of whom paid the passing princesses any mind. “Speaking of the private rooms, our appointments are waiting for us in there.” Cadance prodded Luna with a wing, gesturing towards a nearby hallway.

Luna followed behind her niece, smiling at seeing so many of her little ponies being so affectionate. She had to force herself not to chuckle as she spied one mare laying on her back, her hind legs kicking furiously at the air as her companion rubbed her belly.

It wasn’t till the two were stepping into the corridor that exactly what Cadance had said clicked in Luna’s head. “Wait, ‘appointments’. Are we not going to be sharing a room?”

Cadance looked back over her shoulder and gave Luna teasing grin. “Nope!” Then her expression turned sober. “I have a previous engagement. It’s… let’s just call it a Den Mother thing. I’m not really free to say more. I’m sure Starsong’s explained why.”

Luna felt a quick rush of pride in her young niece. The Den Mothers were the most respected group in all of the Society for a reason; they were dedicated to selflessly aiding other members however possible. Be it helping with aftercare following an intense session, calming a members worries, helping them better understand their own desires and what they wished out of their time here. Or even, as with Luna and Starsong, head of the local Den Mother chapter, more long term care and aid.

As much as Luna wished to have Cadance by her side for whatever was coming next, she would never wish to come between a Den Mother and those that needed her. She nudged Cadance to resume walking. “Aye, even without her, I would understand the need for discretion in these matters. Whoever you are meeting… I hope they are doing well.”

“Thank you Aunt Luna. I’m sure they’d appreciate you caring.” Cadance stopped between two doors, unmarked save for a small plaque bearing a number in the center of each. “But while I’m helping with that, I’ve arranged for you to be in the hooves of two of the Den’s very best snuggle-buddies.” She tapped on the righthoof door, waiting a second before opening it and waving Luna in.

“Two?” Was all Luna had time to say before being ushered into the room.

Like the main room, the private room was gently lit by lanterns hung along the walls. Every surface was soft and colored in soothing shades of blues, greens, and purples. The main difference, aside from size, was that rather than pillows and blankets, the floor of this room was covered in a large, white, fluffy cloud-bed on which lay the promised ‘cuddle-buddies’.

The mares sat up, giving the princesses warm smiles. Luna looked between the two nearly identical ponies. They were obviously sisters, with the same grey-blue coats and nearly the same mane color, one aquamarine, the other a paler light blue shade.

Cadance stepped forward and hugged both mares. “I am so glad you two could make it.”

The one with the lighter, spikier mane replied first. “There was no way we were going to miss this. Even if it didn’t mean you’d owe us one.”

Luna’s eyes dropped to the speakers neck. She wore a red collar with gold and orange bands and silver studs, marking the mare as a submissive not looking for any long term relationships, interested in both gentler and rougher play, and willing to be taken by any dominant that wished. What was puzzling was the addition of a deep, gold and blue fringe of what looked to be incredibly soft down ringed the edges of the collar that Luna had never seen before.

“Chaser, stop that. You don’t owe us anything Cadance,” the other replied. Her collar bore the same fringe and bands, but was black and had ruby studs, noting she had a dedicated ‘master’ and preferred to be approached and spoken to before engaging in any form of play with random doms.

Stepping back Cadance turned to her aunt. “Luna, this is Flitter,” one wing extended toward the black collared mare with the bow in her hair, “and her sister Cloudchaser,” the wing slid to the other mare. “Flitter, CC, I’m sure you recognize Luna and I’m sure you three will have plenty of fun together.”

Cadance headed for the door, pausing as she passed Luna, giving her aunt a calm, reassuring smile as she ran a wing tip across her cheek. “I will be right across the hall if you need anything, but please knock and wait for me to come out unless it’s an emergency.”

“I shall, Mi Amore.” Luna leaned in and gave her niece a single-winged hug. “Do not worry about me, I shall be fine. Go help your charge.”

“Yup! Go on!” Cloudchaser called after Cadance. Then her voice dropped to a husky whisper. “We’ll take reaaaaal good care of Luna for you.”

Luna turned around just in time to see Flitter bapping her sister’s head with a wing. “Don’t
worry Cadance, I’ll make sure this one behaves herself.” Flitter shot her sister a glare, one that might have had more impact if not for her grin.

“Alright, you three enjoy.” Cadance gave her aunt a quick nuzzle before heading out of the room and closing the door behind her.

Luna watched Cadance’s departure, taking a few deep breaths, fretting over what to do next, what was expected of her here. Her wings fluttered at her side, the twinge of discomfort along her back at the motion driving home how right Cadance had been about Luna needing this.

She turned back to the waiting mares, giving them her best attempt at one of Celestia’s warm, reassuring smiles. Do not shout, do not shout, do not shout. “Greetings! W-I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Flitter and Cloudchaser.” She looked between the two as they slid apart from each other, both sporting wide, welcoming expressions. “How shall we begin?”

Flitter patted the cloud between the sisters with a wing. “You just lay down here and let us do all the work.” Cloudchaser nodded approvingly.

Luna took one more calming breath before nestling down between the two mares, tucking her legs up under her body. The cloud supported her perfectly, letting her sink in just enough for the soft surface to feel like it was embracing her while being refreshingly cool against her coat. She let out a content sigh as she got comfortable, assuming this was what Cadance meant about needing wings for the best experience.

The sisters gave Luna a few moments to get comfortable before moving in. On her left, Cloudchaser squirmed her way under Luna’s wing. On the other side, Flitter’s wing began to run down Luna’s back while the mare shifted closer. The sisters taking a few moments to get comfortable next to her before starting to nuzzle Luna’s neck.

The princess closed her eyes, feeling the two warm, soft bodies pressing against her; their gentle nuzzling; the soothing coolness of the cloud under her. The quietness of the room, and the low, flickering lights on the walls, created an aura of peace. She let out another sigh, her wing over Cloudchaser pulling the mare in tighter.

Flitter’s wing probed down Luna’s back, the pegasus making a few concerned sounds as she explored. After a thorough examination, she pulled her wing back. “Wow, you are really tense…” Craning her neck up, Flitter nuzzled Luna’s cheek. “Don’t worry, we’re here to take care of that. Just relax.”

Luna nodded, leaning into the nuzzle. “Thank you, this is already quite… peaceful. But, please, do not put yourselves out on my account.”

“Oh shush, we wouldn't be snuggle-buddies if we didn’t enjoy helping ponies relax like this.” Chaser gave Luna’s shoulder a nudge. “You need this. I swear I heard something creak when you moved your wing.”

Luna chuckled. “Perhaps you are right. Still…”

“Still nothing. You just lay there and relax.” Flitter pulled away as she spoke and grabbed Luna’s wing. Luna offered no resistance as the mare spread the wing out. “Ohhh, somepony hasn’t been preening herself well either.”

Luna blushed, her wing twitched out of Flitter’s grip but remaining spread. She couldn’t deny the accusation. She’d done the basics to keep her feathers neat, but it had been some time since she’d sat down and given herself a good, thorough preening. “I suppose you are offering?”

“Is it an offer if we won’t take ‘no’ for an answer?” Cloudchaser chimed in with a smirk.

Flitter groaned. “Shush you. But yes, I do have to insist.” Without another word, the mare went to work. Her hooves and teeth ran through Luna’s feathers, making her wing twitch from the unaccustomed sensation of somepony else touching the sensitive appendage like that.

The twitching stopped as Luna adjusted to the feeling. She whimpered and sighed as Flitter shifted stray feathers back into place, brushed off dust hiding between layers. She flinched, hissing as the mare teased out the first few loose or broken shafts that had been hiding deeper in the plumage than Luna had dug in the last few weeks. All the while her sister remained pressed close, nuzzling Luna’s neck, her wings and hooves lightly stroking down Luna’s side and back.

Luna lowered her head to the cloud. She could feel her body relaxing, the tension leaking out of her back as the snuggle-buddies worked on her. Even the occasional sting of a stubborn feather being removed doing little to distract Luna from the peaceful feeling of being between the two mares. There were no worries, no expectations, no concerns or demands of her. There was nothing but quiet, gentle snuggling.

As Flitter finished her work, the two mare’s swapped duties, Flitter sliding under Luna’s wing to nuzzle and snuggle the princess while Cloudchaser spread the alicorn’s other wing and got to work.

Even after having gotten used to being the unicorn ‘Fading Crescent’ rather than ‘Luna’ while participating in the Society, Luna still had to admit the lack of wings did at times feel limiting. Even something as simple as having another pony preening them felt so good, so intimate. Maybe she should take Cadance’s advice, start coming here as herself more often.

As if they would accept Us. We saw the looks as we walked here. How would it be any different than the first time We tried? Luna buried her muzzle in the cloud to muffle her whimper.

She felt Flitter wrap a leg around her neck and hug her. “Ohh, are you okay Luna? You just tensed up again.” She ended the hug, her hoof running down Luna’s back.

Luna sighed, turning to give the concerned mare a reassuring smile. “Aye, twas but a passing thought. Pay it no mind.” She tried to force herself to relax again, not wanting to worry either of the ponies tending to her over thoughts she’d long grown accustomed to having intrude on her in moments of peace.

Flitter grinned and bapped the princess’ nose with her hoof, making Luna pull back and blink while going cross eyed at her freshly booped snoot. “Well stop that, you are here to relax, and that includes letting those things go. Alright?”

“Yrrp!” Cloudchaser added while spitting out one of Luna’s feathers. “Whatever it takes to help you relax and enjoy yourself.”

Flitter gave Luna a quick wing hug. “For now, just let us get you nice and snuggled.” Flitter pressed back against the alicorn, her soft, warm fur so fluffy and comforting.

“Aye, we apologize. Please, continue.” Luna gave the mare a quick nuzzle before laying her head back down on the cloud and closing her eyes.

Luna let the soothing closeness, the steady motions of Cloudchaser working her way towards the end of Luna’s wing, the clear care and concern her two little ponies were giving her help push the darker thoughts from her mind. It hardly mattered now what might or might not happen in the future.

Do We really deserve to lay here and be pampered after failing them so many times? Luna bit her lip, trying to ignore the thought, having as little success as she had over the last few weeks.

She felt Flitter pull away and heard a low grunt, only making Luna feel worse for disappointing the mare, failing to be a good snuggle-companion. She tensed up as she waited for her well earned recrimination.

“Alright Chaser, looks like we’ve got a Code Sparkle here.” Flitter’s remark made Luna lift her head. She opened her mouth to ask what that meant when Cloudchaser interrupted her.

“Ohhhhhhhh!” The mare rubbed her hooves together excitedly. “You know what the means! Time to get serious about this.” The smirk she gave Luna held more enthusiasm than anypony not named ‘Pinkie Pie’ should be able to show.

“What-” She was cut off by Flitter’s hoof on her muzzle.

“Nuh-uh, no talking, not yet. Roll over.” Flitter ordered, pushing on Luna’s shoulder while Cloudchaser moved to perch on the cloud behind Luna.

Still lost, Luna obeyed, the cloud shifting easily under her, conforming just as perfectly to her new position as it had her original one. Flitter moved upward, lifting Luna’s head as she sat down before cradling it in her lap.

As Fliter began to run her hooves and wings over Luna’s neck and head, Cloudchaser pulled her hind legs down, spreading them wide as the pegasus took up position between them before leaning over the prone alicorn. With a wide smile she reached down, running her hoof over Luna’s belly. “Mmmmm, so soft.”

Still grinning, Chaser added her other hoof to the belly rub. Luna had to resist the urge to giggle as she felt the hooves lightly caressing her stomach. She tried to focus on Flitter’s equally gentle touches instead. The mare leaned over, letting her long mane drape over Luna’s face “Alright, now tell us what’s wrong, and don’t say ‘nothing’”

Luna closed her eyes, considering her response. The corners of her lips twitched.

Laughter is a virtue of Harmony after all. Why not?

Luna opened her eyes, her lips twisting up into a playful smirk. “There is naught wrong.”

“Ah what did I-” Flitter gently whacked the princess on the shoulder with one wing as she recognized Luna’s mirth. “You know what I meant!”

“Indeed, be careful how you word your wishes, there are many creatures that could make much of a simple slip of the tongue, or a poorly phrased request.” Luna let out a small chuckle before sighing. “Though, I suspect you still wish me to answer the question?”

“‘Indeed’. If you want to at least. We aren't going to force you, but don’t pretend it’s ‘nothing’, sorry, ‘naught’, either.” Flitter kissed Luna’s forehead.

There were so many things she could say, so much on her mind. Many were things she could see no point in telling even Starsong or Cadance, let alone two ponies she had just met. This train of thought halted as she felt Cloudchaser starting to nuzzle her stomach, letting out another “Sooooo soft….”

Luna was unable to hold back a giggle as Cloudchaser’s hoof stroked a particularly sensitive spot in her side. “There is little anypony can do. It is merely…” She trailed off as she felt Cloudchaser nuzzle her a bit too firmly to be ‘proper’, moving lower and lower as she went.

As Cloudchaser shifted downwards, Flitter lightly massaged Luna’s neck with her wings, her smirk showing she knew exactly what her sister was doing. Luna started to panic. She was not really sure what the two mares had planned for her. She was not against things moving in a more intimate direction, but this was happening too quickly.

Luna forced her head up past Flitter’s hooves to look down. Cloudchaser was nearing the end of Luna’s stomach, and had shifted from nuzzling to kissing. She kept moving lower one quick kiss at a time, pressing her lips to Luna’s exposed belly. The lascivious look she shot the princess as she pushed her lips down firmly onto the Princess’ stomach, just shy of her thighs, caused Luna’s breath to catch in her throat.

Cloudchaser’s expression shifted, the lusty grin widening into a wily smirk. Her eyes gained a malicious, gleeful cast that Luna had been on the receiving end of far too often when Celestia was about to pull one of her pranks.

“Wha-AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Luna squealed as Cloudchaser grabbed Luna’s hips to hold the princess in place and blew a long, wet raspberry on the royal belly.

Before Luna could recover, Cloudchaser’s head darted up to gulp down a large breath and then dove in for an even longer, wetter raspberry. Luna twisted in the sisters’ grip, her hooves and wings flailing as she laughed and squirmed.

As the second assault stopped, Luna panted, trying to regain her breath as she felt Flitter’s hooves probe her neck and shoulders. “Hmmmm… one more.”

Luna’s eyes went wide as she shook her head, struggling to liberate herself from the devil mares. “No... NO…” For a third time the wet, ripping sound of Cloudchaser mercilessly raspberrying the royal stomach reverberated through the room along side Luna’s gasping, near shrieking laughter.


Luna squirmed helplessly under the cruel, tyrannical bombardment of unrepentant tummy torturing raspberries from the malevolent snuggle-mongers pinning her down. The nefarious actions left Luna a panting, giggling, mess.

“Ha.. ha.. Please.. Please.. No more, no more!” Luna pleaded in between gasping breaths once Cloudchaser finally relented,

Both sisters snickered at Luna. Flitter booped her on the nose. “Then no more worrying over stuff.” The pegasus followed her boop up with a quick kiss to the royal snoot. “You are here to relax, and we are going to make sure you do so, even if we have to tire you out first.”

“I can do this allllllll day. Or… well, there are other options.” Cloudchaser added as she went back to rubbing Luna’s belly.

Luna closed her eyes, snuggling her head deeper into Flitter’s lap. “That shall not be necessary I think.” Her entire body felt looser, more relaxed than it had in… longer then Luna could remember. All the burdens that had hounded her seemed so distant right then. Insignificant compared to the gentle caresses of her snuggle-buddies.

Luna felt Flitter’s hoof start to rub behind her ear as her wings slid down to massage Luna’s shoulders. “Good, now just let those worries go. Right now, enjoying some nicer, relaxing cuddles on this comfy cloud is all that matters.”

Flitter’s voice held a hypnotic cadence, one that helped Luna sink into a perfect state of relaxation. The ear scritches and belly rubs working with the soft, cool cloud under her; the gentle, soothing scents; the low, flickering lights; the warmth of the mares on either side of her. Everything was perfect.

She had no idea how long she stayed like that, coasting on the border of the dream realm, basking in the sensations around her. She was brought back to awareness by Cloudchaser letting out a low giggle. “Hey, Flitter, check out her leg.”

Luna opened her eyes just enough to see what she was referring to. Her whole body felt so light, like it wasn’t there. She didn’t notice anything odd about that feeling until she saw her own hind leg kicking upward in time with the belly rubbing.

“Heh, you think that’s something? Watch this.” Flitter’s hoof dug into Luna’s ear harder, rubbing faster than before. Luna watched as her other leg begin to rapidly kick at the air, the sight finally too much for the princess as she started chuckling.

“Heh.. hehe.. Fie.. cease this at once.. Heh…” She lifted her head, giving them both a grateful smile as their hooves stopped, her legs following a moment later. “Thank you both. This has been quite relaxing.”

“Oh we’re not done yet.” Flitter nodded at Cloudchaser. “Time for the grand finale?”

Cloudchaser nodded in turn. “Ohhhh yes, I think she’s ready for it now.” Before Luna could beg for mercy, Cloudchaser’s wings beat once, launching the mare up over the Princess. Then she crashed down on top of her, the two sinking deeper into the cloud as Cloudchaser tucked her head into Luna’s chin and wrapped her hooves and legs around her.

Flitter half shoved, half guided Luna onto her side, then slipped into place behind her, holding Luna just as tightly as her sister as she draped her head over Luna’s neck.

As the pegasi sandwiched her between their soft, warm bodies, Luna let her own wings envelop the twins, pulling her snuggle-buddies closer. “Aye, tis most-”

“Shhhh” Flitter pressed a wing to Luna’s lips. “No talking, just snuggling.” before giving Luna a gentle kiss on the neck while stroking a hoof through Luna’s mane.

Luna closed her eyes again, content to enjoy this while it lasted.

Some time later, the door across the hall opened. Cadance’s head darted out and looked both ways before the rest of her emerged. “It’s alright, coast is clear.” She waved a wing, beckoning the pony behind her to come out.

A yellow, fiery maned pegasus stepped out to join Cadance. “Thanks… again. See you next week?” Spitfire’s voice was raspier than usual and her eyes looked red around the edges.

Cadance gave the wonderbolt a hug and kissed her cheek. “Of course. Again, you are making amazing progress.”

Spitfire blushed, her wings fanning out and beating the air a few times. “I’m cleared for full duty now, at any rate.”

Cadance lightly pressed a hoof to Spitfire’s nose. “Yes and you did a remarkable job recovering so quickly. I am very proud of that too. You know that wasn’t what I was talking about, however. Some things take more time to heal than broken wings.”

Spitfire sighed, her eyes dropping to the ground as her ears drooped. “I know… I know… ‘one step at a time’.”

Cadance slid a wing under Spitfire’s chin, lifting her head up. “Exactly. You are going to get over this and be a stronger mare for it. I know you can do it.” Spitfire nodded, giving Cadance a grateful look as the alicorn continued. “Now, go on. I’m sure those recruits won’t yell at themselves.”

Spitfire snapped to attention, giving Cadance a quick wing salute. “No ma’am they won’t.” Spitfire snuck in one last, rushed hug, before heading off down the hallway.

Cadance watched her go, smiling the whole time. Once Spitfire turned the corner, Cadance crossed to the other door. She rapped lightly on it, listening for any sound from within. After a second light knock went unanswered, she slowly pushed open the door.

She instantly had to put a hoof over her mouth to stifle the loud ‘d’awwwwww’ that threatened to escape at the sight of Luna snuggled in between the pegasus sisters. She was cradling Cloudchaser like a giant teddy bear as they slept. A huge, peaceful smile was prominent on Luna’s face, and a small puddle of drool coated her neck from the softly snoring pegasus. All three mares had their wings wrapped around the others, making it take Cadance a moment to notice Flitter curled up behind Luna, trying to be the ‘big spoon’ to the larger ponies ‘little spoon’.

Flitter’s head lifted up from the pile of feathers. She grinned at Cadance, rising one hoof to her lips and miming a ‘shhhhh’.

The alicorn nodded, slipping back out the door and closing it behind her, leaving the three in peace.

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed the less kinky then usual tale of Luna's time in the Clocktower Society. Just a cute little thing I'd been toying with and got prodded to actually make and publish thanks to the cuddle fic contest.

Once again, enormous thank you to my always amazing edit-puppy Penne and her lovely, latex cuddlefeesh Sepia for their amazing help in getting my random banging on a keyboard shaped into something actually readable. And a thank you to CategoricalGrant for holding the contest. Here's hopping this fic does well.

Comments ( 30 )

Wow! The snuggle den finally becomes written! About time.

8518229 Glad you enjoyed it! And yeah, as Kinky as CTS is, it's nice to know even there, some simple snuggling is still appreciated.

Glad to see this baby out in the wild, great work as always sera!

I love snuggles too much.

Great story. But if Code Sparkle referes to Twilight then the story breaks the timeline.

8518339 Yes Snuggles are so awesome!

8518394 YAY someone got that, and yes, if that was an official code. This is more a personal code between the two, they do live in Ponyville after all.

I loved the story. Reading it actually helped me to relax, and it's quite fun too. Especially the Code Spakle, I liked that as it got some giggles out of me.

8518692 :twilightblush::twilightsmile:

Thanks, I'm really glad you enjoyed it and it was relaxing for you.

Hmm, emergency solution for another Lesson Zero?

8518836 :rainbowlaugh: Just tackle her and give belly rubs and raspberries till she calms down. What could go wrong?

This was so freaking adorable! Nice to see something a little more low key in this place.

Simple yet enjoyable story. Would like to see Cadence's collaring ceremony

8519081 Thank you, and yeah, agree, as insane and kinky as CTS can get, it's nice to have some more low key, simple, grounded stories to keep things from going to far over the top.

8519420 Definitely considering that at some point.

So this fared well in the contest. You should submit it to the Reviewers Cafe.

Huh. So that's what heart disease feels like.

What I'm saying is that this was an absolutely adorable fic.

D'awwww. thank you!:twilightsmile:


*Gives snuggles*

This was delightfully sweet and fluffy. I need a pony snuggle den in my life.

Well done Twi. You worry enough to have a designated protocol in a place devoted to relaxation. That neurosis is one that will go the distance.

She will provide pony psychiatrists whole new avenues of study for decades!

This was a nice read. Wish snuggle rooms were a reality thing.

Yes. that wold be very nice. Especially if staffed by soft, fluffy ponies.

Indeed, though I'd gladly settle for humans too.

Ngl. There are professional cuddle services available in certain areas. Supposedly anyway. I'm not sure how legit they are though...

And honestly? I feel relaxed just reading this ; ~ ;


And yes, a good story helps a lot.

Yup! It's damn near escort service, but it's based on snuggling rather than companionship. For the most part, and unsurprisingly, nearly only women are wanted for it. Take a look for "professional snugglers".

Cool. Though I think I'd rather stick with doing that with my friends.

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