• Published 28th Oct 2017
  • 1,017 Views, 5 Comments

Batman vs. Batmare - Octavia_Melody

When the Caped Crusader ends up in a strange world full of talking pastel horses, he gets more than he bargained for when finds a rival that shares his own name. Why? Find out here, same Bat time, same Bat channel!

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1 - Batmare Begins

Rarity, the prim and proper fashionista with white coat and purple mane, gasped in wonder as she trotted along with the crowd of visitors into the prestigious Hemline Manor, a large lavender stone complex on the top of a lily-filled grassy hill. She had been invited, along with several other ponies, by Prim Hemline, the neigh-infamous fashion critic to a charity event for sick fillies. It was rather late in the evening but the full moon shone down brightly, lighting Rarity's path.

Rarity trotted past the gates, up the carpet lined guest staircase up to the main meeting room where a pile of burning logs sat crackling inside a massive fireplace.

"For the chill of the evening, Miss Rarity." a stodgy old grey-coated, pink-maned mare spoke up.

"Prim Hemline! It is simply an honor to meet you again!" Rarity cheered as she almost leapt in for a hug.

Prim Hemline held out one hoof and shook her head.

"Thank you for your enthusiasm but I must ask, do you have the check?" Hemline asked.

"Yes, it's right here in my bag." Rarity said as she flipped open her saddle bag and pulled out a small slip of paper with her teeth.

Hemline took the check in her hoof and scanned it.

"1,000 bits." she read aloud, "It's not near as much as what some of the other donors are giving but the sick fillies of Manehattan thank you."

"Well, I would give more but my donations to other groups are a bit spread out at the moment." Rarity admitted.

"Thank you again, Miss Rarity." Hemline noted before trotting away.

"Wait!" Rarity called out, "Don't you want to talk for a bit?"

Hemline completely ignored Rarity as the white pony shuffled over to the fireplace where a certain pink pony with a curled purple mane leaned against the wall.

"Suri Polomare!" Rarity huffed, "What are you doing here? I can't believe you were invited after that stunt you pulled!"

"I'm just as suprised as you are, m'kay." Suri muttered in a much less enthusiastic than usual voice.

"Never mind." Rarity said, still recalling the incident where Suri attempted to sabotage her during Hemline's fashion show.

"Coco isn't here, m'kay." Suri spoke up, "I don't know why. That's what you were going to ask, right?"

"Yes, but what do you care, after the way you treated her?" Rarity scolded, remembering how much Suri abused her former assistant.

"I'm sorry." Suri said, "I truly am. I don't know how I could ever make it up to you."

Rarity almost couldn't believe her ears but was still skeptical of Suri's apology.

"You should be apologizing to poor Coco." Rarity advised.

"I would, m'kay." Suri said, "But I haven't seen her for some time."

"Serves you right!" Rarity replied, "Why would she ever want to see you again?"

Both mares were interrupted by a loud strike of thunder as a streak of lightning flashed against the massive main window on the other side of the room and a downpour began.

"Hmm...quite a storm the pegasi are brewing." Rarity spoke up, "Wonder why?"

Rarity was answered by the crash of shattered glass as the window splintered into a thousand pieces and what appeared to be a giant black bat crashed into the room. The room was thrown in disarray as everypony gasped, panicked, and scattered.

"Giant vampire bat!" Rarity screamed, "Run for your lives!"

Rarity tried to gallop away herself but the "bat" caught her by the tail, revealing itself to be a tall humanoid creature, clad in black armor, wearing a cowl shaped like two bat ears and a long flowing cape that doubled as a glider.

"Where am I?!" the creature demanded in a gravely voice.

"Why...you're...here..." Rarity fretted nervously, trying to wrest from the creature's gasp.

"Who are you?!" the creature continued.

"Why...darling...I'm...I'm Rarity..." she answered, "And....who might you be?"

"I'm Batman." the creature announced.

Rarity gave a sharp buck with her back hooves and managed to knock Batman away. She galloped out of the mansion as fast as her hooves could carry her along with everypony else.

Later that evening, the time when most Equestrians were asleep, workers were busy moving cargo onto a ship docked in Manehattan Harbor. In a dimly lit wharf building, Prim Hemline stood on a balcony catwalk with a sheepish, cream colored pony standing beside her. Coco Pommel had become Prim Hemline's assistant and it was not much of a trade-up from Suri Polomare. Prim Hemline stared down at the dock workers and sneered.

"I need this shipment out by tonight!" Hemline ordered.

"Are you sure nopony's going to notice us?" Coco fretted.

"What do you think the fundraiser was for, Miss Pommel?" Hemline reminded her, "I had to make a little extra to pay off the dock manager. We haven't been getting quite the returns I expected from the last shipment of Smile."

"Smile" was the street name of the pills Hemline helped smuggle, using fashion shows and fundraisers as a front. A single pill of "Smile" could leave a pony in an ecstatic, laughing daze for hours on end. Hemline was shipping it to distant parts of Equestria where laughter didn't come naturally.

"But what about the sick fillies who need medical care?"Coco wondered.

"Give them a dose of Smile and the poor dears won't even notice they're sick." Hemline said, only half joking.

Coco shuddered, not just from Hemline's callous remark but what sounded like the flutter of wings behind her. She turned her neck to look behind her and gasped at what looked like a giant bat.

"Bats!" Coco shouted.

"Pipe down!" Hemline ordered as she also gasped when a large dark blur tackled her.

Hemline found herself muzzle-to-muzzle with a stern looking pony in a black body suit, cape, and mask with pointed bat-ears. Hemline couldn't see the eyes behind the mask, only a white sheen.

"Who...who are you?" Hemline demanded.

"I'm Batmare." the pony answered gruffly.

Hemline soon found herself hogtied as Batmare produced a length of rope from her satchel and tied the drug dealer to the catwalk. Batmare then chased after Coco, who galloped away in fear. Before Batmare could catch up with her, Coco was struck right in her muzzle by something metal and her mouth gushed blood.

"Coco!!" Batmare called out as she ran after her.

A bat-shaped metal boomerang clattered to the floor and a dazed and injured Coco tripped and fell off the catwalk right into an enormous storage vat full of chemicals. The pitiful pony plunged into the green liquid as Batmare reached out in vain to grab her. Another bat shaped shadow flung through the air as the human known as Batman retrieved his batarang. Batmare leapt off the catwalk and grabbed Batman in midair, causing him to lose his glide pattern and both "bats" collapsed to the floor.

"You killed Coco!!" Batmare screamed.

"Who's Coco?" Batman demanded.

"My friend!" Batmare replied, "You made her fall into that vat of Celestia-knows-what!"

Batman gasped as he had a flashback to a very similar incident in his own life and decided he should at least make an attempt to save the creature he might have very well killed. He launched his grappling hook to wrap around the catwalk and he flew into the air. Before he could even jump onto the catwalk, Coco burst out of the vat, both sides of her jaw caked with blood. The pony frantically gasped for air and flailed her hooves as Batman reached out to grab her.

"Take my hand!" he called out, trying to grasp Coco's hoof.

Batman stretched himself out on the catwalk and managed to grab hold of Coco's hooves. She pulled herself up onto the catwalk as Batman stepped back, startled by her appearance.

"It can't be..." Batman whispered.

Coco's blue hair was now a dark green, her cream coat now as white as Rarity's. Her mouth was a bloody mess with fresh wounds in the shape of a grin. She looked down at her reflection in the metal catwalk floor and laughed. She laughed and laughed until it rose into a maniacal cackle.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha! HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!" Coco screamed, "HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!'

Batman fell back in utter disbelief that history was repeating itself and that he was the one responsible. He had only meant to stop the pony from getting away, not turn her into...

Coco wiped the blood from her mouth and it soaked her fur red. She looked straight at Batman and gave a twisted grin.

"What are you supposed to be?" Coco inquired, her voice now a frantic mocking tone, "A giant bat? A monster? Whatever you are, you're in my way."

Coco lunged forward and galloped toward Batman like she was going to headbutt him, but Batman leapt over the side of the catwalk and glid safely to the ground.

"Manehattan royal guard! Stay right where you are!" a large stallion called out as a large spotlight was suddenly shone on Batman.

Batman held out his cape to block his eyes from the light, barely noticing the crowd of royal guards now surrounding him, all white and brown stallions in armor, wielding a spotlight attached to a flatbed carriage. Batman launched his grappling hook and leapt back into the air. The guards tried to keep their light on him but Batman was too quick and soon disappeared into the shadows.

"Help! Help me you uncultured riff-raff!" Prim Hemline, still tied to the catwalk, called out to the dock workers.

"Prim Hemline?" a guard questioned, "The fashion critic? She's been flooding drugs into Manehattan?"

"Arrest her." the chief guard ordered.