• Published 16th Nov 2017
  • 2,069 Views, 47 Comments

Samneo: The Earth Pony - Samuel-Neocros

It was a regular day, until a stallion named Sam, mysteriously showed up. He has no memory of where he was from, not even knowing what a Cutie Mark is! Soon Sam must discover who he is, and defeat the coming darkness that threatens Ponyville...

  • ...

Midway Standoff

”Midway Standoff”

He had since lost track of time, due to how much Sam has gotten to know his friends a lot more. He mostly was drawn to Rainbow Dash, but the others were nice too. He still couldn’t understand why Voss kept leaving him, and waiting till a few days after to talk. Sadly, Voss hasn’t given anymore information, regarding where the next memory orb was.

It feels like Voss was toying with him, and for a while. Whenever they do meet, it usually ends with Sam growling at Voss, for not letting him in on where the memory orb is. Voss would sort of dance around the question, and would instead tell Sam about his day.

As far as he knew, Voss wasn’t a reliable source anymore. So Sam stopped talking to him. Whenever he encountered the shadow entity, Sam would ignore, or run away from him. Surprisingly, he had no dreams of Voss after that, as if the shadow got the message.

The light was shining through the windows, and the birds were chirping outside. It felt like it would be the perfect day to sit back, relax, and perhaps enjoy a good o’l book. Although Sam would’ve went outside, he decided to stay indoors, and maybe take a nap. But he was personally conflicted, what if he meets Rainbow? Or maybe meet a new friend? Twilight Sparkle had urged Sam to perhaps socialize, but the only social active he’s been receiving, were awkward stares from everypony in town.

It made Sam feel like he didn’t belong, and why should he? He’s a brown haired, tan colored, typical pony. But the only catch is that he had no cutie mark. Thankfully, he was educated on cutie marks, thanks to Twilight and Starlight. He could recall their time, but aside from select moments, he could remember everything.

After Dark’s defeat

When Sam woke up for the second time, he caught the sight of his new friends, including a purple dragon nearby. He was back in the same room as before, with the window busted.

“Uh... hi...?” Sam muttered, nervously.

“How did you do that!?” Twilight said, referring to the dragon form Sam took.

“Do what?”

“That dragon form you took.”

Sam thought for a moment, before he realized what she meant.

“Oh... that. I dunno, I just... thought of it?” He replied, tiredly. He sat up, allowing him to face everypony. Twilight and her friends were whispering among themselves for a moment, before they faced Sam.

“Hm, you really are more than just a pony. Anyways, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Twilight Sparkle.” She introduced. The other introduce themselves as well. Sam gave a weak smile, like he had been offered something. Though admittedly, he felt something warm when he heard the name Rainbow Dash. He sat up, and rubbed his eyes...

Later that day:

Twilight, Starlight, and Sam were in one room. Twilight was showcasing what cutie marks were all about.

“You see, cutie marks represent the talents of the pony. When a pony is born, they have none, but they eventually get their cutie mark in some way.” She explained. Sam tilted his head, imagining what she was talking about. “So, that was a brief explanation of cutie marks. If you like to know more, I have hundreds of books here.”

Sam rubbed the back of his head, with thought.

“Why don’t I have a cutie mark?” He asked. Twilight put her hoof to her chin, thinking of an answer.

“I’m not quite sure. But considering that you had turned into a dragon, I think I have a small theory.”

“What’s your theory?” Starlight Glimmer asked. Twilight turned to her student.

“Rainbow Dash’s cutie mark has something to do with her Sonic Rainboom, maybe his mark has something to do with his ability to turn into a dragon.” She explained to Starlight.

“If that were the case, why didn’t it appear as soon as he transformed back?” Starlight questioned.


He admittedly felt saddened that everypony had cutie marks, but he didn’t. He couldn’t help but feel vary jealous of such. Sam wondered what his cutie mark would look like, perhaps it’s... he couldn’t think of anything. As far as he knew, he was confident that Twilight and her friends were out of ideas.

He’s surprised that they hadn’t consulted for help by this point. But even then, he knew that it would be useless. He’s a pony who transforms into a dragon for crying out loud!

Regardless, Sam decided to sleep it out. Hopefully that’ll shut up all of his nervousness. But before he could, he had this strange feeling to go outside. It was small, but it somehow made Sam not get under the covers. Sam sighed, and listened to his feeling. If he keeps going down the road of unable to choose, the anxiety gets greater. So he decided to just go outside.

Inside the dark cave, Stalactites were dripping, as bats were perched in the deepest parts of the cave. The entrance looked as if it was a hole in the ground, with a dirt path leading into it. Light rays were keeping the place from becoming pure darkness.

It looked like Dark had been relaxing for far too long. He opened his eyes, and realized that he was still a phantom. His eyes lit up, full of life. Dark’s white pupils looking around as he remembered what had happened a few weeks since he was confronted by his ‘rival’. After that ugly creature--Slaughter had his way with him, he had become a phantom, much like his rival. Thankfully, the one part of his original form remained--his head. It laid on the ground, completely soulless.

Dark proceeded to close his eyes, and begun using his remaining magic to form a new body. His body begun to materialize out of the dirt, with some rich minerals to add to his frame. It surprised him how resourceful Equestria was, and still is. How it’s full of magic, even down to the dirt. In all of his time being around more Earth-like regions, this world’s resources is proving beneficial for him. He made a body, which used the original head. Dark proceeded to return to this body, seeing as the creation process was near completion.

He used his newly made arms to push himself off the ground, shifting his head slightly as he did so. After some trial and error, Dark finally stood up. He took a brief overview of his newly formed body.

He had some brown patches on his knees, elbows, and other small parts, which is the result of the dirt. But they’ll become nice and shadowy over time. Thanks to the Equestrian soil, he managed to receive some new magic, which made his unstable-looking magic look much cleaner, less rough, and primitive-looking. He smiled at the improvements that were made to his body.

Dark started walking his way out the cave, but not before he thanked the Equestrian soil. He knew that it probably didn’t hear, but he thought he’d thank the Tree of Harmony for gifting him a much more functioning body...

Slaughter had managed to return to the cave, where he had... "fun" with Dark. He licked his teeth as he kept crawling into the darkness. When he entered, he found that all the rays of light had mysteriously vanished. At first, he assumed that it was like that because it was noon. However, the sun was just passing by the cave, before he entered.

"Huh..." He thought. "You would think that there would at least be a bit more light, but yet it's jet black in here!!"

Slaughter would've naturally shrugged it off, but there was something about it, that bothered him slightly. But then, just when he was about to forget it, he heard a voice.

"Hello... Slaughter." Someone all to familiar called out. Slaughter froze, it can't be...

"U-uhm... D-dark Samuel?" He called out. He couldn't see anything, to the point where the only light that was being provided was outside. "I-is that you, man?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Dark replied. He was visibly more angry than usual. Then, about the other side of the cave, Slaughter could see his white eyes. They felt like they were staring into Slaughter's soul, and they were glaring with impatience. It felt like Slaughter had done it this time. He could tell that this was all about last time they met...

It was after noon, with everypony doing business as usual. Sam tried to not be seen, knowing exactly how he’ll feel once everypony catches his blankflank. But Celestia only knows how he was going to make friends.

Sam decided to sit somewhere, so he went and sat down on a small bench near a small river. The trees were giving decent shade for Sam, as he looked around at nature. He placed his hooves next to his flanks, where a cutie mark would usually be seen. This technique helped hide the fact that he was blankflank, and he found himself growing a bit more calmer.

His thoughts moved to reflect on what he knew so far. He was from an unknown region, which was a bit more summer-related. Apparently, he liked to sculpt things out of clay, and write sometimes. That’s when his eyes widened with realization.

“Wait... writing... and sculpting... Holy!” He jumped off his bench. “Maybe I DID Have a talent after all! But... how did I lose my cutie mark?”

He was thinking for a moment, as he begun speculating on what happened. He couldn’t pinpoint any exact reason, or even make up his own theory. As far as he knew, he was stumped.

As Sam was lost in his own world, he hadn’t noticed the fact that there was eyes on him. But they weren’t the eyes of ponies, it was the eyes of a rather familiar entity...

Sam then heard what sounded like a small whisper in his ear. He turned, and he instantly caught the entity at the corner of his eye. It was hidden under the tree’s shadow, as if it was trying not to be seen by the sun. Sam instantly recognized the eyes, and begun approaching it.


“Oh, it’s you.” Voss replied. “I thought you’d be like that, since you clearly lack the patience of a spider in it’s web.”

“I do now, and I want you to answer me. FOR THE LAST TIME.” Sam retorted. “Where’s the next memory orb!?”

Voss probably should’ve expected Sam’s irritability, since he had been teasing him on and off for a while now. But nevertheless, he found it to be a bother to be Sam’s answering machine, and even putting it like that, didn’t make sense to Voss. Well, he was paid to do this, so...

“Tell me!”

“Fine. It’s in the Everfree woods. HAPPY NOW?” Voss growled. Although Sam has had some bad dreams with Voss, this was the first time he felt like Voss was probably not in the best mental state.

“Okay, now where exactly is it? Within the forest?” Sam asked. Voss rolled his eyes, with visible annoyance. Voss pulled out something thin and dark. Then a red, feather pen manifested in Voss’ right hand, before he begun making motions, as if he was writing something. Sam wasn’t sure what he was writing exactly, but he didn’t care, he was finally getting a lead to where the next memory was.

Voss finished writing, and tossed it over to Sam. The dark, thin sheet quickly vaporized into a normal sheet of paper, as if it was cleansed by the sun’s rays. Sam closed his eyes, and transformed into his dragon form. He picked up the paper, and begun to read it. It was a map of the Everfree Forest.

His eyes widened.

“So this is the path?” He asked, as he glanced up at Voss. However, Voss was nowhere to be seen, as if there was nothing there to begin with. Sam blinked, and looked around. “Uhm... where did you go...?”

He eventually shrugged it off, and kept examining the map. But as he analyzed it, he couldn’t rub the anxious feeling off his back, like Voss was up to something...

Deep within the Everfree Forest...

The sunlight peeked through the trees, leaving small patches of light on the ground below. Some of the wildlife were becoming more and more vigilant, due to a new predator entering their ecosystem. Though this wasn’t any ordinary predator...

There was a small rabbit munching on grass, it was completely unaware of what eyes were on it. There was a fox nearby, watching, and stalking the little furball. It kept it’s head low to the ground, allowing the foliage to hide it’s beautiful orange coat. It was readying to pounce, however, there was something that stopped it from doing it. There was small droplets of saliva coming from above. The fox was about to follow the spit up, but it soon realized that whatever was drooling, was moving. It made this effect where the pools of drool were just behind the rabbit. Although the rabbit had great sense of hearing, it hadn’t noticed the silenced drops, due to how small the drool was.

The fox knew that it wasn’t the only predator around, so the fox wasted no time to pounce. It jumped out of the brush, and quickly tried to pin the rabbit. However, the rabbit was quick enough to escape both predators. It’s here the fox made a horrible mistake. It found itself on the same spot the rabbit was on.

Suddenly, it felt a slight shock between it’s shoulder blades. It made a surprised yelp, before it was swiftly pulled up...

Nearby, within the darkness. Voss watched as the fox was dragged up and into the branches above. He had seen what happened, and he was fully aware of what the web belonged to. He glanced up, and begun floating into the tree limbs above, to hopefully meet his partner in crime...

Sam and three of his friends went into the Everfree forest, since Sam wasn’t allowed to go alone. The friends he brought with him were; Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. Although he would’ve brought more, the other three were busy doing something else. Admittedly only two were busy, Pinkie Pie was somepony Sam wasn’t too fond of. Not that he hated her or anything. Sam felt much safer with Twilight and Rainbow by his side.

The four made their way down the path, the sounds of birds chirping and some frog croaking were the sounds they heard. Rainbow looked over at Sam. She and her friends were briefed about the mission to find this orb, but she remembered that Sam also mentioned the idea of what his cutie mark might be.

“Uhm... Sam? About your theory regarding your cutie mark... You said that you might know writing and sculpting.” Rainbow began. Sam didn’t turn his head, since he needed to know where they were going, but he did at least glance over to her.


“I was wondering, how in Equestria would you sculpt clay? I mean, I understand that maybe you’d use a typewriter, but using clay?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Hmm... with my dragon form’s hands, I guess...? I dunno.” Sam was pretending to not know, when he knew full well what he looked like, before he became a pony. Of course, besides the fact that he once stood on two legs naturally, he knew vary little of his past. “Right now, I’m more concerned about the next orb. Maybe that’ll give me more answers as to who I was before...”

“Heh, I guess that works. What da ya think, Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash asked, as she turned around. But Fluttershy wasn’t behind her, heck, she wasn’t with the group! Her eyes widened.

“Fluttershy?” She said a loud. Rainbow turned to the others. “Guys! Fluttershy’s missing!”

Sam and Twilight turned their heads, and glanced up at Rainbow.

“Huh? What!?”

“What!?” Twilight protested. It didn’t take long for their search for the orb, to change into a search party. They looked around, stopping their journey to find their friend.

Above the trees, a familiar pair of circular eyes watched them. It was holding a cocoon in it’s arms, who she was completely wrapped in webbing. It was obvious the creature was eager to catch the others.

“Alright, let’s split up--” Twilight begun, before Sam cut her off.

“No! If we do, we might get lost too. Considering that Voss sent us here... there might be someone... or something in here...” Sam suggested. Rainbow and Twilight looked at each other for a moment, before they nodded.

“You’ve got a point, if we do get separated--” Twilight was yet again cut off. However, this time, she felt a dull pain on her rear. Before she’s suddenly yanked upwards, towards the trees above. Rainbow and Sam’s eyes widen. What they could see, was a yellowish white glob on Twilight’s flank, which was connected to a thick string from above. It didn’t take a genius to know what this was.

“Twilight!” Rainbow cried. Rainbow was quick to react, and she immediately begun pulling Twilight back down to the ground, fighting against the web. Sam pitched in to help, but even with the combined forces of Rainbow Dash and Sam, whatever or whoever was pulling Twilight felt like it had the strength of a herd of yaks.

Rainbow felt something poke her back, which made her look behind. It didn’t take long for them to realize, that Rainbow was hit with web as well. Sam yelped, and now he’s Holding onto Rainbow. Unfortunately, Sam looses grip, and the two are dragged into the trees.

Dash, however, wasn’t having it. She kept fighting, using her wings to fly towards the ground. But then two extra globs of web hit each of her wings. Rainbow’s eyes widened, at the slight sting that the web had. She’s quickly pulled into the tree-line, unseen by Sam.

Sam’s eyes were wide with terror.

“Rainbow!!” He called. He scanned the darkness of the leafs of the branches, searching for any signs of his friends. Sadly, he didn’t see anypony. Sam called out to them several times, but received no answer. Sam fell back on his flank, thinking.

Sam was desperate to find them, so he tried climbing a nearby tree. He gripped it with his legs, and squeezing to keep his grip. However, he soon realizes that he’s unable to climb it... and he falls down. Sam landed on his back, hard, knocking the air out of him.

Silence followed...

He sat on his haunches, unsure of what to do. Sam was all alone, nopony to help him. It didn’t take long for the ambiance of the forest to fill his ears. Sam was shivering, not knowing what that thing was, that took his friends. But after a moment of thinking, he realized that it should’ve been obvious. Sam glared at the ground, with new-found irritation.

“Slaughter, Don’t you DARE harm them!” He whispered to himself...

Fluttershy was shivering of fright, she wasn’t prepared for him again. She had nightmares of Slaughter, with him wrapping her up, biting her, and pumping her with paralyzing venom. She felt the branches under her shift slightly, and a voice she was dreading to hear spoke.

“Heh, you all having fun?” He asked, smugly. He sounded like he was nearby. She could hear Rainbow Dash muffled protesting next to her.

Although the silk was blindfolding her, Rainbow Dash could faintly see Slaughter’s pure white eyes above what she presumed to be Fluttershy. It was actually Twilight. Slaughter turned his attention to Rainbow, and he begun to slowly creep towards her. Rainbow began shaking her head, and began to freak out slightly. She remembered the last time he treated her, let alone the fact that this guy could subdue the Princess of Friendship!

As if reading her mind, Slaughter tilted his head.

“Oh? Do you remember the last time I’ve handled you?” He asked. Rainbow found herself staring face to face with him. He placed his finger on the area where her lip was, and leaned in, pressing the side of his snout to her cheek. She could feel his breath down the side of her neck. “I know I seem like a no brainer, but I’m vary aware of a mare’s actions. I’ve taken some, I’ve drained some. You know my intentions, don’t you?”

She didn’t respond. He made a noise, that sounded almost sad.

“Disappointing. How could you remain so tough, yet so soft on the inside?” He cued, as if playing the victim. What he said next, he sounded like he had a dirty smirk. “I’ve seen you, on your occasional visits to that spa.”

Rainbow’s eyes widened. She growled in response, which made him snicker slightly, that somehow sounded fake. Though she wasn’t paying attention, Twilight muffled a “what?” through her gag.

“Ah, so tomboyish...” He then had one of his mood swings. “I’ll find a way to break you, and you’ll love me for it.”

“Slaughter, stop acting dangerously.” A new voice said, sternly. Slaughter turned away from his prey, and looked at a new figure. To the girls in the nest, the entity had red eyes.

“Oh come on, Voss, I need relief every once in a while!”

“Sorry, but that’s called ‘I’m tempting fate by making raunchy jokes’,” Voss countered. Twilight and her friends didn’t notice, but he grew a rather annoyed expression. “now shut up, and follow me.”

Slaughter sounded noticeably annoyed as well. Twilight, and her friends realized that Voss probably has set them, and Sam up. Sam might be running into a trap!

“Ugh... fine. I was just getting started, too.” He muttered the last part. The two of them left the nest, and begun plotting...

Sam was honestly worried for his friends, he wasn’t sure what Slaughter has planned for them. He was also feeling anxiety for his own safety as well. Sam felt as though he had lured his friends into a trap, and he was next...

That’s when he paused. As he trotted down the dirt path, he begun reviewing every action that his enemies had done up until now. Sam blinked, and he was having trouble convincing himself that what he’s thinking could possibly be true.

“Did Voss knew Slaughter was in this forest? If so, there’s no doubt that he’s connected to that guy in some way or form...” Sam kept thinking, which made him feel dread somehow. “If Voss is connected to Slaughter, and Slaughter is connected to Dark... then could they...?”

Before he could plunder on his thoughts any longer, he reached a clearing...

The clearing had some roots of trees extending slightly toward’s the middle. But what astonished Sam the most, was the green light in the center of the area.

“The Memory Orb!” He smiled. He finally found it! The orb was a nice, emerald green color. It felt as though it reflected something that wasn’t present with the plant life around it, as if it was a symbol of good, surrounded in darkness. He swiftly galloped towards it, but he came to a screeching halt, when a familiar darkness emerged from the ground in front of the orb. The darkness formed into a figure, in which, the figure soon took shape, and became a face that Sam has grown used to.

“Voss!” Sam called out. “What did you and Slaughter do to my friends!?”

Voss scowled at Sam, with annoyance. But then he grinned. Sam felt goosebumps, as he stared at Voss’ toothy, almost psychotic look.

“What? You’ve already guessed?” He asked.

Sam scowled back at him.

“Yeah! That you have something to do with Slaughter!”

“The fact that I have ties with everything?” He replied, before he snapped his fingers. There was silence at first, before there was the sound of foliage being stepped on, and this other sound Sam didn’t recognize--at least, not right away. Suddenly, Dark had emerged from the bushes. Soon Slaughter came out from the trees, and joined Voss and Dark.

Sam was not at all surprised. He pretty much knew that the three were connected... Though what caught Sam off guard, were the new forms Dark and Slaughter took. Slaughter had what appeared to be vines covering his body, as well as leafs stitched into his body--probably to replace the soggy parts of his costume. Dark also looked different.

“It’s about time we’ve gotten together!” Slaughter said a loud.

“We’re gonna finally take you down.” Dark rudely said. His sword materializing in his hand, as well as his arm glowing with red magic.

“Heh, judging by you’re face, you must have known we were one in the same. Anyways, Our job is to keep you busy...—” Voss sounded like he was about to say something, but quickly tried to change the subject. Sam then morphed into his Dragon form, but something was different this time...

“... Sam... don’t use me...” Sam turned his attention to his chest. His chest was glowing softly, with a blue light. “Please... don’t do it... use... earth...”

It was the first time the voice told Sam by name. Knowing that the voice hasn’t spoken a lie, Sam listened.

“Okay, but what do you mean by earth?”

“You will... figure it... out...”

“U-uhm...” Sam was unsure, of what the voice meant. But he didn’t have time to plunder through it. He needed to take these guys out. He looked up, and glared at the trio in front of him. Sam took a deep breath, before he readied himself. “Alright, here I come!”

He galloped towards them. Voss’ antlers glowed a crimson red, as it charged up with dark magic. Suddenly, six red thorns sprouted from the ground, and begun floating upwards, next to Voss on both his left and right side. It looked like Voss was casting a spell, and was ready to strike! Sam begun to zig-zag, as his enemy stared into his soul.

Voss kept his magic pumping through his horns, waiting for the right moment to strike. He knew that if he struck now, he’d miss, so he was planning on a full on assault on Sam. However, he was considering on striking Sam anyways. As he stood his ground, his partners had already leaped forward to attack.

Sam knew this wasn’t going to be an easy fight, but nothing could prepare him for what is to come next.

As both Dark and Slaughter charged towards the earth pony, Dark tossed his blade to his left hand, with little to no fail. He suddenly leaned back, and sled across the grass. His arm firing up with flaming hot magic, the orange-red glow almost blinding Sam. The fiery arm was also burning the grass below, as he was using it to slow his sliding. Slaughter had made a net earlier, which he was now in the process of regurgitating it, in order to use it as a projectile.

Sam soon realized what Dark was planning to do, and quickly tried to move away. But Slaughter was there, and before Sam could even react, Slaughter shot his net. When he fired it, it sounded like a harpoon-gun, as it caught Sam directly. Sam closed his eyes instinctively, thinking it’s the end...

But it wasn’t.

Sam opened his eyes, and all he saw was a blue aura around him. He was confused for a moment, before he realized that it was a new ability. He had somehow created a shield for himself...

Rainbow Dash was panting, she, like her friends, was pretty tired from struggling, with her being the most exhausted. They were hoping Sam would save them, or perhaps somepony stronger. However, by the sounds below them, it seemed as though luck was not in Sam’s favor. The sounds of loud thuds and punches were heard, but Sam wasn’t making any noise. There was also the sounds of an annoyed Dark Samuel telling Voss to join in.

Dash and her friends knew that they needed to help him, since Sam was at a disadvantage. But their binds were unfortunately too strong. It felt like there’s no hope of escaping, and sooner or later, Sam probably won’t survive for much longer.

Down below, Sam was just getting pummeled by his attackers. Thankfully, his shield was keeping him safe from any of the worst lashes that they had. He found reality slow down, as he felt like he was going out of body. He then glared down at the dirt, as he was held down by the web.

“Why, voice? Why did you make me fight as an earth pony!? I need that dragon form!” Sam growled inside. In response, the voice spoke.

“Stop using... my shield.”

“No! I’ll be destroyed! Why can’t I use the dragon form?”

“But you... can use earth... you know how to... use it...” They said. Sam wasn’t so easily convinced.

“What am I doing wrong? Is this a joke to you!?”

“No... these powers can be... achieved by thinking of... nature... the same way... you activate... the dragon form...” With that, Sam paused. He couldn’t help but feel dumb for not knowing. He quickly begun thinking in a matter of seconds. He tried as hard as he could to think of the grass, the trees, the forest and the soil...

Twilight Sparkle was trying to think of a way to break out. If only her horn was...

Her thoughts were interrupted, when she felt slight tugging, on the web wrapped around her horn. Twilight wondered what was happening, when she suddenly felt her horn peek out of the silk. She tried her magic again, her eyes widened. She can use her magic! She wondered who, or what, freed her horn, but she wasted no time. Twilight glanced down, with her eyes. She begun tugging at the silk wrapped around her, It was tight, and vary sturdy. It felt as though Slaughter was vary skilled at making tough web.

Dark Samuel was slightly agitated, he was inches from finally getting payback for his embarrassing defeat. All he needed to do, is break that shield! Although he had to admit, it’s kinda cruel being a bully like this.

“Trust me, kid. What we’re doing is nowhere near as bad as what we can ACTUALLY do. I mean, our job is to distract you, not destroy you. Y’know?” Dark rationalized. Slaughter looked over at Dark, and squinted at him.

“You personality is vary inconsistent, now that I’ve noticed.” He commented. Dark shot him a disgruntled expression.

“Neither are you.”

“Says the one who was an idiotic fool when combating this little brat!”



Sam had his hooves into the ground. He begun channeling his thoughts through the cold earth. The two looked down at him in confusion, for a moment. The shield Sam had, suddenly disappeared. There was an emerald green aura floating around Sam’s hooves, as if the ground was oozing magic. Dark and his partner--or rather, his rival, backed up for a moment.

“Woah, what’s he doing!?” Dark asked in confusion.

“Nani!?” Slaughter said, trying to fit in one last crack. Even though he had no clue what was happening, he felt the instinct to. Only Voss knew of this.

“No... Quick! Get off the ground!” Voss warned to his allies. As soon as they heard him, Dark and Slaughter took action. Slaughter cocked his head back, and shot a long silk string. The web flew into the trees above, before it stuck to one branch. He quickly bit the string, and began climbing up. Dark Samuel was looking around, trying to decide what to do. It didn’t take long before he chose to be a coward, and run from the scene.

Voss was slightly agitated that Dark was falling back--or at least, it looked like so--but considering the pony before them, it was pretty reasonable to run. Sam’s eyes glowed green, before the ground shook. The roots of the trees begun getting uprooted from underground, and all nearby vines that hung from the trees, came to life.

Dark turned, just in time to see a vine wrap itself around his ankle. He roared in annoyance, before he begun using his fiery sword to burn the vine. It released his foot, only for his ankle to be grabbed by a replacement vine. Dark felt more wrap themselves around his arms, and his legs. One wrapped around his abdomen, and jerk him backwards. Though he was certainly stronger than the vines, the fact that the vines kept getting replaced with new ones was becoming a chore.

Voss quickly flew high above the vines and roots, and came up to the branches above. Unfortunately for him, the branches came alive as well. They first had a green aura, before they quickly snatched his antlers. To Voss; the tree limbs felt like wooden fingers, but with no consistent length of each ‘finger’ on each ‘hand’. Voss growled as he tried to pull away, but the tree’s ‘arms’ managed to get tangled in his antlers. Everytime Voss pulled, his antlers screamed of irritation.

Slaughter was still in the process of climbing his silk rope, when he saw Voss at the corner of his eye. Like a prey mantis, he turned his eyeball towards Voss, and noticed that the tree limbs were alive. Slaughter quickly realized the mistake he made, and as he looked back up, he already saw the tree pull him upwards. They managed to snap the silk, but they grabbed it before he could fall. They begun pulling up the web, which made Slaughter panic slightly.

It looked like Sam went from a weak little trooper, to an insanely powerful squirt! He had to think; If he cuts the silk, he’ll fall and get snagged by the tree roots. He’s screwed either way. But then Slaughter smirked on the inside.

“Ha! He really IS a Mary Sue!” He thought. But even still, he couldn’t help but be slightly terrified. “Uh... those branches aren’t gonna rip into my costume... are they?”

Suddenly, a light bulb came to his mind. But he had to just squint at a nearby tree for a moment, taking in how stupid he was for not thinking of this before. He grabbed his jaws with his top row of arms, and force opened his mouth. His ghostly form crawled out, thus, rendering his costume useless. He fell to the ground, along with his skin. He then turned, and laughed when he saw that the plants didn’t exactly notice him.

Meanwhile, with Twilight and her friends:

After a bit of struggling, Twilight managed to pull the web off her face. But when she opened her eyes, she saw two, wooden, tentacle-like twigs ‘staring’ at her for a second. The tree limbs didn’t stay for long, before they moved away. Twilight Sparkle turned to her left, and saw the branches ripping into the webbing of her friends. It seemed like the tree had some sort of bias for Rainbow, for that between the three of them, Rainbow Dash was the only one with all the webbing removed. Dash pushed away the twigs, but they wrapped around her waist.

Dark snarled as the vines kept coming. Voss shared similar feelings as he struggled against the trees. Voss knew that their efforts won’t go anywhere, unless Sam is taken out. Voss glanced over towards the pony, and noticed that Sam’s hooves looked as if they were merging with the dirt under him. Voss remembered something, and quickly took note of what it meant.

“If he merges with the dirt, he’ll turn into something much worst than Samneo...” Voss thought. He swiftly made his move. He begun flying towards the earth pony, dodging any vines that dared to take him. It wasn’t long before he was ensnared by vines, and roots. However, Voss had a special ability that he hadn’t told his partners. Voss closed his eyes, and begun to relax. His body begun to melt, literally.

Dark saw something at the top of his sight. He looked up, and saw Voss practically melt into the ground! As if he was just jelly mixed with water. The dark splotch that was Voss begun slithering towards Sam. Voss appeared to be inside the ground, yet he wasn’t at the same time. Dark couldn’t help but be jealous of this, that ability would be vary helpful by now.

In over half a second, Voss had jumped in his splotched form, and latched himself onto Sam. This knocked Sam off the ground, ripping his hooves out of the ground. Thankfully, Sam hadn’t merged all the way, so his hooves were fine. After he had been knocked off the spot, the vines, roots, and branches had lost power. As if time stopped, they all froze. Even the branches around Rainbow’s waist had lost power, thus, allowing her to wiggle free.

Everypony were left in bewilderment. Though Dark, Voss, and Slaughter pretty much were witnesses, so they weren’t as bewildered as the prisoners. Voss quickly slithered away as fast as he could, wanting to avoid Sam at all costs.

Sam was temporarily unconscious, but he was soon coming to. He opened his eyes, and was realizing what he did. Questions like ‘How did I do that?’ and ‘Why did I do that?’ were popping up in his mind, either way, he was just as confused as everypony...

Dark, Slaughter, and Voss, were shaking, before they quickly begun to run away. They ran in different directions, though in the case of Voss, he slithered. Dark went west, Slaughter went south east, and Voss went north west. Sam considered on chasing them, but he was still a bit shaken by the hit he took by Voss, that he didn’t care if they ran.

He laid his head on the ground, panting through his nostrils.

“Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt if I...” Sam thought, before he heard shuffling in the brush above. Soon, he heard the voices of his friends, before he fainted.

A few minutes later...

“Wait, he’s waking up!” Fluttershy said. Sam opened his eyes, and took in his surroundings. Rainbow, Twilight, and Fluttershy were all staring at him. He was laying on his back, with Fluttershy on his right side. Twilight as on the opposite side of Sam, and Rainbow Dash was hovering above ground in front of him. He blinked, before he rubbed his for-head.

“... wha... what happen...?” Sam asked.

“You were unconscious, we thought you’d never wake up!” Rainbow explained. Sam groaned, as he had a thought that wasn’t his own. He was unsure what it was, but he was tired.

“Ugh... were’s the orb...?” He asked. Rainbow Dash turned to where the orb was, and flew over to it. She picked it up, and brought it to Sam. He was blinded by the orb’s light, but it dimmed a bit, allowing him to see it. He reached out and touched it, and thus, he was given some memories back...

Soon, Sam started discovering that he was able to do things that felt like it was right out of a roleplaying game. He also begun seeing visions of both a Dragon, and a mysterious girl, wearing purple. The dragon wasn’t him...

Sam opened his eyes, and sat up. The orb vanished from Rainbow’s hooves, which raised some questions.

“What did you see?” Twilight asked. Sam shook his head, before he looked up at Rainbow.

“I-i... I saw... me, who was doing the shield ability... and somehow doing what my dragon form was doing. I also saw my dragon form... which... from what I was implied from... it didn’t belong to me...?” Sam explained.

Everypony was mystified. Sam looked down, and begun to think about what he saw.

“Well, it seems like maybe, judging from how different you and your dragon form are. Perhaps you’re on to something with it not belonging to you. I can’t really give an answer.” Twilight said.

Sam kept thinking, and he remembered.

“A-also! I saw a strange girl... she was wearing all purple and...” Sam sighed, as he looked up at the sky. The sun was setting, due to the orange hoe from the sky. “Can we continue this, when we get back home...?”

“W-why yes.” Fluttershy replied.

“Same here.” Rainbow shrugged.

“Alright, let’s go back to Ponyville.” Twilight concluded.

With that, they all returned to Ponyville, where they all went their separate ways. Sam and Twilight went back to the castle, while Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash went back to their places. Sam couldn’t help but go to bed numb that night...

Author's Note:

FINALLY GOT THIS SON OF A BITCH OUT. Bit late on the Season 9 Premiere, I feel like I’ve failed myself for not getting this story done in time. Just to clarify; this is NOT the end of the story, this is only the mid way point--as implied by the title.

There’s four chapters after this, and that’ll be it for The Earth Pony. I would talk about the sequel after this, but I think I’ll save that for the end. As for this chapter, I feel like I half-assed it again, due to my writer’s block. This chapter was a huge road block, but thankfully the four chapters were being worked on before this one, so the next two should be quick uploads. I also felt like this was somewhat rushed in some areas, especially near the end, because I just wanted to get this out of the way, once and for all.