• Published 31st Oct 2017
  • 3,425 Views, 73 Comments

Twilight's 1000th Birthday Blowout - Cyndaquil

A time travelling Spike is inviting all Twilight's closest friends to her one thousandth birthday.

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9 It's All Coming Back To Me Now - Part 1

Pinkie Pie brushed the dishes aside, and tossed open a brochure upon the table. “Hey ponies, look what I have.
”Fortunately, the ponies had finished their meal.

The brochure had a map of the whole park, and descriptions of all the attractions. It was like the larger map they had seen near the central fountain.

“Good thinking Pinkie, Spikes gonna be busy with the Ogres and Oubliettes tourny, so he can’t be showing us around,” Applejack stated. “This here will help us plan our day.”

“Should we wait and see if Twilight wants to join us?” Fluttershy asked.

“Nah, let the birthday girl sleep in. I think she can find us whenever she sets her mind to it.”

“Say, when is her birthday?The party seems set to go on for days, and we haven’t had cake yet.”

Pinkie ran through her encyclopedic knowledge of Ponyville birthdays. She knew that Minuette’s b-day was just two days before Twilight’s, and didn’t want it to be overshadowed or forgotten. Although it was nowhere close to the actual birth date when they time-travelled, so would missing it really count? For that matter, if they spend days here then return to the time they left then do all the birth days get moved up by the amount of time they spent in the future. She shook her head, trying to stop her thoughts from getting caught in a temporal loop.

“Pinkie, darling, we don’t even know if it’s truly day or night right now.”

“Spike had a pocket watch,” Applejack mentioned. “We’ll ask him later. Anyway, for all intents and purposes, it’s morning of a new day. So what should we do today?”

Applejack looked at the Star-fighters and the haunted castle, then turned to Rainbow Dash.“I’ll bet I know where you wanna go.”

“Oh yeah, Breezie village here I come!”

Everypony stopped and stared at her. This was one of those moments where one would expect a deafening silence, broken only by the chirping of crickets. Rainbow Dash seemed to take a moment, as though trying to figure out whatever she could have said which elicited such a reaction.

“It was a joke.”

Ponies freed themselves of there frozen expressions and resumed their normal activities. While the other three were talking, Fluttershy spoke softly to Rainbow Dash.“I’d like to see breezie village.”

“Great, let’s go together.”

Twilight’s socks didn’t match. On one hoof was a striped sock, the first Rarity had tried on. On the other hoof was a plaid sock.It had large red squares, and stripes that criss-crossed one another, darkening where they overlapped.

“Wow,” she looked at her hooves in a daze.“I really went all out last night, didn’t I?”

Minty offered Twilight a hot cocoa. She was wearing socks with a candy cane style of twisted stripes, which lead the eye towards her thighs.

They leaned on one another, and sank into the cushions. “So how long can we stay like this?”Minty asked.

“How long?” Twilight snickered. “How should I know?”

They decided to meet at a fork in the road. The park was divided into different area’s which each followed their own theme. At this fork, Twilights kingdom met with both the land of the Breezies, and the Realm of Chaos. The sign, telling which was which, was actually broken and turned sideways, so Fluttershy simply looked off into the distance in both directions. She assumed the direction where she saw flying pigs was the realm of chaos.

“Have you been waiting long,” Rainbow Dash asked.

Fluttershy turned to her friend; she was surprised at what she saw. Gone was the usual windswept look of Rainbow Dash’s hair. If it were simply combed straight, or even given some gel, Fluttershy would not have paid it much mind; however Rainbow Dash had apparently gone through the trouble to curl the tips of her mane in the front and in the back.

Rainbow Dash saw that Fluttershy had noticed the change.“Do you like it?”, she asked.

She paused, though not to long before answering.“ It’s lovely.”

“I did it myself. Me and AJ went on some rides together, and afterwards my hair was a frightful mess.” Rainbow Dash fluffed her hair up with her hoof. “So I went back to my room and fixed it up. Guess I went a little overboard.”

Fluttershy nodded. In the back of her mind she thought, ‘Rainbow Dash seems different today,’ and it wasn’t because of the hair.

As they walked on, their bodies began to shrink. They felt a weight just above their brows, as antennae sprouted.

It is well known that breezies are among the most delicate creatures in Equestria. If you’re a breezie, going outside when there is a gentle breeze could be considered an act of bravery. When Twilight first considered creating the breezie village attraction, every pony thought she would have to put the creatures into an enclosure, and separate them from relatively more dangerous ponies. That idea never crossed the princesses mind. To her the solution was so obvious, she had it before even considering there could be a problem. This solution was to turn everypony into breezies’. ‘It might have been nice if Twilight had let others in on her plan.'

Fluttershy gave one last wistful look into the realm of chaos. Picking up on her mood, which was unusual for Rainbow Dash, she asked, “Would you rather visit Discord.”

“He’ll be busy with his Ogres and Oubliettes tournament today.”

“It’s not good to let your feelings stir too long.” She comfortingly placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“I suppose.” Fluttershy wondered if she was just being vain. If Spike hadn’t told her that Discord didn’t remember her face, would she be so concerned? She was curious how the draconequus changed over time, but it’s not like the Discord back in her own time would have forgotten her, and Fluttershy couldn’t even imagine what happens to memories when so much time passes.

The two moved on. Soon they were chatting in high pitched chipmunk voices and fluttering on tiny butterfly wings that are actually quite huge in proportion to their shrunken bodies. Rainbow Dash seemed unconcerned, as she fluttered around the seemingly gigantic wildflowers, gleefully sniffing at the pollen. As for Fluttershy, between her thoughts about Discord, and Rainbow Dashes weird behaviour, being a breezie almost caught her by surprise.

“Don’t get too far from the trail,” Fluttershy warned.

Rainbow Dash wasn’t listening. At that moment she had spotted a raspberry that was bigger then her torso. She few towards it, only to bump heads with another breezie.

“Ouch!”, the two spoke in unison. Then Rainbow looked at the other pony in awe. She was somewhere between purple and pink coated, with a lime green mane. This was a face she recognized very well. For a brief moment, Rainbow Dash wondered if she had bumped into a mirror. ‘Mirror,’ of course not, she looked nothing like that; Although, their hairstyles where similar right now.

“Daisy, is that you?”

“Oh my! Miss Rainbow Dash, yes it’s me.”

Even transformed into a breezie, Rainbow Dash was quick to recognize Daisy. She was one of the local florists in her town of Ponyville; though recently they’d come to have a far more personal connection then just that. Though it’s unclear if Rainbow Dash was aware, she had been implanted with Daisy’s memories. The implant was supposed to allow Rainbow Dash to experience some of what she will miss if she never returns to Ponyville. Ideally, the memories would sit in the back of her consciousness and she could choose what to integrate and what to reject over time. A case could be made that it wasn’t working properly.

Did Daisy know yet that her memories would be implanted into Rainbow Dashes mind. Surely this was her before it happened (and after).

“I came here with my friends Lily Valley and Roseluck” Daisy answered.“ They’re both nature lovers. Lily isn’t very adventurous though.”

“Same with my pal, Fluttershy.”

Daisy looked around awkwardly. “We’ve gotten pretty far from the trail. Maybe I should go look for them.”

“And I should go meet up with Fluttershy.”

“Okay, uh… see you later.”Daisy flew off. She looked back only once, with a concerned expression.

As she got out of the brush, Rainbow Dash called out for Fluttershy.

“Halt intruder!”came a voice too high pitched to be threatening. Dash turned to see a natural born breezie who could have been a descendent of Seabreeze. The breezie carried a pine from a pine tree, and brandished it like a spear, although the point was sanded to dullness (so nobody would get hurt).

“Oh, I’m sorry, I never meant to intrude on anybody. I was just looking for my friend.”

<Psst!>Don’t worry, I’m a host for the park. This is just a storyline event.” The breezie whispered. Next, she made a stabbing gesture with her sphere, and returned to her scripted performance. “I see, so you are a brave hero, come to rescue the princess. You’re no match for my lord. Our land is the domain of the Jabberwocky; it is his to rule, for none have ever been brave enough, or clever enough to best him at his own game.”

“Uh… Excuse me, I don’t mean to be rude, but I’ve been separated from my friend and I really should find her. She has a yellow coat and a pink mane.”

“Your friend is a prisoner of the Jabberwocky.”


The breezie broke script again, realizing how much the word prisoner upset her guest. “It’s not as bad as it sounds. We needed a princess for heroes to try and rescue in our story event, and she agreed to help us out. Right now she’s in our village, where she gets to wear traditional outfits, learn about our culture, what we do for fun, and join in a tea party with the Jabberwocky”

“Oh, okay.”

‘Rarity would have loved this place,’ Fluttershy thought. Two breezies worked diligently on her hooficure, while a tailor, a mane stylist, and a makeup artist attended to her. They were all eager and cheerful and could barely keep from tripping over one another. Her hair was styled upward. She was given dark eye shadow, and little lime green triangles were painted under her eyes. The tailor worked on a big ruffled collar and a matching ruffled skirt. She recognized the outfit as traditional breezie party dress, though if her knowledge was accurate, then this type of makeup should be reserved for weddings.

When she was all dolled up, some giggling lasses took her by the hooves and started to lead.

“Where are you taking me?”

“You’re going to have a tea party with the Jabberwocky.”

Though Fluttershy loved tea parties, they were usually held between lunch and dinner, and right now it felt more like it was time for a meal. She could have been hungry from all the walking she did. Telling time was still as difficult as ever in this part of the park.

They passed a number of structures with more traditional breezie architecture, but the house they were leading her too was not like them at all. This house was a bit of an eyesore actually, and looked a little dilapidated. It seemed huge, though since she was a breezie at the moment, it could be no bigger then a dolls house. In fact she vaguely recognized it as one of the castle play-sets from that game; ogres and oubliettes. Spike wouldn’t like the name castle play-set, he always preferred siege fortress.

Oh my gosh! ‘It is Spike,’ Fluttershy thought.‘Spike must be the Jaberwocky, how adorable.’

She rushed ahead of the girls and made her way into the castle.

Once inside, she called out.“Hello Sp… Mr. Jaberwocky, I’m here for our tea party.

“Ah, the princess has arrived.”

The voice, came from all directions and no direction, it seemed to fill the castle. It was a voice that Fluttershy knew well, and it wasn’t the voice of Spike the Dragon.

“Welcome my dear. So you agreed to be our princess for today.”

Now the voice came from one direction, but when Fluttershy looked one way it switched to the opposite direction.

“The breezies told me they found a pretty one. Oh, but you’re more than pretty; you are absolutely beautiful my dear.”

Fluttershy blushed. Did he recognize her?

“It’s so nice that you agreed to play the princess in our little game. Would-be heroes will surely give their all to try and rescue you my dear.”

Fluttershy walked further into the room. A table walked toward her, and a chair followed close behind. She sat down, used to this sort of thing. A serving tray ran up to her and opened its cover, barking and panting for attention. She took out a cucumber sandwich and took a big bite.It was just like the ones she used to make for him. When did he learn the recipe?

Grape juice poured itself into a wine glass. Finally Fluttershy decided to say something. “I thought you were going to be busy with the Ogres and Oubliettes tournament all day.”

The voice paused. “I am at the tournament, I’m just a very good multitasker.I can be in two, three, or five places at once; not four though.” A pair of eyes appeared in midair, and soon after the body of Discord followed.

“You are a pretty one,” the draconequus commented.“ Perhaps we should raise the stakes a bit for those would-be heroes. How about a wedding? You and I can get married.I’m sure the heroes will be rushing to break that up.”

Fluttershy took a sip of her tea, strawberry peoni and peach blend with honey already in it. Discord still had a bit of a sweet tooth. “You say it like you’re being spontaneous, but I know I’m already wearing breezie wedding attire.”

A deep chortle rose from the draconequus’ throat. He clapped his cloven hand and his paw together. “Oh how fun, a pony who is hard to surprise, I love a challenge.” He passed her another tray of h’orderves, she was no longer worried about having a tea party for lunch, the greater concern was overeating.

“Oh I surprise quite easily actually. You just didn’t get me that time.”

“Well, that’s fun too my dear. Who doesn’t love a good surprise.”

The draconequus wasn’t his normal self, though form was always a fluid concept to him. If he were his regular size, then he would be massive, and truly terrifying in comparison to a tiny breezie. Discord was smaller, but still two heads taller then the tallest breezie. His head was more rounded, while his antler and horn had moved to be in the position where antennae ought to be. This however wasn’t breezie discord, he chose to make his wings one scaly bat like and the other feathered, though they were now larger then his entire body.

Discord was being charming (for Discord). Fluttershy wondered whether or not she should continue to play coy. She wanted to test and see if Discord knew who she was, or maybe drop hints and see it he’d figure it out. Fluttershy wondered what she could say to drop her first hint. While trying to think of one, she asked, “So how did you become friends with the breezies.” After asking her question, she took a sip of tea.

“My first and fourth wives were both breezies.”

Fluttershy spit out her tea.

“Ha, I guess it’s not so hard to surprise you my dear.” He could tell his guest was wondering whether that was supposed to be a joke or not. Discord paused, as though unsure whether to continue. “Actually, I had a friend once, a very good friend, who was fascinated by the breezies. She would go to see them on their migrations. One year she… couldn’t make it for the migration. I set myself up with the unpleasant task of telling the breezies that they would never see her again.” Discord lowered his head, and starred into his tea cup.

A tear burned slightly, ready to make its way from Fluttershy’s eye. “That must have been very difficult.”

“No kidding! As soon as the breezies saw me they ran in terror. The whole group got scattered.”

It was wrong, but now Fluttersy was trying to hold back a laugh.

“I had to chase them down one by one and just teleport them to where they were migrating to. It’s a wonder that no breezies were lost that year.” Discord munched on one of his own sandwiches, before going on.

“Anyway, when they ran, they all screamed Jabberwocky.”

“I’ve heard that name. Theres a story that a writer and mathematician who played a prank on a bunch of history and literature professors. He read them a poem about the brave hero who set out to slay the Jabberwocky.”

“Yes, the professors were supposed to guess what culture the poem came from. They argued about it for a while, said maybe it was Celtic or Scandinavian.”

“Yes, then the man who presented the poem said he just made it up himself.”

“Ha, simple but effective, a good joke overall. Except, I’ve seen breezie art that predates the poem, and it depicts the Jabberwocky.”

“Really?” Fluttershy shuddered. She’d never heard of any such art.

Discord leaned in and gave a toothy grin:

“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!”

“You’re making that up! There is no Jabberwocky.”

“Am I, maybe I am, though I assure you I’ve only told one lie today.”

“Hear-yay, Hear-yay, let it be known to all who dare, that this hear be the entrance to the path of heroes.” A breezie holding a scroll read out an announcement. This was the same spear breezie whom Rainbow Dash had met earlier. “If you think you are brave enough and clever enough to defeat the Jabberwocky, then you may take this path. The challenge consists of riddles, puzzles, and feats of athleticism. The line starts at this dandelion. Challengers will enter in pairs of two, and do so five minutes apart.”

“Did she say pairs of two?”Lily asked.“There are three of us, doe this mean we can’t all go together?” Lily was worried. Her, Roseluck, and Daisy did practically everything together.

“Can I go with one of you guys?” Rainbow Dash offered.

Lily was pleased, but Daisy gave Rainbow Dash a nervous look. “Why don’t you go with me Lily? Roseluck, you can go with Miss Rainbow Dash.”

“Um… Okay.”

The breezie coughed for attention, then gave another announcement. “We have upped the stakes slightly on the challenge. The Jabberwocky has announced that he will marry the princess.”

“Marry Fluttershy!”Rainbow Dash practically screamed.

“If no brave heroes manage to complete the challenge, and defeat the Jabberwocky by sundown Ponyville time, then the wedding will commence.”

“This is still a game, right.”Lily chewed her hooves, sounding nervous again.

Roseluck turned to Rainbow Dash. “Uh…I’m not very good at riddles, she warned. Maybe you should ask Daisy to go with you. "She’s really good.”

“How’s your memory Rosie dear?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

Roseluck was a little surprised only Daisy ever called her Rosie Dear. “I have a great memory. I’ve memorized over 200, 000 flower plants in the Phylum Anthophyta.”

“Wonderful,”Rainbow clapped her hooves together, “here is what I want you to do, remember all the riddles on the challenge. You don’t have to solve them, just remember what they are.”

“Um, okay I can do that?”

“And when this is over, I want you do tell them all to Daisy, and see if she can get the answers.”

There was a knock on the door of the Siege Fortress. Discord snapped his fingers and the doors opened themselves. There stood princess Twilight Sparkle. She lifted her wings, flapped, and gracefully glided onto the faux cobblestone floor of the siege fortress.

“Twilight, what are you doing here?”

“I’m here for the wedding of course.”


“Yes, I’ll be performing the ceremony.”

“But Twilight, you’re a princess; princesses can do real and official wedding ceremonies.”

“Of course, we’re not little fillies you know; Discord's game needs to have real stakes or it won’t be much fun, will it?” She gave a wink to the Draconequus.