• Published 6th Nov 2017
  • 1,063 Views, 17 Comments

My Little Short Stories: The Princess of Friendship - Paradise Oasis

A series of short stories about Princess Twilight Sparkle, as seen from her own descendant's point of view

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".... And that's how Twilight worked out things with Moondancer, apologizing and throwing her a new party, with the help of her Ponyville friends. Now, did you want to hear about another of the Princess of Friendship's amazing adventures?"

"What was it like for the two of you when you first arrived in Ponyville? Did you two start building Celebration Castle then?"

"No, that actually came a year later. But as to how we reacted to first moving here, I can tell you a story from right after Twilight and her new friends defeated Nightmare Moon...

"Well, here y'all go, Twi," Applejack stated, as she and the other girls helped move the rest of her stuff into the Golden Oaks library. "Ah think we got everythin' now, so we'll all jest be moseying along."

"Thanks girls, I really appreciate all of the help." Twilight replied, as the other five fillies trotted back out the door. "And I really want to thank all of you, and everypony else in town, for making Spike and I feel so welcome!"

"Oh, Tish Tosh! Think nothing of it, Twilight!" Rarity reassured her new friend, and she levitated the last box she was carrying to the floor. "It can be hard being the new girl in town! We just wanted to make you feel at home in a new place."

"I'll always feel at home with you around, Rarity." the baby dragon replied, hearts filling his eyes. "You're the nicest fashionista I've ever met!"

"Aww, such a little sweetheart!" Rarity cooed, patting the little dragon on the head. "See you later, little Spikey Wikey!"

Ummm, Spike? Who is that mare in the image? And are you staring at her with those goofy eyes?"

"Huh? Oh, never you mind about that, Princess! You're too young to worry about such things!"

"Uh huh, riiiiight... that's the same way mom looks at dad, when they tell me to go to my room at night."

"I did not need to hear that about your mother, Princess Wisteria. Now, would you please be quiet, and watch the story?"

After Rarity had left, the shy yellow pegasus pony came forward, saying her goodbyes to Twilight.

"Umm, thank you so much for helping to save our princess, and Equestria." The timid little filly told her. "You should stop by, and see the animals sometime."

"Why, thank you, Fluttershy." Twilight smiled, hugging her other new friend. "And I'm planning to order a whole bunch of new books on animals. I hope you'll come by, and check out sometime."

"Wait, a Pegasus living in Ponyville? I thought Starsong was the only Pegasus who lived in this town!"

"Sigh... yes, there used to be a whole lot of Pegasai and unicorns in Ponyville, before the three tribes broke apart once more. Now, Princess Pink, would you please stop asking questions, and just watch?!"

Then, a blue Pegasus followed the first one out, waving a hoof to Twilight as she left.

"Catch ya later, Twi!" The blue filly said, trying to sound cool. "We should totally hang out again soon!"

And lastly, a pink filly with a pink mane when cartwheeling out the door, shouting excitedly.

"Gee Twilight, that was so totally a lot of fun!" the hyperactive mare giggled. "We''l have to throw you a moving-in party tomorrow! Followed by a first week in Ponyville party, then we can-"

"Fluttershy? Pinkie Pie? Spike, I know ponies by those names! Pinkie Pie looks the same, but what happened to Dashie?! How did she get wings?!"

"Princess, for the last time, would you please be QUIET!"

"....Okay, shutting up now..."

As she watched her new friends go, Twilight Sparkle thought about how much her life had changed since moving to Ponyville. She had made friends for the first time in her life, besides Shining Armor and Cadence, of course, and realized how an important aspect of her life had been missing.

All of her new friends were so incredible; Applejack with her hard work and plain living, and Rarity with her creativity and sense of style. Rainbow Dash's coolness, and Fluttershy's gentle compassion. Twilight had despised Pinkie Pie's annoying nature at first, but the unicorn was eternally grateful that Pinkie had thrown that 'Welcome to Ponyville' party, which had led to their great quest, and the beginnings of their friendships. All four ponies each brought something different to their little group of friends, as if each added their own unique ingredient to the mix, creating a wonderful friendship stew.

And as a student, there was so much about friendship her friends could teach her. Each one was like taking a separate class at university, each enriching her life and knowledge more than it had been. Looking back on how isolated she had made herself at Canterlot, Twilight Sparkle had never realized how such a major aspects of a pony's life had been missing from hers. She almost despised the arrogant, book-obsessed filly she had been, the pony who dismissed friendship as a waste of time. The magic of friendship was something that had become very important to the little bookworm filly, and she was extremely grateful to have it in her life now.

Still, she was determined to treat her study of friendship, the way she treated every other research project and form of study she had worked on. Twilight Sparkle was a very studious student, covering every detail, and meticulously detailing every aspect of any given topic of study. And she was determined to study and understand every aspect of friendship, and report all of her findings back to her exalted teacher, Princess Celestia. And there was no time to start a project like the present!

"Spike, would you come here, please?" Twilight called out to her assistant. "I want to take some notes on the things I want to take notes on friendship."

"Coming, Twilight!" Spike replied, as he came running up with a quill, ink, and parchment. "I'm all raring and ready to write!"

"Say, Spike? "

"Grrrr, what is it, my princess?!"

"Was that little purple dragon really you? I mean, you're all taller and blue now, what happened?"