• Published 21st Jul 2012
  • 3,647 Views, 291 Comments

Latex and Lace - starshine_dash

  • ...

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Octavia groaned as the sun hit her face, the searing blaze of Celestia's orb searing past her eyelids to burn into her brain. The hoofsteps of the ponies moving about in the outside world sounded to her like a gong being expertly struck just behind her eyes. Occasionally buzzing next to her, her partner's wings grated on every single nerve in her body. This was a hangover for the record books. Pulling the blanket over her head to block out the foul day star, another moan escaped her lips. Her entire body ached, and her muscles only sluggishly responded to her commands. She felt drained, in more ways that one. Casting her mind back to the night before, all she could remember was taking those first steps up the stairs. The rest was simply nothingness.

Vinyl struggled with consciousness, deciding it would be better to get up now and get the hangover over with before she wasted the entire day in bed. Grumbling, she sat up and blinked, looking around. She had apparently, at some point after taking a second shot of Berry's punch and following her marefriend upstairs, put on a rather lacy quartet of socks. She recognized them from her secret case and wondered what the hay had happened. Next to her, Octavia likewise rose from her slumber, whimpering at the sun. The DJ blinked and had to concentrate hard to revert back to her unicorn form, receiving a fresh burst of migraine for her efforts. Putting on her sunglasses, thankful for the light they blocked, she looked back at her bed mate.

The cellist looked down at herself, wondering why her skin felt so tight. From neck to flank and down to her hooves, she was covered in a form-fitting latex outfit with openings in certain strategic places. She blinked a few times and looked over at Vinyl, "Did you help me get this on?"

"Sweetie, I don't even know how I got these on," the unicorn said, levitating a sock off of a hoof.

"So you don't remember anything about last night either..."

Groaning and rolling herself out of bed, Vinyl sighed, "Considering how I feel, though, I'd have to say you were... vigorous at least," she said with a wince and a wobble in her walk, "Not that I'm complaining."

"That would explain why my everything hurts..." the earth pony sighed, beginning the arduous process of extricating herself from her favorite latex bodysuit. By the time Vinyl had prayed to the porcelain throne, cleaned herself up, and felt slightly more like a pony, Octavia had managed to get herself out of her suit and onto her hooves. She took her turn in the bathroom while Vinyl returned to bed. A thought occurred to her as she lay there, still feeling full despite rejecting everything she had eaten the previous day. Blaming her full stomach on love was fine enough, but there was another full sensation that was unfamiliar.



"You didn't happen to find any uh, evidence in the bathroom did you? Maybe a little foil packet or some herb bits?"

"N-no, I didn't..."

"I was never good at spells when I was drunk either..."

"We didn't..."

Vinyl nodded slowly, staring up at the ceiling while Octavia joined her on the bed, resting her head on the other mare's shoulder, "I think we did... I know we had sex, but... I think we forgot protection."

"Well, you aren't in estrus, so you should be fine, right?"

"I probably can't get pregnant anyway."

A nuzzle reassured her slightly, "Well, we'll just be careful from now on anyway."

The DJ nuzzled back and gave her marefriend a kiss, "Yeah."

The two lay, cuddled against each other, for a time before falling back into the land of sleep, intent on ridding themselves of the hangover. Such a thing was not meant to be as the doorbell rang not even an hour later. Octavia sighed and stood, beginning the long trudge down the stairs. She cast her eyes about and took in the surprisingly immaculate condition of her living room and kitchen. Opening the door, the light outside filtered in and she grumbled unhappily at whichever pony had dragged her out of bed.

"Morning, Octavia!" smiled Pinkie Pie. The cellist winced, somehow, that smile physically hurt, "I just wanted to let you know I cleaned up after the party and give you guys some bagels for breakfast!"

"You couldn't have just left a note?"

"Of course not, silly. That would be rude!"

Octavia sighed, "Well, thank you, Pinkie, but if you don't mind, I'm going to return to nursing my hangover in bed with my marefriend. I'm sure we'll enjoy the bagels when the thought of food doesn't make us want to run for the bathroom."

"Okay! Have a great day!"

The cellist closed the door, sliding to the floor and clutching her head. That pink menace's cheer was like an ice pick to her brain. Finally regaining the courage to attempt walking again, she returned upstairs and entered her bathroom. Afterwards, she felt slightly less like something that had been rotting in the sun and slightly more like a normal pony. Returning to bed, she lay her head on Vinyl's chest and listened to the other mare's heartbeat as the unicorn slept. The steady rhythm gradually lulled her back into blissful slumber, taking her away from the aches and discomfort of her wretched body.

The doorbell rang again a few hours later, but went ignored by the sleeping mares. They slept until well after dusk before finally rising at the bidding of their stomachs. Partaking of the bagels Pinkie had left, they ate quietly, leaning against each other with happy smiles. Their bodies still ached and their heads still hurt, but today had been a surprisingly good day.