• Published 6th Nov 2017
  • 5,731 Views, 105 Comments

Nipples - Trick Question

After learning male horses don't have nipples, Button Mash has a difficult question for Mom.

  • ...


Cup Cake arrived at my home earlier than usual, which was a relief. She was my last customer of the day, and I was looking forward to a break from my daycare job.

"How were the twins today?" she asked, loading each of the two giggling babies into the baby-holster saddlebags she wore strapped across her back.

I smiled. "Oh, they were no trouble at all."

Mrs. Cake shot me a sly look. "You're fibbing, dear. I can tell."

Shrugging, I admitted, "Well, Pumpkin did start a small fight with another baby over a toy, and then I had to nudge Pound free from the overhead light fixture with a broom and a safety net. But it's fine! They're just being foals."

Cup laughed brightly and shook her head as both children squirmed up against her sides. "I'll never know how you do it. Managing so many little ones at once!"

I tidied up the large crib as I spoke to her. "It's my talent, I suppose. Fortunately, I'm only scheduled into the early afternoon on Tuesdays. Now that these last two are taken care of, I'll have some time left for myself before Button gets home," I said. "Now there's a challenge. Just wait until the twins are his age..."

I noticed Mrs. Cake's jaw tense. "Ah, well... we'll cross that bridge when we get there!" she said, with a nervous chuckle. "Parenthood, am I right?"

"Nothing harder or more rewarding," I said, and we waved to one another as she walked out of my door. I closed it behind her and breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally. It might be my talent, but that doesn't mean taking care of babies isn't exhausting. I sat down in my favorite chair and picked up the latest Daring Do novel.

My muzzle was buried in the book for fewer than five minutes before I heard the front door creak open. I stood up and set the novel down on the end table. Button coming home early usually meant he had a bad day at school.

Button Mash slipped inside and quietly shut the door, sending a clear sign that something was wrong. "I'm home, Mom," he said in an uncharacteristically soft voice, then sighed and trotted into his room.

I could sense that Button and I should talk, but I knew he needed space to unwind first. I set to making his favorite snack: graham crackers with lemon icing and a tall glass of milk. Even in the glummest mood, he wouldn't be able to resist a treat like this one. I took my time putting it together so he could have a few minutes of peace, then I knocked on his door.

"What," came the soft voice from the other side of the door. My little colt sounded nothing like his usual, boisterous self.

"Mommy has your favorite snack," I said.

I waited for a few seconds, to no response. Then I opened the door and walked inside.

It was worse than I'd imagined. He wasn't playing video games at all, not even his Gamecolt. He just lay motionless on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. "Just leave it on my desk," he mumbled.

I set the snack on his desk, then walked over to his bedside and sat down on the floor. "Button, did something happen at school today?" I asked.

"Don't wanna talk about it," he said, with a sour frown. He flipped over onto his belly and covered his ears with his hooves.

A gentle touch moved one hoof aside. "I'm your mother, Button. You can tell me anything," I said. "I won't judge you. Did you have a falling out with some friends?"

Button Mash shook his head.

"Did you get in trouble for bad behavior?"

"No! Look, I..." he started, then sighed. Button turned to face me and sat up on the bed. "Mom... um, can I ask you something?"

I smiled. "Of course you can."

He took a moment to clear his throat. "Can I wear pants?"

I blinked a few times. "Pants?" I asked.

"Yeah. I remember Dad used to wear them. Can I wear some?" he asked.

"Well, sure," I said. "But not all the time. You'll just get them dirty when you play outside."

Button's lips pushed tightly together. It almost looked like he was holding back tears.

"Sweetie? Are you okay?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Mom, can you keep a secret?"

Knowing the motions of a Pinkie Promise, I made them silently, then mimed zipping my lips shut and winked at him.

My son rocked back and forth on the bed in tiny, rapid motions. "Today we learned about fillies and colts in school," he said. "You know, what makes girls different from boys."

I took a deep breath. I was fairly certain I knew where this was headed, but it was up to my son to do the sharing. "Ah, yes. We've talked about this before, haven't we?" I said.

"Yeah. I mean, I know basic stuff, 'cause it's obvious if you look and sometimes I look even though I know it's rude," he said. "But everypony looks!"

"That they do. It's okay to look as long as you don't stare," I said. "But to be polite, you should also keep your tail down in public."

"Ugh, I know that stuff already," he said, rolling his eyes. "I mean... I..."

He stood up, trotted to the bedroom door and shut it, then walked to the window and pulled the shade down all the way.

Button Mash has always had difficulty keeping to a normal sleep schedule over Summer. I tried for months to get him to go to bed on time, but when school isn't in session he still wakes in the middle of the night and takes naps during the day. So, I reluctantly installed a special shade that blocks out almost all the sunlight. Even though it was still early afternoon, the room was now pitch black.

I heard him climbing back up onto his bed. "It's easier in the dark," he whispered. "I... I'm scared to say."

"It's okay, sweetie. Take all the time you need," I said, in as soothing a voice as I could muster.

There was a brief pause, and I felt my pulse quicken. Come on, Button. I know you can do this.

"Miss Cheerilee told us today that boy horses don't have nipples," came the meek little voice in the darkness. "Boy horses and boy mice don't have them, but other boy animals do."

"I see. She said that?" I said.

"Yeah," he said. "And, I almost said something back but... um..."

There was another extended pause.

"It's okay, Button. Go on," I gently urged.

He took a deep breath. "Mom, you know I have nipples, right?"

Reaching over to the window shade, I pulled it up just a crack. The room was still dark, but this way I could at least see my son's face. The look on his muzzle was an equal mix of confusion and pain.

"I know you have nipples, honey. It just means you're special, that's all." Even though I truly meant it, I worried calling something 'special' sounded fake. I could tell by skeptical look on his face Button wasn't buying it.

"Why didn't you ever tell me I'm weird?" he said, in a voice more accusing than asking.

"You're not weird, you're different. And we did talk about it once or twice before."

"What? I don't remember that."

"It was when you were younger. I guess you were too young to remember," I said. "I'm sorry for not bringing it up again, but I thought you already knew."

Button's lower lip quivered. "Does... does it mean I'm a filly? Or am I gonna turn into a girl?"

I shook my head. "No, it doesn't mean that. Some colts just have nipples. It isn't common, but it happens."

"Am I not gonna be a r-real stallion?"

"No, it doesn't mean that either," I said, and reached out to gently stroke his mane. "Having nipples doesn't mean anything at all. You'll be able to grow up and have babies with a mare. If you want to, I mean. You can still be a stallion in every way. All it means is that you have nipples."

Button Mash looked down at the bed, brow furrowed in thought. "Could we cut them off? I mean with a doctor."

I felt a sympathetic pang in my gut. "Sweetie, why would you want to do that? Are you worried other ponies will see them and treat you differently?"

"Um... yeah."

"Boy nipples aren't visible unless you get very close, dear."

"But I still know they're there, and ponies are gonna find out someday," he said. "Even if I wear pants all the time! I wanna get rid of them and be like other colts, Mom."

I sighed and hugged him. "When you grow up, you can do that if you really want to. But I think you're perfect the way you are, Button," I said. "You should try to learn to accept them, first."

"But... why do I have them?" he asked, pushing back from the embrace.

"Some colts are just born with them," I said. "It's natural variation. They're not going to develop into teats or make milk unless you go to a doctor and ask them to turn you into a mare. They just sit there."

"Then what good are they?" he asked. "How come other kinds of boy animals get nipples?"

"Well, it feels nice when they get touched," I said, grateful for the darkness masking my blushing cheeks. "When you get older, it feels even better. For when you have a special somepony, I mean."

Button snorted. "If I ever get a special somepony, she isn't gonna like them," he said. "She'll know I'm weird, like a mare."

"Maybe with the wrong special somepony, but if somepony really loves you for who you are, they won't care about something as tiny and unimportant as nipples," I said. "In fact, some ponies like nipples on a stallion, even though having nipples is rare. As I said, being a colt with nipples makes you special."

"Yeah right, Mom. How do you know ponies like nipples on a stallion?" he said, his voice tinted with anger.

I paused for a moment. Was I embarrassed to tell him? Should I be?

Of course not. If I didn't tell him now, everything I'd just lectured him on about being special and embracing who you are... it would be a lie. So I lifted the window shade all the way, and I smiled in genuine pride.

"Because your father had nipples too," I said.

"What? Really?" said Button Mash, his eyes wide. "But Dad was a real stallion, wasn't he?"

"He certainly was. And just so you know, I loved your father and his nipples," I said.

Button bounced in place on his bed. "That's cool," he said. "Wait, is it why he wore pants all the time?"

I shook my head. "No, he did that for work, and he didn't wear pants all the time, either. He never wore them when we went on vacation, for one."

My little colt exhaled and leaned back against the headboard of his bed. "I guess it's not bad then," he said, then squinted. "Mom? Do you think it's okay if I tell Sweetie Belle?"

I pursed my lips in thought. "Well, I don't know. Do you think she's the kind of filly who would accept you for who you are, and maybe keep a secret if you wanted that?" I asked.

He gasped and jumped out of the bed. "I know she is! I'll go talk to her now!" he shouted, opening the door and racing out of his room. Moments later, he peeked his head back into the bedroom. "Thanks, Mom," he said with a smile, then cantered off.

I felt my stomach rumbling as the adrenaline slowly filtered out of my veins. I had a feeling Button wouldn't be back for an hour or two, so I picked up his snack and proceeded to eat it. I could always make him another one, after all.

It's funny how the emotional toll of taking care of one unique little school-age colt can be just as exhausting as physically managing a room full of infants and toddlers. Still, there's nothing more rewarding than being a Mom—especially in those important moments where your love and support can make a real difference.

Comments ( 104 )

Huh. Is an actual thing with bourses?

Either way very well written and a touching mom/child moment.

SShonix #4 · Nov 6th, 2017 · · 34 ·

So Button's a transgender huh? (At least that's what I got out of the story)

Damn this story is bittersweet yet happy at the same time. Made a smile on my face that's for sure.

Intervir #5 · Nov 6th, 2017 · · 1 ·

No, he is just a natural variant. Just like some people are born with 3 nipples

Not transgender, but perhaps intersex to some extent.

I wasn't expecting such a feels punch from "Nipples," but here we are.

Well done. :twilightsmile:

Recently, somebody commented on one of my blogs that you couldn't make an interesting story based on a random horse fact, and I said you could.

I was expecting this to go a different way, to be honest, but I liked what you did better than what I thought was going to happen.

With all the interesting stories already out there based on random horse facts, that's a bizarre claim to make.


Now I need to write an explicitly uninteresting horse fact story.

a interesting story and a fun read.
side note donkeys have nipples even the jacks.

Should I feel guilty about this one? Naaa...

You had me interested in this story at the word "Nipples" :trollestia:

I have 3.
Milk lines, it happens.

the word "nipple" has been used 14 times in this story, i thought it was more than that.:trollestia:

Huh. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but this took a surprising number of surprising turns for something weighing in at only a few kilowords. Nice work, especially with Button's mother showcasing her special talent.

Makuta #17 · Nov 6th, 2017 · · 1 ·

"Once you’ve accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you."- Tyrion Lannister

Neat story. Thumbs up :pinkiesmile:

Nah, just genetically different.

Awkward title or not, this deserves to be featured for the maturity in the text alone, without needing to be rated mature.

Autumn is here and things are getting rather 'nipply' outside! Might I 'inteat' some of you for warmer clothing?


8533835 Unless your flaw is murdering people and eating their flesh... people tend not to like that even if you're honest and upfront about it.


I think it needs a sequel. one showing sweetie belles reaction. but that is just my opinion it is a perfectly lovely story ten hooves up

I had that nagging feeling this was somehow your fault.

This one was totally my creation, inspired only from finding a random horse fact and having something important to say to children about self-acceptance.

Very bold and interesting.

What I want to know is how you thought it was going to go! :rainbowlaugh:

Ok, who the hell thought this needed to be rated T? That’s a bit extream for such an important life lesson. Seriously, what the hell

I waited for a few seconds, to no response. Then I opened the door and walked inside before closing it behind me . . .
He stood up, trotted to the bedroom door and shut it, then walked to the window and pulled the shade down all the way.

ummmm . . . wut? :derpyderp1:

I see, thanks for the clarification.

I didn't look at the tags when I started reading and was entirely expecting some comedic cut, but nope! This was actually very sweet. It goes to show that even the more embarrassing topics need a little attention, and Button's mom is anything but a reluctant parent. :twilightsmile:

I think it was rated Teen because Mom alluded to “liking” her husband’s nipples. You know, in a fetishy way.

That isn't the reason I was given, but I can see that interpretation. In reality she's just trying to tell him that having nipples doesn't mean that nopony will love him, which was his immediate concern in the story.

Oops. I blame an accidental double-edit for that. Will fix it now.

Somepony who is ashamed of their nipples? :trollestia:

Seriously, though. So far four mods have unanimously weighed in against it. I'm not angry with them because they're just doing their jobs, but I'm very disappointed.

8534606 What is the reason you were given? I would be curious to know what arbitrary line in the sand you supposedly crossed. Cause I agree with you, there is no reason kids couldn't read this.

One moderator insists it's about "child sexuality". Another one told me the word "nipples" is not allowed in an E story.

I'm not going to talk about this anymore in the comments, however. It isn't appropriate to the moderators for me to vent about second-hoof conversations on my story forum. I don't want this thread to be a dumping ground for people to side with me or get upset with the mods, when they're only doing their job (even though I may disagree with them this time).

So, my piece has been said up in the story description: I disagree, and I'm disappointed. I only want people to know it was not my choice to make this story less accessible to children.

Thank you for answering to the best of your ability, well trying not to paint the mods in a bad light.


With all the interesting stories already out there based on random horse facts, that's a bizarre claim to make.

Yeah, I know.

It might not have been phrased exactly like that, but that was the gist of it.


Now I need to write an explicitly uninteresting horse fact story.

The best one I can think of is that horses have a stay apparatus in their front legs so that they can doze standing up. If ponies don't, but some pony who got her hooves on a human horse factbook (probably Twilight) tries, falls over, and gets a bloody nose.


I had that nagging feeling this was somehow your fault.

While it's true that many things on Fimfiction can be blamed on me, this isn't one of them. I don't think that Trick Question or I have ever discussed horse nipples or anything related to them.


What I want to know is how you thought it was going to go! :rainbowlaugh:

I thought that Button Mash was going to find out that male horses don't have nipples and be jealous that all his filly classmates do, and want to have some kind of nipple implant surgery, or draw them on his coat, or something like that. (I left nipple unspoilered because it's funny)

Not exactly related, but I was thinking about what we might or might not have talked about at Trotcon, and I suddenly realized something: You're trying to ship me with Bad Horse, aren't you?

Hmm just for information, are this rules written somewhere acessible to the normal user? Because nothing is more annoying than hidden censorship rules...


You're trying to ship me with Bad Horse, aren't you?

"Badmiral Horsebiscuit", I dub thee

@moderators Make this story E again, please thanks.

I've updated the description note to be more informative and less accusatory. It isn't my aim to spar with the moderators. I only want to make it clear that I intended this story for young audiences, and that I don't personally feel the material is handled in a manner that is inappropriate for children.

Thank you all for enjoying and supporting my story. :heart:

In fairness to the moderators, it isn't possible to be explicit on every judgment call in advance—no set of rules will ever be that precise. The rules are not secret: it comes down to whether or not you would consider this story appropriate for the show's younger target audience (which is the general E rule).

I would agree that this crosses the line for show material, because I wouldn't expect the show to discuss body feelings in this degree of frankness, even briefly. Then again, most E stories I've read don't fit the show's thematic limitations either, so YMMV.


Very nice and sweet little short.

I liked it a lot.



I pursed my lips in thought. "Well, I don't know. Do you think she's the kind of filly who would accept you for who you are, and maybe keep a secret if you wanted that?" I asked.

He gasped and jumped out of the bed. "I know she is! I'll go talk to her now!" he shouted, opening the door and racing out of his room.

(I thought of this having missed that she had suggested Sweetie Belle could keep it secret.) Am I the only one who thinks that could go.....oddly? Like he'll see her, run up to her and go "Sweetie Belle! I have nipples!" And everypony will just be like :rainbowderp:

Oddly enough, I wasn't thinking "Comedy" at any time during the writing of this story—and yet that's both hilarious and in-character. :rainbowlaugh:

This wasn’t suitable for an E rating? It’s one of the most benign things I’ve read!

Never mind, I figured it out. The bit about nipples feeling good when touched would qualify as sexual content, or at least there could be a strong argument for that. The mods were just erring on the side of caution to make sure site rules aren’t broken.

Huh, different parenting styles I suppose. I'd be like-

"Yeah your weird. Doesn't matter. Won't change who you become unless you let it. Plenty of stallions have nipples even if its uncommon-"

Saying something isn't weird is just a lie. A platitude that kids easily detect. Better to be honest and hug it out while answering questions. Tell them that you love them and that they will be loved and anypony who does care about you having nipples isn't worth your time to impress or care about.

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