• Published 9th Nov 2017
  • 9,567 Views, 14 Comments

Spike's Royal Business - yodajax10

What if Spike was in Starlight's hooves in "A Royal Problem"?

  • ...

Spike's Royal Business

The Ponyville train was leaving in 5 minutes to Canterlot, and Twilight Sparkle along with Applejack were getting ready to send Spike on his way there for Royal Business. It was the time of the Summer Sun Celebration, and Spike was asked to help out. Right now, Twilight was examining his backpack.

"How does it feel, Spike?" Twilight asked, looking at the straps.

"It feels fine, Twilight!" Spike said, a little annoyed.

"Ah think he's got everything," Applejack spoke, giggling.

"Sorry," Twilight chuckled. "You know me, always making sure you got everything!" Suddenly, her eyes widened. "You have your itch lotion?"

"I don't think I need that!" Spike spoke.

"You know you need it, Spike!" Twilight said looking in his bag. "Did you pack it or not?"

"Twilight," Spike groaned as Twilight looked in his bag. "I have it!"

"No!" Twilight yelped as she pulled her head out. "See? I forgot something! You don't have-" Twilight took notice of Applejack pointing at her hoof and saw what she was holding. "...Your lotion?" Twilight looked down and patted Spike's head. "Never mind, you're good. You'll tell the princesses we said 'hi', right?"

"Uh-huh!" Spike nodded.

Suddenly, a thought entered Applejack's mind. "Ya know, Spike," Applejack scratched her neck. "How do your visits go with them Princesses? How are things usually there?"

"Well...fine, from what I saw," Spike shrugged. "I mean, I've known Celestia for years since I was a baby, and me and Luna are night buddies! She actually lets me sleep with her!"

"Why are you asking that?" Twilight asked Applejack.

"What Ah mean is, it's been a while since Princess Luna was brought back here in Equestria after a millennium, Ah always wondered how they're doing." Applejack spoke.

"Ah, don't worry." Spike said. "I don't see anything bad over there."

"All aboard!" The conductor called.

"Oh, the train! You better get going!" Twilight quickly said with a hug and kiss for Spike. Spike and Applejack shared a hug.

"Y'all be careful, okay, Spike?" Applejack said.

"I will!" Spike nodded as he then hopped aboard the train. He then looked out the window and saw Twilight and Applejack waving.

"See you later, Spike!" Twilight called.

"Take care, sugar cube!" Applejack called.

"See ya!" Spike waved to Twilight and Applejack through the window as the train rode into the distance.

Spike had arrived in Canterlot and was now walking up to the castle to await the princesses. But then he heard voices behind the doors.

"I don't care! Straighten up!"

"Kibitz, if you'd let me explain first, I'd-"

"Both of you! Your behavior is ridiculous!"

"Alright...we're both sorry."

Spike quickly backed out of the way when he heard hoof steps. The door opened revealing Kibitz, the princesses' royal advisor. "Oh, Spike! Didn't see you there!"

"Uh, hi, Kibitz!" Spike spoke. "Is everything okay in there?"

"Yes, yes. Of course." Kibitz spoke quickly. "Come with me, I shall take you to the princesses."

"It's always great hanging out with them," Spike looked up to Kibitz. "I always feel like I can let my stress go,"

"At this point, I wish I was in your scales," Kibitz mumbled.

"Huh?" Spike asked.

"Oh, nothing, nothing." Kibitz said as they started to walk towards the throne room.

In the royal throne room, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stood in their seats as the doors opened. They revealed Kibitz, along with Spike.

"Princess Celestia and Princess Luna," spoke Kibitz as he bowed. "May I present the assistant of the Princess of Friendship and the hero of the Crystal Empire, Spike."

"Hi, guys!" Spike enthusiastically ran up to the princesses, waving. He took notice of Kibitz bowing, before he bowed too.

Celestia only chuckled as she and Luna walked towards Spike, with Celestia lifting his chin up. "Spike, I've already told you. You don't have to bow before us. You're part of the royal family, blood or not."

"...Right," Spike chuckled sheepishly. "So, uh...how are things going?"

"Oh, everything's fine here." Celestia turned to Luna. "Right, sister?"

Luna gave her an annoyed glare as Celestia shot one back. "Oh, yes. Everything's perfect as usual...sister." Luna

Spike looked confused at the princesses. I haven't seen them act like this before, Spike thought.

The next morning, Celestia was asleep in her bed, snoring. Still asleep under the starry, night sky.

Her bedroom door started to creak open, revealing Spike. He then ran inside and jumped in Celestia's bed.

"Celestia!" Spike began to nudge Celestia. "It's morning! The moon's still out, wake up!"

"Unnnh...unnh..." Celestia muttered in her sleep. "...Discord...no, Discord, no..."

Spike continued to nudge the princess. "Celestia!"

"What, huh? What? What?" Celestia rose her head with drowsy eyes. She then turned and saw Spike on the bed. "Oh...Spike..." Celestia spoke in a tired tone.

"It's ten minutes 'till 6:00!" Spike said. "You told me to wake you up!"

Celestia put her head back on the pillow. "Ohhhhh..." Celestia moaned. "Just five more minutes...or hours..." Celestia started to doze off.

"No way!" Spike began to nudge again. "I remember you saying to me, no matter how much you whine, moan and complain, I-"

"Yes, yes...you have to wake me up," Celestia gave in and rose her head to face a smirking Spike. "...You miss doing that that, don't you?" The princess spoke, smirking back.

"Yeah," Spike nodded.

Celestia let out a large yawn as she began to get her armor on. "Alright, your highness," Celestia playfully placed her crown on Spike's head, making him giggle. "What now is thy bidding?" Celestia continued to joke as she bowed before Spike.

Spike then stood proud. "Well, if you please, I would like a royal sunrise and pancakes for breakfast."

"As you wish, oh royal master." Celestia picked Spike up with her hoof and began to nuzzle his cheek, making him laugh.

The sun was now shining brightly throughout Equestria, and right now, Spike received a plate of pancakes, topped with strawberries, blueberries and whipped cream on top.

"Wow," Spike said in awe, looking at the delicious breakfast as he began to eat. "Thanks, Celestia! I still can't believe you cook these yourself. Most royals I hear have servants do it."

"Oh, it's no problem. I really enjoy doing it." Celestia smiled as she sat down. The two then heard the door open as Luna walked in. Luna then looked at Celestia, annoyed.

Celestia saw Luna, but turned back to Spike. "This cooking I do is a small way to say, 'I care'." She spoke aloud. She then noticed Luna walk up to the table. "Oh, Luna! Good morning! We're having breakfast!" Celestia levitated Luna's own pancakes to her. "Care to join us?"

Luna let out a heavy sigh. "No...I'm not too hungry right now." She then levitated a pineapple to her and took a bite. "I'll see you later," As Luna exited, Celestia put the plate on the table and looked at her own. She put a hoof to her cheek and used her magic to have a fork and knife cut her food.

"Hey, Celestia?" Spike asked. "Is Luna feeling okay?"

"It's no trouble at all, Spike." Celestia sighed. "She's like this every morning." Celestia rose from her seat. "You, uh, finished, Spike?"

Spike ate the last bit of pancake and looked up to Celestia. "Yep! It was great!"

"I'm glad you appreciated it." Celestia said with a sad smile. "Well, we'd best be going."

"Hey, wait!" Spike ran up to her. "Maybe we could fly around after today's royal business? I always love doing that with you!"

Celestia sadly looked down to Spike. "Maybe tomorrow, my little dragon. Today is pretty busy for me."

"Oh," Spike looked down. "Okay."

Celestia levitated Spike on her back, smirking. "I promise tomorrow, Spike."

"Yeah, yeah, okay." Spike smiled at Celestia and pulled out his clipboard. The princess then walked out of the castle with Spike on her back, ready to do royal business.

It was now evening in Canterlot as Spike was walking with Luna. Spike noticed pots of purple flowers stacked through the hallway.

"Luna, what is this stuff, again?" Spike looked at the purple flowers.

Luna levitated some of them to Spike. "This is lavender, Spike. Ponies say it's calming scent can aid dreamers in achieving a goodnight sleep."

"Cool," Spike looked at the lavender before looking back up at Luna. "So, what do you wanna do before bed? A round of Athenaeum?"

"Well, I would be more than-" Luna stopped when the doors opened, revealing Celestia walking with some dignitary ponies.

"And so I said 'Touring? More like boring!'" One pony said with a laugh.

Celestia laughed along. "Oh, you are such a card!"

Luna narrowed her eyes at Celestia until she was gone. She then looked down at Spike. "Do forgive me, but on second thought, I'm just not in the mood right now."

"How come?" Spike asked.

"Well..." Luna tried to say, but shook it off. "Look, I don't want you to get involved in my silly problems. I wouldn't want you to get hurt."

"Get hurt?" Spike raised an eyebrow.

"Spike, please." Luna lowered her head to him. "As my...fellow night buddy?"

Spike looked down and thought but looked back up to Luna, smiling. "No problem."

"Thank you for understanding." Luna spoke as she and Spike then did a hoof/claw bump.

"Come now," Luna spoke as she and Spike continued walking. "We should get ready for bed."

Inside Luna's bedroom, the Princess of the Night got herself in her bed as Spike curled up next to her.

"Feel comfortable?" Luna asked.

"Yeah," Spike yawned. "Hey, Luna? How does that 'Going into ponies' dreams, work anyway?"

"It's quite simple," Luna spoke. "I simply go to sleep and with a spell, I enter any dream I come across."

Spike thought for a second. "Do you think Twilight could learn to do that?"

Luna chuckled. "It's a possibility."

"Awesome..." Spike yawned again as his eyes began to close. "Good...goodnight..." Before either one knew it, Spike was asleep. Luna smiled warmly at the snoozing dragon and kissed him on the forehead. She then laid down with him and began to dream on her own.

The next morning, it started off the same as usual, except the sun wasn't up.

"Sorry we had to get up early," Celestia said. "I had to get ready to raise the sun in front of everypony."

Spike was looking at his breakfast, concerned. It was the same as yesterday, but he didn't feel right. Celestia walked over to him in concern.

"Spike?" She asked. "Is something wrong?"

"Wha-?" Spike looked up at Celestia, before picking up a fork and stuffing one whole pancake in his mouth. "No!" He spoke with the pancake in his mouth. "I'm fine!"

"Spike," Celestia spoke. "You know if there's anything that's bothering you, I'm always here to talk."

"Well, I-" Spike was cut off when the doors opened revealing Luna.

"Oh, sister!" Celestia smiled. "Would you care to join us for breakfast today?"

"...No, thank you." Luna simply took a banana. "I'm not hungry right now."

Luna continued to walk back through the hallway until Celestia suddenly teleported in her way. "Wait!"

"What?" Luna asked, bitterly.

"Would you at least eat a little bit?" Celestia asked. "I would really appreciate it!"

"Please," Luna spoke, trying to get out of Celestia's way. "I just want to be alone right now."

"Luna, I'm just trying to-" Celestia butted in again, but accidentally knocking over a stool holding a vase full of Luna's lavender flowers, causing it to shatter on the floor. The stool caused a couple more stools and vases to fall over and/or shatter. Luna's eyes turned to rage as she turned to a now nervous Celestia.

"What is your problem?!" Luna snapped, angrily.

"Luna, I-I was only trying to-" Celestia tried to say.

"Do you know how much trouble I go through to find nice lavender like that?" Luna then turned away. "You have no clue how hard I work to show appreciation."

Now, it was Celestia's turn to get upset. "How hard YOU work to show appreciation? Do you even care about the breakfasts I make for you?!"

Spike stood back by the princesses arguing. He never seen a fight get this intense. Kibitz, meanwhile had entered the scene, shocked on what was going on.

"Oh, drat!" Kibitz groaned to himself. "Not this again," He quickly used his magic to levitate Spike on his feet.

"Hey, what's going on?" Spike yelped.

"Nothing dear boy," Kibitz said putting Spike back outside the hallway. "Everything'sfineallpeachykeandon'tworryaboutathinggoodday." Once he closed the doors, he turned back to the princesses, annoyed.

"How can you sit around thinking everything's okay for me?" Luna pointed up at Celestia. "You're too busy talking making everypony else happy!"

"Let me tell you that is no day in Manehattan either!" Celestia shot back. "You'd have just as much trouble as me out there!"

"Enough!" Kibitz put his hoof down, finally making both princesses quiet. "I'm surprised at both of you! You're both centuries older than me, yet you're both acting like foals!"

Celestia and Luna both looked down in shame of that.

"Now, I suggest you both try to find someway to settle your differences," Kibitz spoke. "You need to work together to solve these issues. That way, you can-"

"Wait a minute!" Luna said, suddenly. "I know how to settle this!"

"What is it?" Celestia asked.

"How about we take over each other's duties for a day, and see who has the easier life?" Luna raised an eyebrow.

Kibitz smacked his forehead again. "Oh, heaven help me."

Celestia was surprised. "Luna, today? On the day of the Summer Sun Celebration?"

"It is no trouble at all," Luna scoffed. "You lifted my moon for 1000 years, surely I could do the same with your sun."

"Oh, really?" Celestia raised an eyebrow.

"And it begins," Kibitz muttered to himself.

"But first," Luna began. "We have to switch our marks,"

"Our cutie marks?" Celestia asked.

"We're switching our duties," Luna shrugged. "Why not?"

Celestia was hesitant, but she then touched her horn with Luna's as a bright light filled the room.

Meanwhile, everypony was gathering around the Canterlot Castle waiting for Princess Celestia, and out came Kibitz.

"Attention, subjects of Canterlot!" Kibitz spoke loud for all to hear. "There has been a slight change in events today. Princess Celestia won't be raising the sun today."

This caused some gasps and murmurs in the crowd.

"Princess Celestia has switched duties with her sister, Princess Luna." Kibitz continued. "So, without further a due, let's begin the Summer Sun Celebration with the Princess...of the night...Princess Luna!"

Applause went through the subjects as Luna made the scene and bowed. She also showed her flank which now had Celestia's cutie mark. While she bowed, Spike looked up at Kibitz. "The two switched duties and cutie marks? Why?"

"The princesses are going through difficult situations right now, I'd best not get involved if I were you." Kibitz spoke.

"Greetings, subjects." Luna said. "You want your sun, well, you're gonna get it!"

Luna looked off in the distance as her horn began to glow yellow like Celestia. All of a sudden, she felt something heavy. It was the sun! She accidentally let go causing it to go down again. Luna looked in the crowd and saw they were looking impatient.

Luna cleared her throat. "Uh, my apologies." She tried again to lift the sun and felt sweat dripping from her forehead. Something bright filled Canterlot, the sun was rising. Spike and Kibitz both looked up, grinning.

Luna opened her eye and saw the sun. "Yes! Yes, I'm doing it!"

But she almost lost her balance as the sun almost went down again. Spike and Kibitz looked nervous for Luna as she continued to struggle. After another minute, she finally had the sun up in the sky. She nervously looked down at her subjects. "...Ta-da...?"

There was almost no response, all except for one pony applauding hesitatingly but slowly. Luna looked down in embarrassment from what she did, while Spike and Kibitz looked concerned.

Celestia now stood in her royal throne, looking around. "Now, let's see. What should I do, today? I've got the whole day off, so how should I spend it?"

Her eyes widened as she chuckled to herself, nervously. "Oh, look at that Celestia. Talking to yourself. But nothing to worry about as I'm sure we have a great way to spend the day! Right? Right." Realization hit Celestia. "Look at that, still doing it."

She then felt her stomach start to growl. "Hmm," She walked towards the window. "I feel I should treat myself to something special, right now."

Later, Princess Luna was walking through Canterlot with Spike on her back and Kibitz walking beside her.

"So, that went well," Luna spoke sarcastically.

"Be calm, Luna." Kibitz said. "Everypony has their...unfortunate mishaps on doing something new."

Luna sighed. "So, what's next."

Spike looked at the checklist. "You now have to take a picture with children, it says they're from Coltorado."

"Ah, children." Luna spoke. "This should be easy."

Meanwhile, Celestia found herself in Restaurant Row. There were so many restaurants to choose from. She covered her eyes with her wing and used her hoof to point. "Eeny, meeny, miney...moe!" Celestia opened her eyes to see the restaurant she was pointing at as she walked into that very one. She walked up to the stand where the cashier was. "I'd like to place an order."

The cashier looked up and was surprised. "Your highness!" The cashier was having trouble what to say. "It's-I...What I mean is..." He then quickly bowed before her.

"It's quite alright." Celestia spoke, smiling. "Today, I'm just an ordinary customer."

"But, of course." The cashier nodded. "What can I get you?"

Celestia looked at the menu. "Hmm...I'll take one hayburger please."

"Of course, one hayburger on the way!" The cashier turned to walk away.

"No, wait!" Celestia spoke. "...Actually, I think I'm gonna need two."

"Very well, two!" The cashier turned again, but was stopped by Celestia.

"Actually three! Or four! In fact, I'll take five!" Celestia nodded.

The cashier was surprised. "Five?"

"...I don't have that much to do, today." Celestia blushed.

"...Oooookay," The cashier said. "Five hayburgers, it is."

In the Canterlot Gardens, a teacher was now gathering her students in front of a statue.

"Alright now, children." The teacher spoke. "Now, there has been a slight change in this schedule from what I've heard."

"Awwww!" The kids whined.

"What a rip-off!" One earth pony colt, Ben spoke.

"Instead of Princess Celestia," The teacher looked at her paper. "We will instead have it with Princess Luna."

The kids all gasped in fear. One hooded earth pony colt, Ronnie quickly tightened his hood to cover his face more in fear.

"Nightmare Moon's gonna be here?!" A pegasus colt, Lyle asked in fear.

"Now, now, kids," The teacher tried to calm down her students. "Those days are in the past. She's good now!"

"If she's still evil, can she take Lyle?" Another earth pony colt, Ceric asked. "The pegasi should always take the fall."

"Shut up, fattie!" Lyle snapped.

"Hey, don't call me fat!" Ceric shot back.

"Quiet, students!" The teacher spoke. She then turned and noticed Luna, Spike and Kibitz walking towards them. "Ah, here's the princess now! We are all so delighted to meet you!"

Luna nodded and looked over to the kids who were all terrified.

"So, kids?" Luna asked, walking towards them with a toothy grin. "Who's ready to take a fun picture? I know I am!"

The kids said nothing. They only looked up to Luna in fear.

Kibitz muttered to himself again. "Give me strength."

Luna then cleared her throat. "Right. Now then, let's carry on with the picture!"

Luna got herself gathered with the kids and looked towards Spike, ready to take the picture.

"Alright, kids. Remember we can only take one picture." The teacher spoke. "Are you all ready?"

"I suggest moving back from Lyle," Ceric said to Luna. "Pegasus teeth are always sticking out."

Lyle turned to Ceric in anger. "Shut up, Ceric! You don't know anything about pegasi!"

Luna felt nervous watching the two kids fight, not knowing what to do.

"Oh yeah?" Ceric said. "My uncle always told me that ever since the first Hearth's Warming, pegasi still steal from other ponies!"

"They do not!" Lyle spoke, angrily.

"Now, now, children!" Luna spoke, sweating. "Let's now relax and smile for the picture."

The two growled at each other before turning to the camera and they all began to smile.

"Alright now!" Spike said. "5, 4, 3, 2-"

"See, look at that!" Ceric pointed to the toothy Lyle. "He looks like a bunny rabbit!"

"That's it!" Lyle lunged to attack Ceric, but was pulled back by Ben. All the kids started cheering on the fight.

Luna started to feel stress get to her. "Wait a minute, children!" She tried to say.

Spike noticed the camera about to flash. "Oh no! No, no, no, no, no!"


Luna groaned to herself as she walked through Canterlot, still followed by Kibitz and Spike.

"Hey," Spike said, stepping in front of Luna. "So we had two screw-ups, maybe we can work around it!"

Luna sighed and turned to Spike. "After what just happened, I'm not so sure."

As Luna continued walking with her head down, Spike could only watch in sadness. He hated seeing Luna like this. Kibitz turned to the young dragon.

"Why don't you go check on Celestia? I'll stay with Luna."

Spike nodded and headed back to the Canterlot Castle as Kibitz turned to Luna. "Okay, Luna, it says here that we're meeting some delegates for lunch. You need to dispel any rumors of any timberwolves in the White Tail Woods."

As they were walking to the restaurant, Luna looked down. "I don't know, I already screwed up twice, today."

"Relax, your highness." Kibitz spoke. "Just take it easy here."

Luna took a deep breath and walked inside. She and Kibitz found the table where the delegates were sitting.

"HELLO! GREAT NEWS! THERE ARE NO TIMBERWOLVES!" Luna accidentally spoke in her 'Royal Canterlot' voice.

The delegates were speechless, only for them to run out screaming in fear. "Of course there are timberwolves!" One yelled.

Luna could only bang her head on the wall in frustration.

Celestia was sitting back in her throne, clutching her stomach. "Oooooh," She groaned. "I should've known this was a bad idea. I could've stopped myself, but no! I just had to go further!" Celestia realized she was talking to herself again and rested her head on her hoof in annoyance. She was then surprised by the door opening. "Celestia?" Spike asked, peeking his head through.

"Oh, Spike!" Celestia spoke getting out of her seat. But stopped due to her stomach ache.

"You okay?" Spike asked.

"I had some mishaps during lunch," Celestia looked at Spike. "And I kept ending up talking to myself."

"Is she nice to talk to?" Spike asked. Celestia turned to Spike as he sheepishly looked down. "Yeah...yeah, that was a dumb joke."

But to his surprise, Celestia burst out laughing as she pulled Spike in for a one-arm hug. "No, Spike. That was just what I needed. A good laugh."

Spike smiled at that. But he looked back up at Celestia. "So, how else are things since you switched places?"

"Despite a few bumps in the road," Celestia flew up high to the window. "I'm pretty sure I can handle this. I have a feeling everything will be just fine in the end." Spike looked up and his eyes widened. What Celestia didn't know was that she was in front of the stained glass window of Nightmare Moon, and it looked like the Mane Six were zapping her. Celestia looked down and noticed Spike's fearful face.

"Spike?" Celestia immediately flew down to Spike. "Are you alright? You look scared."

"Uh...nothing," Spike tried to change the subject. "Everything's fine, nothing to worry about."

Celestia looked down at Spike, knowing there was something wrong. Something then brightened in her head. "I know," She leaned down to Spike. "How would you like to go for a flight?"

"I, uh..." Spike looked down. "I don't know."

"What?" Celestia put her wing around Spike. "But you were looking forward to that yesterday. Come on, it'll be fun."

Spike looked up and smiled. "Well, okay."

Celestia smiled as Spike climbed on her back. "That's the spirit. Are you ready?"

"Mmhm," Spike nodded.

"Alright," Celestia got her wings ready. "Here we go!"

She took off out the window and into the air, as both of them were laughing and having fun.

Later that evening, it was now Celestia's turn to raise the moon instead of Luna, and she did just that.

"Moon raised! It's even easier than raising the sun!" Celestia spoke with a chuckle as she turned to Spike. "What's next?" To her surprise, Spike was fast asleep on her back. "Of course, everyone's asleep at night." She smiled and nuzzled the sleeping dragon. "Let's get you to bed."

After seeing Kibitz was asleep, Celestia walked towards Luna's room with Spike on her back. She peeked in and saw Luna was fast asleep on her bed. Celestia levitated the sleeping dragon next to her sister. "Here's your night buddy, dear sister." Celestia then let out a sad sigh, feeling Luna wouldn't want her in here, right now.

"Back to being alone for me," Celestia realized something. "Wait a minute, I won't be alone! I'll get to visit ponies in their dreams!"

As Celestia was gone, Luna felt something next to her. Without opening her eyes, she used her hoof to feel what it was. She suddenly felt the sleeping dragon's scales and smiled. She then wrapped her hoof around her night buddy and pulled him closer to her before falling asleep again.

Celestia got herself in bed and was trying to go to sleep with ruffled hair and baggy eyes. "I haven't done this in a while," Celestia spoke to herself getting tired and starting to yawn. "But I'm sure it...won't be too much trouble...I did it for a thous...thousand years...I'm sure I...know how this...works..."

Within seconds, Celestia was asleep. At the same time, her horn started glowing blue.

In a bright flash, the princess was now in the dreamscape, as portals to other ponies' dreams began floating around. Celestia's eyes started to flutter open as she suddenly got a good look around.

"Yes! The dreamscape! Now, I can help ponies with their nightmares!" Celestia then thought of something. She looked down and all of a sudden, began to fall. But she used her wings to keep herself floating. "I...forgot I was doing that."


Celestia recognized that scream. "Spike?" She looked into one of the portals and saw Spike running through Ponyville in the night, screaming for help. To her surprise, he was covered in ash.

Spike tripped over a rock, he then covered his face in fear, not knowing what to expect.

"Spike!" Celestia said, appearing before him. "It's alright, I'm here now."

Spike looked up at Celestia, but to her surprise, got more afraid. "No! G-g-g-get away! Get away from me!"

Celestia lowered her head down to him. "Spike, what are you talking about? It's me, Celestia."

"No!" Spike backed away. "I fell for it once, I'm not falling for it again!"

Celestia put a wing around him. "Spike, I promise you, I will not harm you, not now or ever. But please tell me what's wrong."

Celestia then took notice of something that made her gasp. She noticed a couple of scars around Spike's body, almost like he got them from a blazing fire.

"Spike..." She asked, concerned for the dragon and almost afraid. "...Where did you get those scars?"

"FOOLISH SISTER!" Another female voice spoke. "I HAVE RETURNED!"

The two turned and saw a familiar figure land before them...It was Nightmare Moon!

Celestia narrowed her eyes at the villain. "Don't worry, Spike. I'll protect you. You're safe with me."

"You're both wrong!" Another voice spoke up.

Celestia and Spike turned around and saw another alicorn in the shadows.

"It's her!" Spike hid behind Celestia.

"What?" Celestia asked.

"You're not safe from...ANYPONY!!!!" The alicorn revealed herself to be a white alicorn with golden armor, but she had red and yellow eyes, sharp teeth and fire in place of her mane and tale. She let out a horrific evil laugh as Spike continued to hide behind Celestia, as she herself was in shock by the new villain.

"This can't be!" Celestia said.

"Oh, but it is!" The figure laughed. "If Luna can turn into Nightmare Moon, YOU could become me!...Daybreaker! The better, prettier and more powerful version of you!"

Daybreaker then flew in Spike's face. "See, my little dragon? I told you everything would be just fine in the end!"

As Daybreaker continued to laugh, Celestia looked down at Spike, who hung his head in shame. "Spike..."

Spike turned his head to look up at a concerned Celestia. "I...I'm sorry, I didn't know what to say and-"

"My dear Spike," Celestia spoke in a motherly voice and lifted Spike's chin. "You know I would never turn into that,"

"Oh, stop the sissy talk!" Daybreaker snarled. "You rule Canterlot, you rule Equestria, you rule the WORLD! You should take advantage of it!"

"Not if we can help it!"

Daybreaker turned around and saw the Mane Six with all their eyes narrowed on her. They all looked like they did when defeating Tirek. Floating in the air with their colorful manes.

"Make one wrong move and you'll be sorry!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah, we ain't scared of you, sister!" Pinkie Pie spoke up. "...Okay, you're not actually my sister, but you get the idea!"

Daybreaker rolled her eyes. "Oh, please." With a mighty zap from her horn she zapped a swarm of fire on all the Mane Six, and with screams of agony, they all disintegrated.

"NO!" Spike yelled. Celestia was equally horrified, even though it was only a dream. Seeing a vision like that was still horrible nonetheless.

Spike ran to where the Mane Six previously stood and fell on his knees. He buried his face in his claws and began to sob. "No...it can't be...it can't!"

Celestia immediately flew to Spike's side. But before she could comfort him, she heard Daybreaker laugh some more.

"Oh, this is just rich!" Daybreaker laughed. "Maybe I should do the same with YOU!!!!"

She zapped some fire towards Nightmare Moon, causing her to fall backward.

"Why did I ever bring you back? I should've left you on the moon to ROT!!!!" Daybreaker roared.

"Well then," Nightmare Moon spoke, getting up. "That's all on YOU!"

She zapped her own blue electricity at Daybreaker, causing her to fly in a tree. She stuck her head out, growling like a ferocious tiger as her mane set all the leaves on fire, leaving the tree to burn.

Celestia, still at Spike's side, looked up to the two evil counterparts. "Stop this torment at once!"

But neither would listen, as Nightmare Moon started forming a big black magic shield around her.

"Ugh, so much black," Daybreaker groaned. "We get it, you're sad. You could really use some SUN!!!!!"

Daybreaker then shot fire from her breath towards Nightmare Moon, but it was blocked by the shield. Remains of the fire went all over the place, but Celestia luckily put herself and Spike in her own forcefield so they wouldn't get hurt.

But Spike didn't even notice. He was in so much heartbreak over thinking his friends were dead and was still sobbing. Celestia looked sadly at Spike, but then looked at her cutie mark. She then had an idea.

Luna was having her own nightmare, like before, she was having trouble breaking up a fight between Lyle and Ceric.

"Get lost, you sneaky pegasus!" Ceric pointed at Lyle.

"Don't insult my species, you fat waste of space!" Lyle shot back.

"Children, please!" Luna tried to say. "You shouldn't fight like this! You should respect each other's species!"

Suddenly, Lyle and Ceric turned around with horrific eyes of anger. "YOU never respected the daylight!"

Luna was in fear by what was going on. "...Wh-what?"

"You could've accepted the daylight, but you had to turn into a MONSTER!" Ceric snapped as he and Lyle grew bigger in size.

"I...I'm sorry! I changed now!" Luna covered her eyes and knelt on the ground, not wanting to hear anything, but a giant Ben and Ronnie appeared before her.

"You'll always be Nightmare Moon! Nothing can change it!" Ben yelled.

Ronnie leaned down to Luna and removed his hood, revealing Nightmare Moon! "YOU CAN NEVER ESCAPE ME!!!"

As Nightmare Moon and the other colts began laughing evilly, Luna buried her face in her hooves. "No!!! No!!!!"


Luna looked up and saw a bright circle above her. And out of the circle revealed Celestia, with her hoof out.

"Celestia!" Luna immediately flew up and wrapped her hooves around Celestia. "I'm so glad you're-"

Before Luna could finish, Celestia pulled them both through the hole.

Luna was still holding onto Celestia, she almost never wanted to let go.

"Luna, look out!" Celestia quickly pulled her sister out of the way from a blue electrical bolt.

Once out of the way, the two took notice of Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker battling, and seeing Spike still inside the forcefield, sobbing.

Luna felt her heart break seeing Spike so upset. "I've seen nightmares, but I haven't seen this before!" Luna turned to Celestia. "What's going on?"

"It's Spike's nightmare!" Celestia said. "He thinks this is what will happen if we continue to fight!"

"If you don't do something soon, this could damage Spike's mind!" Luna said in fear.

"My magic isn't powerful enough!" Celestia tried to say. "I thought that if we could work together, We'd-"

"But we don't have time to switch!" Luna spoke. "The magic I possess from you doesn't work in the dream realm! It's up to you!"

"Oh, Luna! I can't do this!" Celestia buried her face in her hooves. "I never fought this kind of dream before! I was wrong! You have it worse than me! You're alone all day, you have no pony to talk to, and it's all my fault! I should've helped more! I...I should've been there for you more."

Luna was surprised by Celestia's breakdown, but then smiled as she put a hoof around her sister. "I'm sorry too. I should've talked to you more. I always thought you had the easy life, spending all the time with everypony, but it takes so much hard work to do that."

The two princesses smiled at each other. "We need to fix all of this." Celestia chuckled, wiping a tear away.

"We do," Luna nodded. The two then heard Daybreaker's frightening laugh. "But not right this second!" Luna spoke.

Daybreaker shot down Nightmare Moon, and continued to laugh evilly as she leaned in on her body, igniting her horn.

Luna turned to Celestia. "You can do this, Celestia...I know you can."

Celestia smiled at her sister. But Daybreaker and a weakened Nightmare Moon both zapped each other, but Celestia blocked both their attacks.

"You can't destroy me!" Daybreaker snarled. "I'm everything YOU want to be!"

"No you're not!" Celestia spoke. "You're not real, and you will never exist again!"

Celestia used her wings to send the bolts back towards the evil counterparts, destroying them.

Once they were gone, Celestia let out a heavy, exhausted sigh.

"Celestia, you did it!" Luna ran over and hugged her sister.

"Only because you were here." Celestia returned the hug.

Luna looked into Celestia's eyes. "So, did you talk to yourself?" Luna asked, smirking.

"Um...a little," Celestia chuckled, nervously.

The two took notice of soft sniffling, as they noticed Spike still where he was, but he couldn't sob anymore. He was now laying on the ground, sniffing softly as tears ran down his face.

The two princesses looked down at Spike in pity, and looked at each other on what to do. They both nodded and put their horns together, as a magic light brightened throughout the dream.

Luna was fast asleep in the real world, but then, a white hoof petted her mane, waking her up without scaring her. Luna looked up and saw it was Celestia, smiling at her and pointing at her flank.

Luna saw that she had her original cutie mark back and looked back at Celestia who had her own. The two then both looked at Spike, who was still asleep next to Luna, but his eyes were wet from the tears he shed.

Celestia leaned down and gently nudged Spike with her face. "Spike?...Spike?..." She whispered softly.

The dragon's eyes slowly started to open as he saw both princesses looking at him.

"Are you okay, Spike?" Celestia asked.

Spike yawned and spoke in a weak voice. "I...I don't know...I-" Suddenly, he remembered the dream. "Oh no! It was horrible! Twilight and the others were zapped away! Wh-what am I gonna do?! They're all-!"

Celestia pulled Spike in for a hug as Luna looked at the dragon sadly. "Shhh...easy, easy, Spike..." She whispered. "Twilight's okay...Everypony's okay...It was nothing more than a bad dream..."

Spike sniffed and looked up at Celestia. "It was?"

"Yes," Celestia nodded.

Spike sighed in relief. But then he remembered something. "Celestia?" Spike asked. "...Can I have my itch lotion?"

"Itch lotion?" Celestia asked.

"Twilight packed it for me," Spike spoke. "I...I just feel like I need it...please?"

Celestia smiled warmly at Spike. "Of course." She walked towards Spike's bag and picked up his itch lotion with her magic. She walked over back and levitated it to him.

Spike caught the itch lotion. "Thanks," Spike said as he started putting it on his arm. "I...I'm sorry you guys saw my nightmare..."

Celestia looked down at Spike. "No, Spike. Don't blame yourself, this isn't your fault. We were under stress, we never meant to put you under any."

Luna pulled Spike close to her. "We let things get out of hoof, you're the one who suffered the most."

"What we're trying to say is," Celestia started to say.

"We're sorry," Celestia and Luna both said.

Spike looked up at the two princesses. He then jumped up and wrapped his claws around their necks. "I love you guys."

Celestia and Luna returned the embrace as Celestia's eyes welled up. "We love you too, Spike." Celestia nuzzled Spike's cheek and Luna kissed his forehead.

"Princesses, I heard something in here!" Kibitz's voice rang through the hallways as he went to open Luna's bedroom door. "What's going-"

He stopped when he noticed Spike and the princesses hugging. They didn't even notice him walk in. He couldn't help put smile at this, knowing everything was alright now. "Well, then. Carry on." He spoke before closing the door.

After they were done hugging, Spike was back to sleep and curled up next to Luna as Celestia placed a blanket over them. The two princesses both watched Spike sleeping and breathing easily as his belly moved up and down, peacefully.

"You two have wonderful dreams," Celestia spoke as she turned to leave.

Luna then thought of something. "Wait!" She whispered. Celestia turned back to Luna. "Yes?"

"You know," Luna scratched her chin. "I could use someone to tag along in my dream-walking, tonight."

This caused Celestia to grin in excitement.

Celestia was flying around with a tennis racket in the stars. "I gotcha now!" She then used it to hit the birdie over the net.

Luna, with Spike on her back watched the birdie fly. "We'll see about that, sister!" Luna said. "Ready, Spike?"

"You bet I am!" Spike leaped in the air and hit the birdie with his racket, causing it to fly over the net and for Celestia to miss hitting it.

"Oh, you got me!" Celestia said, in an over exaggerated, playful tone. "I lost again!"

Luna raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Don't be so dramatic,"

Suddenly, the three heard a timer go off.

"Ah-ha!" Celestia spoke smugly. "It's now my turn!"

Luna smirked. "Fair enough," Spike then hopped from Luna's back and onto Celestia's.

"Ready for round 4?" Celestia asked.

"Ready as I'll ever, be!" Luna grinned.

The three continued to play, as it was shown to be a dream in Spike's head, as he was sleeping with both princesses, with their horns touching while sleeping. They were using their personal magic...The magic of sisters.


Comments ( 14 )

I love this! The way you wrote Spike and the sisters interacting was both heart-warming and cute, and I love the ending :twilightsmile: I can just see the three of them continuing their dream adventures long after Spike goes back to Twilight.

Really want to see more adventures of these three now (not to mention I will forever be imagining this now when I watch the show :yay: )

....not too sure what the deal with the itch lotion was though, seemed a bit out of place to me :rainbowhuh:


I'm glad you loved the story!

....not too sure what the deal with the itch lotion was though, seemed a bit out of place to me

That was done because while Spike is annoyed Twilight was overprotective of him at the beginning, seeing her disintegrated in a dream made him want it because he remembers how much Twilight cares for him.

Awesome story good sir, If this was scene more often on the show, I would start watching it again and start to like Celestia & Luna more again.

I loved this story! I wish more than anything it had been "A Royal Problem" instead of what we got. Spike's dynamics with the princesses has been all but ignored in the show. :twilightsmile:

You should do more Spike spending time with Celestia and Luna fics more often.

Why couldn't this be the episode for 'A Royal Problem'? The way you wrote and played it out was superb and heartfelt. Everything in it felt like the characters from the show. I loved it. I hope you keep writing more of these.

Very well crafted story, a bit odd for me to read them as friends rather then mother, son and aunt but I still very much enjoyed this story. Have a like an a follow my friend, beautiful job.

If Spike went, then Equestria would be doomed. Celestia and Luna can't actually switch places without Starlight's spell.

Comment posted by LawtonCash deleted Sep 8th, 2023
Comment posted by LawtonCash deleted Sep 8th, 2023

It’s not bad per se, but I prefer the original. I’m sure you can see why.

Yeah, you're pretty biased

Comment posted by LawtonCash deleted January 19th
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