• Published 7th Nov 2017
  • 448 Views, 0 Comments

Decisions Past - SwiftLance

The ponies of Equestria find themselves in the midst of civil unrest once more. This causes their leaders to come together to form the First Equestrian Congress.

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Equality at Whose Cost

Long ago in Equestria’s vast history, there was a time of civil unrest. The newborn country of Equestria had just been formed. The tribes were still getting used to collaboration, and many ideas and morals were being thrown around causing a great disruption in their society. The ponies realized that they could not continue to go on like this and that they must find equality before they caused another Great Winter.

The leader of each tribe came together to form the First Equestrian Congress. This congress set out to equalize the rights of all Equestrians. There were many topics discussed at the first congress. Everything from land rights, privacy laws, and pegisi flight regulation. Here we find ourselves at the last two topics of the first congress. These topics helped shape Equestria into what it is now.


-” Onto our next topic, we must discuss the possibility of the continuation of indentured servitude in our new found country,” Spoke Princess Platinum to the five other representatives in the room.

Princess Platinum gazed around the room trying to get a read on any of the other ponies. Here today with her today was her helper Clover the Clever. Clover smiled at her as she glanced over. Platinum nodded her regal status flowing from her.

The other parties in the room began to mumble before Chancellor Puddinghead spoke up, “We Earth ponies hate the idea of always being ‘indentured’ to your unicorns! We’re not afraid to admit we’re the working class, but we refuse to go on working for somepony who cares not for our well being!” This began an uproar among the pegisi.

“Silence! -” Platinum screamed with her magically amplified voice. -” Please continue Commander Hurricane.”

The commander nodded at the Princess before turning to scowl at the Earth ponies, “So what you're saying is we Pegisi don’t work? I think we do plenty for you earth ponies! Providing you sunlight and rain for your crops!” Another mumble filled the room.

“I really don’t think that was our message Commander. We only implied your Pegisi don’t work we never outright said it… Besides what would all the tribes do without our food?” The Chancellor retorted.

It was Princess Platinum's turn to act surprised, “You dare say my luxurious unicorns can’t do something your namby-pamby Earth ponies can?”

All the ponies in the room began to squabble with each other. The noise became louder and louder as the wind picked up speed outside. One elderly stallion sat in the corner is pointed blue hat covering his bearded head. His eyes scanned the room looking at the ponies that now controlled the expansive lands of Equestria. He gave a long sigh and rose to stand upon his old and frail grey legs.

“Ponies!, why do you fight so?! You only make your situation worse. You will never have your unity if you continue your racist plights. I had not wanted to lead this Congress, but if it shall come to that of a foal rallying then I will gladly take the position to lead my glorious country!” All the ponies in the room had fallen silent during the speech and looked ashamed of themselves.

Princess Platinum cleared her throat putting her white hoof to her snout, “We had not wanted this to continue. We are sorry for what we said. Let us get back to the topic at hoof before we continue to anger the storm close upon us,” She attempted a small smile at the ponies sitting around the roundtable.

The congress murmured their apologies to eachother before the room fell silent once more, all leader deep in thought.

The silence continued a few minutes before Chancellor Puddinghead’s right hoof pony spoke up, “I’m terribly sorry for the mess we Earth ponies caused. I think I speak for my entire race when I say that continuing to be ‘the serving class’ is not acceptable for anypony. We’ve already passed many acts that protect equal rights. Why not continue that trend with labor -” She took a minute to look around the table -” We don’t deserve to do the work you don’t want to do just because you feel entitled because you have a horn or wings. I say we remove indentured servitude from our country giving all ponies the opportunity to work how they choose,” The room fell silent once more as Smart Cookie sat back in her seat.

The unicorn leader was murmuring something with the older unicorn in the corner while the pegisi looked ready to jump from their seats. The unicorns continued talking for another five minutes until the Commander literally jumped upon the table, “We pegisi are a proud militaristic race. We pride ourselves in our strict customs and traditions. We have never had Earth pony slaves as Earth ponies can’t walk on our beautiful cloud structures, but I speak for the pegisi race when I say we do not tolerate any form of slavery…. We know what that’s like,”

The unicorns mutterings became louder. The Princess gave looks at the ponies around the table every once in awhile. After what felt like an eternity Princess Platinum turned around to face the ponies once more, “We realize after much discussion and persuasion that it would be unfair to subject one race to a form of slavery. As such when we will provide our vote upon the condition that some Earth ponies come to Unicorn settlements to grow food. They will of course now be paid for their… usefulness,” The Princess gave one final look around the room before laying back in her seat.

Ponies began to chatter a bit more before the elderly pony knocked his hoof upon the floor twice silencing everypony, “Now, is everypony ready to vote? -” Nods from every leader present -” Good, I shall go around the room, as usual, calling out each race. When you are called vocalize your vote. -” Nods from everypony around the room once more -” Alright, let us begin. Earth Ponies?”

“Earth Ponies vote Yes to the cancellation of indentured servitude,” Spoke the Chancellor.

The elder unicorn nodded wrote it down upon his parchment and continued, “Pegisi?”

“The pegisi vote Yes to the cancellation of indentured servitude,” Responded the Commander.

Another nod from the elder, “And the Unicorns?” he said as he jotted down the pegasi’s response.

“The Unicorns, under the condition provided, vote Yes for the cancellation of indentured servitude,” The Princess said rising a bit in her chair as she spoke.

The elder nodded once more writing down the response, “Alright, then let it be known that Equestria will not tolerate indentured servitude now or evermore.” There was some applause around the room as the elder finished his statement.

The Princess sighed not of relief, but out of the stress of their final order of business. Looking around the room she could tell that everypony was disturbed at what had to be discussed next. As per usual, the Earth ponies spoke up first.

“I’d just like to start off by stating that this order will not attack the… homosexuals, but instead help them find a place in our growing society. I personally believe that everypony should have equal rights even if they enjoy their sexes company better than their opposite. I really don’t think we should be the ones to judge these ponies as we’ve never been in their hooves or been exposed directly to their thoughts or actions. I firmly believe that it is our job as a Congress to do what is best for all our little ponies,” The Chancellor said. She received glaring looks from the Pegasi.

There was a loud outburst from the Commander, “For many generations, the traditions and morals in pegasi society have held strong! I’m afraid by passing a freedom law would sway any amount of our pegasi to… become homosexuals. This would begin to decrease our population and spread a disease through our society. I regret to inform you all that the pegasi absolutely refuse to pass a law to allow this outrageous behavior!” The statement was followed by a loud hoof stomp upon the table causing an uproar among all tribes.

The elder had had enough, “Silence my little ponies! You will not continue to squabble and cause the storm outside these walls to brew. Thank you for your input Commander Hurricane, but I believe it is the Unicorns turn to have a say,” The elder shouted his robe floating a bit with the magical power that sparked along with his anger.

The Princess sighed once more, “This is a tough subject one we wish we did not have to discuss. The Unicorns have already allowed for many years the right to marry whatever sex you may want. This was only done to keep our population, calm, regal, and collected. We did not wish for a revolt amongst our ponies. We recognize that some of us here live by stricter customs, but we do wish for them to consider the needs of all their people for generations to come. We ask that they not be so blinded by their traditions and morals that they make a grave mistake that could collapse Equestria,” Her speech was followed up by applause from the Earth Pony representatives.

There was a silence after the Princesses speech. You could hear the wind whistling outside and the moans of the old building being battered by the winds might. Not a pony said a word for ten minutes. They sat there watching and waiting for somepony to make the next move.

The elder stood once more from his chair in the corner, “If nopony else wishes to make a remark then we shall have a vote. Speak now or hold your peace. -” No response -” Then let us commence the vote. I shall call your race and you shall cast your vote. Earth Ponies?” The elder began.

“The Earth Ponies vote yes for the activation of homosexual rights,” The Chancellor announced.

The elder jotted down the vote, “The Unicorns?”

“The Unicorns vote yes for the activation of homosexual rights,” The Princess smiled at the Earth Ponies.

The elder nodded and continued, “And finally the Pegasi?”

“After much internal debate the Pegasi have decided to abstain,” The Commander replied looking displeased.

The elder faintly smiled as he wrote down the last few words completing the document, “Then let it hereby known that I Starswirl the Bearded do announce the final article of our new constitution complete. Homosexual rights will be allowed as a majority vote rules,” He grinned setting his parchment and quill down and sitting back down resting his old back.

The room broke into applause and cheers even the pegasi were happy to have completed the constitution even if they hadn’t won at everything.


“And so you see my little pony every story has a happy ending,” Celestia smiled closing the old book she was reading to her student.

“But Princess why isn’t the Congress still in power? Why did you and Princess Luna take over?” Twilight asked.

“That is a story for another time my child.” Celestia winked.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading the story! I've had an idea like this in my head for awhile. I wanted to discuss some deep topics without drawing on and on. This Congress is based upon the United States First Continental Congress which helped shape America just like the Equestrian Congress did.

I purposely left open ends in some of the dialogue. An instance would be Commander Hurricanes comment on her ponies knowing the horrors of slavery first hoof. (Could that be my next story?!)
There will be a sequel to this story that answers Twilight's question.

Anyway thanks again for reading my story. Crush those typos!


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