• Published 14th Nov 2017
  • 1,358 Views, 31 Comments

Chibi Flan's Foalsitter - Lucky Star Kona-chan

What happens when you leave a being who apprently bites a lot with the ponies? Well, let's find out *CHOMP*

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Day 5 and so on (Final)

Twilight was slowly retreating, at the same time Flan moved towards her at the same pace.

Something ironic happened, while Flan was advancing she extended her arms forward like she wanted a hug, but her face was still the same creepy expression.

“F-Flan I’m ok with hugs, b-but not that kind, p-please back off…” Twilight’s body was shaking uncontrollably, Flan continued to follow her with the same posture.

No matter what Twilight did, Flan kept blocking any and every way for her to exit the room.

She tried flying, Flan was in her face.

She tried rounding her to get out using the destroyed door. But Flan was there as well.

‘I can’t escape… I can’t use my magic… I can’t defend myself against her… I can’t- do- anything…’ Twilight sat on her rump while looking at the floor grimly.

‘Why did I do this? How could I do this to my friends?’ her thoughts were haunting her.

‘I deserve this, after what I did…’ Finally the guilt took the better of her and droplets were falling to the floor of the room.

Rainbow was watching frozen in fear, ‘what happened to Flan? Why is she so… bloodthirsty all of a sudden?’

At that moment a realization came to her, ‘No… I can’t let that happen! Sure I’m mad at Twilight for doing all of this crazy egg head stuff, but that’s no reason for her to become graffiti on the wall!’

Rainbow found her strength back and tried to free herself with all her might, but she was tied too tightly.

‘Arrgh! Why didn’t I pay attention to the inner magic class!? Rabbit Twilight is probably laughing at how dumb I look now.’ Rainbow trashed and trashed all the while Flan was getting dangerously close to Twilight.

‘Come on!!’ on the outside this was translated as a long angry groan.

Applejack and Rarity only watched helplessly they couldn’t do anything.

Fluttershy’s eyes were red and puffy from the constant crying.

All of them could have gasped when Flan slapped Twilight and sent her crash landing mere steps away from Fluttershy.

Twilight could have screamed from the pain, but she didn’t feel anything.

She didn’t care though, she accepted this as punishment.

“I’m sorry girls… I didn’t meant for this to happen…” Twilight said in almost a whisper.

Taboo “Lävatein”

The ponies saw Flan wielding a fire sword that was way too big in comparison to her body.

Then she was approaching the downed Alicorn.

Fluttershy was in the way, and even as afraid as she was, she conjured the will power to do the right thing.

She managed to roll in front of Twilight getting in between Flan and her in the process.

Flan stopped and stared at the mare in front of her. The mare stared back.

Surprising everypony, Flan destroyed the chains that held Fluttershy, and then tried to go around her to get to Twilight.

But the mare stepped in front of her; basically the roles did a 180.

Flan wanted to move in some way, Fluttershy would step in front of her.

“Flan… can you stop please? If that’s ok with you.” Fluttershy said to the creepy looking Flan after taking the tape out of mouth.

She was afraid, her shaking hooves were proof enough, but she knew Flan was still Flan. The Flan she knew will never hurt them.

Flan’s eye twitched briefly before ignoring her and tried to get to Twilight again, obviously Fluttershy got in between them again.

In a violent movement Flan fooled Fluttershy to approach her target.

Before she could strike her foe she felt something grabbing her from behind, it was Fluttershy hugging her.

“Flan, please… please stop…”

Flan felt new tears falling on her shoulder.

She felt something different too; it was like two factions crashing inside your mind. Flan lifted her free hand to her head because the headache was getting too strong.

In an impulse she got Fluttershy off her by throwing the mare, but something inside her pushed her to catch Fluttershy before she got hurt by the fall.

Flan wasn’t sure what was happening with her thoughts and emotions anymore, one part wanted to erase Twilight from existence and whatever stood in her way of doing it. But another part didn’t want to, and the thought of hurting Fluttershy was out of the question.

Her mind was having a war for power.

With her mind in overdrive she still tried to get to Twilight, Fluttershy blocked the path again but something was different, she had a more serious expression.

“Flan… if you can’t stop… then you have to pass over me first.” Fluttershy sat and extended her hooves to the sides taking the “meat shield” posture.

Those words resonated in Flan’s mind.

Her eyes widened at an image that flashed in her memory, her sister defending her, saying those same words, none of them having wings in the flashback.

The next flashing image showed Remilia again, but this time she had her wings and her dress was covered in blood, Flan’s hands were bloody too and next to them was…

Now she remembered why she couldn’t go outside, why she asked her sister to keep her in the basement all those years.

“It seems Flan was able to stop herself, I’m glad for that. I shouldn’t have put this much responsibility on Rinna’s friend. I really didn’t expect for Flan to go off on this world but I see that some of you managed to get to her heart.”

Flan turned with her now normal expression to see Remilia at the door with Spike behind.

Suddenly Remilia’s found herself being hugged by her little sister; she picked her up to see tears in her scarlet eyes. Remilia brought Flan closer to her on a sisterly hug.

Remilia stared at spike, “released them.” She said while petting Flan on the back, her quiet sobs were barely audible even for Remilia.

Spike did as he was said and released the ponies or at least he tried. He was only able to untie Rainbow, but he couldn’t break the chains that held Rarity and AJ.

Rainbow approached Remilia, she saw the pony with a raised eye-brow.

“Is she alright?” Rainbow asked while looking at Flan.

“She will be; Flan has a strong will. But whatever happened here really shocked her, is not normal for her to look for contention so openly. That aside I need to take Flan home, I’ll have to talk to Rinna about this too.” She said with a sigh.

“Miss Remilia, umm… could you like free my friends?” Rainbow pointed at her still chained friends. “Spike is not doing well with that.”

Remilia rolled her eyes before snapping the chains, and then was on her way to leave but stopped briefly at the door and stared at Rainbow.

“You need to put more effort if you want to take that position, newbie.” Then she left with Flan on arms.

‘How did she know about that?’ Rainbow thought.

Being left alone the now free ponies stretched some, and then went to check on Twilight.

The princess wasn’t visibly hurt really, but she appeared to be unable to move.

After some talk, they took Twilight to the hospital. Even if what Twilight did was horrible they weren’t going to let her suffer, she was still their friend after all.

3 days later.

Twilight has been recovering physically as well as magically, it seems like Flan’s hit somehow managed to paralyze her for days.

She has been slowly gaining control of her body; she wasn’t in top shape yet but managed to do slowly and calmed walks on the hospital’s yard. She used her time there to think about what happened, how her obsession made her do things she normally wouldn’t do. How she was so focused on the wrong thing, and almost hurt her friends.

When Princess Celestia was informed about the whole situation, upset wasn’t the right word to describe her emotional state in their little talk. At one point a certain being that was close to Celestia tried to take any responsibility from Twilight and take it on herself, but Twilight refused and accepted being under strict surveillance for the next two months, her every move reported to Celestia herself during that time period.

She was so lost on thought that she didn’t notice the little thing walking along side her.

“Uuuuu!” Twilight snapped out of her trance at that voice, and looked to her side to find Flan there.

“Ga- OUCH!” the sudden movement caused great deals of pain.

Flan shook her head disapprovingly.

“H-hi Flan, where are the guards that were following me?” Twilight asked.

Flan pointed at the distance where Remilia was under her parasol and the two guards were cowering at a safe distance behind her.

An awkward moment of silence surrounded the two of them, “H-how have you been?” Twilight said more in confusion than actual curiosity.

Flan gave her a deadpan look.

“Sorry,” Twilight said sheepishly.

Flan seemed in thought with her eyes shut, and then nodded before jumping at Twilight the latter’s eyes grew wide.


Twilight was surprised when she didn’t feel the sharp pain of Flan’s bite but instead felt just a slight pressure on her ear.


Flan was playing bite with her.

“What are you-”

Then Flan slapped her on the back of her head lightly before jumping off her back.

“Ow, what was that for?”

Shaking her head Flan couldn’t help but smile at the pony that she didn’t like some days ago. Searching in her pockets Flan offered Twilight an envelope which took a hold of it in her magic, and then Flan went with her sister.

“Wait! What is this!?” Twilight shouted to Flan the only response she got was a smile and a wave from her before the two disappeared.

‘Why did she do that!? I didn’t even got the chance to apologize to her!’ with a sigh she opened the envelope.

Inside she found a “get well soon” post card and a short message “Don’t do that ever again,” followed by another stick alicorn drawing with the name “an ok purple horse.”

Twilight was crying after looking at that, she didn’t know why but something about this little gesture made her extremely happy, and took a heavy weight off her back.

Twilight’s new friendship has been confirmed.

“Flan! I’ll be waiting for you!” she screamed at the top of her lungs with an expression of joy.

Twilight didn't complete her task, and was being punished for her mistakes, but in the end she got something even more precious.

A new Friend.

The en- *Chomp*

The end message has been broken.

Author's Note:

Welp that's the end of the road for this one.

I hope you guys enjoyed my improvised story, the ending is probably way too cliche. But it was to be expected I guess.

Now to think what to do next, I mean I could totally try and improvise a sequel like I don't know, throwing her in the Crystal Empire and let Cadance regret her life choices but nah, if someone wants to do it, you are free to do so.

Hmm... I don't know why, but I have the feeling that I'm forgetting something. Oh well.

Kona-chan out!