• Member Since 25th May, 2016
  • offline last seen Yesterday


"Show my head to the people, it is worth seeing." - Georges Danton


The parliament of Equestria was formed three hundred years after the banishment of Nightmare Moon. It was established in order to address the widening gap between Celestia and her subjects, reduce the strain of governing an ever growing domain, and to represent the diverse set of interests and species that make up Equestria.

It was designed with only the best of intentions in mind.

This story takes place 200 years before the show.

Proofread by Tempus and ArkaDarp

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

Very good. I would love to see a continuation- if not a sequel.

Am I right in assuming Ruby Bow discovered that her political allies were unable to see her re-elected?

I agree with Tale Swapper, I would be interested in a continuation; this was an excellent read.

When I mentioned liberalism I meant it in the 19th century fashion. The old liberal parties were focused more on free trade and ending protectionism then they were on resolving social issues of the time.

Yeah, unlike now :trixieshiftleft:

You can't just end it there! I want to know what happens next! How does the populace respond? Does this action incite a civil war by itself? Does Miss Ruby attempt to start one herself? Do acts of terrorism happen? What about the other businessponies? How will the new government prevent rampant corruption from taking over again? Does it require a constitutional amendment? Would Celestia have to be behind it? Who runs the country if the government is dissolved? Does the militia really think they can do anything to Celestia? What're they gonna do, fight an immortal demigod?

There are so many questions to answer! :flutterrage:

Hmm. This comes across...kind of oddly. While reading it, my impression was that it was intended to be some sort of real-world political statement that was being ruined by the fact that the world you were using to convey the statement contained an omnipotent God-princess, apparently with legal authority to push the reset button. Even by the end, I still wasn't unsure what your intended message was. And given that she apparently does have the legal authority to push the reset button, I'm left with the feeling that all the angst and uncertainty that makes up the majority of the story was pointless and irrelevant. After all, she's simply exercising her legal right that exists for this very reason. So what's the big deal?

But upon reading the author's closing comment, I gather that there wasn't an intended message. Which makes being unable to find one make more sense. But it leaves me feeling like this was simply some scene from some movie I've never heard of recreated out of context, and with ponies.

I think this chapter might have been better in the middle of a story, rather than as a one-shot.

I'm happy to hear that. I love when people want to see more. To answer your question, maybe some of them? Wealthy districts would probably continue to support her policies. However, they would not be re-elected in great enough numbers to allow for the formation of a viable government.
Thank you so much for the for the kind words. I'm glad people are enjoying my political horse fic.
I mean liberalization of trade is a policy taken up in both conservative and liberal democratic soceieties nowadays.
Sorry that I had to end it there. I freely admit that this fic was a scene when really it should have been a whole story. However, if you'd like I can let you in on what I personally assume would have happened in the aftermath of such an incident.
The Chamber of Commons was directly inspired by the House of Commons. In modern day Canadian and British society the queen, technically, has the legal authority to dismiss her Ministers and dissolve Parliament. You can't tell me that if that were to happen in our society that, that wouldn't be an incredibly big deal. Just because Celestia has the legal authority doesn't mean she should exercise it.

Though I do freely agree that it was a mistake to post a one-shot instead of fleshing it out into a full fledged story. Hindsight is however 20/20.


Though I do freely agree that it was a mistake to post a one-shot instead of fleshing it out into a full fledged story. Hindsight is however 20/20.

This gravy train of horse politics need not stop now. Please write more!
I love how you’ve written Celestia’s internal dialogue and the equestrian society along with its political climate and infrastructure.
The characters are nicely introduced, but could become more three dimensional with multiple archs. I think this one would benefit from a fully feshed, 100,000+ word treatment.
So much world building has sprouted in this fic... It is good as is, to be sure. I think it could become GREAT. 👌🏼

I agree, this one-shot needs more - if at least in the way of further sequels as one-shots to show what happened next from this point.

I give it a like and a fav for the life imprinted within its lines, and hope to read more from this in the future.

Great idea but no where near th length and research necessary to do it justice.

Wait, there's not more to this?

I disagree. Though the end came a bit short and I actually expected some outburst of violence from miss Bow, I'm not sure in what kind this story would have benefited from more research. There were enough elements from the 19th century UK present to make it work.

Though I'm sure it would be enjoyable to see more of this, I'm not sure I'm seeing enough potential for a second story here. Too much of the conflict was resolved, and unless Gara plans to plunge Equestria into a full-blown civil war, the story could fall victim to this just like other spin-offs.
Though I'm always open to being surprised :raritywink:

This was a really nice story, Gara, with a surprisingly more serious tone to Equestrian politics than "Diplomatic Immunity". Out of curiosity, do your stories take place within the same verse/continuity?

There is no reason they couldn't be but they were not made with that intention in mind.


The story basically encompasses 100 years-sorry, "50 years" according to the story-of history. The story is far too short for that.

That said, unless you seriously want to argue that ~4000 words is enough to adapt 100 years of UK political, social and industrial history into a MLP fanfic.

Celestia standing against Capitalist degeneracy and supporting the worker! Hooray!

A victory for absolutism.

Celestia is more like a god (Ponies stopped to pray to her), so it's actually a deity coming to uphold justice. Either way Celestia's awesome.

This is why I would support Celestia if Ponies ever chose to invade Earth. Our governments are terrible-we need the gentle hoof/claw/tentacle of alien overlords.

Democracy can be just as dangerous as autocracy?

The autocracy which masquerades as democracy is more dangerous than the autocracy which openly shows its face

Have to wonder how society would have turned out if similar abrupt action had been taken in England during the industrial revolution. Possibly very little I suppose as even with the creation of the House of Commons voting rights were relatively strict.

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