• Published 12th Nov 2017
  • 3,863 Views, 107 Comments

Hybrid - ShadowedKnight68

A man goes through a portal and is turned into a unknown creature, shunned and feared for how he looks he struggles to live his new life.

  • ...


Luna and Fluttershy followed the trail of paw and hoof prints from the creature named Michael, they followed them to a stream where the trail ended.

"Where did she go?" Fluttershy asked looking around for more tracks.

"She must have walked down the stream, the question is which way did she go?" Luna thought deeply about how they could figure out which way she went, she then got an idea and lit her horn casting a spell. A blue glow engulfed the area, soon a holographic version of Michael walked up to the stream and walked down it "There, now we can follow her" she explained and began following the hologram.

Fluttershy followed behind her while smiling.

Eventually while walking they found the burnt remains of a Timberwolf.

"It must have attacked her recently, but the hologram doesn't show her attacking it, so maybe it was a few days ago? She's lucky she survived a Timberwolf" Luna watched the hologram crawl up the rocky hill, she ran up to the top, Fluttershy and Luna flew behind the hologram and landed a few feet behind the hologram.

"I hope we're close" Fluttershy hopingly pleaded as she continued to follow Luna.


Michael panted as she struggled to pull the drone "hrr you better work when your powered up or I'm so dropping you off a cliff" she growled as she dragged the drone through the forest, she tripped over a root and fell to the ground.

"Ughhh!!! Of course, you`re there, why wouldn't you be there?! These whole damn woods was made just to screw me!!!!" She yelled into the air and got back up she looked forward only to find a glowing ghost-like version of herself, she froze looking at the ghost her.

"WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!?" she yelled seeing it and scurried back away.

Luna walked out from the bushes behind the hologram, she froze seeing Michael.

"You must be Michael," Luna declared.

Michael nodded looking between the dark blue pony and the ghost nervously.

Luna quickly picked up on Michael's nervousness and made the hologram disappear "Sorry about that, we were doing that to find you".

"We?" Michael asked confused.

Fluttershy walked out of the bushes and smiled seeing Michael "You're okay! I was so worried we wouldn't find you".

Michael smiled seeing her, she was the nicest pony she's met here "Yeah, I'm fine".

"Yes, it IS good we found you before my sister," Luna said.

"Why?" Michael asked confused.

"Well unlike me, she would rather hunt you down and either put you in the dungeon or..." Luna went silent.

Michael gulped "or what...?"

"Kill you" Luna answered.

"Oh," Michael said.

"you are taking this much better than expected," Luna informed.

Michael screamed "I don't wanna die!!! I didn't do anything!!! I just accidentally burnt down a few trees, I didn't know it was that big of a law!!!" She ran around freaking out.

"Hmm, I stand corrected..." Luna said and used he magic to stop her from running "You should remain calm, panicking will not help this issue, take a few deep breaths".

Michael breathed in deeply and breathed out, she slowly calmed down after a few deep breaths.

"Better?" Luna asked.

Michael nodded.

Luna smiled and set Michael back down "I must say, you are far more different than any other dragon pony I have ever met".

Michael looked at her in shock "Other?...there are other things like me?? I thought I was just a weird fuck up from the machine!"

Luna tilted her head in confusion "machine...?"

"Um, forget it, what about these other dragon ponies?" Michael asked intrigued at the thought that there were more of what she was.

"Well while I was saying you, you act very differently, they were more short-tempered and didn't fear very much, from what I heard earlier you are as well short-tempered, but you get scared a lot more" Luna answered.

"Yeah, I'll admit... I can get pretty mad easily...hang on why am I being hunted if you all know about this race?? There should be some type of law against this" Michael asked raising a brow.

"Well... your race.... isn't alive anymore....no pony has seen or heard from your race in many many years," Luna said sadly, Fluttershy shared the sad expression.

"How?..." Michael looked at her with confusion.

"....w-we wiped them out....we feared they would destroy all of Equestria......I'm so sorry...." Luna hung her head ashamed.

"Damn....I really do have bad luck...I get turned into something that's wanted dead...." Michael said somberly.

"Turned into?" Luna questioned.

"I wasn't like this originally...I'm not even from this world....I'm from a place called Earth... it's kinda like this except humans are the dominant race.... magic isn't even real there... I was sent here to explore this place and see what it was...I regret it... I regret it all.... now I'm trapped as this....freak of nature!" Michael looked down at her clawed feet and clenched her teeth, her claws digging into the ground.

Michael was ready to explode with anger until she felt two wings drape over her back, he looked left and right in confusion and found Luna and Fluttershy hugging her, her anger cooked down to nothing and she smiled slightly.

"We will make sure your safe and back home Michael," Fluttershy said smiling.

"Yes, you need not worry, we will help you," Luna cheered smiling as well.

Michael closed her eyes and smiled "Thank you...thank you both"

The three remained in that embrace until Michael's stomach growled.

Fluttershy gasped "I forgot, you haven't eaten anything have you?"

"No, not really... I tried to, but it just made me sick" Michael sighed.

"That's because you're eating the wrong food," Luna said as she lit her horn and gems suddenly appeared in front of Michael.

"Um...." Michael looked at the gems and Luna in confusion.

"You're supposed to eat them," Luna said with a slight grin.

"Hehe, very funny... I'm not eating rocks" Michael chuckled at the joke.

"I'm serious" Luna stated.

"Ah, dammit..." Michael huffed and picked one of the gems up and held it up to her face "you're sure this isn't a joke...?"

Luna nodded confirming her suspicions.

Michael, she closed her eyes and opened her mouth, she then put the gem in her mouth and began chewing, she was expecting a gross dirt taste but was surprised to find it tasted extremely good, she began to eat the gems, it felt amazing to eat after so long.

"You should slow down, you don't want to get sick..." Fluttershy said.

"Sorry, it's just I haven't eaten in so long...and they taste so g-" Michael was cut off as flames erupted from her mouth and into the air, once the flames ended she was blushing embarrassed.

Luna chuckled "That's what happens to dragons and dragon ponies when they eat gems, they fuel your flames".

"Oh... I didn't know that..." Michael chuckled embarrassedly.

"We should go somewhere that my sister won't search," Luna said.

"How about my house? They shouldn't have any reason to search there" Fluttershy stated.

"Good idea" Luna replied.

"Alright, I'll need some help moving this though," Michael said looking at the drone.

Luna lit her bring and levitated it up.

"Awesome...." Michael envied the magic Luna had, she pulled her hood back over her head "Okay, lead the way"


After a few hours of walking they arrived at Fluttershy's house, Fluttershy opened the door letting Luna and Michael in.

"Been a while since I've been in a house" Michael laid on the couch and smiled "hm.... missed it...." She fell asleep almost instantly, cuddling a pillow.

Fluttershy smiled, Luna did as well.

"Princess, may I ask how you know so much about dragon ponies?" Fluttershy asked.

Luna thought back "Back when they were still alive, I wanted to know more about them, they were so much like us and I was very curious, apparently one time in the very distant past a dragon and a pony had a child together, that child was the first of its race, after that more and more appeared, there were many different variations of dragon ponies, ones that could fly, ones that could breath underwater, and ones like Michael, I visited their lands to know more about them, yes they were short tempered but they were very much like ponies, though a bit more violent like dragons, I even befriended some...." Luna's smile faded.

"But then...the war started...the dragon ponies wanted more...I don't blame them for it, when ponies and dragons found out about them they weren't greeted with open arms, they were feared, shunned, and ignored, dragons saw them as traitors for being part pony, and ponies saw them as freaks for being part dragon, they were a combination of two races...and yet they were part of neither, I wish we would have thought better and done more to help...instead we did nothing and they grew to hate us all, instead of attempting peace we fought fire wiht fire and destroyed them all..." Luna sighed.

Fluttershy frowned sadly.

"Now after so many years one shows up and is treated the same, I fear history will forever repeat itself...." Luna looked at Michael who was still sleeping.


Michael woke up but she wasn't on the couch, confused she looked around and found burnt trees and ground all around, the entire area was a wasteland.

She then heard yelling from behind and quickly turned around, she saw thousands of dragon ponies rushing her way, all of which were in rage, she held her arms up to protect herself.

But she didn't feel any of them impact her instead, she fert the wind rush by her as they passed her, she turned around and found them battling ponies.

Her eyes were wide as she saw them both battle to the death, as she watched she noticed something on a hill, it looked like Luna, she quickly rushed over to her in hope of protection, she dodged battling ponies and dragon ponies but skidded to a stolen she reached Luna.

Luna was huddled over a dragon pony, she was badly Injured and looked like she wasn't going to survive.

"No, no, please stay awake... I can get a healer... you're going to be fine, just please stay awake!" Luna cried as she tried to keep the dragon pony awake.

The dragon pony looked at Luna and smiled weakly "...the princess of dreams... telling someone to stay awake... ironic heh" she coughed up blood.

Tears ran down Luna's face "wh-why did you do this?...why?!"

"I....I couldn't sit and hide while everyone I loved and cared about died....I'd feel like too much of a coward... knowing while they died I was hiding and safe.... my race isn't going to win... I know that... they know that... but ... if they give up... then everything everypony has ever called them is true... they aren't fighting to rule Equestria... they're fighting to show they aren't nothing... they aren't cowards.... they aren't weak... I'm sorry it came to this.... we didn't ask to be born but... we just wanted to be accepted...." The dragon pony's eyes got heavier "p...please make this dream peaceful... L-Luna...." Her eyes closed fully as she passed.

Luna's entire body shook as tears streamed down her face, she yelled into the air in despair, her yell being drowned out by the battle cries of the war.

Michael jumped awake, she had tears running down her face, she heard Luna and Fluttershy talking in the kitchen, she then looked down at herself 'they were all fighting to prove they were actually something.... but... no one knows that... no one but me and Luna...' she thought and sighed.

Michael got up walked over to the drone, she tried looking for the power storage compartment, she found it on the back of it but it was screwed shut, she thought for a few minutes before using her claw to unscrew it, once all the screws were out she checked to see what was stopping it from powering up, she found a small battery screen that was red, unfortunately that meant it needed to be charged "Dammit... wait maybe magic can power it? Hm, then once it's fully charged I'll need to bring it back to where the rift opened and try and get a signal.... but if it doesn't work then this was all for nothing...." She began to lose hope but shook her head "No, can't focus on that, just focus on getting it working".

As she was fiddling around with the drone to see if anything was broken, she thought about the dragon pony race, why was she changed into one if they're all gone? Why not a race that was actually still alive?

None of it made sense, she thought back to the vision she had, all those dragon ponies died wanting to prove they were more then what thought to be.... but no one but the Princesses' remembers them, maybe that's why she was changed into one? So she could tell everyone what the dragon ponies really were, not monsters bent on bringing destruction and death, but a race of people who wanted to be seen as equal, maybe she was the only one who could do it.

Michael sighed looking towards the kitchen seeing Luna and Fluttershy still talking distracted, she then looked down at the drone "Sorry, but looks like I'm not gonna be going home soon.... I still need to do something" she whispered to herself and quietly went to the door opening it, she then closed it behind her and looked towards the town taking a deep breath "Well.... not many can say they get to be arrested by royal guards" she made her way towards the town pushing her fear to the back of her mind.