• Published 14th Nov 2017
  • 863 Views, 15 Comments

Filling In - StormLuna

When Princess Celestia falls ill, she summons Starlight Glimmer to Canterlot to take over her duties for a few days. Celestia is confident in her protege's abilities but Luna has her doubts.

  • ...

Exam Time

Return to Her Tower

When Starlight and Spike returned to the study tower they used to call home, so many memories came rushing back to Starlight. She couldn't help but remember all the productive hours of studying she had in there, she remembered the party she had with her friends the night she moved in and she couldn't help but remember all the hearty meals she was able to fix for her and Spike.

She continued to walk around, headed into her old bedroom and plopped down on her bed. She sprawled out and sighed, "You know Spike, I really miss this place. I really miss all of us studying in here, the fun sleep overs we would have with my friends and I miss being able to go out with all my friends to the various shops up here."

Spike jumped up on the bed with her and replied, "I know but Celestia gave you six an assignment that you simply couldn't say no."

Starlight sighed, "I know, I know." She sprawled out further and continued, "For now though, even if we only have fifteen minutes or so, let's just relax."

Spike replied, "Sounds good to me."

Exam Time

Thirty minutes had passed and Starlight figured that she had better get ready to go oversee the exams that Celestia normally would. She unrolled the scroll and noticed that the first exam was for remedial magic. She got a smile on her face and chuckled, "Huh, the first one is remedial magic."

Spike couldn't help but laugh, "Hey, isn't that the one that Trixie failed?"

Starlight got a huge smile on her face, "Yep." She became more serious as she continued, "Enough about that, I need to get going so I'll see you when I get back."

Spike asked, "Don't I get to come?"

Starlight replied, "For this, no. I'm thinking this would be best done on my own."

Spike sighed as Starlight headed off to oversee the exam which would wind up being in the same classroom that Starlight remembered from so long ago. When she arrived, she couldn't help but notice it was the same professor from so long ago. The professor greeted her and asked, "Starlight Glimmer, is that you?"

Starlight replied, "Yes, it is me." Given that she had only met her once, back when she was a filly, she did not know her name. She continued, "And your name?"

The teacher replied, "Malinda Moonheart, Professor Moonheart but you can call me Malinda." She wanted to get the formalities so she continued, "How are you Starlight? It has been so long."

Starlight replied, "Well a while back Princess Celestia sent my friends and I down to Ponyville, we defeated Nightmare Moon, I became the Element of Magic and now the seven of us live down there."

Malinda's eyes grew wide as she asked, "The Element of Magic?" She then began to look around and continued, "Speaking of Princess Celestia, where is she? She was supposed to be here to oversee this exam."

Starlight replied, "The princess has fallen ill and has sent me here to oversee it for her."

Malinda gasped, "Seriously? She has sent you here to grade it in her stead?"

Starlight's pupils shrank, "She wants me to grade it, not just oversee it?"

Malinda replied, "Yes, anymore it is more of a matter of me overseeing it and her grading it."

This really unnerved Starlight but she remembered that Celestia said she trusted her judgement so she knew that grading this exam was up to her.

Professor Moonheart stood there with a neutral expression on her face while Starlight couldn't help but be nervous. Once every seat was filled Professor Moonheart began, "Students, today is a very important day. It is a day that will determine whether you will continue your studies here at the school or if your time here will end."

This caused numerous students to become very nervous, enough that one asked, "Professor, if we don't do well will we have to go home?"

Moonheart shrugged her shoulders and sighed, "Yes, you will." Her voice became more irritated as she continued, "This is remedial magic and if you can't pass it, then you obviously don't have the ability to be here." She then pointed her hoof to her left and continued, "Class, Princess Celestia is ill today and was unable to make it so her protege, Starlight Glimmer, will be taking her place."

The students in class began to talk among one another wondering how a pony such as Starlight was so easily able to become Celestia's protege and why it was her that was being allowed to grade their exams. Starlight nodded at Moonheart and asked, "Well shall we?"

Moonheart nodded causing Starlight to grab a sheet of paper and begin, "Sunny Meadows, you are currently in this remedial magic course because you are struggling with your magic. Why do you feel like you are here and is there anything you believe you could do better?"

Sunny Meadows gave Starlight a nervous look and replied, "Well um, I think I'm here because I have a lot of trouble with teleportation and some problems with levitation and transfiguration as well."

Starlight figured that perhaps this was just a matter of a nervous student. She said, "Sunny, just remain calm, focus and you will be able to do this."

She nodded at Sunny and she began to teleport around the room. Starlight was happy to see this but it was Professor Moonheart who was happy for her. She sat there with her mouth hanging open in a state of shock. She whispered to Starlight, "Wow, I can't believe she did it, I can't believe she teleported like that."

Sunny gave her a smile and continued with levitation and transfiguration. Moonheart was beyond shocked with this while Starlight was standing there with a huge smile on her face. While she didn't say anything, she whispered, "Good job Sunny" to her.

Once they were finished, Starlight held a paper up to herself and began to check off various items on a list. She zeroed in on it until she eventually cast her gaze on Moonheart and nodded in approval. Once she finished grading the exam she asked, "Alright, who's next?"

The next pony on the list raised her hoof and Starlight motioned for her to begin her exam. Like the student before her, she was easily able to teleport, levitate things and do transfiguration spells. She couldn't help but have a huge smile on her face but Starlight wasn't quite as certain. While she was happy that the students were happy, she just couldn't help but wonder what would happen if the students were to fail.

As the day progressed, more and more students were acing their exams and finally it was a colt named Cloverleaf's turn. He noticed that Starlight was watching him closely, waiting. Finally Starlight asked, "Cloverleaf, I know you have been having trouble in this class. Why is it that you are having these problems?"

Cloverleaf replied, "Well I just don't know what it is, I just don't feel like things are going right for me. I just don't feel like I can do anything right."

Starlight could understand where he was coming from but at the same time the fact that he just couldn't get things down that he should, that began to frustrate Starlight. She grabbed a pen and began, "Well let's see how you do, maybe you'll do better than you have been."

Cloverleaf gave her a nervous look and attempted to teleport around the room but for him this was not as easy as it looked. He stood there gritting his teeth trying his hardest to get some energy flowing but all he got was a few sparks of energy coming out of his horn and that was it. Finally he threw his hooves up in the air and sighed, "I'm sorry Starlight, I'm sorry I did so bad."

Starlight wasn't quite sure what to make of the situation. She knew that if Cloverleaf would apply himself that he could become great with magic but with the situation he was in, he would just have to deal with where he was now. Cloverleaf just didn't get it, earlier it seemed like he was destined for greatness and had the whole world in his hooves but suddenly it seemed like the only thing that awaited him was failure.

Cloverleaf's Second Chance

After Cloverleaf's failure in his exam, Professor Moonheart dismissed most of the class, except for him. She motioned for him to come up to the front of the classroom and said, "Well Cloverleaf, I guess this is it. You failed your remedial magic exam and it looks like you simply don't have what it takes to be in this school." She turned to Starlight and asked, "Since you are filling in for the princess, you are in charge of his fate. Are you going to send him home or what?"

Starlight couldn't help but remember how Professor Moonheart had a stern look on her face during the exam she oversaw with Celestia so long ago, she couldn't help but remember how Professor Flintheart's attitude caused Lyra to do poorly and believed that this may be a similar scenario. She approached the young colt and asked, "Cloverleaf, I do have a question. Do you get nervous around a lot of other ponies?"

Cloverleaf nervously replied, "Yes, I do. I can do magic fine when I'm alone or around ponies that I don't think will judge me but around the whole class, I'm terrible!"

Starlight turned to Moonheart and ordered, "Professor, we are going to give Cloverleaf a second chance right here in front of the two of us."

Moonheart gasped, "Seriously Starlight? I know you're filling in for Princess Celestia and she likely trusts your judgement but she has never given students who fail this a second chance." She became more intense as she continued, "Don't you remember Trixie and Sunburst? She didn't give them a second chance!"

Starlight turned to see Cloverleaf looking devastated and continued, "Professor Moonheart, I want you to leave the classroom and I shall oversee a second exam for him ON MY OWN! I had a friend in the past who was intimidated by her teacher and did fine once she was in a different situation." She pointed her hoof towards the exit and ordered, "Now go so I can do this."

Professor Moonheart was not overly thrilled with the order but knew that with Starlight being Celestia's protege, that she likely had a lot of pull. She gulped, "Very well Starlight."

Moonheart left the classroom and Starlight gave Cloverleaf a warm smile. She said, "Alright Cloverleaf, show me what you were supposed to do during the exam."

Cloverleaf nodded and began his exam. Starlight watched proudly as he began to teleport across the room and even outside. He then began levitating the desks and hoping he could do so, he grabbed Starlight in his aura and began to levitate her. After he put her down, he used transfiguration spells to turn the desks into everything from tea cups to recliners before returning them to their original form. This not only shocked Starlight, but it made her very happy. She gave him a smile and gasped, "Wow Cloverleaf, that was amazing!"

For the first time in his life, somepony other than his parents complemented his magical abilities. Starlight gave him a smile and continued, "You know, you did excellent and I'm going to give you a huge opportunity." She put up a shield and continued, "If you can break this shield, I will talk to Princess Celestia about an independent study because you shouldn't be in remedial magic."

Again Cloverleaf nodded and fired energy at Starlight's shield. He continued to put more power into it but just couldn't put a dent on it. He began to feel like he would fail but knew that unlike the professors at the school, Starlight would not give up on him. He continued to put more power into his energy beam until he finally broke the shield, causing Starlight to quickly teleport out of the way. She gave him a smile and said, "Wow Cloverleaf, I know you're a lot better than anypony gives you credit for but I'm going to be honest, I never expected you to shatter my shield." She began to head towards the exit and continued, "Follow me to the palace and we'll see if Celestia will take you in as an independent study student."

Cloverleaf beamed, "Really, we're going to talk to her about this?"

Starlight replied, "Well it will likely just be me because Celestia is ill, you'll likely have to wait in the throne room but let's get going."

He followed Starlight out of the classroom where Professor Moonheart gave Starlight a slight glare, which was reciprocated with a deep scowl from Starlight. She wanted very badly to go to Celestia over what she thought of as preferential treatment but knew that given how close Starlight is with Celestia, that it would likely be all for naught.

A Discussion With Celestia

As Starlight and Cloverleaf headed towards the palace, he couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness but a sense of nervousness at the same time. He kept on wondering what would happen if Celestia said no, he wondered how he would wind up doing in the beginning magic class that he would be returning to. He knew that he would either likely fail being around so many other students or was worried that he may have an overbearing professor.

When they arrived at the palace, they did not even need to answer to the guards since they knew who Starlight was. When they arrived in the throne room they were greeted by two guards. Starlight approached them and said, "I need to speak to Princess Celestia, this is important."

One of the guards, one who did not know her asked, "Who are you and why do you need to speak to her?"

Starlight replied, "I am Starlight Glimmer, her protege and I need to speak to her over the future of the student who accompanied me here."

The guard sighed, "Very well, I shall lead you to her chambers."

Starlight nodded and they headed back to Celestia's chambers. Once they arrived the guard knocked on her door and said, "Your Majesty, this pony named Starlight Glimmer wishes to see you."

Celestia replied, "Send her in."

Starlight headed into her room to find her laying down, looking just as miserable as she did when she last saw her. Celestia gave her a concerned look and asked, "Starlight, is something wrong? Did something go wrong with one of the exams?"

Starlight replied, "Well sort of but something good happened as well." She saw a curious look on Celestia's face and continued, "Ok, in the remedial magic exam everypony but one passed and I am here to talk to you about the one who did not pass."

Celestia asked, "I take it you want me to give him a second chance?"

Starlight replied, "Actually yes, I do. I found out he gets nervous around a lot of other ponies so after the exam was over, the other students left and after ordering that Professor Moonheart out, I gave him an exam of my own and he passed it with flying colors."

Celestia sat up a bit and asked, "Really, did you make it easy on him or something?"

Starlight replied, "No, it was just as difficult as the one he was going to have but get this, he teleported outside, he levitated ME and he used a transfiguration spell to turn several of the desks into everything from tea cups to recliners." She saw a smile developing on Celestia's face and continued, "And then I gave him a challenge, I told him that if he could break my protection shield, that I would talk to you about other options for him because like I said, he gets nervous around other ponies."

Celestia's eyes grew wide as she asked, "Was he able to break it?"

Starlight replied, "Yes, he did and that is why I came to talk to you. I am thinking that he may do better if he was to do an independent study with you."

Celestia sighed, "I don't know....."

Starlight interrupted, "Celestia, remember how it helped Lyra?" She stood taller and continued, "Look, I've seen this colt's magic with my own eyes and he is the first pony who has ever broke my shield so I think he deserves this opportunity."

Celestia realized that Starlight was right about the independent study helping Lyra become what she eventually did and agreed, "Very well. I should be feeling better by next Tuesday so have him meet me in the throne room on Tuesday morning at nine, alone" Celestia laid back down and yawned, "and he can show me his abilities."

Starlight knew that Celestia laying back down was her way of saying she needed more rest. She replied, "Very well, I hope you get to feeling better."

Starlight left her chambers and returned to the throne room where she was met by a nervous Cloverleaf. She gave him a smile and said, "Princess Celestia said for you to come here to the throne room next Tuesday morning at nine."

His eyes became full of excitement as he asked, "Really? Will you get to join me?"

Starlight replied, "Unfortunately no, I will not but don't worry, Celestia is a very caring and laid back pony so you don't need to be nervous around her."

Cloverleaf said, "Alright I'll do my best to calm down."

Starlight herself was getting tired so she yawned, "Well I'm very proud of you for doing as well as you did but I must get going, I have other things over the next several days that I need to prepare for."

Cloverleaf was a bit disappointed that she had to go but was very happy that she aided him in the way she did. He embraced her and replied, "Alright but I just want to thank you for everything you have done for me."

Starlight returned the embrace and said, "You're welcome but I really must get going." She broke the embrace, started back towards her tower and continued, "Good luck Cloverleaf and remember, there is no need to be nervous around Princess Celestia."

He yelled, "Alright, bye Starlight."

By the time he yelled this Starlight was already out of earshot. As she headed away, she felt good, very good. She felt good that she had saved a very talented unicorn from having to go home where his true abilities could never flourish. Once she reached the base of her tower, she levitated herself up and thought to herself, "Well one day down, probably six more to go."