• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 2,739 Views, 50 Comments

The True Dark Daughter of the Crystal Empire - Silver Shadows

Rainbow was always different, which wasn't a surprise, since she was the daughter of Sombra. She had unknowingly left behind traces of her magic the firstborn time she 'visited' and now the mane 6 are hunting the pony down, all expect for Rainbow.

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Video Cameras

Rainbow's POV
I finish the long book that has the genre of historical fiction while Twilight is taking notes and analyzing a long textbook about history. I poke Twilight and she looks up, surprised. Her eyes glanced to the clock before nodding and teleporting out. The others are already waiting for us.

Rarity asks, "Any luck?" We shake our heads, while the others show faces of downcast expressions. It is dark already and Twilights talks about trying another day to catch Spectrum Crystal. I ignore her and we all go back to our rooms. Well, all of them except me. I'm still uncertain of telling Fluttershy the truth or erasing her memory of the event. I probably should tell her about it though, just in case my unpracticed magic doesn't work. I may be good, but I didn't practice for a long time with ponies to torture.

The Shadow Killer

I ignore my morbid thoughts as I knock on Fluttershy's door. The crystal door opens with a creak and I step into her room. I sit on a chair, not caring that I'm not invited to do so. Fluttershy closes the door and sits on the chair across from me. We stare at each other for some time.

Fluttershy finally says, "Rainbow? Will you tell me? I already Pinkie promised to never tell any other pony."

I remember the best thing to swear on before saying, "I have another superstition that would make it a little easier to tell you. Can you swear on the River of Shadows? I kind of read a book about it."

Fluttershy nods, "Of course. I swear on the River of Shadows that I will not, in any circumstances, release any information on what you are going to tell me, unless you give me permission to do so."

I nod, "I accept." The bond stretches between us and ties into knots. If she breaks it, I will know and I will have three choices that I can make. One of them is to kill her and to make her suffer in Hell, one is to make her fully under my command, and one is to make her fight eternal pain that will increase. Then, I secretly cast a sound proof spell while concealing my magic.

I finally say, "I guess I'll tell you. Fluttershy, I am Spectrum Crystal."

Fluttershy whispers, "You don't look like her."

I say, "Precautions. Under the paint, I am Spectrum."

Fluttershy hugs me, "We will always be friends, Rainbow, and I will never see you in any way but that way. I'll always be here for you, even though I know that the hunt wouldn't be useful. Rainbow, when are you going to tell them?"

I hesitated before saying, "When I have enough confidence or when it's absolutely necessary. Look, Fluttershy, I k-killed many ponies in my past and they wouldn't welcome me with open hooves."

Fluttershy said, "They'll hate you more if you lie to them."

I smirk, "Technically, I didn't lie to them, I just never told them the truth. They never asked me." Fluttershy nodded and we stared at each other for some time before Fluttershy looked away.

She asks, "What if you were caught? What if you needed to show up for some reason?"

I ponder on this before saying, "I'll think of something. I should probably get back to my room. Since I don't need to hide the secret, I might as well as use my powers. Might convince you about me." Fluttershy nods and looks at me, waiting. Now, if I could remember how to remove the traces of dark magic it might help. Suddenly, I remember that all I needed to do was not think about it too closely since the impact of magic would be more visible if I used a lot of magic on it. I think of my traces floating to a bottom of a bowl of water before stepping into the shadows. In a few seconds, I disappear and appear at my room.

I stare at myself in the mirror. Magenta eyes met itself. It is the exact same pinkish color of when I tried to wash the blood stains off my hooves on the worst battle ever imagined. I break the gaze before taking a shower and I sleep on the bed.

Fluttershy's POV
I look at the spot where Rainbow disappeared and it got me to think. I still have plenty of questions for her but I have the feeling that I shouldn't ask for more than she says. I couldn't just tell them who Rainbow was; I Pinkie and River of Shadows promised. While the River of Shadows were definitely fake and made up since I had never heard of it, a Pinkie Promise will be really bad if broken. Thinking about it, what were the punishments for breaking a Pinkie Promise? I have to tell Twilight, at the very least, while making up for a broken promise. I paced around the room before falling into a restless sleep.

I wake up to a sound of a hoof knocking my door and I say, "Please come in." The door slowly opens and Twilight steps through it. I glance at the window and see that it was barely dawn. The sky is still black.

Twilight says urgently, "There are a lot of urgent news. We need to get going. Rainbow is still sleeping but you need to be up."

I yawn, "I'm up." Twilight nods before leading the way to her planning room. There are a lot of guards around the doors but seeing the princess of friendship, they bow in respect. Everypony except Rainbow is there and they all look at Twilight. I follow their gaze.

Applejack breaks the silence, "Ah reckon that ya didn't bring Rainbow for a reason, d'ya Twilight?"

Twilight sighs, "Yes. Fluttershy, I know about the conversation that you two just spoke a few moments ago."

I say, "B-But I was asleep."

"Yes, for an hour or so. Anyways, I need all of you to watch this. I think that Rainbow soundproofed the room also, since I couldn't hear a pin drop from outside. I didn't even hear you calling my name until I opened the door halfway, Fluttershy. Unfortunately for her, video cameras stationed inside each room is not affected. The guards and I would've ignored the camera if it weren't for the shadow travel in the end." We all watch the video on the board. When it is finished, we all stay silent, unsure of what to say.

Pinkie squeals, "I'm going to plan a few parties for all of us! Fluttershy, you didn't break the promise as you weren't the one telling us and you actually manage for to side step a Pinkie Promise legally unlike you Applejack and stuff like that! Also, should we plan the party for her? Of course I should. It'll be called-"

Twilight interrupts, "Pinkie, as much as I appreciate that you're planning a party for her, Rainbow, or Spectrum, does not know that we found out. Guards, get Rainbow Dash here. Do not attempt to poke her and do not be hostile unless she harms you." Two of them bows and gallops out of the door.

Pinkie's POV
I can't wait to throw Dash a birthday party! It'll be humongous and contain all of the crystal ponies. Wait, maybe I should leave the crystal ponies out since she did do something to them before. Or maybe I could improve their relationship by throwing the most awesome amazing super duper party! That sounds like a plan. Now I have to decide on the cake. I giggle to myself, note pie. It is strange, I, Pinkie Pie, can't make Rainbow a pie. Before I have the time to think about this party more, the door opens slowly and Rainbow flies in. Or should I call her Spectrum? How about Raintrum?

Raintrum yawns, "D'ya find something important?"

Twilight nods at her, "Yes... Rainbow. We did find out compelling evidence of the pony who is Spectrum. You are her, aren't you?"

Rainbow freezes, which is funny because there isn't ice around her, before replying, "Nah, I'm too cool for that."

Applejack glares at the pony angrily, "If it ain't you, it ain't anypony!" Aww, come on Applejack! You aren't smiling!

I jump around, hoping for a positive reaction, "Hi Rainbow! We know something about you! First, when do you want to reveal your large secret to the whole entire population that currently hates you? Well, they won't hate you any longer if they have a parrrrtay!"

Twilight sighs, "Pinkie, calm down. We are here to talk. Rainbow, we caught you on camera. Watch." She levitates a camera to Rainbow. We all wait super quietly, even me, and the video is finally done.

Rainbow blinks, "Uhh..."

"We aren't mad at you Rainbow," Twilight says. I glance at the steaming Applejack. Maybe I can fry a egg on top of her head! Yep, Auntie Pinkie Pie with an egg! I break the fourth wall and grab a pan with an egg and begin to fry it on top of Applejack. The others look at me before sighing.

Rainbow smiles, "Yeah, sure. Well, I've got to go to uhh... clear a few clouds to help the empire!" She began to fly but a color surrounds Rainbow's tail. I look at Twilight, and start to eat my egg.

Twilight says firmly, "Stay Rainbow! I said that we aren't mad at you but we have questions for you."

I nod and appear there,"Yeah! I need to plan your 'Welcome back Spectrum or is it Raintrum or Rainbow party to the Crystal Empire which you hopefully won't harm anypony'."

Twilight sighs and I am dragged someplace else, "Rainbow or Spectrum, whatever you want to call it... The Crystal Empire is going to know about this."

I screech, "But what about the par-tay!" Can't they see how important it is?

Twilight sighs once more, and I begin to wonder if she has a sighing problem, "Actually, Rainbow Spectrum. Why don't we talk alone. The others can walk around the city and tell ponies."

I sigh, "That's a bummer! I reeaaalllyyy wanted to plan a party." Then something made me appear someplace else.

I use my Pinkie randomness to pop up in front of a pony, "Hey! Do you know that..."

Rainbow's POV
I knew that I should have thought about the cameras that are recordings. With maximum security, they won't take any risks. How could I have been so stupid? Now I have to answer a few annoying questions.

We stare at each other before I break the silence, "As much as I appreciate you holding off the questions, it might be a little quicker and proper to talk."

Twilight narrows her eyes, "I never saw you speaking this way without 'awesome' or 'cool' in every other sentence. What do you want us to call you?" I hesitate. Being Rainbow Dash has been selfish. I made up personalities that rival my own such as being Daring. If I continue with the Rainbow name, I'll continue to live a lie. On the other hoof, there is a reason that I changed my name, to not remind myself of the past. Still, nopony is going to forget this and the news travels quickly. I might as well...

I reply without too much emotion lacing my voice, "I suppose that you may call me Spectrum. Do not call me Crystal. It is okay for you to call me Spectrum Crystal but once again, do not call me Crystal. If I catch anypony doing it, it will be their last word before they die. Got it?"

Twilight replies quickly, "Of course Spectrum. Next question, what are your powers?"

I reply in the same tone, "That will reveal too many things. I shall not answer." She hesitates and I can tell that she is eager for information.

She finally says, "I insist that you tell me. If you don't then-"

I interrupt, "Then you will kill me? Torture me? Throw me in prison?"

"N-No but I am a princess. I hate doing this but as the princess of friendship, I demand that you tell me your powers and weaknesses."


"I am immortal and you aren't. I can ask for an eternity without dying but you are mortal."

"Sorry Princess, but I am also immortal. It runs down in the family. Have you ever wondered how Sombra managed to live for so long? If you continue asking, you will regret it." She opens her mouth to ask one more but I already spent all my patience sooner than I thought. I glare at her, using visual communication to tell her to shut it but she didn't seem to see me. My eyes turn darker and the green began to spread, begging to be let out.