• Published 17th Nov 2017
  • 1,232 Views, 31 Comments

Raising a Storm - WonderboltWing

A pegasus mare finds a foal abandoned in an alley and adopts him. Slice of life.

  • ...

-06 <3's and /)'s special

-06 <3’s and /)’s special

Hail let out a happy murmur as she snuggled closer into the fluffy warm thing next to her, her forelegs wrapped around it.

“...imma go get Dusk,” a voice said clearly but quietly.

The sound of soft hoofsteps faded away, the door shutting quietly behind them.

A tired half frown formed on the mare’s face, before she rolled over, taking the pillow with her.

A rapid knocking on the door of apartment 38 caused the stallion within to glance up from the book he was reading.

“Come in, Cloudburst,” he called, looking back down at his book.

The door opened promptly, and a small foal walked through, not bothering to shut the door behind him.

Dusk looked up over the top of his reading glasses at Cloudburst. “Alright, what are you planning?”

He was given a grin in return, one that caused him to put his book down.

“Follow me,” the foal said, jerking his head towards the door.

Dusk raised an eyebrow, before standing up and following him, pushing his glasses up to sit below his horn.

The door of apartment 38 shut, and the two walked over to the open door of apartment 37.

“...you like to leave doors open, don't you?” Dusk asked, a chuckle escaping him.

“Mmhhmm,” Cloud gave a single, over exaggerated nod.

“Heh. Figured,” Dusk said, coming to a stop in the middle of the living room.

“No, not there,” the foal darted around behind Dusk, and began pushing on the stallion’s back leg towards the hall.

He raised an eyebrow at the somewhat odd behavior, and walked towards the direction he was getting pushed to.

“Hail’s in there,” Cloud said, then disappeared around the corner, presumably into the kitchen, judging by the sounds of the fridge being raided.

“Oooooookkaayy then,” Dusk nodded slowly, raising a hoof to knock on the door.

Hail sat up in bed immediately at the sound of hoof on door. “I was draining the mongoose!” She blurted out. “It needed draining!”

“...what?” Came Dusk’s voice from the other side of it.

“D-dusk? Huh? Wh-what’re you doing here?” She asked, cocking her head. “Uh, come in if you want.”

The door opened, and Dusk took a slow step through. “Cloudburst pulled me over, for whatever reason,” he answered, looking over Hail before averting his gaze.

She glanced down at the bed covers she had unconsciously brought up to her chest, before shrugging lightly and rolling out of bed.

With a squawk, she landed on the floor in a tangle of sheets, a few feathers flying up.

“...why do you keep doing that? It confounds me,” Dusk raised an eyebrow at the heavily blushing mare.

“...i-it’s just what I do…?” She answered uncertainty, untangling herself with practiced grace.

“Aaallrighty then,” he nodded slowly.

“What day is it today?” Cloudburst asked the two as he trotted past Dusk, a tray of pancakes on his back.

“Huh?” The two older ponies said at the same time.

“Uh, the fourteenth I think?” Dusk guessed.

“Wednesday,” Hail added.

Cloudburst turned to raise an eyebrow at the two. “It's Heart’s and Hooves day,” he said, sliding the tray onto the bedside table. “Breakfast is on me, you two make out or something, I dunno.”

And with that, he pranced out of the room, leaving the two blushing ponies to themselves.

“Ssoooo...” Dusk trailed off before he really started, glancing around the room, then back to the mare beside him.

“Uh, you've got some pancake there,” Hail pointed out, pointing to the rogue bit of pancake with a hoof.

“Oh,” he said simply, causing Hail to giggle quietly, before wiping his muzzle clean. “Better?”

She bit her lip, before leaning her head in closer to check.

With a sudden movement, she quickly kissed him on the cheek, blurted out “better,” and then proceeded to bury her head in her hooves.

A light blush tinged Dusk’s cheeks, and he leaned down to nuzzle the mare. “Good to know,” he murmured into her ear, then looking out the window, watching a few ponies go about their day.

Hail smiled softly, and gently wrapped a wing around Dusk, moving herself a bit closer to him at the same time.

He glanced down at her, and nuzzled her cheek gently, leaning into her side.

She blushed gently and nuzzled him back, letting out a quiet happy sigh afterwards.

After half a minute or so, she leant her head down on her front legs, resting them there.

Dusk, somewhat copying her, rested his head, too.

On the top of her neck, though.

She giggled softly, smiling happily.

They laid there for some time, doing nothing more than enjoying each other’s company.

And they would have stayed there for longer, had Cloudburst not burst in through the door informing them of the restaurant reservation that had been booked for them.

Hail let out a surprised yelp and jumped up and the loud intrusion, just missing Dusk’s jaw. Somehow.

Dusk, however, just blinked, turning to Cloud. “...how did you possibly get reservations?”

He giggled. “I didn't.”

“Huh?” Hail’s confusion was quite evident. “How does that work?”

“Simple,” The foal said in something of an ‘I know something you don’t’ tone. “Umbra booked them for you two.”

“Oh,” Dusk murmured. “Of course.”

Hail giggled softly.

“Come oonnn, you've only got...” Cloud trailed off to look down at his left foreleg, as of a watch were there. “An hour and twenty seven minutes.”

Dusk glanced amusedly at him.

“Do you know how long she spends just doing her mane?” Cloudburst asked him.

“Hey!” Hail cried out indignantly.

“...point,” the stallion murmured, wincing slightly from yet another whack to the back of the head. “Ow.”

She blew a raspberry at the two, before rolling out of bed yet again, this time scoring a ten for a perfect landing.

Cloudburst applauded, and she gave a graceful bow.

“Alright, now get outta here and let me do my mane for an hour and twenty six minutes,” She said, making a ‘shoo’ing gesture.

Dusk laughed softly and hopped off the bed, trotting out the door. Cloudburst followed him quickly, glancing back at the mare once over his shoulder.

Dusk and Hail stood outside of a mid-end restaurant, looking at each other.

“...this is the place?” Hail asked, yet again, biting her lip.

“Stormy, it’s the right place,” Dusk answered. “Trust me.”

She let out a nervous whine, shuffling about on her hooves.

“Seriously, calm down,” he said softly, giving her a brief hug.

She returned it promptly, squeezing him ever so slightly. “okay,” she mumbled.

“Good, now, c’mon,” he said, slipping out of the embrace and gesturing with his head for her to follow.

She glanced around the street once more, before following Dusk into the middle class restaurant.

Dusk had seemingly already gotten the table number, as when she came in he was half-way across the room, and waving her over.

She quickly crossed the distance, and followed him to the table.

The two sat down and pulled up the menu.


Hail glanced up at Dusk, noting how he had already put down the menu and was now looking around the room half the time, and at her the other half.

“Already ordered?” She asked, an eyebrow raised.

“Eeyup,” came the sneeze inducing (for a certain farm stallion at least) reply.

“huh,” she murmured, glancing back down over the menu before finding something that peaked her interest.

She put her menu down, and looked back up at Dusk. “Soooo…” She trailed off immediately, a hoof idly curling her done up mane.

“Quite,” he said, gazing at her with a gentle smile on his face.

She giggled softly, stretching her other leg out on the table.

His hoof met her own, causing a faint blush to spring up on her cheeks.

“Are you two ready to order?” An almost sickly sweet voice asked, causing Hail to eep in surprise and pull her hoof back to her chest, while Dusk chuckled and nodded.

The two laughed boisterously, leaning on each other for support.

“I kn-know right! I m-mean, what pony in their right mind would?” Hail ignored Dusk’s slightly slurred speech in favour of laughing more.

The two were on their way home, and had had perhaps a few too many to drink.

“You're funny,” Hail giggled, nuzzling into his neck, breathing deeply.

Dusk shuddered slightly, and then managed to loss his footing underneath him, stumbling forward a few hooflengths.

Now no longer leaning on anything, the mare did the exact same then, falling onto her chest, her rump sticking up in the air.

She giggled, and flopped over onto the hard cobbles with a quiet whimper.

Dusk turned back around to Hail, and took a few slow, unstable steps towards her, leaning down and poking her neck with his muzzle. “Dead?”

She let out a giggle, and rolled over to bat a hoof at his nose.

He blinked once, before letting out a drunken chuckle. “Le...les’ go Stormy,” he said, poking her muzzle for emphasis.

Grumbling something about him being ‘far too demanding’, she stood up, immediately pressing into Dusk’s side, nuzzling his cheek once.

He grinned like an idiot, returning the nuzzle before slowly walking back towards his home.

“Slow down a bit Dusky,” Hail whined, having to walk a little faster than she wanted to.

He blew a raspberry at her, but did slow down, if only a little.

The two continued to walk at a sedate pace, switching between staring at the sky in drunker wonder, or at each other in drunken interest.

Thankfully for the E rating, it never really escalated past that. Probably.

The walk was normally a short one, around ten minutes or so, but due to ‘pacing issues’ they ended up taking an extra half hour on top of the norm to get there.

“There you two are!” Umbra’s worried voice called out as she approached the two. “Now listen, something’s...” She trailed off as she looked carefully at the two.

Now that she was standing right next to them, she could make out the smell of ‘one too many ciders’ on their combined breath.

“Heeyyyy Umbrrra~,” Hail giggled, and reached a hoof up to boop the other mare’s nose slowly.

“...Hey Storm,” she sighed, picking the two up in her magic.

“Wooaahhh, cooollll,” the other made murmured as she slowly spun around.

“...imma go sleep now, night stormy, night umb,” Dusk said, before passing out, causing Hail to (unsurprisingly enough) giggle, and Umbra to facehoof.

She sighed, and entered the apartment complex, pulling a snoring unicorn and a sleepy pegasus behind her.

“night,” Hail said, before following Dusk’s idea and passing out, dreaming of blue and green butterflies.

Author's Note:

Get it? "<3's and /)'s"? It's a heart and a hoof! As in hearts and hooves! The MLP version of Valentine's!


(Anyone find the Payday 2 reference?)
Also I (FINALLY) "finished" this chapter.
I lied, there was more but I cut it out. It felt a little out of place. :s