• Published 21st Jul 2012
  • 956 Views, 4 Comments

Total Chaos. - Anonymous_SoFar

  • ...

Chapter 1

It was a warm summer afternoon in Ponyville, the town had been busy like always with the market place bustling with ponies left and right. Everypony was accountd for except for one, Twilight Sparkle. Recently the town's library had been closed to the general public, mainly from personal reasons, Twilight's and Spike's budding relationship. It had been a year since they had started dating after Spike was rejected by Rarity time and time again, he finally gave up and felt his heart pull torwards the mare that loved him since he was born.

"Spike?" Twilight gave the teenage dragon and nudge on his side. From the ten years of growth he had gotten quite big. Standing as tall as Princess Luna with a length of twelve feet, half of which is from his tail. HIs scales had grown thick and strong like the magic material mythril and his green spines had grown out to compliment his scales perfectly. "Spike, wake up. It's in the afternoon." With another nudge the dragon gave a groan and opened his eyes.

"What would I do with out you Twi?" He gave a rhetorical questions and gave the lavendar mare a kiss on the forehead. Before he could fully stretch his body he burped up a letter from the Princess and a small burts of emerald flame. "Oh! A letter from the Princess, this is unexpected." Spike quickly grabbed the letter in his clawed hand and opened it.

Dear Spike and my Faithful Student Twilight Sparkle.

I have urgent news for the both of you and the remaining Elements of Harmony. Gather them up for a meeting in the library tomorrow afternoon.

Princess Celestia.

"Is that all?" Twilight inquired as she nuzzled up next to the dragon.

"Yeah, that is all. We should tell everypony, it sounded urgent." He replied while scratching his head in confusion. At this time Spike had stood his full height and stretched out his wings and joints. Loud pops and cracks could be heard. "Ugh, sleeping on a hardwood floor is never the best for your back I guess." He chuckled as Twilight tried to hide her redden cheeks. She had slept ontop of his belly the previous night after having one too many glasses of wine with their cerebration of their one year annuversary.

"We should tell the others quickly." She said in a quick, but hushed tone. Spike smiled in response.

"I'll carry you, flying is usually faster than teleporting when you don't know where they are." Before a response he had scooped Twilight into his muscular arms and walked out the door. When the sun hit his eyes he squinted until they had readjusted to the light differance, sighing he unfolded his wings and gave a mighty flap. Large gusts of wind followed as he took flight over Ponyville in search of his and Twilight's best friends.

Twilight spotted Applejack first, she was in the market place selling her apples with her sister Apple Bloom. The past ten years had been a great emotional and physical test for the Apple family. First came the passing of Granny Smith, which nearly shut donw the farm for a month, if it weren't for the support of her friend's and Spike's help around the orchard Sweet Apple Acres wouldn't have been as successful as they are now. Applejack now the owner of the orchard has shipments of apples going to the outskirts of Manehatten and Canterlot. The business has grown quite the deal, along with both mares and the large red stallion that ran the apple farm in Ponyville.

A year after Granny's passing Apple Bloom had gotten her cutie mark, it was of a large red apple with a hammer and paint brush. She had gotten it while fixing up the barn and farmhouse that greatly needed the repairs. Needless to say she had been happy to have finally earned it.

With a soft thud on the ground Spike had landed infront of the apple cart and greeted both mares. Twilight jumped out of the dragon's arms and walked over to Applejack and handed her the letter. "Applejack the Princess wants us and the rest of the elements to have a meeting in the library tomorrow afternoon, it sounds urgent." Applejack nodded as she finishe reading the letter.

"Ah'll be there no problem, sugarcube." She gave an honest answer and waved to the happy couple as they flew off to find the others. Next Spike was able to see three pegasai flying in the direction of Ponyville, using his incredible eyesight. He could make out a yellow pegasai with a pink mane with two other pegasai, both wearing Wonderbolt uniforms. One had a spectral mane and tail, the other with a deep purple mane and tail. He told Twilight whom he found and she directed him to fly to them and give them news. He nodded and with a mighty beat of this wings he quickly caught up to the ponies.

"Hey girls, wait up!" Upon hearing the deep dragonic voice the three pegasai stopped in place and turned to see the dragon race to them. The years were kind to the three pegasai. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo became Wonderbolts and began to live their dreams of flying. Scootaloo had gotten her cutie mark when Rainbow gave her flying lessons. It was a winged lighning bolt, the bolt was a deep purple color, the very color of her mane and tail. Her wings had grown in size, as they were now bigger than average meaning she could fly for longer periods of time but not as fast as the sleek wings rainbow had. Laslty Fluttershy had opened a full veterinary shelter for animals in Ponyville and had gained quite the business.

"Hey, what's up Spike" Rainbow said. She took the letter from Twilight as it was handed it to her. Rainbow read it aloud and the girls had teken the information in.

"Please, be there on time." Twilight added in hastily as she took the letter back.

"I'll be there, anything for a friend." The loyal pony gave her answer and looked over to Fluttershy.

"Oh! Um, yes I'll be there. Sounds important, if she wants everypony there." The sincere and kind hearted pegasis said in her quite voice. With everything said Spike dove down towards the ground to find the two land bound ponies they had yet to tell. With a powerful quake the dragon landed hard on the ground infront of the Carousel Boutique. With a snort smoke came out of his nose as repressed memories came to his mind. "Spike, please. You need to move on, it's been nearly two years. Besides we have importatnt business to finish." The lavender unicorn spoke out, clearly feeling the rising heat in Spike's stomach.

"You are right Twi. You are always right." He smiled and placed Twilight on the ground. "Now lets go in and tell Rarity." Spike opened the door of the boutique, the small bell on the door rang as it always had.

"Coooming!" A beautiful voice sang out, followed by two white unicorns. One with a dark purple styled mane and tail, the other who had a light purple and pink mane and tail. "Spike, darling and Twilight. I hadn't expected to see you two today." Rarity said while carrying new dresses into the store front. The years had been exceedingly kind to the sisters. Rarity's business boomed into a wide wanted fashion need. She even opened up a store in Canterlot. Sweetie Belle had also earned her cutie mark. It was a microphone with music notes eminating from them, her talented voice was used to sing for the crowds of Equestria. Sweetie had become a world renowned singer and volcalist.

"We have important news from the Princess." Spike handed Rarity the letter. She read it in silence and then looked back at the two whom had come to tell her the news.

"Yes, ofcourse. I'll be there." The white unicorn said. "Oh and Spike, I have a small gift for you." She handed two large rubies to Spike. "I had found these while collecting more gems for my dresses. They are way too big for my clothes and I thought you should have them." The generous pony gave Spike the rubies as they went off to find the remaining pony, Pinkie Pie.

They had decided to walk to Sugar Cube Corner, as it was a short walk from the Boutique. Upon arriving at the sugary confection shop the door burst open with an over excited pink pony behind it. "Hiya Twi, and Spikey. I was just thinking of you guys, so I made you both a special cupcake!" Pinkie Pie had begun to bounce up and down before Spike decided to hold the pony on the ground.

"Sheesh Pinkie! Do you ever run out of energy?" Spike said as the pony stopped vibrating in his grasp.

"Not when you have all this sugar to work with Spike!" She bagan to giggle uncontrollably. The pink party pony had not lost her touch in the past years. Always happy as could be and always brought a smile to everpony's face. In the years the Cakes had decided to give Pinkie the bakery and open up another shop in Canterlot. With much success Pinkie was able to hold her own in making every baked good as best as she could, they had become the best in all of equestria.

"Pinkie we have a letter from the Princess you need to read." Twilight finally decided to speak up and levitated the letter over to Pinkie, who than rad it to herself.

"Okie Dokie Lokie, I'll be there on time. With cupcakes!" The pinke pony of laughter handed the letter back and began to work on the baked goods for the 'party' she was planning.

Twilight gave a satisfied sigh of relief as she had nothing else to do today. She turned out of the bakery and began her walk back to the library. Spike followed close behind and decided walking was too slow, so he picked up Twilight and began his flight back to the library. Twilight looked up at Spike and smiled, "Spike, I think we should get back to studying." Hearing a groan from the dragon she gave a small laugh and nuzzled herself closer to his warm body.

Upon entering the library Twilight set to work by grabbing many books and Spike grabbing parchment and many quills. He gave a small sigh, "Do we really have to? Why can't we just enjoy this day off?" His tone had hinted to irritation, Twilight took note of that.

"Because it has been a few days since I studied last, and I need to get back on my schedule." Replying without turning around she levitated all the materials around her. She put on her reading glasses and had begun studying, occaisionally saying something for Spike to write down on the parchment. This led on for hours until the sun had begun to set and two roaring stomachs wanted food.

After sitting down to a hastily made dinner they then realised how tired they were, more so Spike from the consistant flying. Giving off a powerful yawn Spike stretched his body in the main room of the library, the only room where he could open his wings and tail to their full length. Once fully stretched Spike walked to where Twilight was, once again she was reading a book. "I think we should go to bed." He sighed. "It will probably be best if you actually got a full nights sleep for the Princess tomorrow." SPike began to stroke her back wiht his clawed hands, being careful not to scratch too hard. Twilight sighed and succumbed to the sensation of the light scrathing on her back.

"I guess you're right Spike." She closed the book and placed it back on the shelf. "Let's get some sleep, the more I think about it the more tired I feel." She gave Spike a small smile and began to head up the stairs to the bedroom, Spike following closely behind. Once in the bedroom Spike layed on the custom made bed for his size. He layed down heavily on the bed, feeling the soft magically enchanted materials. Twilight then layed next to him and snuggle up close, on que Spike wrapped his tail around her, to protec her from anything during the night. "Good night Spike." Twilight gave him a soft kiss and layed her head back down on the pillow. "I love you."

"Good night, love you too." He then wrapped a wing over Twilight and soon began to fall asleep.

"Spike..." a feminine voice called out from the darkness. "Spike.." The dragon stirred and lifted his head. Upon opening his eyes a radiant light blinded him. quickly shutting his eyes to the blinding light he gave a groan of pain. "Spike." He opened his eyes again after recognising the voice.

"Celestia? Whay are you in my bedroom?" Lazily answering the voice.

"I'm talking to you through magic, Spike. Before I speak to you and the elements tomorrow, I must show you something of great importance." The body of Celestia began to form in the dragon's mind. "It is the origin of your birth, and why you are the only dragon who breaths emerald flames." Before He could responed images began to flow into his mind. Images of other dragons with the same color scales and spines, but in black armor. The dragons were in the castle with a young Celestia and Luna and two older looking alicorns. The image quickly changed to a a purple and green egg, he could vaugely hear a conversation about being the last one of it's kind in dragon kin. Nearly two thousand years of images and history poured into his brain, doing nothing but confusing him. Then suddenly the images stopped. Celestia stood in front of the dragon. "Spike, I will explain these later, but you had to see them to understand what I will discuss. Now rest my young hero." Spike suddenly blacked out as all light faded from his mind, back to the world of sleep.

Spike awoke with start, nearly falling off the bed. He looked around and noticing a lack of a lavender pony in the room. He gave a sigh of relief knowing that he could have hurt her if she was next to him. "Spike!" He jumped from the sudden calling of his name. Giving a groan he slid of the bed and crawled his way down the stairs to see that the six girls were there, all waiting for the Princess. "I thought you'd never wake up." Twilight said hinting with frustration.

"Sorry Twi." He said sheepishly while scrathing the back of his head. He could hear giggles from around teh room as the girls laughed lightly at his slight embarrassment. Before the merriment could continue a blinding light came from nowhere, only to produce the goddess of the sun.

"Princess Celestia." everypony said in unison as they bowed to show respect. Celestia smiled upon her faithful subjects.

"Hello my little ponies. I come here to give you some dire news and to help you prepare for the inevitable." Celestia began. "Discord has broken lose once again, and this time he is not holding back. Harmony as it stands now is tearing apart. I need you girls to use the elements to hold of Discord while me and Luna train the one who can defeat Discord for good." She looked over to Spike. "There is a prophecy told down from royalty through out the ages." She paused and then began to recite the Prophecy to the seven curious eyes.

"In the face of chaos, harmony will fall, but only one can save them all. Of purpple scales and flames of green, can this man save the mean." She looked at the expressions of shock. "Spike is a rare breed of dragon, he is also the last of his kind. Spike is an Emerald Guard." Spike just starred at Celestia, seeing the images coming back to him and making sense. "Once they defeat the natural greed in dragons they become the most powerful of them all. Spike will grow no further in size but grow exponentially in power. That is why the royal family had them as their guards hundreds of years ago. Sadly the last of his kind had passed away, but left one egg. Spike you are the one destined to restore order to Equestria in it's time of need." Spike collapse to the ground upon hearing the unfortunate realization of him being the last from the emerald dragons. The girls soon ran to him to comfort him and give his courage.

"Spike, if Discord is back we need you. You can save us." Twilight whispered trying to help him recover. Celestia walked over and rubbed her hoof on the top of his head.

"We need to get ready as fast as possible Spike, the girls will hold him back." And as if on que, maniacal laughter echoed trhough out the library.

"Oh if it isn't the elements of harmony and the lovely Princess Celestia." Discord appeared in the middle of the room. "Chaos will rain down upon Equestria for all eternity, as now I will not hold back." He snapped his fingers and flooded the room with chocolate milk. "Now I have an important business meeting in Manehatten, I'll deal with you later." Snapping his fingers again he disappeared into the wind.

The door of the library burst open, draining the library and washing out it's occupants. "Spike we need to go now!" Celestia shouted, her horn glowing. The elements of harmony appeared and were placed on their respective owners. "Please hold him back, we only need a few days." The girls nodded and ran off in the direction of Manehatten while Celestia turned to Spike to send him to the castle. "You can save us, my young hero." Was the last thing he heard before he blacked out.

My first take on an adventure fic I thought of. Written this chapter in the hospital in complete pain YAY! Have fun, I enjoyed writing this and definitely will enjoy writing more. Comment, and so on. Also I am still not that great of writer so don't be to harsh. I am a only a scientist.

Comments ( 4 )

The Mane 6 were ALREADY great friends dammit.

Well it's interesting. I know that you don't want people to be too harsh but I just wanted to say a few things.

First off, there are a few mistakes lying around the place. I would suggest getting a editor or proof-reader. It's better to have someone alongside you to help and advise you.

And the other thing is that it seems a bit rushed. I think we need to hear more from each character's thoughts before going head-first into things.

Sorry if I sound harsh :twilightblush: I will give you a like though because I think this has potential.

Good luck! :pinkiehappy:


Thanks, and yeah it was a little rushed which I didn't like that much. But being in the hospital doesn't help at all. Um I like to try to keep myself as the proof reader/ editor, even though I am horrible at it. My time is very valuable and not much can be spent doing that. I will try to make it more bearable in the later chapters.

and you will learn more about each character, or hear more about each of them. It will get better, hopefully.

Ponies can't train dragons :rainbowlaugh:

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