• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen February 2nd

The Bricklayer

Slow down, you're doing fine, you can't be everything you want to be, before your time... -Vienna, The Stranger: Billy Joel. (Any Pronouns)


It started off as another normal Guys Night at the Friendship Castle... Well, as normal as Guys Nights can get anyways. The party of brave ponies and changelings gathers around the table, with Dungeon Master Spike sitting at the head waiting behind his screen. And yet, tensions seem unusually high tonight. Might have something to do with Pharynx being one of those Changelings invited. Oh well, least it can't get any weirder or more awkward than that time Discord was invited... Right?

Huge thanks to PonyJosiah13, Milksnipe and LegoLassy13 for the help on this story. Ponyjosiah and Milksnipe for the proofreading, and LegoLassy for teaching me the ins and outs of Dungeons and Dragons.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

Interesting story. Not so hot on the ending with the two changlings conversation about spike but I otherwise enjoyed it.

Okay, just asking, but what didn't you like about the ending with Thorax and Pharynx? Too open-ended, too ambiguous? Anyways, I'm glad you enjoyed the rest of the fic.

Its a fairly short story and the whole both changlings liking spike revelation was not quite sitting right with me for some reason. While I could belive Thorax liking Spike, I found his brother a bit harder to believe. Getting a serious crush on him without having established that the two have even interacted much before the main scenes here I think is does it for me. Its fine that they havent had much screen time on the show, but I think that at least a little something more than stories about Spike would make it more credible for me. On the other hoof, Spikes reaction to it all walking in and dropping stuff was funny. Yea, I just found it slightly odd. I'm not saying anything needs changing. Who konws, it might just be me who feels it.
The brother's squabbling earlier on was perfectly fined.
The open ending was ok. Although I would still vote Rarity x Spike.

Okay, fair enough on the Pharnyx bit. I admit, it does require you to stretch the suspension of disbelief more than a little...

Great story, I hope to see a sequel maybe a little more romance between the brothers and Spike but overall really good.

Nice little slice of life, though that end with Pharynx came out rather like a fly in your soup. lillytheomegawolf pretty sum it up exactly why.

Found a couple mistake.

who’d have thunk…?


take Spike out on dates anytime I please,

*full stop*

...he’s captured the real King of Spiketopia, Lord Torch.”

Wait, is he a king or a lord?

In any case, between the minimal gameplay, the out-of-nowhere crush, and the rather forced Stranger Things references, this didn't do much for me. I think a lot of that comes down to personal taste and the story description. This isn't what I was expecting going into this, especially given the missing Romance tag. Next time, let the characters interact more genuinely, without crowbarred infatuation or cribbed dialogue.

Awww! Even changelings love Spike! I definitely imagine he has his fair share of crushes going on in the Crystal Empire, but changelings too? Spike gets all the guys!

Well, three stallions and two changelings anyways.

Two stallions, two changelings, and a dragon.

Other than that, I really liked this story. Pharynx and Thorax were great and I like when Spike is popular.

Spike sucked in a breath. “Uh, no offense…but are you sure you want to be a deer? They’re kinda jerks, really...both in and out of Ogres & Oubliettes ,” he mumbled that last part very quickly and quietly, and largely to himself.

I take offense to that.

Well, I mean, the only canon deer we have are those assholes from the Everfree...

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