• Published 18th Nov 2017
  • 3,824 Views, 24 Comments

Twilight's Dawning - Bronyxy

Celestia is feeling down and Luna recognises that what she needs is a bit of romance to bring a little sparkle into her life. Could this be the dawning of a closer relationship between Twilight and the Sun Princess?

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1 The Invitation

Princess Celestia stood before one of the windows in her apartment, looking out over the gardens within the Royal Castle. Rivulets of rain ran in zig-zag patterns down the pane, beyond which she could discern myriad oblique streaks across the otherwise magnificent vista, betraying the severity of the rainstorm that had engulfed Canterlot on that late afternoon. It was sufficiently dark outside that she could see as much out through the glass as she could see reflected inwards, and although she was looking through the curtain of rain into the garden below, she saw at the same time as much of her own sad reflection weighed down by her crown of office.

Eternity can feel like a long time, she mused.

She could allow her mind to drift back through the centuries, to the different personalities that had shaped the Court and the lands beyond; those who had excelled as leaders, artists, inventors and all the other talents that had combined to make Equestria great. There had also been friends; so many good and trusted ponies from all three tribes, all of whom she tried to honour and remember in her own way. However, time had inevitably taken its toll and she felt she was doing a disservice to those whom she no longer remembered, their numbers growing year on year.

She could imagine addressing any one of dozens of different gatherings through the ages and would have been perfectly at ease picking up where she had left off ten years ago, one hundred years ago or one thousand years ago like it was just this morning.

Where had the time gone?

How much more of the road upon which she was walking would have to unwind before she could see the end?

Mortal ponies had a finite span denoted by youth, maturity and decline, and although accepted by all, its very inevitability ensured that it was not a preoccupation to many. It was nonetheless an omnipresent feature of reality; their reality, not hers.

She had presided over sending ponies to war in past generations to fight for what all shared and took for granted today. They had gone willingly, motivated by the vision of a better life to come once they had overthrown whichever despot or tyrant had threatened Equestria at that time; but how many had been lost and never shared in the fruits of their sacrifice? How many of them did she remember? The answer saddened her. This burden was hers to bear and it hung heavy.

This was a dark train of thought and she knew she must break away, but allowed herself a few more moments to stare absent-mindedly into the window as some of the faces from her past presented themselves to her. As she focused, one face in particular became especially clear to her; the teal eyes and blue coat belonging to one who wore a similar crown and carried her own burden; the only other pony in Equestria who could ever truly understand the twin pressures of both office and immortality.

“Good afternoon, Sister” said the blue alicorn reverently “I did announce myself at the doorway, but you did not hear.”
“That’s quite alright Luna” replied the Sun Princess in a whisper, feeling the warmth of her sister’s body beside her.
“Are you looking at the weather, Sister?” asked the younger sibling.
“Just thinking” she answered in a faraway voice.
“I understand” said Luna, giving her sister an affectionate nuzzle and pausing for a moment in silence to share in an unstated sisterly bond.

“Come” said Celestia, breaking out of her maudlin reverie “There will be affairs to which we must attend.”
“Sister, wait” implored Luna gently “Is there perhaps something else on your mind? You have been brooding much recently.”
“Nothing but time hanging heavily on an old mare” she sighed resignedly.
“Twas the same for me too Sister until I found love once more” observed her sibling.
“Are you proposing that I take a lover?” enquired Celestia “Because even if our love were to last the lifetime of my suitor, it would be but a flash in my existence and I would inevitably have to watch over them as they took their last breath.”
“That is no reason to deny yourself” soothed Luna “The night sky would be but a blank canvas without the individual stars, but once they are added it becomes a creation of great beauty. Your sky has been empty for far too long, Sister.”
“Then how shall I know who genuinely seeks to reciprocate my love over one who seeks merely political advantage?” lamented the Sun Princess.
“You have been alone too long Sister” observed Luna “You once pursued your desire with confidence and quickly foreclosed upon any whom you considered unworthy.”
“That was when I was young and headstrong” agonised Celestia “But what if I’m wrong?”
“Trust yourself” said Luna “Look around you; I can think of one who would make an excellent match.”
With that last comment hanging in the air, Luna turned and walked silently out of her sister’s chambers, leaving Celestia something new to ponder.


“No, no, no, no, no!” Ponyville's resident librarian cried in exasperation, “Spike, where’s my copy of ‘Supernaturals’?
“Um, I guess it must be under this pile over here” replied her overworked assistant.
“Why isn’t it on the shelf where it’s supposed to be?” asked Twilight irritably.
“Well, you have been on a studying binge all weekend and the books just don’t seem to go back on the shelves” said the little dragon as if the answer was obvious, which it was to everypony except for Twilight.
“That’s because there's something important in each one and I need to keep them all open for cross-referencing” she replied, her mood not lightening any.
“Like you say Twi” sighed Spike “It’s a mystery why we’re all piled high in books.”

Just then there was a burp of green fire from the dragon and a scroll dropped into his claws.
“Can you read it please Spike?” asked the librarian.
“Sure thing Twi” replied the little dragon, pleased to be getting some respite from the relentless demands for misplaced reference books.

“Dear Princess Twilight,
We have not seen much of you lately at Canterlot and hope that you are well.
Please feel free to attend for tea tomorrow afternoon should you like.
A chariot will pick you up at midday if you are free.
Princess Celestia”

“I wonder what she can want?” asked Twilight to nopony in particular.
“Want me to tidy up in here Twi?” enquired the little dragon, realising the research that had driven the librarian to the point of obsession over the last two days was suddenly no longer a priority.
“Oh, yes please Spike” she replied, absent-mindedly wandering off feeling a little perplexed to check through her recent friendship reports.


“But Luna” implored her sister, “I have known all my closest friends since they were colts and fillies; it all feels quite wrong to consider dating one of them.
There was a lull as Celestia sought reassurance or some other response; any response in fact. She was feeling nervous and wanted to be told, for the umpteenth time that day, that it was perfectly acceptable to date a consenting adult.

“Well is it not fortuitous that you have a guest for tea tomorrow?” enquired Luna “You could discuss the issue then.”
“I don’t remember inviting anypony” she said perplexed, believing her sister to be mistaken.
“You did not, but I did” she added with a sly smile “In your name actually.”
“What …?” demanded the stunned Princess.
“Did I not say?” queried her sister innocently “Twilight Sparkle is expected for tea tomorrow.”
“Now just wait a minute …” stammered Celestia “Surely in the context of Royal business, or magic research or friendship issues …”
“Getting warmer” said Luna mischievously.
“Oh no …” said Celestia, starting to blush “You don’t mean …?”
Luna just smiled.

“You must cancel her” stammered the Sun Princess “This is highly irregular …”
“It has been a long time since I have seen you blush that deeply, Sister” commented Luna wryly.
“I … I wouldn’t even dream of …” began the flustered Princess.
“Oh but Sister, you forget” added Luna conspiratorially, “I am a dream walker; I know what ponies dream.”
Celestia turned an even deeper colour of red.
“You didn’t” she gasped “Did you …?”
“I believe it is time that you started thinking about what you will do with your date tomorrow, Sister”
“You have no right to observe my dreams!” blurted Celestia defensively.
“I did not need to” replied Luna with her roguish smile firmly in place, “I had already guessed, and the intensity of your blushing merely confirms my suspicions.”

Celestia sat back on her haunches, utterly deflated, mouth agape, not knowing what to do next.