• Member Since 24th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen May 12th


Not much to say about myself -- I'm an Irish guy whose interests include MLP, video games, and occasionally writing fanfics.


Now that the Pony of Shadows has been defeated, everything seems just fine for Equestria, and Twilight is more than happy to move on from it. However, Princess Celestia has some rather choice words for her about just how the Pony of Shadows was released in the first place...

Takes place shortly after the events of "Shadow Play."

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 28 )

Okay, this suffers from some of the exact same problems almost every other Accusation fic does. One, it's an author mouthpiece fic for the author, and the mouthpiece in question is Celestia here. Two, never once do you give Twilight a chance to defend her position, give her a chance to make an argument on why she thought the pillars should have been freed. What, was she supposed to be psychic? It's not like there were any signs that freeing the pillars would free the Pony of Shadows. Nothing to indicate that it was a packaged deal.

So no, just no.

Don't forget even the map itself encouraged it by leading the M6 to the artifacts. That force the Pillars helped create wanted them to come back.

This fanfiction is featured in the Overly Stupid Fanfiction Group, No Originality Brigade Group and the Absolutely Disgusting Group.

Celestia has no right to complain about Twilight with all the "sealed evil in a can" she's left laying about :facehoof:

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I knew I wasn't the only one that felt that Twilight deserved to get called out for how she acted in this episode! She's been a princess for over three seasons now, but she still has yet to grasp the fact that it's her duty to safeguard the safety of her country. She let herself get so starstruck that she didn't stop to think about the possible consequences that her actions would bring to Equestria. And despite what is said, Celestia had a point:

"Right," Celestia said slowly. "So... you read about how the Pillars were making a last stand. You read about the Pony of Shadows, which was clearly being built up as a serious threat. You saw the Pillars seal themselves away in Limbo, which I think we would both agree is a measure not to be taken lightly and not to be done unless it's considered absolutely necessary."

She gave Twilight that same disbelieving look. "And yet you honestly expect me to believe that a pony of your intelligence saw no correlation at all between the Pillars' sacrifice and the Pony of Shadows' imprisonment? It never once occurred to you that one may have been necessary for the other to continue?"

Twilight is known to overanalyze like crazy; she makes checklists after checklists and is always the first one to try and figure out all of the angles to whatever situation she's in. So the fact she made such a blatant oversight in an, at the time, potentially hazardous situation? Celestia has the right to being less than pleased at how little thought she put into what would happen after the Pillars were freed.

And just because she couldn't predict something bad would've happened by freeing the Pillars from Limbo, she still should've been prepared on the off-chance something did happen and that's what Celestia is talking about. "The end doesn't justify the means", after all.....

Firstly, Starswirl is her idol and she is a huge fan girl over him, so some of her intelligence may have flown out the window. It's not like fangirls ever use rational reasoning all the time right?

Secondly, there was no warning that the Pony of Shadows would reappear, he and the Pillars were a package deal as I pointed out. On pointing out, 8559364 reminded me the map even encouraged Twilight and the others to find the artifacts that would unseal the Pillars and the Pony of Shadows.

Finally, given Celestia herself has left evil sealed around unchecked for thousands of years, it's not like she has any ground to her to criticize Twilight on that. If anything, Twilight should be pointing that out here as well.

Firstly, of course it's a mouthpiece. Isn't that the whole point of an accusation fic in the first place? To call out the character(s) who screw up because none of the other characters have the common sense to do so?

Second, that doesn't excuse the fact that she screwed up in the first place and nearly doomed Equestria in the first place despite being a princess and knowing better by this point.

Doesn't excuse the fact that it's still a mouthpiece. These types of things should be contained to blog posts, nowhere else, with the author ranting about what he or she didn't like about the episode in question there.

And if you are going to do an accusation fic, at least do it with some common sense, as usually in most cases the character doing the accusing isn't completely in the right as well.

Such as Celestia here, she has no room to talk to Twilight about thousands of years old evils sealed away and letting them loose when she herself is responsible for sealing away most of those evils.

Celestia, aren't you the mare that thought sending Discord after Tirek was a good idea?

Not when it's horribly out of character and hypocritical of the character being used as the mouthpiece. Especially when the one being accused can't argue back. Reminder that the Map (and by proxy the EoH themselves) wanted the Pillars back. Hell it likely did because it thought the M6 and Starlight were prepared and the fact that the world had changed so much that the PoS didn't really have a surplus of places to actually gain power.

I like to think of it as how the Great Will was shown in SMT4:A. A non-sapient force for good that nudges people in the right direction so that a better overall positive outcome can result, even if said people seem like bad choices on paper. Like say sending Starlight to help Celestia and Luna because Starlight held no bias for them.

At least the author got his point across and kept it short an sweet with a satisfactory conclusion, and one more thing: It's not about Celestia, it's about TWILIGHT. We all know Celestia has screwed up multiple times in the past but this is about TWILIGHT and HER screwup. I understand where you're coming from, but it's not the main focus.

There's nothing hypocritical about this, it's just Celestia telling Twilight to think before she acts, nothing more and nothing less, okay?

and if you ask me, everyone is in character here, no one is screaming or yelling absurd things at each other or doing anything drastic. It's just a conversation.

It is OOC since Twilight is given no chance to really defend herself, just Celestia being used as a puppet to spout what the author didn't like. Celestia's done some quite dumb things herself like saying Twilight shouldnt let on the reason she's in the Crystal Empire in the first place, or thinking putting all their magic on her was a good idea.

The story is also flat out ignoring in show events like the elements themselves encouraging the M6 to bring the Pillars back. Celestia can't exactly argue with that since the map itself also was the catalyst for finally mending the ages old problems between her and Luna.


You know, ever heard the phrase quit while you were behind? Should have heeded that advice, or at least come up with a sound and logical argument to defend this story's position.

Dude, it's just a story, you don't have to be rude

I predicted the comments would become an argument hell hole.

Okay, I admit I went a little too far. Honestly, I've been a little short with everyone today.

...Is there a reason why you haven't done anything about these comments? If you don't know how to respond, you reply to comments by moving your mouse over to the right-hand corner of the comment you want to reply to then clicking on the >> that appears.

It's okay, I'm sorry you didn't enjoy this story and tried to force my opinion on you.

Ok so it was alright but this seriously should've just been a Blog post. Overall understandable I guess.


Starswirl is the real bad guy in this fiasco, not Twilight. He can easily banish anyone anywhere so he banished himself and his best friends in limbo. And Celestia and Luna hid away the whole time like cowards.

Twilight did the right thing whereas Starswirl attempted to murder so many ponies he claims are his friends, and Celestia and Luna did nothing.

I really can’t help but admire at how your writing style reflects on this story. I’m not one to dig into comments, so I’ll ignore those. Exceptional job, sir. Thumbs up from a random user across the deep wide web. :D

8559368 I'm flattered.

8559570 I'm not interested in a debate. My opinion is my own, it has not changed, it will not change, and I've made my peace with it.

Comment posted by Shamrock95 deleted Nov 21st, 2017

And considering if he hadn't jumped to conclusions about stygian he wouldn't have had to go to limbo in the first place. Yeah twilight was a little reckless but I don't blame her when she was so close to meeting her hero.

And let not forget who gave twilight starswirl unfinished spell which mess up her friends cutie marks and possibly everyone else because of the wrong ponies trying to do jobs they weren't supposed to be doing. Considering Rarity managed to give a lot of ponies sunburns and frostbite at the same time I say they would have preferred the spell had not been cast especially the doctors who had to treat them.

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