• Published 11th Dec 2017
  • 4,961 Views, 113 Comments

Love on Land and Sea - MiraculousDragonMaster

Their past is a mystery. They live in the underwater world of Seaquestria. But waiting up on land, up in Equestria, are not only their families, but also new adventures and possibly, love. However, they must keep their past watery life a secret.

  • ...

A New Home Under the Sea

Love on Land and Sea

Chapter 1

A New Home Under the Sea

Twilight felt like she couldn't breathe, and her head had a splitting pain in it. The icy dark water of the ocean was all around her, and it had a tight grip on her body, like it was intending to bring her to the very bottom.

Her lungs finally gave one final beg for air, but Twilight still didn't give in, and her vision started to get black and fuzzy. Before her eyes closed, she saw a quick flash of light.

Suddenly, she felt fresh air surround her, and she quickly gasped deeply, gratefully taking in as much air as she could. Twilight soon realized that a magic air bubble was around her head, allowing her to breathe, like a scuba helmet.

Five more similar gasps were then heard. Twilight looked around her and saw Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity all having air bubbles around their heads.

"Way to save us at the last minute, Twilight!" Rainbow exclaimed sarcastically, but sounding relieved.

"This… wasn't me." Twilight admitted, gently touching her air bubble with her hoof, careful not to pop it.

"Then, who did this?" Applejack asked.

A pale golden orb of light then appeared in front of them, lighting up their part of the deep dark ocean. As it came closer to the fillies, they saw a figure taking form. Soon, a familiar face appeared.

"Skystar?" They all asked.

"Are you girls okay?" Skystar asked worriedly, swimming around them, checking for injuries.

"We're okay." Pinkie assured her. "Thanks for the save."

"No problem." Skystar said. "When I saw a huge splash in the water, I was scared to see that it was you six drowning."

Twilight looked up at the dark gray surface above them. "How long until the storm passes?" She asked. "We need to get back up and find our families."

"I don't know." Skystar admitted, also looking up at the surface. "It could be a while. Come on. I'll take you girls to my place, until the storm clears." She took Pinkie and Twilight by the hoof with her flippers and started to dive deeper, leading the six land fillies towards the ocean floor.

Eventually, at the bottom, they saw a cave that had a faint pink light emitting from inside. Skystar led the way inside, her fin dangling over her head glowing like a beacon.

"I'm the only one who knows about this entrance." The sea pony told them. "Don't tell my mom about it." They only nodded, promising her that they won't spill her secret.

Soon, the six fillies saw the most amazing sight they had ever seen. At the end of the cave, there was the largest underwater cave they could ever think of. A glowing underwater city was what lit up the large cavity. It was constructed like a beehive and built from coral, with many openings going into all directions. The girls saw that there were more sea ponies around, but they maintained a good distance away from them, even though they were curious. It seemed that they are now suddenly so wary of them, like what had happened on the surface earlier that day didn't happen.

Skystar led them towards the largest part of the coral city and led them through a giant opening. Inside was a large throne room, perfectly made for under the sea. There, in the center of the room, was an enormous coral throne, and Queen Novo was perched right on top, looking majestic and regal. Above her was an equally enormous aqua blue jellyfish.

"Mom!" Skystar called her mother's attention. "Mom!"

Novo sighed. "Yes, Skystar?" She asked. She then saw the six land fillies, recognizing them from earlier. "What happened, and why are they here?"

"Mom, there's a huge storm up on the surface, and they fell off their ship." Skystar explained. "I saved them, and brought them down here until the storm passed."

Novo got off her throne and swam to the six fillies. "Well, I'm glad that you six are all right."

Twilight looked around. "What is every pony doing down here?" She asked. "I thought you lived on Mount Aris."

Novo paused. These fillies are too young to fully understand the situation the hippogriffs are facing compared to what had just happened to them. "Well, it's hard to explain, dear ones." She slowly explained. "Things haven't been very good for us these days. Think of it as a game of hide-and-seek."

"Ooh! I love that game!" Pinkie exclaimed, while AJ and Rainbow just rolled their eyes instead of slapping their foreheads, because of the air bubbles around them.

Novo smiled, and then continued grimly. "Yes, but it is one game where you really wish they won't find you."

The girls tried to let the words sink in. That actually sounded scary. "Let me get this straight." Applejack said. "So, y'all just fled and are now hidin' down here?"

"We didn't flee, we swam." Skystar corrected. "You know, in order to flee."

"But then, how did you manage to hide everypony down here?" Twilight asked.

Skystar's eyes lit up. "Oh, Mom!" She squealed excitedly. "Can we show them? It was been like forever since we've had guests!"

Novo shrugged. "Well, I suppose I should check to see if it still works." She said, complying to her daughter's request. Novo swam up to the large jellyfish and gently touched it with her fin.

The large tentacled creature squeezed out a large glowing pink pearl that had an ethereal golden light inside into the queen's waiting fins. Skystar was bursting at the seams with excitement as Novo rubbed her fin around the surface of the pearl. Magic streams of gold light and pink sparkles then started towards the six land fillies. They all braced themselves, thinking that it might hurt.

But instead, they felt a tickling sensation throughout their bodies, and they started to laugh. They watched as their air bubbles popped, but didn't feel like they were choking. They can breathe now! They all continued to watch in fascination and awe as their back hooves molded together into one appendage while the gold light and pink sparkles washed over them.

Soon, the transformation ended, and the light and sparkles faded. The six land fillies were staring with wonder at their new... tails.

Their tails and fins were like their original back hooves; the same color, at least. But now, they have a scaly yet shiny tail, with their land tails became their new fins. Also, they each had an extra fin on their tails that served as a spot for their cutie marks, which were now glowing. And as another extra, for Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, their wings became thin fins.

But, there were a few differences. For Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Applejack, their fins were dorsal; with AJ's fin having a small hole in it for some more resemblance to her old tail, and the other girls had fluked tails.

"These fins are divine!" Rarity squealed in delight, seeing that her new tail had two blue glowing diamonds to match her cutie mark.

Rainbow was eager to test her new speed underwater. "Hey, Applejack. I'll race you to that coral!" She challenged, pointing to a specific coral.

Applejack grinned. "You're on!" She accepted, and the two started their race.

Pinkie was doing flips underwater. "Wahoo!" She exclaimed, loving what she can do. She then saw that Fluttershy had barely moved and was just floating around. "Try it, Fluttershy!" She encouraged.

Fluttershy gave a nervous chuckle and barely moved her tail. "Yay." She said quietly. It might take a little bit more time for her to get used to it.

"This is amazing!" Twilight said in amazement, and swam closer to Queen Novo, wanting to get a closer look at the pearl. "I've never read about anything like this!"

Novo chuckled at Twilight's enthusiasm, while putting the pearl back into the jellyfish's protection. She then looked at her with sad eyes. "Honey, I'm sorry about what happened to you and your friends. I truly am."

By now, the other newly transformed fillies gathered around with Twilight, looking downcast. "Do you think the storm has passed by now?" Rarity asked the queen.

"I think so." Novo said. She then turned to a couple of sea pony guards. "See if the storm has passed and find the ship, or if not, any remains of it." She ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The guards replied in sync, and they both swam down through the opening.

Novo turned back to the fillies. "You six can stay down here until the guards come back." She said. "Make yourselves comfortable."

"So, about today." Rainbow Dash said, changing the subject. "How was it like being back at the surface? You were probably missing so much."

"Though it was fine, we all have been okay with just staying down here." Novo replied. The fillies glanced at each other. She didn't seem to understand what it was like to have enjoyment.

Just then, a tiny pale red squid came up to the queen and chittered something to her.

"Yes, Jamal?" Novo asked, understanding the squid. He then chittered some more. "Ooh, time for my seaweed wrap." With that, she swam off. "Just relax and wait, girls!" She called out to them before disappearing down a hallway.

The girls all looked at each other with deeply worried expressions. "I don't think I can just wait around and do nothing while waiting for news about our families." Applejack said.

"Me, neither." Rainbow agreed. "We should be out there, looking for them."

"But, we don't know how to get around." Twilight pointed out. "And who knows what's out there."

Skystar then came up to them. "Oh, my gosh." She exclaimed. "I have some ideas to occupy your time while you wait. You know, to ease your minds." She started swimming around, showing them various objects. "We can make friendship bracelets out of shells, picture frames out of shells, decorative waste baskets out of shells."

All the while, the fillies were looking at her with forced smiles, except Pinkie, who seemed to enjoy the many ideas.

"Oh, I just have so many projects that involve shells." Skystar giggled. "And now, I have someone new to share them with. I mean, aside from my friends, Shelly and Sheldon." Skystar held up two clams; one pink and one blue, and both with fake googly eyes. "Right, Shelly? Sheldon?" She asked the two clams.

Pinkie was excited to have some more time with Skystar and do some of her projects, but the other girls weren't so sure about it.

Rarity decided to speak up first. "Um, well, that sounds lovely, darling," she said, "but you must realize that we may not be down here for long."

Applejack then swam up to the seapony princess. "We gotta get back to our families." She added.

Skystar looked a little disappointed, but tried to erase it from her face. "Oh, no. Of course, of course. Of course you have your own friends back home. It's fine, it's fine." She then whispered to them, holding the clams away. "Shelly and Sheldon get jealous, anyway." Skystar started to leave. "Let me know when the guards get back, so I get my mom to change you back, and then, you can go home."

Pinkie wanted to follow the saddened Skystar, but decided against it, seeing how disappointed she was. She really wanted to cheer her up, but what will the others think?

"I know that we might have to leave soon, but you saw how disappointed Skystar was." She said. "Couldn't we make the most of our time down here? Waiting will just take forever."

"Pinkie, we just can't mess around right now." Twilight said.

Fluttershy thought about it for a few seconds. "Actually, I think Pinkie's right."

The other girls gave her confused looks. "Say what now?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"We are all very nervous and worried right now." Fluttershy pointed out. "Maybe if we can find something that will take our minds off the ship, the waiting won't take as long and as stressful."

"I think Fluttershy does have a point there." Applejack agreed.

Pinkie then popped up in between the two. "And, leave it to me to cram in a whole lot of fun into just a few minutes." She said with a wide grin.

By now, Rainbow and Rarity were agreeing. "Yes, I can believe that." Rarity piped in.

"All right, then. Let's show Skystar the best time ever!" Rainbow cheered. She then stuck her hoof out, and one by one, Pinkie, AJ, Fluttershy, and Rarity placed their own hooves on top. They all turned to Twilight. "You in, Twilight?" Dash asked her.

Twilight looked over at the five fillies that are waiting for her answer. They all did make pretty valid points, and it was not every day when one gets to see what was life like under the sea. So, until their time down here was done, it's probably the best that one makes the most of it.

"Okay." She finally complied, placing her hoof down.

After raising them up, Pinkie then took command. "All right, girls, stay huddled. Here's what we'll do."

In a separate hallway, Skystar was sniffling, trying to keep herself from crying. "It's probably for the best." She told herself with a heavy sigh.

Her urge to cry started getting stronger, and she whimpered sadly to still keep her tears inside. But then, one by one, Shelly and Sheldon popped up beside her on both sides.

Pinkie Pie: Hey, now, don't be sad.
I know we cannot stay,
But we've got a couple minutes
And a little time to play.

Then, Pinkie popped up, revealing her holding Shelly and Sheldon as the other girls appeared on all sides of her, smiling brightly. Twilight, though, was trying to make her smile genuine as it was because she still wasn't so sure about this idea.

Skystar faintly smiled, but it quickly faded.

Skystar: I know you have important things,
So it's okay, just go.

Pinkie wasn't giving up, though, as she appeared upside down and right in front of the depressed seapony princess.

Pinkie Pie: But we can still pick one small, little thing
To do with you, y'know!

She then took Skystar by her fin and began leading her out, while the other girls trailing behind them. First, they stopped by a large wall that showed their reflections, and they made funny faces.

One small thing doesn't seem like a lot.
One small thing, work with the time you've got.
Soon, one small thing becomes two.
After two, perhaps another few.

Next, Pinkie was collecting sea shells and tied them into a necklace for Skystar. Rarity then tied it around her neck with her magic. The girls then had their own sea shell necklaces; Twilight had pale pink and yellow shells, Rarity had blue and lavender, Fluttershy had light green and silver, Applejack had white and light red, Rainbow had gold and purple, and Pinkie had orange and dark blue.

Then one small thing is not so small.
One small thing can be the biggest thing of all!

Now, Skystar was having a great time as she swam along with the girls and a pod of dolphins and other fish. As they all sang, their voices were getting the attention of other seaponies.

Skystar: All right now, since you're here,
Let's see what we can do.
Swim with the flow until you go.
Together, me and you.

Pinkie: I've got necklaces for every fish,
So what else do ya got?

Skystar: Well, we could play the bubble fish.
You'll like this one a lot!

Skystar was showing the girls some of the things that she liked to do, and they were all having the best time ever. Seeing that some seaponies were getting curious as to what was going on, Fluttershy and Applejack encouraged them to join in. While some of them showed some hesitation, little by little, the seaponies were getting into the fun. Even Queen Novo, who had finished her seaweed wrap, peeked out to see what was going on.

Both: One small thing, it's a good place to start.

Other fillies: (Just one small thing.)

Both: One small thing, and we don't seem so far apart.

Other fillies: (Don't seem apart.)

All: Soon, one small thing leads to more.
It's so much more than there was before.
Just one small thing, and you will see,
The start of something big for you and me.

As she was having fun, Twilight felt something that she hadn't felt when other ponies other than her family. It was the same feeling that she was having back up at the surface earlier that day. A huge smile was on her muzzle, and she felt like she couldn't stop smiling. It was the happiest she ever felt. As she looked around at every pony having a great time, she saw the five fillies who she came down with. It was right then, at that moment, that she realized how happy they make her feel, and how much she cared about them.

Pinkie: One small thing.

Sea ponies: Just one small thing.

Twilight: Or a tall thing.

Sea ponies: Just one tall thing.

Fluttershy: Or a sing thing.

Sea ponies: Just one sing-y thing.

Rarity: Or a bling thing.

Sea ponies: Just one bling-y thing.

Applejack: A conga thing.

Sea ponies: Yeah, a conga thing.

Rainbow Dash: Or a longah thing.

Sea ponies: Just one longah thing.

Pinkie: A blue thing, true thing, you thing.

Sea ponies: (Oooh-oooh)

Skystar: A whee thing, sea thing, me thing.

Sea ponies: (Oooh-oooh-oooh!)

Pinkie and Skystar: So many things and everything,
Until our time is done.
There's one small thing
For each and everyone!

Novo had swam up to where the fun was being held, and the seaponies around her bowed to her, giving her some room. A small smile crept on her snout, seeing her daughter have a good time with the little land fillies.

Skystar: One small thing, so much we can create.
You and me, we started something great.
It's so amazing, look around
At all the happy sights and sounds.

Skystar hugged the girls before she turned around and saw her mother. She then beamed when she grinned and swam up to her, taking her fins.

One small thing is big, it's true
You did this all for us.
I just wish there was one small thing,
An extra special kind of thing

Skystar then started to swing her mother around in a circle, and Novo was actually enjoying it. The six girls grinned at each other, and then they all began spinning around the queen and princess. They then ended in a final pose as the song ended.

Skystar and sea ponies: That we could do for you...
One small thing!

Novo began laughing as the sea ponies began cheering. The girls then also started to laugh with glee and ecstasy as they shared a group hug.

When they broke the hug, Twilight then spoke up. "Thank you." She said.

"For what, sugarcube?" Applejack asked her.

"For showing me what it is like to have friends." Twilight explained. "I told you all before that I am not the most social butterfly back home. It was because I was focusing too much on my studies, and I didn't realize that I needed friends to show me that there is so much more out there waiting to be found. Rather than just learning about things, there are things that I can only experience and understand if I had friends."

The girls all smiled at her and at her speech. "So, can we start over?" Twilight asked. "So that I can feel better about it. Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle."

"Howdy-doo, Twilight." Applejack said, playfully greeting her as if they were meeting for the first time. "I'm Applejack."

"I am Rarity, darling."

"I'm Fluttershy."

"Name's Rainbow Dash."

"And I'm Pinkie Pie!"

The girls all began laughing again.

Novo finally stopped laughing to catch her breath. Skystar then came up beside her, fins behind her back smiling excitedly. "Well, I guess that one small thing can make a really big difference." She said, and the six fillies beamed brightly.

"Your Majesty." The guards were back. All at once, the fear and nervousness returned as the fillies watched with anxious eyes. The lead guard went up to Novo, while the other three trailing behind him were each carrying two bags.

"Yes, Fluke?" She asked. She then noticed the looks of failure on the guards' faces.

"We have searched all throughout our borders." He then paused, looking down. "We couldn't find any trace of the Equestrian ship. No sign of it leaving, or of it sinking. It's just... gone."

The fillies felt like they couldn't breathe. The ship was gone? Their families, too? Tears began to spring into their eyes.

"We sadly have only found these things." The lead guard gestured to his soldiers, and one by one, they reached into their bags. The first guard held out a large beige Stetson hat.

"My pa's hat." Applejack whispered. She slowly swam up to the guard and took the hat, hugging it close.

The guard then reached into his other bag and pulled out about five books that were all tied together with a kelp rope.

Twilight swam up to the guard and recognized the title of the cover of the first book."My magic books." She realized as she took her books. She was relieved that she had asked Princess Celestia to magically waterproof them.

The second opened his first bag. He pulled out a light blue sketchpad with silver flowers and swirls on it.

"My sketchpad." Rarity recognized. She swam up and took it, seeing that it also had a waterproof spell like Twilight's books, and that some of its pages had designs for costumes and dresses,

The second guard opened his other bag and pulled out a cyan blue butterfly barrette. Fluttershy quietly gasped.

"The barrette that I got for my birthday." She whispered to herself as she gently took it. "My mom gave it to me."

The third guard opened his first bag and pulled out a rolled up poster tied together with a blue ribbon and a Wonderbolts medallion.

"The poster." Rainbow recognized it. She took it, relieved that it was also protected by a waterproofing spell. "My parents said that they were gonna let me unroll and see what it looked like when we were heading back home."

She untied the ribbon, unknowingly placed the medallion in her mane and behind her ear like a pin, and unrolled the poster. It showed the Wonderbolts flying freely and in sync, with smoke trailing behind them.

Finally, the third guard reached into his other bag and pulled out a cookbook, newly bought and protected by a waterproofing spell.

Pinkie curiously swam to the guard, took the book, and opened the cover. Inside was writing.

To our Pinkamena.

Love, Father, Mother, and your sisters.

Pinkie closed the book and hugged it to her chest, quietly weeping, but threatening to start bawling loudly. The other girls all huddled together in a comforting group hug.

Skystar was feeling so sorry for her friends. In not even an hour, they had become lost at sea and orphans. She looked over at her mother, and saw that she was thinking.

"Mom?" She asked, curious.

Novo couldn't bear to see these land fillies so distraught, not when they were bringing so much fun and joy to her and her people a couple of minutes ago, reminding them of the fun they had up at the surface earlier in the day. She needed to do something.

"I did say that there is one small thing we can do for you." She said. The six fillies looked up at her with tearful yet curious eyes.

"It's not much, but you six can stay down here with us." Novo proclaimed. The six young ones gasped, along with Skystar.

"You really mean it, Mom?" Her daughter asked excitedly. Novo nodded, and Skystar squealed happily, hugging her tightly.

The girls all gasped, overjoyed. Skystar swam down and brought all of them in another group hug.

Novo smiled at the scene, and then turned to Jamal the squid, who was just swam up beside her. "Jamal, prepare the largest guest room we have. It will now serve as their room."

The tiny red squid chittered, and then swam back towards the underwater palace. Novo turned back to Skystar and the girls, who were all hugging and laughing joyously. Life under here would definitely get much brighter with these fillies around. She promised herself that she will protect them and care for them as if they were her own daughters. No matter what it takes, she will keep them safe. Especially from the creature that forced her and her people into hiding.

Author's Note:

A/N: How was this? Good?

Before I leave, I quickly want to talk about one of my other stories. For those who also read Stories of True Love, right now, I realized that there is just one setback. It's a tie between Fluttercord and Flashlight.

All right. I'll see y'all in Chapter 2. Please let me know about what you think.

Got to fly! ;)