• Published 26th Nov 2017
  • 9,962 Views, 594 Comments

Blamed - Madox

When someone unexpected arrives in Canterlot during the events of Anon-A-Miss she will be involved in the occuring events without knowing what is going on.

  • ...

Chapter 3


Sunset flinched when she touched one particularly painful bruise from yesterday's little encounter. She was covered in bruises, mostly in her midsection where those girls had kicked her. Nothing was broken or sprained, leading Sunset to believe that her attackers held back, but it hurt nonetheless.

It took her some time to regain her strength after she was beat up and left behind, but in the end, she managed to get to her feet and start her walk back home, and while many people stared at her and her injuries, none had said or done anything to help, not even the bus driver.

She did think about going to the hospital and letting them look over her injuries, but the last thing that thug said repeated itself in her mind. She would need to tell the hospital staff about what happened to her, and they would most likely involve the police. Sunset was pretty sure that the leader had been lying about her connections to the police, but at the same time, what if she had been telling the truth?

But even worse than her injuries was that Sunset was on her own for the whole week, and with her phone broken, she couldn't even call her parents. She had never bothered to memorize her parents' numbers, since she always had them saved on her phone--an oversight Sunset was kicking herself over--and since her family just moved in, she didn't know anyone else she could rely on.

So with that in mind, Sunset concluded that her best bet would be to lay low, avoid the teens, and ignore that problem until her parents returned. The last thing she needed was trouble she couldn't deal with alone.

That said, there shouldn't be a problem. After all, it was just one small incident with some stupid teenagers who mistook her for someone else. Sunset had a lot of time to think about everything that happened and what those girls said, and it made no sense. She couldn't think of anything she could have done to provoke such an attack. That means it was just a misunderstanding and nothing else, right?

Sunset stood up from her bed, where she has been lying the for greater part of the day. She stretched her arms and legs, wincing slightly as her painful bruises made themselves known, and looked at the clock on her wall.

'One-thirty in the afternoon. I really slept in today,' she thought. Still, though, there was no one to peg her about that, and after the previous day, she needed the rest. 'Well, time to get something to eat, and after that, back into town. Monday might've sucked, but there's still so much to explore, and I'm not gonna let a little misunderstanding get in my way.'


Upon her re-arrival at Canterlot High, Sunset decided to explore the opposite direction of the one she explored Monday, but not long after she started her walk, she once more got that feeling of being watched. She stopped several times and looked around but didn't spot anybody suspicious, so she continued on her way.


A teenager about her age bumper her shoulder as he passed. Sunset mumbled an apology, but the teen didn't even look back. A bit perturbed, Sunset kept walking.


A second teen, maybe a year older than the first, bumped Sunset's shoulder as she walked by. Sunset silently watched the girl walk away from her, starting to think that these collisions weren't really accidents.

Bump. Bump.

While she was distracted, two teens pushed her on their way past. Having had enough, Sunset called out to them angrily. One simply ignored her, while the other flashed her a death-glare before walking away.

'Alright, there is definitely something wrong in this city,' Sunset thought while she rubbed the shoulder the glaring teen hit.

Angrily, she walked down the road, keeping her eyes on anybody who steered too close for comfort.

With this tactic, she managed to avoid most of those "accidents", but she left her back open.

The shove came unexpectedly and gave her little time to react before she landed hard on the concrete. She quickly regained her composure and turned around on the ground to face her attacker.

"What the heck do you think you are doing?" she yelled at the unfamiliar girl.

"The better question is, 'What are you still doing here?'" the girl responded angrily. "After everything you did, you think we're just gonna leave you alone?"

"No idea what your problem is, but I didn't do anything," Sunset said while she tried to get back on her feet, but before she could stand up, she was shoved down again from the other side.

"Cut the 'I'm innocent' act," another girl said. "Everyone knows that you're Anon-A-Miss."

Sunset looked at the girls in confusion. "'Anonymous'? What are you two talking about?"

"Tsk! Let's go," the first girl said to the other one. "Let her keep denying it if it helps her sleep at night." The second girl nodded, and they walked away.

"Hey, come back here!" Sunset yelled, finally standing up, but they were already further away down the road, disappearing around the corner.

Sunset stood still, looking in the direction the girls disappeared with narrowed eyes. 'Should I follow them?' she thought, before she shook her head. 'I doubt it would help. They didn't want to talk before, so they probably wouldn't talk if I follow them now.'

She continued on her way, keeping her eyes open for more surprises.

'This city is weird.'


Sunset closed the door behind her as quickly and quietly as possible, hoping that her pursuers wouldn't hear where she went. Panting slightly, she waited.

"Where'd she go?"

"No idea, but she can't have gotten far."

Sunset listened as the voices and steps grew quieter and released the breath she had been holding.

It had been quiet after her encounter with the two girls who shoved her around earlier, and Sunset had just begun to relax and lower her defense slightly. That was until she crossed a street and saw a small group of teenagers down the road who pointed at her, talking amongst themselves.

Not taking any chances, Sunset walked down the street away from them and kept her eyes and ears open. It didn't take long until she realized that the group was following her, and she gradually increased her speed until she was running.

Usually, she was not one to run away, but considering that she was already weakened from the previous day and outnumbered by at least four to one, she decided that her pride could take a backseat for today.

But Sunset realized soon that she could not outrun her pursuers. She was in an unfamiliar environment, and the teens looked athletic enough to keep up with her. A quick turns later, she managed to get a small lead, and when she turned around one last corner, she quickly ducked inside the first shop she came upon and stayed out of sight.

She wasn't sure what she should do now, though. Going outside was a bad idea as long as those teenagers were looking for her, so she was trapped. And if they found her...

"Just one moment, please. I will be with you in a minute."

Sunset jumped upon hearing the sing-song voice and looked around the room for the first time. Mannequins stood in the window beside her and in several locations throughout the room. Each of them wore a different outfit fitting for the winter season. She quickly concluded that she was in a boutique.

On the other side of the room was the counter and a door that led further inside the building. Sunset could hear different voices from the back and assumed that the voice she heard came from that direction, likely from a clerk who worked there.

'Well, if I'm stuck in here for a while, I can at least look around,' she thought as she walked from one mannequin to the next, admiring all the different outfits. She stopped at a black jacket and ran her hand over its surface. 'This looks amazing. I need to come back with Mom later.'

"Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where... What are you doing here?"

Sunset froze for a second upon hearing the same melodious voice from before turning from friendly to hateful in a second. She turned her head to see a white-skinned girl with purple hair standing near the door behind the counter, glaring at her. She could also hear more steps getting closer from behind the still-open door.

"I'm looking around at the outfits on sale. This is a shop after all, right?" Sunset asked, unsure what to make out of the situation in front of her.

"That may be true, but you are not welcome here. Leave immediately."

'Oh, come on! Is there anyone in this city who doesn't hate me?' Sunset opened her mouth to answer, but before she could say anything, another voice came up.

"Rarity? Is everythin' alright out there?"

"Yes. Just an unwanted guest who was on her way out," Rarity called back without letting Sunset out of her sight.

A moment later, two other girls entered the room, one an orange-skinned country girl with blonde hair wearing a Stetson, the other a sky-blue-skinned girl with hair in all colors of the rainbow. Behind them, Sunset could see through the open door two more girls still standing in the other room. One had yellow skin and light pink hair and tried to hide behind a pink-skinned girl with bubblegum-like, dark-pink hair.

The country girl sighed upon seeing Sunset. "Really, now?"

"What's she doing here?" The prismatic-haired girl asked, glaring daggers at Sunset.

"Apparently, she decided to come here for some shopping," Rarity replied with crossed arms. "Can you believe that? The nerve."

"I don't know if you're stupid or brave for coming back to us," the athletic girl sneered.

Narrowing her eyes, Sunset turned around fully to face the girls. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Care to enlighten me?"

Apparently, that was the wrong question, as the blue girl grew even angrier. "Now, I know you're stupid. Playing dumb isn't gonna help you!"

"She's right. Either leave now, or we'll make ya leave," the blonde girl added.

Sunset stared at the group and sighed. On any other day, she would not have given in so easily, but after all that's happened, she really wasn't eager to get into another fight.

"Fine, I'll leave. Hope you're happy that you lost a customer," Sunset said before she turned and made her way to the door.

"And don't ever come back!" the athlete's raspy voice yelled after her.

Sunset heard the country girl's calmer voice. "Calm down, Rainbow. She's leavin'. No need to waste the energy."

Sunset stopped in her tracks. 'Rainbow?'

"Can you believe her, Applejack?" Rainbow continued. "Still playing the innocent act. You'd think her eye was message enough that we don't want her around anymore."

Sunset slowly turned around, her eyes wide open, and stared at Rainbow Dash. 'My eye, a message?'

Best regards from Rainbow and her friends. She paid us good money to give you this message.

Sunset's shock turned into anger, and she glared at the group. "So, you're the ones who sent that thug after me."

The girls turned their attention back to Sunset. "You're still here?" Rarity asked.

"What's she talkin' about?" Applejack asked Rarity.

"No idea, darling."

Sunset took a step forward with balled fists. "What did I do to you, huh? How did I deserve what you did to me? Tell me!"

Rainbow was in front of her in an instant and grabbed her by the coat. "Drop the act, Sunset! You know exactly what you did!" Rainbow pulled her closer until their faces were inches away from each other. "Now get out, or you'll regret it!"

Rainbow pushed Sunset away and watched as she landed on the floor.

Sunset glared from the floor at the group. At first, she thought about pushing further, but she knew that she wouldn't get anything out of the group.

"Fine!" Sunset got back on her feet. "But this isn't the last you'll see of me. I'm gonna find out what the hell is going on!" She opened the door and stepped out, slamming the door behind her.

"Tsk! Did she really think playing dumb would help her?" Rainbow asked.

"I don't know, darling, but she's gone now. Let's go back behind."

They nodded and made their way back through the door they came from. Only Fluttershy stayed behind, still looking at the front door and replaying the altercation in her head.

'Why do I get the feeling we've done something terribly wrong?' she thought.


Sunset stomped down the street with balled fists and gritted teeth, not really caring where she was going.

'Those girls will regret what they did. I'll figure out what's going on, and then, I'm gonna rub their stupid faces in it.'

Lost in thought, she wasn't paying attention to what was in front of her, so it came as a surprise when she ran into someone with enough force that she once again found herself on the ground.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking were I was going," Sunset mumbled.

"Well, I'm not sorry."

Sunset froze. She recognized that voice as one of those she heard from behind the door of the boutique. She has been so angry that she forgot why she hid in the first place. Looking around, she realized that she was surrounded by the group that had chased her earlier. Each of them was glaring at her, while some of them cracked their knuckles.

'Oh, please, no...'


Relaxing on her couch, Gilda thought about how to spend her Wednesday morning. Sure, she could simply go to school like she was supposed to, but why bother with school in the first place?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the notification sound of her phone.

'Probably another post from Shimmer,' she thought. 'Guess I need to pay her another "visit". Some people never learn.'

With a grin, she stood up and grabbed her phone. She opened the newest post, only for her grin to vanish into a furious scowl. She gritted her teeth and tightened her grip on her phone as she glared at the display.

"Oh, it's definitely time for another visit, Shimmer. And I ain't gonna be as nice as I was last time."

Author's Note:

It feels good to see this chapter finished. It has been in the working for more than four months, long before I even published the story. Had several different approaches of Sunset meeting the girls, but none felt right with the way I wanted it to go on the long run. :derpytongue2:

So, what do you think? I'm always eager to read comments on what I did good and wrong. :twilightsmile: