• Published 28th Nov 2017
  • 2,101 Views, 31 Comments

Celestia's Chosen Hero... is Carl? - Joey JoJo Shabadoo

To prepare for an oncoming threat, Princess Celestia summons a being from another world. His name is Carl and somehow, this surly, sardonic, sullenly little pony is supposed to be the key to saving Equestria?

  • ...

Part 4: Is This Some Kind of Cruel Joke?

After preventing Ponyville from being swallowed in an electrical explosion that could have crushed the entire town, Twilight and Carl returned from the grove. Carl’s hooves still stung from his ordeal, but thankfully it didn't impede on his ability to walk or complain.

As they crossed the bridge back to town, Carl grew irritated over Twilight’s silence. She hadn't said a word about the incident, let alone thanked him for his efforts. “Hey, Twalot!” He called.

“It’s Twilight.” She responded, sternly.

“What the hell are you so pissed off for?”


“Oh, excuse me. I’ll try to do less ‘nothing’ in the future.”

“Carl, do you realise how lucky you were to not get vaporised back there?”

“Twiggles, do you realise how lucky you were I didn’t just throw that fucking thing in the lake for shits and giggles?”

“I don't think even you would be dumb enough to do something that reckless out of spite. You'd only hurt yourself!”

“So? Why do you care?”

“Because, if anything were to happen to you while you were under my watch... I can’t even imagine how the Princess would react.”

“So, you’re scared of losing a few good girl points with Celestia?”

“Carl, do you even know how much faith the Princess has in you? Some ponies work their entire lives just to be acknowledged by her and yet, you, some... guy from another world, that nopony knows anything about, has her complete trust? Are you even aware of how important you must be to her?”

Carl just stared blankly, as Twilight's lecturing slowly devolved into white noise. “Dude, I totally zoned out. Did you say something?”

“Ugh… why did Celestia have to pick such a hopeless jerk?”

“I don't know.”

“I wasn’t asking, I was being rhetorical.”

“Well, you won't get anywhere in life, unless you mean what you say.”

“Oh, you’re one to talk. Ninety percent of everything you say is meaningless, constructed to enrage anypony who hears it and the other ten percent is just confused screaming.”

“I know and it’s worked out pretty good, so far.” He chuckled.

“AH! Why am I even trying with you!?” Twilight was at a loss. She was the Princess of Friendship and yet, no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t find a way to connect with Carl at all.

At least with ponies like Trixie, even if Twilight couldn't befriend them, they were able to discover friendship elsewhere, but Carl didn’t seem interested in befriending anyone, he much preferred mocking them, instead. Was it even possible to befriend someone this self-centered?

There was a sudden, loud roar that gave Twilight a fright. “What was that?”

“My stomach.” Carl answered.

“O-oh, right… I guess we should get some lunch. Can’t fight unknown, vaguely described, evil threats on an empty stomach.”

Twilight’s attempted joke got her nothing but a strange look. It seemed the only time Carl was ever enjoying himself was when we he was the one cracking jokes at others expense.

Accepting defeat, Twilight lead the way to a cafe, her favourite cafe, The Cafe Hay. “For lunch, there’s no better place to stay, at least that’s what I say.”

“What are you, their sponsor?” Carl looked around the cafe, but was befuddled by their choice in exterior design. All he saw were lumps of hay and mushrooms scattered outside the building. “Uh, where do we sit?”

“Right here.” Twilight answered, parking her butt firmly in the clump of hay.

“What, is that your appetiser?”

“N-no… this hay is for sitting. Try it, it’s comfy.”

Carl was skeptical over how hay could be anything but irritating to sit on, but he gave it a shot anyway. It didn’t feel too bad, until...

“Ah!” He squealed, jolting back onto his hooves.

“You okay?”

“I’m f-fine. Just felt a little prick is all.”

“It helps to flatten the hay first, before sitting on it.”

“Now you fuckin’ tell me.”

Carl pounded away at the hay, he was going to damn well make sure he wasn’t getting a cheeky surprise like that again.

“Sir, please refrain from assaulting the hay, it’s rather expensive.”

The waiter had arrived to take their order, a typical, stuffy, gentlemanly type. The kind Carl would normally tease to no end, if he weren’t so hungry.

Twilight pulled open the menu. “I think I’ll just have the usual, please.”

“And you, sir?”

“Alright, gimme that.” Carl gave the menu a quick scan. “Oh, right. I can’t read.” He then immediately threw it back to Twilight. “You order me something.”

“Fine… he'll have what I'm having.”

The waiter jotted down the order and left. He returned a few minutes later with their food ready.

“What the hell is this?” Carl was visibly disgusted by the sight that was presented on his plate.

“That, sir, is a Dandelion Sandwich with a side order of Hay Fries. A common, but popular dish served here at Cafe Hay.” The waiter explained.

Carl examined the food on his plate, delicately lifting the bread to view the contents inside. “This is literally just flowers between two slices of bread!”

“Enjoy your meal, sir.” The waiter then left without hesitation.

“Hey! Get back here! I’m not done berating you, yet!”

Before he could chase the waiter down, Twilight pulled him back into his seat.

“Are you seeing this shit!? They’re just flowers!” Carl complained.

“I know. Delicious right?” Twilight replied, with half a sandwich already stuffed in her face.

“Wha-? I-?” The mere thought of placing two slices of bread between a few flowers and calling it a sandwich baffled Carl to such an extent he had difficulties trying to work up the energy to get legitimately mad about it, but by god was he going to try.

“But, they’re flowers.”

“You said that already…”

“But, why are you paying money for this when they are flowers fucking everywhere!”

“Hey, Dandelion Sandwiches aren’t easy to get right. It’s all about positioning and using just the right amount of seasoning.”

“But… there are flowers right over there, across the street. Why don’t you eat those, instead?”

“Carl, show a little respect. You can’t just go around eating other pony’s flowers like that.”

“What about the flowers that are just naturally growing all over the place?”

“Ew, I’m not eating random wild flowers, that’s just gross.”

“What? But, they're the same- aw fuck it!.” Carl scoured around his dish, there was something other than the flowers that bothered him.

“Okay, so what the fuck are these supposed to be?”

“They’re Hay Fries.”

“So, you literally just fried some hay and called it a meal?”

“Well, duh. Hence the name: Hay Fries.”

“But, you can’t just fry something and call it food!”

“But, we fry eggs, do you have a problem with that, too?”

“Eggs are an actual food. This is just… I mean, you’re fucking sitting on a pile of hay right now!”

“This is just sitting hay and it’s not even fried.”

“Holy shit….”

Twilight detected a hint of irritation. “Carl, are you getting upset?”

“I am fucking livid...I'm not eating this crap.”

“Don’t be such a child. That food is perfectly fine, just give it a try.”

“No way, I demand real food.”

“Fine, here’s the menu.”

Twilight pompously presented the menu to Carl, knowing full well he couldn’t read a single thing from it. Carl was not pleased by her attempt at a joke.

He grabbed the menu that was mockingly levitating in his face and threw it to the ground. “Alright! You wanna know what I want!?”

“Do enlighten me.”

“How about a big fuckin’ steak! Surely the Princess can afford that!?”

“Stake? You mean like those wooden things?”

“What? No! A big juicy steak!”

“I'm not following.”

“I mean meat!”

“Ew, Carl… you really eat meat?”

“Yes! That’s what all humans eat! At least the ones that aren’t pussies...”

“Oh, right. That’s true, I think I saw some of that when I was in the human world. But we don’t eat meat here in Ponyville nor anywhere in Equestria for that matter.”

“Wait, what?”

“Ponies are herbivores, we don’t sell meat, cook meat and we certainly don’t eat it.”

“Is… is this some kind of cruel joke?”

Twilight was amazed by Carl's ability to turn the simple act of eating lunch into an endurance test of whining. He was reluctant to eat anything he deemed too strange, even though it was perfectly healthy for any pony.

As obnoxious as Carl was, Twilight couldn’t let him starve, even if he partially deserved to. Her knowledge of human diets was limited, but she, at least, knew of one thing they shared in common.

“Maybe we should swing by Sugarcube Corner. They might have something that would appeal more to your human tastes.”

“I don’t know, sounds like they sell a lot of sweets. Don’t think living off of those would be a smart idea.”

“Well, it’s better than nothing. Besides, one of my friends works there, so we were going to stop by at some point anyway.”

“Oh, so I had no choice anyway, what a surprise.”

Twilight paid for the meals as they left for Sugarcube Corner, which appropriately, was just around the corner from the cafe.

It didn’t take a genius to deduce that the giant gingerbread house with the cupcake tower was the building they were looking for. As they passed the shop window, Carl was enamored with the sweets that were on display.

“Finally.” He gushed. “Real, actual food. They may be sweets, but it’s better than those fucking flowers.”

Twilight was just relieved to finally find something Carl wasn’t criticising, for a change. She recalled her mother once said that the quickest way to a stallion’s heart was through his stomach. Twilight wasn’t really interested in winning over his heart, but she hoped the food would at least keep Carl happy, even if it was for just a moment.

Carl galloped ahead of Twilight, his stomach was crying out for the goodies contained within this cathedral of cakes. However, the moment he reached for the door, it suddenly burst open and Carl was thrown to the ground, not by the door as he initially thought, but by, what appeared to be, a pink blur.

“Oh, Jesus! What happened!?” Carl cried in terror as his brain struggled to catch up with the rest of reality. He soon figured out he was pinned to the ground by a pink pony, who was speaking way too fast for his mind to comprehend what she was saying.

“...so then I thought ‘I should give him a surprise hug, that should cheer him up!’” The pony grinned, finishing her sudden torrent of nonsense.

“Would you get the fuck off of me?” Carl politely asked, pushing the pink pony’s head out of his personal space.

The pony sprung herself back up, like a rubber band. “Whoops, sorry. Guess I got a little carried away.” She laughed.

“You guess?”

“I guess so.”

Carl’s brain froze for a second as it tried to decipher the meaning behind the pony's baffling response.

“Pinkie! What are you doing!?” Twilight yelled. “You can’t just tackle somepony to the ground like that, control yourself!”

Pinkie glomped onto her friend, ignoring her scolding. “Twilight! You didn’t tell me you made a new friend! I’ve never seen him before! Is he from around here!? What’s his name!? What’s his star sign!? Is it Capricorn!? I bet it’s Capricorn!”

Twilight pushed Pinkie off of her person before she suffocated from her powerful grip. “Pinkie, this is Carl. He’s from another world.”

Pinkie gasped excitedly. “Another world!”

“Pinkie! Not so loud, we don’t want to draw any unnecessary attention to him.”

“Oops, sorry Twilight. So, is he from the mirror portal?”

“No, the Princess summoned him.”

“Ooh… the plot thickens…”

“I brought him here because he's being a real picky eater and I was hoping you might have something for him.”

“Well, you came to the right place! Nopony in Equestria can resist the tasty treats of Sugarcube Corner!”

“Just be careful around him, he’s a little cranky.”

“Oh, I know all about cranky… he got married a few months ago!”

“I know, Pinkie. We were there… sort of…”

“If I can get through to that old donkey, I can get through to anypony... or anydonkey... or anyyak... or-”

“Pinkie, he’s leaving.”

Having Witnessed Pinkie’s motormouth firsthand, Carl made a tactical retreat, there was no way he was going to willingly subject himself to that living migraine.

“But, he’s not getting away that easily.” Pinkie announced, catching up to him.

Carl was blindsided by the pink blur as she dashed in front of him. He instinctively covered his face from any further harm as she smiled in delight. “You hungry, Carl?”

“Who are you?”

“I’m Pinkie Pie, but you can call me Pinkie. Although, now that I think about it, nopony’s ever called me Pie before, isn’t that weird? I mean Rainbow Dash is sometimes called Dash, or Rainbow and Twilight Sparkle is sometimes called Twilight or Miss Sparkle, but nopony ever calls me Pie or Miss Pie. I guess it sounds weird, especially since I have, like, three sisters all named Pie, too. I even have a twin, isn’t that cool!? Nopony ever really talks about it, but it’s so cool having a twin, I mean we’re so alike, except the talking part, she doesn’t really like to talk to other ponies much, not like me, love talking, talk, talk, talk, talk-”

Desperate to find a way to end his suffering at the hands of this pink demon, Carl noticed a rope hanging from a tree in the distance. “No, Carl.” He thought to himself. “Not today…”

Still, Carl needed to think fast if he wanted to find a way to escape this conversation and what he came up with was one of the oldest tricks in the book.

“Carl?” He bluffed. “I’m not Carl, you must be looking for someone else.”

“Wait, you’re not Carl? I’m so sorry! But I could have sworn I saw him go this way. Oh no, did I miss him, already?”

“Looks like it, well, see ya.”

“Did you see which way he went?”

“What? I don’t know… that way.” Carl pointed in a random direction, anywhere was good as long as it got rid of Pinkie.

“Thanks, mister. Say, you’re not from around here, what’s your name?”

“Uhh……” Carl had to get the gears turning again. He scanned the surrounding area for any kind of inspiration for a name. Pony names just seemed like random words combined together, so it shouldn’t have been too hard to come up with something believable.

He spotted a pony off in the distance, behind a fence. “Uhh…. Fence.” He then noticed the pony was kicking the fence, he didn’t understand why, but it give him the inspiration for his second name. “Kicker. My name is Fence Kicker.”

“Fence Kicker?” Pinkie repeated, looking muddled. She glanced around and pointed to the kicking pony behind her. “But, that’s Fence Kicker right over there.”


Twilight had enough of Carl and Pinkie’s comedy skit and immediately teleported the two of them back in front of the bakery. “Nice try, Carl, but you’re not gonna win against Pinkie. Trust me, I’ve tried.”

“Oh! So, you are Carl!” Pinkie finally realised. “What was with all that stuff about Fence Kicker? I guess inter-dimensional travel really messes with your head. That’s why I only switch places with myself.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Oh, nothing. So, you wanna get something to eat?”

“Only if you promise to be quiet.”

“Well, how am I supposed to take your orders if I can’t talk to you, silly?”


With no way of avoiding her, Carl begrudgingly entered the bakery. The inside was just as sickeningly sweet as he imagined. Decorated with pink colours and hearts, but at least the food looked just as good as he imagined.

Cookies, cupcakes, short cakes, long cakes and those weird french pastries that fall apart the second you touch them. Carl was prepared for the inevitable diabetic coma he was about to land himself in upon devouring all these sweets.

“Hey, Twiggles.” Carl called. “You’re paying for this, right?”

“Well, obviously… just, please tell me what food is inedible before you order anything.”

“Oh, please. Like you can’t afford to waste a few bucks, Little Miss Privileged.”

He was obviously joking, but Twilight couldn't stand that he called her privileged again, after she very clearly stated how untrue his assumptions were, not one hour ago. “At least I’m not some anti-social moocher.” She responded.

This caused Carl to lose his temper. “Hey! Don't start bitching at me! The only reason I’m mooching off of you is because you won’t leave me alone!"

“The reason I’m not leaving you alone is because the Princess asked me to and I’m not going to let her down, even if it means putting up with an ungrateful moocher like you!”

“Well, aren’t you just a big, dumb asshole, then!”

“It’s called ‘selflessness’. You should try it some time!”

Not even the unstoppable engine of pure happiness that was Pinkie could turn a blind eye to the tension building between Twilight and her loud, angry associate. Twilight was usually so nice and welcoming, but this new pony somehow found a way to constantly get under her skin.

She figured, if she could find a way to cheer up Twilight’s aggressive acquaintance then he wouldn’t feel the need to upset her all the time, which would mean all their tension would melt away and everyone would be happy and friendly again.

First, she needed to interrupt their intense staring contest. “Hey, Carl! You wanna see the babies?”

“What the fuck, Pinkie?” Carl couldn’t think of any other way to react to such a random non sequitur.

“The Cake’s babies, Pumpkin and Pound Cake. They’re super adorable. You wanna go see them? I’ll bet they’ll love you.”

“Ew, no. I hate babies. All they do is shit and puke everywhere…”

“Oh, right… they’re probably sleeping anyway… How about we play a game? That’ll be fun!”

“Yeah, okay, let’s play: I’m fucking hungry.”

“How do you play that?”

Carl simply scowled and waited for Pinkie to take the hint.

“Oh, you were being sarcastic.” She smiled, awkwardly. “Okay, I guess we can hang out after you’ve eaten.”

Pinkie rushed behind the counter where Carl was finally able to make his order. With so many treats on display it was hard to choose, but he ultimately went with his favourite. “I’ll take the cheesecake.”

“Ooh and you just got the last one.”

“Whatever… Hey, Twatlight! You’re up!”

Twilight used her magic to guide the plate with the cheesecake over to a table, as Carl would most likely be unable to carry it without clumsily destroying something along the way.

As Carl made his way to the table, Twilight needed to speak with Pinkie. “What was that stuff about games all about?”

“I don’t know. I just wanted to cheer him up, I mean look at him. If the frown on his face dragged any lower his jaw would fall off.”

“I don’t think Carl’s the kind of pony who enjoys playing silly games, Pinkie. Maybe you should just leave him alone.”

Pinkie tilted her head in disappointment. “I just wanted to make him smile...”

“Trust me, you don’t want to see what Carl’s like when he’s smiling.”

“You son of a-, goddamn, piece of shit!” Carl suddenly screamed, enraged. The girls looked over to find him with his hooves covered in splattered cake.

“Whoa.” Pinkie immediately hopped over to his table. “How did you do that?”

“I don’t know. I just picked it up with my hooves and I somehow crushed it.”

“Oh, Carl. That’s not how you pick up food.”

“Well, what the fuck am I supposed to use, my feet?”

“No, dummy. Use these.” Pinkie picked up the knife and fork that were already sitting on the table with her hooves, miming a cutting movement to demonstrate how to properly eat a cake. “See, just like that.”

Carl was baffled by the scientific impossibility, he just witnessed. The knife and fork were somehow stuck to her hooves like glue. “How the hell are you doing that?”

“What? It’s easy. Look!” Pinkie mimed the movement again, but it didn’t actually explain anything.

“But... what?” Carl tried to pick up the utensils with his own hooves, but they didn’t stick at all, he had no idea what he was doing. Growing frustrated, he looked down at his own useless hooves. “God, I miss having fingers…”

Saddened, Pinkie needed to think of something that would brighten Carl’s mood. “Oh, I know! Why don’t we bake you a new cake!”

“No thanks, I’d rather just order a dif-”

“Nonsense! Come on, Carl. It’s time to get baking!”

Before he could finish, Pinkie dragged him behind the counter and into the kitchen, at top speed. Twilight followed after them, knowing full well that this could only end in disaster.

Before he knew it, Pinkie had already dressed both of them up in an apron and chef’s hat. “Alright, Carl! Are you ready to bake like you’ve never baked before!?”

“What the fuck is happening?”

“Well, this would usually be the part where we break into song, but due to the medium we’re working with I don't think that'll be possible.”

“Thank Christ...”

“So, we’re gonna have to do this the old fashioned way!”


Pinkie dashed around the kitchen like a pink whirlwind, until she gathered all of her baking utensils on the counter. She opened up her cookbook and was ready to bake the best cheesecake Carl had ever had.

“Alright, Carl.” She ordered. “I need eggs, cream cheese and some sugar.”

Carl was befuddled, as his hat pushed his mane down into his face. “I couldn’t even handle eating a cake earlier and now you want me to handle something as delicate as eggs?”

“Well, you gotta do something, right?”

“I don’t have to do shit! I came here to eat, not bake!”

“Oh, come on, Carl. Baking is really fun.”

“No, it’s not! That’s why I’m paying you to do it!”

“You mean I’m paying her to do it!” Twilight corrected.

Pinkie was a little disappointed with Carl’s lack of cooperation. “Fine, I can finish this cake without your help and I'll do it before you can even fix that mane of yours...”

“My hair may be hindering my eyesight, but even I can still see through that bullshit.”

Carl took a moment to push his hair back into his hat, it had only been covering his face for a few seconds. He looked back at Pinkie, but as she claimed, the pan was already full and ready to bake.

“Wha- sure, okay.” Carl reluctantly conceded.

“Yep, I’m pretty good at this. It’s like it’s my job or something.” Pinkie proudly proclaimed.

“Oh, sorry. Oh wise one, for doubting your abilities were in the realm of plausibility.”

“It’s okay.” Pinkie responded, oblivious to Carl’s facetiousness. “Anyway, all we have to do now is shove it in the oven, turn up the heat and voilá!”

“Are you sure you didn’t cheat or anything?”

“Oh, please. Trust me, Carl. I’m a professional.”

The second Pinkie turned away from the oven, it erupted into a spontaneous explosion of purple flames.



“Yep, it’s all up to the oven to finish the job now.” Pinkie's cockiness blinded her to the inferno raging just behind her, as she ignored Twilight and Carl’s screams. However, once a stray flame set her chef’s hat ablaze, she soon learned how pride cometh before the fall, as she screamed and thrashed about wildly. “MY HAT’S ON FIRE! TWILIGHT GET THE FIRE THINGY HANGING ON THE WALL!”

She pointed to the fire extinguisher. Twilight didn’t need any further instructions, she grabbed the extinguisher with her magic and attempted to put out the fire terrorising Pinkie’s head. The white foam smothered her hat like whipped cream, smothering the fire.

Pinkie thought she was finally safe, but then the white foam suddenly ignited an even bigger blaze. Screaming for her life, Pinkie needed to rid herself of her flaming hat before the cook was cooked. She instinctively tossed the hat off her head and it flew towards Carl, smacking him in the face.

“AH! FUCK!” Carl tossed the hat to the ground and stamped on it repeatedly to put out the fire.

“Oh my gosh! Carl, I’m sorry! I wasn’t thinking!” Pinkie frantically apologised.

“It’s fine. Barely felt a thing. It's not like that could have killed me or anything.”

Twilight directed her attention to the flaming oven on the other side of the room. She took aim with the fire extinguisher. “Alright, stand back, everypony!”

She gave the oven a full blast from the canister, covering it in foam as the flames died down.

There was a sigh of relief... until the flames exploded from the foam, having grown twice as large and lively.

Twilight turned to Pinkie in shock. “What kind of ingredients did you use, Pinkie!?”

“Oh, you know, eggs, cheese, cookies, vanilla…”

“Anything flammable and or magical?”

“Not this time.”

Growing desperate, Twilight poured water from the sink and stored it in a magic bubble, she then burst the bubble over the fire, but instead of extinguishing it, the water merely evaporated before the heat of the flames.

“What the heck is going on!?” Even Twilight was stunned before the seemingly invincible fire.

Carl was surprisingly silent. Normally he would have berated Twilight for her uselessness, but his mind was elsewhere. Just like the lightning before, Carl felt little pain from having a flaming hat thrown in his face and the fire actually disappeared when he stamped on it, quickly too.

If this was a world of magic, then perhaps it was possible that this fire was the result of some kind of spell and that it couldn’t be put out by normal means. The fact that the flames were purple seemed to suggest this. The conclusion he came to sounded crazy, but he had nothing to lose, so he figured: "Eh, why the hell not?"

He casually strolled over to the oven and into the epicenter of the disaster.

“Carl!” Twilight called. “Get back here, you idiot!”

Carl ignored her warning, instead he pulled back his right hoof and slammed it into the oven as hard as he could. This, somehow, caused the flames to shudder from the impact and despite being in the heart of the inferno, the heat barely fazed him at all.

He didn’t understand why, but whatever he was doing was working and he continued to beat the oven, pounding on it over and over with his hooves as the flames became more and more agitated.

“Wait, so the flames really are magic?” Twilight wondered. “But, where did they come from and how is Carl stopping it?” She watched closely as Carl literally beat the fire into submission, until the flames eventually retracted inward, growing smaller until they disappeared completely.

As the last flame died, a purple smoke rose from the oven and shot out the window, catching Twilight by surprise.

“Did you see that!?” She asked the others.

“Yeah, I put out that fire with my fucking fists.” Carl answered, vigorously.

“No! The purple smoke! Pinkie, did you see it!?”

“Well, duh. Purple fire makes purple smoke. That’s just science, Twilight.”

“No! The smoke that flew out the window!”

“I should hope so, it'd be a massive safety hazard if it stayed in here.”

Frustrated, Twilight teleported outside the window. She searched around the area, but found no trace of where the smoke went or who sent it.

She teleported back inside. “Something’s not right here...”

“Don’t tell me the magical unicorn is freaking out over some magic fire.” Carl laughed.

“That magic had to have come from somewhere and it wasn’t from Pinkie’s cheesecake…. Please tell me it wasn’t the cheesecake…”

Pinkie quickly checked the ingredients in the cookbook. “Nope, the book clearly states: ‘No magic required’.”

“So, what?” Carl interjected. “Magic bullshit happens all the time in this world, right? A magic fire’s no big deal, especially if I could put it out with just my hooves.”

“But, magic fires don’t just happen pop up out of nowhere! Whoever did this must have been controlling that purple smoke.”

“Maybe it was that big, spooky supervillain Celestia’s scared of.”

Carl was just being a jerk, but after giving it some thought, he may not have been that far off.

“I think... you may be right…”

“Oh, balls…”

“Whoever this evil force is, must already be on the move, which means we need to act fast! Pinkie!”


“I need you to gather the rest of our friends, tell them it’s an emergency!”

“I don’t know… Fluttershy’s working in her sanctuary today and she doesn’t like it when I randomly drop by. She says I ‘frighten the animals’, apparently they’re not big fans of cannons and streamers and cannons full of streamers...”

“Oh, for the love of… Then we’ll meet at Fluttershy’s house and wait until she’s finished.”

“Okie Dokie.” Pinkie rushed out of the room and into town.

“Come on, Carl.” Twilight ordered.

“Wait? What’s this about cannon streamers?”

“We’re going to Fluttershy’s Cottage, now let’s move. Before that purple smoke strikes again.”

“But, I’m still hungry…”

“We don’t have time to eat, we need to move now.”

“But, my cake….”

Author's Note:

The 4th instalment in this collection of words that vaguely resemble a coherent story.

Next Time: A cloaked pony and stinky swamp water.