• Published 11th Aug 2018
  • 765 Views, 2 Comments

"The Light in the Dark" - AshleyH713

Rara never realized that changing her image meant a whole new road of troubles.

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"The Light in The Dark"

The rust colored desk shone in the corner of her eye as Rara moved into the room had occupied for the last couple months. It wasn’t anything extravagant but the periwinkle walls somehow felt like home to her in the big city.

Seeing a small stack of scrolls in the corner her sighed to herself, moving towards the pile in apprehension. What was it going to be this time? She wondered to herself.

Picking up one of the letters, Rara opened the small seal and read its contents before looking down and tossing the paper into the nearby bin where a thousand other of the same type of letters lay.

Why was it always like this? When she had decided to change her image Rara never expected the exact consequences that would unravel before her.

It seemed like not everyone was overly thrilled in her transformation and longed for her to regain her roots in the glitter filled facade she once lived.

Rara had put in an extreme working effort, in trying to get her fans to embrace this new side of her. Everyday she would wake up in the morning ready to start the day but shortly would crumble into the hateful words and end the day in her own pool of tears before it inevitably started over again.

What was even the point in all of this? She had thought that once she chose her path that would be the end, that some magical rainbow would show her the way and everyone would embrace her music with open hoofs. How naive she actually was.

Just living in some fantasy when the cold reality only left her with a whirlpool of backlash and a small empty apartment that was once so lively.

Thinking about her old manager brought a sour taste in her mouth. It’s true that Sven Gallop wasn’t the kindest of ponies and certainly toxic in all senses of the word but somewhere deep down, she missed him.

Maybe he wasn’t the most honest but he was her friend at one point in time and helped her fill the empty void which was her apartment.

Rara glanced around the room and decided to open another scroll. This time the letters weren’t as bold but the results were still the same.

Hateful words and reports jumped out at her, dragging her back into that dark pit she once occupied for many years.

Throwing the paper into the trash like all the others, she decided to take a different route and moved towards her desk before taking a seat and looking and her newest piece.

Yesterday she was certain this song would captivate everyone who listen to her music but now, she wasn’t exactly sure.

Second guessing herself, she looked at the notes and tried to think of something that could sway those hating hearts so that she could really be free.

She started scribbling down idea after idea, filling up the page with changes to her new image. If she could just find something everypony would be happy with, then maybe they would like her again.

Pinning another idea up onto the board she tried to remember what was popular, what everypony liked and what would fix the problem. Before long, the entire room was filled with the papers, but it still wasn’t enough.

Rara stared and stared at the page but after what seemed like forever she groaned and crumpled up the paper, throwing it over her shoulder in frustration.

It was hopeless. There was no way that she would be able to create new music when the past kept dragging her down. Maybe everything she had done was a mistake.

A couple tears threatened to fall from her eyes when she saw her crumbled song next to one final letter.

Debating if she should actually read it, Rara slowly opened the letter expecting another mountain of hate when her eyes grew in shock.

Carefully grasping the paper she read it’s contents:

Dear Rara,

How are things over there in the big city? I hope everything is treating you well. I noticed some reports about how some folks aren’t appreciating your music and I decided to write to you to see if you are okay. I guess I sound like some crazy fan now don’t I?

I know things are tough right now but just keeping looking up and if they can’t see that then they don’t deserve to hear your beautiful music.

Being back out there without anypony must be difficult but know this Rara, I’m proud of you and what you have been able to accomplish and I look forward to your next creation.


When the letter finished Rara wiped a couple tears from her face and smiled to herself.

There she went again. Even from miles away Applejack was still trying to cheer her up. Rara Thought about her friends apple farm and felt a small warmth in her stomach. This was it. This was the feelings she was looking for.

Quickly scribbling down an assortment of notes, she remembered the soft smell of the apple trees, the whistling winds and AJ’s kind words. Soon enough, the blank white sheets were filled with her feelings. How was it that AJ always knew what she needed?

She then looked at the board of ideas that was now occupied with walls and walls of version of her Rara didn’t recognize. Then, she realized something.

What was even the point of all of this? She changed in the first place to show Equestria who she really was. She wasn’t some diva popstar like Countess Coloratura or a big city pony. She was just Rara.

Maybe, just maybe, she was worth it. That maybe there would be people who would love her as she was, not as who she was trying to be. She didn’t have to please anypony expect herself.

Rara glanced at the thousands of ideas in the corner and just slowly unpinned them off the wall before putting them in the trash can.

Who cares if nopony liked her new image, she would just keep walking down this path that she had chosen, and if AJ liked it then that was all that mattered.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! This is just a small short thing I did based off of my parody song I did recently. I kinda wanna start getting into writing pony fanfics since I do anime fanfics so bare with me. :)

Comments ( 2 )

Rara moved into the room had occupied for the last couple months.

I think you meant to put a ‘she’ Between room and had. ^^’ or something to make it sound better.

Seeing a small stack of scrolls in the corner *her sighed to herself


What was it going to be this time? *She wondered to herself.

Actually this time is if you need that second sentence. It’s already established she’s thinking to herself, so is a tad redundant

‘where a thousand other of the same type of letters lay’

Try rewriting to just ‘where thousands of others lay.’ Flows off the tounge a bit more while simpflying things.

‘When the letter finished Rara wiped a couple tears from her face and smiled to herself.’
Eh, defiantly would polish up if you went this far with my grammar nazisum ^^’ something like;?
When she finished the letter, Rara wiped a couple of tears from her face, and smiled.

Okay, overall, not a bad story. Had some time and drive to want to proof read something for practice, and this didn’t seem too long, which might be the problem. I can understand if this wasn’t meant to be too fleshed out and was just an idea you wanted to put to words, and for that it dose it’s job and dose have some emotional impact. That said, from experience, it could of had a little more set up and a little less telling of how Rara is feeling. Though I’m glad you used actions to show most of the emotions rather than just saying she’s was happy or sad.
There’s a story called Weight of a wasted year that dose just about everything I think you tried with this story a little better if you have time. Did a dramatic reading, but the written version is better.
Overall, this isn’t a bad story. Just a short little sad slice of life that dose it’s job if you honestly want to leave it as it is. could have been a bit exspanded or polished if you want to, just keep up the good work :)
And I really hope this has been helpful ^^’ can’t say I’m the best writer in FIMFiction, but I’ve learned from some of the best ^^’

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