• Published 2nd Dec 2017
  • 1,196 Views, 9 Comments

Glowing Embers - Sun Aura

Sunset Shimmer, a talented Unicorn, is now alone and without Magic in another Dimension. Leaving everything behind, she tries to start anew. But, can she do that without anyone who truly knows her?

  • ...

Goldie and Bramble

Two teens ran through the falling leaves, laughing as they passed pumpkins and ‘haunted houses’. Sunset wondered if she could manage to use her cloak to catch the wind and lift off the ground. Instead, she grabbed Flash’s hat and sped off, laughing as he chased her.

Once Flash got his hat back, he led the way to one of the homes near the park. It was something Sunset would call ‘cute’. One floor, but decently sized, a porch to hang out in on cooler days. Of course, it was decorated with the standard lights and cobwebs and fake tombstones of Halloween.

“I’m back!” Flash called as he walked through the door.

` “Welcome home!” a female voice called back. “I’ll be right there!”

While Sunset took in the various Halloween décor, so much like Nightmare Night décor, a woman entered from what looked like a kitchen. The woman was already in costume, some sort of ghostly bride. She might’ve had brown skin but the makeup made her look a good deal paler. However, her golden hair and eyes were still visible.

“Hello, Ma’am,” Sunset greeted.

She internally cringed at the over-formality, but tried to stay smiling. Of course, she failed due to Flash’s snickering.

“Hello to you too,” the woman chirped. “You must be the Sunset Shimmer I’ve heard so much about!”

“That’s me,” Sunset nodded, wondering how much Flash had said.

“Well, I’m Golden Note,” she said. “Flash said you two are going around for the holiday?”

“Brawly and Thunder too,” Flash added.

“We just have to pick up our extra costume pieces,” Sunset said. “School rules banned any ‘weapons’, even fake ones.”

“Hm…” Golden gave a playful smirk at Flash. “You sure that’s the only reason you brought your girlfriend over? I know those props are in your room after all...”

“Goldie no!” Flash exclaimed, quickly turning the color of Sunset’s hair.

It was Sunset’s turn to snicker. Thankfully, Flash dragged her down a hallway before she could recover and think of a witty response. But he wasn’t quick enough.

“Well, if you kids change your mind….” Golden teased.

“Goldie no!” Flash repeated.

Sunset sat down on the edge of the bed, still laughing. Flash’s room was what one expected from a teenage boy. Messy, but thankfully not disgusting. Electronics against one wall, bookshelves against another, a closet taking up the third.

“Sorry about Goldie,” Flash sighed, still red.

“It’s fine, and funny,” Sunset said. “So, uh, okay this is going to sound weird, but is she an older sister or a stepmom?”

“Huh?” he blinked.

“I thought she was your mom, but you call her by her name,” she elaborated.

“Oh,” he glanced away. “Well, neither, actually. She’s, uh, a foster mom. Soon to be adoptive mom, once the legal stuff goes through.”

“Oh,” she said, feeling the mirth drop out of the room. “Sorry for asking but-“

“You were curious,” he shrugged. “It’s okay. Goldie and Bramble, that’s her husband, they’re great. Best I’ve had, though from stories I’ve heard I’ve been pretty lucky overall.”

“You were with other foster parents before?” she asked automatically.

“Yeah,” he nodded, searching the closet for costume pieces. “I’ve been with them for the past few years, which is why they’re making this permanent, but I’ve been in ‘the system’ for, wow, it’s been about a decade now.”

“Is it bad if I ask how you ended up in ‘the system’ in the first place?” she asked.

“You can,” he said. “But you won’t get an answer.”

Sunset tilted her head, asking but not asking. Flash stayed quiet, handing her the prop she asked him to stash. It was a ‘magic staff’, to complete her Steampunk Sorceress costume. She might’ve cheated a little and used a glow spell on some crystals to make it light up.

Flash had a fake sword, which completed the pirate captain look very nicely. But instead of swinging it around like usual, he was using the reflective ‘blade’ as a mirror. Frowning, he reached up and rubbed the small scar above his right eye.

“Sorry,” Sunset said. “I probably shouldn’t ask.”

“It’s not that,” Flash said. “It’s just that I have no idea what happened.”

“How can you have no idea?” she asked. “Ten years ago would make you five at the time. I remember things from when I was five.”

“Exactly,” he said, pointing with the sword for emphasis. “I don’t remember. My first memory is being five and waking up in the hospital with a concussion. Obviously something happened, but probably not anything that you’d tell a five year old with amnesia. I asked Golden and Bramble about it, but apparently that stuff’s sealed.”

“That’s… suspicious at best,” she frowned.

“Trust me, I’d like to know,” he shrugged. “But I think I’ll have to stick to wild speculation, so I’ve kind of accepted it. Lately I’ve been putting my money on a Mafia hit.”

“Mafia hit, really?” she raised an eyebrow.

“Well I had to make it plausible,” he said. “Who knows, maybe I’ll be the protagonist in a movie. With Magic and fighting evil and romancing a princess.”

“Can’t wait for that,” she smiled. “Want to throw in interdimensional travel and Unicorns while you’re at it?”

“You know, I do dream about being a Pegasus a lot,” he said. “Maybe you’re on to something.”

While she was joking, Sunset debated on telling him the truth. While they might not get into ‘magical adventures’, she wanted him to know about her, the real her. She could easily prove it, her Gems being enough to prove Magic. But that would include telling him that she lied to get him around her.

Before she could decide, there was a knock on the door.

“You two ready?” Golden Note asked. “Your friends are waiting outside!”

“Yeah, we’re good!” Flash called. “Ready, Sunset?”

“Y-yeah,” Sunset nodded, following him out the door.

“Worried about being ‘too old for trick-or-treating’?” he asked. “Don’t worry. Most of Canterlot’s nice about kids of all ages, even adults, still going around. As long as you’re in costume, you can get candy.”

“I bet you know the best houses too,” she said.

“No, but we have the internet now,” he replied, waving his phone. “There’s a MyStable group where you can post what address is giving away the best stuff, or which to stay away from.”

“Ah, internet,” she shook her head. “It has so many uses.”

Author's Note:

If you've read my other fics you might know what that mystery's about. Also, I feel like 'Steampunk Sorceress' should be Equestria's Aesthetic in general.