• Published 10th Jan 2018
  • 2,591 Views, 425 Comments

Familiarity - Fervidor

Scootaloo's life changes forever when she meets Fang, a strange magician who is not what she seems. As the two grow closer, secrets are revealed. What does it mean to be a familiar?

  • ...

Four: Familiar.

Scootaloo hugged her knees, having curled up under a lonely tree after fleeing Twilight's castle on her scooter only to find she had nowhere to go. She could avoid Twilight and Fang, but there was no running away from the truth.

She was cursed.

The initial shock and panic had faded somewhat, only to give way to a storm of emotions raging inside her, too many for her to sort out. She couldn't even cry anymore. It felt like there was a hole inside her, a wound in her heart. Realizing this wasn't far from the truth, she felt sick again and struggled not to think about it. But that horrible picture was burned into her mind.

She still remembered when the doctor told her she had a condition. She had been pretty sure that was the single worst moment in her life, until today. The overwhelming anxiety was the same, but there was something more mixed in this time. She felt... violated.

Her body shivered, and the hole inside her seemed to grow larger. The light of the sun seemed to dim and dark shadows danced before her eyes. Was she going crazy?

She heard the sound of hooves against the grass, breaking her out of her daze. Suddenly Fang sat down right beside her. "Hey."

"How did you find me?" Scootaloo asked.

"I followed the smell," Fang replied.

Scootaloo glared at her. "I don't smell."

"If you say so."

There was a brief silence as Scootaloo stayed huddled, resolving not to look at Fang. "I don't want to talk about it, okay?"

"No, but maybe you need to talk about it," Fang said. "Listen, I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but this is a good thing."

"Good?" Scootaloo snapped, finally turning her head to stare at the sorceress. "How is any of this good?"

"Well, now you know the truth," Fang explained. "If we hadn't told you about the curse, you would have just gone on living the rest of your life thinking you were born with stunted magic. At least now you know what the real problem is. That's progress."

"You've known about it since last night," Scootaloo pointed out, making no attempt to hide her bitterness. "Why didn't you tell me then?"

"Because you had already gone through a traumatic experience," Fang said, "and I thought you had enough on your mind for one night."

As much as it annoyed her, Scootaloo couldn't really argue with that.

"So, how are you feeling?" Fang asked.

"I don't know," Scootaloo mumbled.

"I don't believe that's true."

Scootaloo was silent for a moment. "I feel angry. When... When they told me I don't have enough magic to fly, I spent a lot of time feeling sorry for myself. But I thought I was just born that way, you know? I just got unlucky, and I'd almost started to accept that. But if I'm cursed, that means somepony did this to me. On purpose! This is somepony's fault! I've never been this mad about anything in my whole life, and I don't even know who to blame!"

"You have every right to be angry," Fang said, her tone turning gentle. "But being angry isn't productive right now. It's not going to solve the problem. There will be a time for rage and vengeance, but right now you have to stay calm so we can figure this out."

"Easy for you to say, you're not the one with a curse," Scootaloo muttered. But as much as she hated to admit it, Fang did have a point. She sighed. "So, how long do you think I've had it?"

Fang shrugged. "How long have you felt there was something wrong with you? Like an important part of you were missing?"

Scootaloo thought back on her life. She couldn't even remember a time when her parents were still around. She'd been raised by strangers who came and went, left alone in an empty house, looked over by a pony who only cared for her because it was his job. She never had a real friend until the day she met Sweetie Belle. She idolized Rainbow Dash, the pony who had everything she had been denied. Time and time again she had stubbornly struggled to fly, only to be brought down by the reality of her condition. For how long had she felt there was something wrong with her? When had she not felt that way?

"I... I don't know," she answered in a quiet voice.

Fang turned her head up, gazing at a cloud passing by high above them. The sun shone through the leaves of the tree, casting speckled shadows across her perfect features. "Two thousand years."

Scootaloo blinked in sudden confusion. "What?"

"Back in the castle, you asked about my age," Fang reminded her. "I'm a bit over two thousand years old."

Scootaloo's mouth fell open. "...Two thousand?"

Fang nodded. "And in all that time, I don't think I've ever seen a curse this complex before. It must have been deliberate and would have taken a lot of preparation. There would have been a ritual of some sort. And being cursed is usually quite unpleasant, so it's not the sort of thing you don't notice or forget about. You should be able to recall when it happened. Has there been any strange event in your life? Something you didn't understand? Something involving magic?"

Scootaloo thought for a moment, then shook her head. "Not really. I mean, not to me, at least. There's been a lot of weird magic stuff going on around here since Twilight moved in, but it's not like some evil wizard ever put a spell on me or anything."

"Hm." Fang scratched her chin, her brow furled in thought.

"So what does that mean?" Scootaloo prodded.

Fang looked at her. "You said you're twelve years old?"

Scootaloo fidgeted. "Well, twelve this winter."

"So eleven, then?" Fang nodded slowly. "I think you may have had this curse for most of your life. If you were cursed as an infant, that would explain... a lot."

"I was cursed as a baby?" Scootaloo looked horrified. "Who'd do something like that? Why would anypony do that?"

"Good question," Fang said. "Did your parents have any enemies?"

"I... I don't know," Scootaloo shook her head. "I mean, I don't think so. I was only a year old when... when they died. I know my dad was a teacher and my mom was a weather pony. I think they were pretty ordinary."

"They were pegasi, I presume?" Fang asked.

"Mom was," Scootaloo replied. "Dad was a unicorn. He went to Celestia's magic school, just like Twilight."

"Interesting," Fang mumbled. "And... how did they die?"

Scootaloo hesitated. She hadn't talked to anypony about that in years. "They went into the Everfree Forest together while a neighbor looked after me. Dad wanted to collect ingredients for potions or something, I guess mom was helping him. But... they didn't come home. They were found the next day, but they were..." She drew a shaky breath. "They were attacked by something, might have been timberwolves, the police never figured that out. They think mom and dad tried to fight back, 'cause the whole place was messed up like there'd been a big fight.” Her voiced shrunk to a whisper. "Guess they lost."

Fang listened closely, though her expression didn't betray her thoughts. "I'm sorry to hear that," she said.

Scootaloo shrugged. "I don't even remember them. It's just stuff ponies told me once I got older. Anyway, I guess it doesn't help us figure out the whole curse thing, huh?" She looked at Fang and sighed. "So now what do I do?"

The corner of Fang's mouth curved into a smile. "Well, for starters, why don't you become my familiar?"

"Huh?" Scootaloo looked confused. "Your familiar? What, like Spike and Twilight?"

"Well, not exactly like that," Fang said. "Twilight bound Spike to her own heart by accident, so there were no safeguards. Spike was also much too young when it happened, and there seems to have been some side-effects over time. You are just old enough and it will be a standard pact, quite formal and much safer. And if you change your mind, we can always call it off. I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to."

Scootaloo seemed somewhat doubtful. "And how will that help breaking the curse?"

"Honestly? It won't," Fang admitted. "But it's not like you can't use any of your magic. You still have access to some of it, and I can teach you how to use what you have. You may not become a great magician, but you can expand your current abilities and even learn new ones. Meanwhile, I can look into the curse and see what I can learn about it."

"I dunno," Scootaloo said. "I mean, why me?"

"Because I'm curious," Fang answered. "Between this curse and the gaunthound, there's obviously something very intriguing going on with you, Scootaloo, and I could never leave a good mystery alone."

"But I'm just a pegasus," Scootaloo argued. "Isn't magic for unicorns? Like Sweetie Belle, or..."

"Eh." Fang waved her hoof, dismissing the question. "It's true unicorns have a natural advantage, but pegasi are magical creatures too. Ever heard of Somnambula?"

"Um, I think so," Scootaloo answered. The name did ring a bell: She was pretty sure Cheerilee had mentioned it during one of her history lessons, but since it had been about magic Scootaloo hadn't bothered to listen too closely. "She's some famous historical unicorn, right?"

"Somnambula invented the spell of Weather Abjuration and practically created an entire field of magical study all by herself," Fang said. "Last time I checked her methods were still taught in Celestia's school. And she was a pegasus, not a unicorn."

Scootaloo's mouth fell open. "R-Really?"

"Really. Honestly, this is the problem with you ponies." Fang pointed her hoof at Scootaloo's muzzle, causing the filly to lean back slightly. "Pound for pound you are the most magically potent species in this world, but if you aren't born with a horn on your head you don't bother to reach your full potential." She grinned. "Teaching a unicorn would be easy, but I like a challenge. Anyway, I haven't had a familiar in a while and I wouldn't mind the company."

"You don't even know anything about me," Scootaloo said. Nor did she know anything about Fang, but she opted to not say that part out loud.

"Sure I do!" Fang chuckled. "I'm a very good judge of character. I know you're brave, loyal, honest and surprisingly smart. You're not afraid to speak your mind but you have a good heart, and you don't give up once you've set your mind to something."

Scootaloo scoffed. "Now you're just trying to sweet talk me."

"Is it working?"

Scootaloo was still hesitant, but the offer did seem strangely tempting. She had never imagined herself learning anything about real magic – that had always seemed like a world she would never belong to. Then again, she would never be able to fly as long as she had the curse, so perhaps she might as well try something different? Fang did say she could always quit if she wanted to. It couldn't hurt, could it?

"Oh, and by the way," Fang's grin widened, "if you do become my familiar, I think there may be a way to get you flying even with the curse."

Scootaloo instantly snapped to attention. "Wait, really? There's a way I can still fly? For real?"

Fang nodded. "For real."

It had been a cheap shot, Scootaloo knew that, but in that moment she didn't care. She stood up straight and looked Fang dead in the eyes. "Okay, I'll do it."

"Then we have a deal," Fang said, looking pleased with the arrangement. "Don't worry, I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun. But if you do want to fly, you better not slack off. It will take a lot of hard work."

"No sweat! I'm the toughest little pony in town." Scootaloo made some dramatic gestures with her hooves for emphasis, suddenly full of newfound enthusiasm. "I got the moves! Got the mojo! No harder working pony around!"

"Start singing and I'll turn your tail green."

The two of them shared a laugh. Scootaloo didn't really know what she had just gotten herself into, but somehow she wasn't worried. If being a Cutie Mark Crusader had taught her anything, it was that sometimes you just had to be a bit reckless and trust it would work out in the end.

"I'm not gonna make you tea or clean your house, though," she said.

"That's fine," Fang said. "I make my own tea, and I prefer the Rook just the way it is. You know, my previous familiar kept trying to clean the place even though I told him not to. Almost drove me crazy. This one time he re-arranged my potions and I ended up turning my hair bright red by mistake."

Scootaloo burst into another fit of laughter. "Wow, that must have been hilarious. So, what happened to that guy?"

Fang's smile suddenly faded away and for a brief moment Scootaloo saw a flash of sadness in her eyes. The filly sensed she had said something wrong and opened her mouth to apologize, but in the next moment a blue shape crossed the sky in a familiar rainbow streak, distracting both of them.

The pegasus flew a half circle around the tree before stopping in front of them, still hovering above the ground rather than landing. "Hey, Scootaloo!"

"Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo exclaimed, smiling at the sight of her favorite pony.

"The one and only!" Rainbow said, sticking her chest out and beaming with pride. "And how's my number one fan doing?"

Scootaloo's smile turned a bit stiffer. "I'm... awesome. Especially now that you're here."

"Yeah, I tend to have that effect." Rainbow touched down and turned to Fang. "Uh, hey there. Haven't seen you around before."

"Oh, I just arrived last night," Fang said with a pleasant smile. "Rainbow Dash, right? I'm Fang, pleased to meet you."

"Likewise," Rainbow said. "Fang, huh? Cool name. So, how are you liking Ponyville?"

"Oh, it's been very interesting," Fang replied. "I think I'll be staying here for some time, in fact."

"That's great! I'm sure you'll feel right at home in no time." Rainbow leaned forward and put a hoof behind her mouth as if to whisper something. "Fair warning, though. You'll probably run into a pink earth pony, and she will throw you an awesome welcoming party."

Fang raised an eyebrow. "Ah. Thanks for the warning?"

"Don't mention it." Rainbow turned to the filly again. "So, Scootaloo, I have the rest of the day off, and I've thought of some sweet new tricks I haven't shown anypony yet. Wanna come along and watch me practice?” She gave Scootaloo a nudge with her elbow. “Maybe give me some pointers?"

"That sounds great!" Scootaloo immediately picked her scooter up from the ground, but then recalled her agreement with Fang. She looked to the sorceress. "Um, about that thing we talked about..."

Fang just waved her hoof. "Oh, there's no rush. I need to make some preparations first anyway, so you can run along and spend time with your friend. How about we start your tenure tomorrow morning?"

Scootaloo recalled it was Friday, meaning there would be no school the following day. She nodded. "Yeah, that works. Thanks, Fang."

"Have fun!" Fang waved after the two pegasi as they left, the younger one scooting along the road with the older one floating through the air by her side.

"Tenure?" Rainbow asked with a puzzled look.

"Yeah," Scootaloo said. "It's a bit complicated. I'll tell you later."

Turning her head, Rainbow cast a glance back at Fang who was still sitting under the tree. "Well, alright, if you say so."

Left alone, Fang the Sorceress smirked. Convincing Scootaloo had been easier than she'd anticipated – she had expected the filly to at least want to think the offer over, but apparently the promise of flight had been all it really took.

So far, everything was proceeding according to plan.

"Well, stuff me in a box and forget where you put me!" said a voice right next to her ear. "Fang Jinhuo, is that you?"

Fang turned her head in surprise and looked straight into a pair of red eyes. They were attached to an upside-down, debatably equine face which was in turn attached to a serpentine body hanging down from one of the branches of the tree.

"Discord!" Fang reacted immediately, flying off her hooves in an unnatural leap, momentarily floating across the ground before landing a few feet away in a crouched stance, her horn glowing in preparation for a spell and her tail unconsciously raised in the air like a cobra.

The draconequus released the branch he'd been gripping with his tail and gently turned in the air. His head remained upside down for a moment before swiveling around to it's correct position. Discord raised his mismatched frontal limbs in a calming gesture. "Now, now, my dear. Is that any way to greet an old..." he hesitated, stroking his beard with his feline paw. "...Well, we were never really friends, were we? Competitors? Rivals? Enemies of our enemy but still not really friends? Well, whatever. Love what you've done with your, ah, everything. I must say, you look just adorable as a pony."

"You're supposed to be imprisoned in stone," Fang said, still on edge. "What are you doing here, Discord?"

"Why, I live here!" Discord said. "Haven't you heard? I'm a changed draconequus these days."

Fang blinked and the light of her horn went out. "...You're a what?"

"I've been redeemed!" Discord clarified. He clasped his paw and talon together and a pillar of light suddenly shone down on him out of nowhere, accompanied by an unseen choir of ethereal soprano song. "I've seen the light and changed my ways. You are looking at a reformed, penitent, almost virtuous Discord. I've turned over a new leaf and become a productive member of society. I'm down with the whole friendship deal, as the kids say."

Fang gawked at him. "You? Redeemed? You can't be serious. You're telling me Celestia actually managed to win you over, after all this time?"

"Well, not Celestia personally," Discord shrugged his shoulders. "But yes, something like that. What can I say? They talked me into it, so sue me."

Fang kept staring at him for a moment. A small snort escaped her and then she threw her head back, laughing. "Oh my goodness! That's hilarious!" As Discord regarded her with an annoyed look on his face, she relaxed her stance and calmed down somewhat. "Well, since I'm not seeing any candy storms or levitating buildings, I guess I believe you for now. It's still really funny, though."

"Yes, quite," Discord said. "But enough about me. What are you doing back in Equestria? Here to cause trouble again? Looking to pick a fight with my pony pals?” There was a flash and the next moment he was dressed as a stereotypical western sheriff, complete with an oversized star-shaped badge on his vest and bananas stuffed into the holsters on his hips. He slowly reached for the deadly fruit, claws twitching dramatically to the trilling of a lonely flute. "Because as the friendly neighborhood Lord of Disorder around these parts, I may have to take issue with that."

Fang shook her head. "No, it's fine. Truth to be told, they managed to, heh, redeem me as well. I stopped picking fights with ponies centuries ago."

"...Oh." Discord remained in his pose for a moment, seemingly unsure of how to proceed. Then the costume vanished and he crossed his forelegs. "Well, isn't that nice? I suppose we have no quarrel, then." One of his eyes suddenly extended like a telescope, pointing right at her. "But I'm keeping my eye on you, Jinhuo."

"Please, call me Fang." She turned to leave. "It was nice catching up with you, Discord, but I have business to..."

"Hold on a moment!" Discord teleported to her side, suddenly looking serious. "Look, I'm thrilled to hear we're now apparently all good and chummy with each other. Absolutely delightful! Maybe we can get Celestia and Luna and have a big old ancient-immortals-only slumber party together? But you didn't answer my question. Why did you come back?"

Fang rolled her eyes. "If you must know, I'm here on vacation. Well, more like convalescence, really."

"Oh?" Discord cocked his head. "I did sense there's something off about you now. It's not contagious, I hope?"

"I was injured a while back," Fang said. "I'll live, but it still hasn't healed completely. Equestria seemed like a nice place to lay low and relax while I recover."

"I see," Discord said. "Yes, an excellent choice! Pastoral views, plenty of friendly faces, only the occasional deranged warlock or ancient being of unfathomable power running amok every once in a while. Speaking of which, I take it you're here by yourself, then? Or can I expect to see anyone else from your, ah, little club?" He cast a few paranoid glances around and lowered his voice. "...She's not here, is she?"

"If you mean Seitr, you don't need to worry," Fang said in an even tone, her eyes turning cold. "She's dead."

"Really?" Discord's face momentarily split in a huge gleeful smile, but when he saw Fang's grim expression he coughed and quickly assumed a more somber look. "I mean, how dreadful. And surprising! Honestly, I wasn't even sure the old snake could die. What happened?"

Fang sighed deeply. "Baphomet. He tried to achieve the Tenth."

"Th... The Tenth!" Discord sputtered, his eyes widening while his pupils shrunk into pinpricks. There weren't many things that could inspire true terror in a being such as him, but those words were one of them. "B-But... Impossible, that's... Well? Then what?"

"Well, what do you think?" Fang replied. "Seitr threw a huge fit, of course! Then she rounded up the rest of us and next thing we know, we're all fighting our way through Baphomet's fortress trying to stop him! He..." She fell silent, gritting her teeth. "...We won, but Seitr and Baphomet both died in the battle. After that it just wasn't the same anymore, so the rest of us decided to go our separate ways. I haven't really heard anything from most of them in a decade now."

"Ah, the band broke up, huh?" Discord concluded. "So, the Tenth...?"

"We're not even sure if Baphomet could really have pulled it off," Fang said, "but we had Bermuda destroy his research just in case. If he was on to something, it doesn't exist anymore."

Discord nodded. "Good, good. And that injury of yours? I take it that's not unrelated?"

Fang didn't look at him. "We were fighting Baphomet. I got careless. Let's just leave it at that."

Discord studied her for a moment, then clapped his paw and talon together. "Well! That little story sure was a roller-coaster of mind-numbing terror and overwhelming relief! All well that ends well, don't you agree?"

"I suppose that's one way to put it," Fang muttered.

Discord patted her shoulder. "And here we both are in lovely, friendly Equestria. We should hang out sometimes. Maybe cause some mischief for old time's sake?"

Fang shot him a bemused smile. "I thought you said you were a good guy now."

"Good, yes, but not boring." Discord winked at her. "Think about it."

He disappeared in a flash of light. After a short moment passed, he reappeared in another flash, glaring sharply at Fang. "But seriously. Don't mess with Fluttershy, or else." Then he vanished again.

Left alone, Fang Jinhuo frowned. "...Who the hell is Fluttershy?"

Author's Note: