• Published 21st Jul 2012
  • 983 Views, 35 Comments

The Lost Wars - Invictus_rising

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The Prologue


I remember it so clearly. The day was beautiful, Celestia's sun was so bright, and the world basked in its glow. I sat on a bench in the park, reading Mystic Trivia. The book was a birthday present from the Princess. This day couldn't be more perfect, I thought nothing could go wrong...Oh boy was I mistaken.

"Haiya Twilight!" My vision was suddenly full of pink and my book momentarily forgetten as two huge baby blue eyes literally poked my own. "ACK! What the hay Pinkie?" as random as she was, she usually had a purpose to scaring you senseless, and sure enough..."Ohhhh....I was just hoping you could help me with a little something. I want to uhm..." The party pony blushed (which was rather hard to notice on her already pink coat). "I uhh...need your help summoning something..." The normally confident mare pawed at the ground nervously as my jaw hung slack. It took a good minute to regain my ability for speech. "You want me to...WHAT?!" Her request struck me like a load of bricks (yeah...it really happened...just ask that ditzy mailmare. Anyway). I continued to stare at her, making her shrink back like Fluttershy, she finally managed to yelp out a jumbled "yes!" followed by copious amounts of nodding.

"You do understand what you're asking of me, right?"

She nodded again, starting to regain some of her trademark bounce.

I let out a deep sigh. "Pinkie...the last time you had me help you summon something, we nearly burned the Corner down...are you sure this is a good idea?" Not once did I ever question why she was summoning things from Tartarus, it wasnt really something you tended to question, and she almost always had the most pure of intentions. This time though I had to stop her, Celestia had found out about it last time. It was nothing major, but the little Imp still caused quite a stir. I sighed again, I hated telling her no.

I cleared my throat and spoke softly "Pinkie you cant get her back like that...She is gone. Please Pinkie, I know what its like to lose a lover, but you cant dwell forever. Please stop this, you're only going to get hurt more..." I looked away, tears starting to brim in my eyes at the unwanted memory that had brought...I really missed Big Mac...we all did, but AJ and I felt the most...he had been my husband after all, even if only for a little while. ha...So much for a perfect day. I slowly turned back to the now completely somber Pink mare in front of me, her mane had deflated to a dull, very sad look. I took a forehoof in mine, and looked her in the eyes.

"Look at me Pinks. I know it's hard, but this isn't the way to do this. Remember the happiness you shared with her. Because of you, this whole town got to see a different side of her, instead of a stuck up showmare, we found out that she was a sweetheart, that just needed someone to hold her. We were all there for you, and we'll never leave your side, but you can't keep trying to resurrect her. It wont work, and we both know it. Come on, I've got an idea to cheer you up".

I picked up my book in my familiar violet glow, and trotted along to the edge of the park, checking to make sure the sullen mare was still beside me. Sometimes I hated it, but having a heart so used to sorrow made it easy to smile and cheer others up, my favorite way to do this of course, was with food. As we arrived at the Library, I opened the door, the same violet glow surrounding it and ushering the Pink pony beside me in. Shutting the door with a soft click i directed her to the couch and trotted into the kitchen. Spike had been baking (he'd gotten awfully good after his week at Sweet Apple Acres under Granny's tutelage). Tonight though he had left to spend time with the CMC, though thinking back on that, I probably shouldn't have let them near eachother hehe. anyway, I grabbed the batch of cupcakes off the counter and headed back into the living room, Pinkie had managed to make herself comfortable. It only took a few minutes for her nostrils to pick up the scent of chocolate chip cupcakes that I had quietly set on the table. As soon as she smelled them, her hair poofed back out a bit and her ears perked up, she looked at me and licked her lips. I nodded, and she proceeded to devour the sweets.

"Mmm...Twilight! These are delicious, you say Spike made these? ohhhh please thank the little guy for me!"At the time I'd even let the talking with her mouth full slide. She really deserved to let loose, she'd been so depressed since Trixie's murder, but she was starting to cope. I was starting to smile again myself, but just as I let my guard down, a frantic banging at the door startled me. I quickly got up from the chair and walked to the front door, throwing it open.

"Twi! Ah really need yer help, Applebloom done got herself stuck under a wagon, dont ask, something those crazy foals were doin'. Come on Twi yah gotta help me!" I looked over my shoulder and saw pinkie give a nod in between stuffing her face, and had to suppress a giggle.

~ ~ ~

I couldn't believe my eyes, all previous mirth had left me. AJ swore we hadn't taken more than five minutes to get there...but all three of the girls were...they weren't moving, and a dark note had been left. It read simply. "War is coming. We will show no mercy" The hoofwriting was exquisite, and had a dark flourish to it. The paper had one symbol on it, of a spinning cog and hood, with crossed swords. "AJ..." She stared at the three little fillies, still in shock...I couldn't blame her. "Applejack, im going to take this to the Princesses, this can't go unpunished".

We had a war on our hooves, I could feel it...this was just the bucking beginning though...Oh Celestia why couldn't it have ended there.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Celestia sat upon her throne, looking out one of the massive windows to her right at the sight of her magnifecent city. But, today, she had more pressing matters on her mind. The day court had been closed and she sat in meeting with the Elements of Harmony and her sister, sunshine seemed to cruelly shine through on the depressed gathering.

"Princess..." Fluttershy's quiet squeak broke her from her reverie and she turned her attention back to the Ponies present.

"Yes?" Fluttershy didnt often break a silence, so everyone sat forward to listen with earnesty.

"I uhm...I think I might have an idea who did this...or atleast...maybe why." Despite herself the butter-creme yellow pegasus managed to speak audibly enough for all to hear. "I think that whoever left that note..." She took a glance at the dark parchment floating in front of Luna's muzzle. "I think they are starting a war" Fluttershy nodded to herself, satisfied with her voiced opinion and missed Rainbow Dash facehoofing.

Luna spoke up, having been silent the whole meeting. "I know this mark..." The normally playful dark alicorn spoke gravely. "and it belongs to His Rebellion...Sister I told you we should have warned them..." Luna had looked at her with such sorrow that her heart nearly shattered.

"Yes Lulu...you were right. I should have listened...GAH for someone who has lived so long, I still make such foolish mistakes and now it has cost those three little 'Angels' their lives!" The kind and caring alicorn slammed her hoof down onto her throne with such force that the stone back fractured and caused her to fall back in an indignant heap. She swore beneath her breath and sat up, Fire dancing in her eyes. "No...I will not let this go any longer. For the first time in over a thousand years, Equestria goes to war...and you six...I have a request. Lead these armies against them.

The assembled Elements stared up at their Princess in shock. Pinkie was the first to regain speech, and her calm town somewhat frightened them all. "I dont know much about fighting but if it's what we have to do..." She stood up, her hair deflating and a grim look so out of place took upon her features. The Element of Laughter sat back down, the hard look in her eyes strengthening the resolve of her friends.

"Princesses..." I stood up, flaring my horn and rearing up. "I think I speak for the rest of us as well. We will learn quickly." The others nodded their assent, Rarity and Applejack still too shocked to speak.

"Very well. Luna and I will begin planning. Please return in 3 days time, we will go from there."

The War was just beginning...and the worst to come paled in comparison to its end...