• Published 14th Feb 2018
  • 444 Views, 10 Comments

Tales Of Star-Crossed Love - The REAL Mister Pkmn

Short stories revolving around pairs of ponies in love that can't seem to catch a break.

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The Second Tale, Part Four

Chapter Eight

Celestia & Discord

A Royal Promise Broken

Over the years that followed, Discord and Celestia would meet in secret. Him disguising himself as a pony to court her in Equestria, and her letting him disguise her as a Draquonequus to court her in the Dichotomy. News in both nations was rampant about these ruses- Equestria was buzzing about “Professor Enigma”, the first to court Celestia. The Dichotomy was obsessing about “Systema”, the order draconequus that had favor with Discord. Yet over the years, their escapades grew less frequent. At first, Discord explained that the preparations for him to become King were mounting, as were his sister’s lessons for Queenship. This was fine, for Celestia knew that he was himself, and he was being honest. But then he just stopped visiting her. At first, Celestia wasn’t too concerned. But then her sister came bearing bad news. “Sister… it’s the Dichotomy. They request our help immediately! Apparently, something’s gone wrong with Discord…”

Celestia stood with a start. “Get the Elements. We might need them…” Her sister ran off, and Celestia whispered to herself. “Dissy… what’s happened to you?”

They left in a flurry, and she and her sister flew quickly towards Dichotogard. What they saw when they arrived was a large beam of twisted, dark energy. Celestia poured on speed, his sister quick to follow. It wasn’t long after that Celestia stormed into the throne room, and saw the King and Queen on the floor, along with Concordia. She looked to see Discord in the beam of energy, and saw that he was changing. She looked to the royals. “What is going on here? What have you done to him?”

The King stood. “He was acting oddly, so… I tried to change that. But now…” He looked away. “I fear that this mistake will have grave consequences, beyond what I might anticipate.”

The Queen looked to her husband with disgust. “Of course he was acting oddly! He’s the blasted PRINCE OF CHAOS!” She shook her head as she looked back at the beam. “Oh, my poor boy…”

Celestia let a tear fall. “Dissy… My sweet Dissy.” She turned to Luna. “Get ready. We might have no choice…”

Concordia looked on, at first confused. But then she saw the look in Celestia’s eye… and she understood. “There never was a ‘Systema’, was there? That was you. There never was a “Professor Enigma”, either. That was him.” She looked away, pained. “I see now. No wonder dad thought Discord was acting off… he was hiding such a large secret…”

Luna turned to look at Celestia, shock on her face. “Is this… true, sister?”

Celestia was about to respond, but then the beam blasted away, and Discord looked only somewhat different. His eyes now bore a more maddened and crazed look, and his frame was much larger now. He stood, and cackled as thunder roared from nowhere. He lowered his gaze, and saw fear upon the faces around him. Celestia tried to reason with him. “Dissy, it’s me! Celly! Don’t you recall? Please, don’t do this!”

He chuckled, and let out a blast of magic from his paw. Celestia was shocked, but Concordia jumped and pushed her away, taking the hit. She looked up at her brother. “Dis...cord…” Her form turned into stone in seconds.

Discord laughed. “Chaos! Rampant CHAOS! No more holding back!”

His mother stood and looked to her husband as the world twisted and reformed into a new, bent out shape. She yelled. “Look at what your obsession with perfection has done to our son! This is all your fault!” She approached her son, and called out. “Discord! Do not give in to Anarchy! You are more than that!”

Discord roared, and his eyes swirled an angry red as he fired more magic, this time at his mother. His father tried to get there in time to push her out of the magic’s blast, but he only ended up getting himself caught in it. His wife cried as the spell took effect. “Stubborn… fool…”

He smiled as they turned to stone. “Always… yours…”

Once the two were stone, all the other Draquonequui were thrown into panic. Discord laughed as he powered up his magic. “CHAOS! MORE CHAOS!

Luna looked at Celestia. “We have to do something. I know that you might not like it, but… he’s gone. We have no choice, Celestia.”

Tears rolled down Celestia’s face as she gave a reluctant nod. “I know. There’s… nothing left of who he once was. He has been… consumed.” She gave a sigh as she looked at Discord. “Come on. Let’s do this.” The two pulled out six brilliant stones of different colors. The stones started to circle around the pair as they channeled their magic through them, focusing it through the purple one.

This caught Discord’s attention. He laughed. “You cannot stop the Chaos! The madness! All will be twisted!”

Celestia and Luna looked as Discord’s magic twisted the former kingdom into a strangled ruin where none of it made any sense and all the Draquonequui started to become something else. Some became plants, and other strange new feral beasts. Others became rivers, and others stones and dust. Celestia summoned her strength. “That’s enough! Discord, this is for your own good, and the world’s!” Her final tear fell. “Goodbye. ...Dissy.” Working with her sister, the shot forth a rainbow beam of energy from the stones as Discord was laughing. He was cut short as his form turned to stone. As the light dimmed, Celestia half-expected Discord’s magic to be undone. Yet, here were no Draquonequui. All that was left were ruins that floated in the air, and no sign of sapient life anywhere.

Celestia cried, and Luna held her. After a few moments of silence, they parted and Celestia grabbed Discord’s statue. They teleported back to the castle, setting Discord in the garden.

The End Of the Second Tale

The Next Story is… Luna and Bolero Brilliance in the Post-Discordian Era.

Author's Note:

I didn't think that I'd pull it off, but I did manage to wrap this arc up in four chapters. Now, we get into the interesting stuff.