• Published 14th Dec 2017
  • 1,010 Views, 12 Comments

Chaos Rules All - Shadowflameking

Max gets sent to equestria and something awesome happens to him

  • ...

The only chapter

I was walking home from work one night, my watch said it was around 10:30 pm. I had just got to my front door before I heard a big BANG! And when I looked at my door I saw that it was glowing red, I thought it was just the Christmas lights that I had placed all over my house so I unlocked it and without looking walked in, and fell flat on my face. I looked around after getting up with a groan rubbing my forehead and what I saw made me freeze, it was day time and the ground was plaid, pigs were flying, and saw dancing buffalo.

I thought for sure that I had just been drugged or something when the ugliest thing I have ever seen just popped out of nowhere in front of me.

And then something even more shocking happened, it spoke to me.
“Why hello there! I brought you here for a favor from you.” he said with a large grin just floating there.
I looked horrified and disgusted at this thing since it looked like someone took a random bunch of animal parts and mashed them together for some ugly thing like that.

“And what would that be?” I asked in a somewhat nervous tone.

“Why I wanted you to take my place for a few centuries till ‘ol cake butt calms down”

“And what exactly would i get out of this?” I said in a greedy tone, I wasn't stupid I knew what would happen if i said yes, but the power was far too tempting for me not to say yes

“Why you would be getting my powers while I wait it out in the back of your mind.”

I gave a look like I was deep in thought, but I had already made my choice, and with a grin I said “I would be glad to help out a pal”

The being that I later learned was named discord smiled and shook my hand, it felt as if someone was pounding my brain with a hammer as I collapse to the ground in agony and everything went black.

When I woke up about two hours later everything looked like it should, or at least the colors did somewhat but still looked too bright and unreal along with the texture made everything look like it was from a cartoon. As I stood up I felt, lighter and stronger and I remembered what had happened, I grinned and snapped my fingers, and with a pop a can of coca cola fell into my hand.

“Oh hell yes I'm going to love this!” then discord spoke to me from my mind

“Glad to see your enjoying yourself there, but remember try to stay hidden and avoid ponies unless it is unavoidable.”

“Ponies?” I asked in a confused tone, because as far as I knew ponies where just farm animals.

“It's what the beings of this world call themselves, now I'm going to go quiet and don't mention my name, if anyone or anything asks if you know me, say no unless you want to be stoned and used as a lawn ornament.”

I gulped at that “Alright, I won't but can you tell me why I shouldn't mention your name or meeting you?” I asked in a curious tone since I wanted to know what exactly I was dealing with.

“Because I'm discord the god of chaos and disharmony, and now that you have my powers they wont know its me so long as you can convince them its natural for your species to have chaos magic.”
I looked around as I started walking to that town I saw in the distance

“Well if they don't know what I am then what's the point in hiding? It will just make me look suspicious to them if i were to run and hide every time I saw a pony,”

He did not respond, not even a peep so I'm guessing he went dark, and as I walked into town I saw something that a few hours ago would have made me scream and run, it was anthropomorphic ponies, and they were all staring at me, as a random pony in a group of three shouted


This set the town into a panic as they all fled faster than I thought possible, some even leaving dust trails like from the cartoons, and I heard another yell out from above me

“Get out of our town you monster!”

I was just able to look up and see a blue rainbow blur speeding towards me before I felt as if I had been hit by a truck and crashed into a house ten feet behind me as I let out a scream of pain.

“YEAH! That oughta teach you not to mess with the one and only rainbow dash!”

Now I have some anger issues so it's hard to keep my anger in check and being attacked for nothing is one of those times I willingly let go of my anger, and let it do the talking, or hitting more like, for me.
So as I got up my eyes glowed red with rage.

“Big mistake missy, all I did was walk into your town, everyone panics, and then you have the NERVE to attack me for no reason!?

I lifted my hand up as she had a stunned look on her face as a golden white glow grabbed her, and slammed her into the very same house she slammed me into. She went down like a sack of potatoes.
And just as I started to calm down five others showed up and they each let out a gasp as they saw what I had just done. Each one of them hurt my eyes with their bright colors, the colors where in order of purple, yellow, pink, white, and orange.

“HEY! That's not very nice! No party for you Mister meanie pants!” the pink one shouted.

I made quick work of them with a quick knock out spell and they fell to the floor like rocks, I did not want to hurt any of them since I already hurt one of them in self defense.
I had only harmed one that called herself Rainbow Dash, and had taken out the others in a non harmful way there was a bright flash and I saw there was a large pony with a long horn and wings, her white fur and multi color mane made her colors more soft than the bright glaring colors of most other ponies i had seen.
Her horn light up yellow humming with power as she looked at me a small frown on her face.

“I Princess Celestia hereby declare you under arrest for harming my little ponies.”

I looked at her as a large beam of yellow light was shot at me, I did not have any warning and was only able to say
“Oh shit!”
Before everything went dark.

Author's Note:

This is my very first time trying to make a story or even trying my hand at writing so i may not post another story or i may,it really just depends on if i have the time and if i can think of an idea to write with