• Member Since 4th Jul, 2015
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No scale can measure the amount of me-ness that has influenced the world.

Comments ( 121 )

Huzzah! Sunny has done it, a new story is up! This one will be partially comment driven, meaning if you want something to happen, I'll see what I can do to integrate it on the flow of the story. Open to scene suggestions, characters, OCs, and you can even suggest an ability you would like to see Samantha develop. Like it? Thumbs up please!:twilightsmile: Don't like it?:fluttercry: That's alright, I respect your opinion. Enjoy the story, Sunny LEAVES!!!!:pinkiecrazy:

Oh, I almost forgot. You might want to include a status in your story about either or not there'll be cross-overs, that way people won't ask about it.

I was going to list out everything you did wrong, but your comment is just...what the hell are you doing? That's not a rhetorical question.

Why were you referring to yourself (in a comment that already has your name in bold letters at the top and your profile pic literally right next to it) in the third person? There's nothing to indicate it was a Sherminator joke or something similar, so it kinda threw me off (which is new).

Oh, that? I have no idea what or who Sherminator is. I'm just weird.:rainbowlaugh: Explains where my crazy ideas come from. I actually shouted that when I finished the comment.:twilightblush:

So you, uh, shout out loud when you're (presumably alone) typing out comments in the third person...I honestly don't know what to say to that. I could find some links to some services if you want.

Hey, I take insult to that!... Not really. I have long since admitted I am not the most normal person, nor am I the most insane either. My family knows of my random outbursts, and we all laugh at it. It makes me feel better with myself. Anyways, I am aware of the errors I made on this fic, and honestly? I'm too lazy to fix them right now. Such is Brazilian nature.:rainbowlaugh: And like I said, it's not my fault people don't like fhe story, that's just their opinion, which I respect, just how others respect mine. I thank you for your concern for my mental health though, it shows that you care about people regardless of who they are. Have a nice day.:twilightsmile:

Mais um brasileiro, meu amigo, eu entendo bem essa preguiça

Eu escrevi essa bagaça deitado na minha cama.:rainbowlaugh: É bom finalmente encontrar outro brasileiro nesse site retardado.:derpytongue2:

Então já tem alguma data pro próximo capítulo?

É provável que eu envie um capítulo novo antes do fim do mês. Eu já tenho um rascunho com uma parte dele que eu vou rever e editar. E também, não se esqueça de checar minhas outras histórias, como um escritor amador, eu amo toda essa atenção.:rainbowlaugh:

De boas, essa aqui puxou bastante minha atenção, é a primeira com esse modelo de personagem que eu vejo por aqui, Kitsune fêmea eu digo

Ah sanity, that has no place in the thought process the only time sanity is needed is when your making something, that requires it. Plus who can say they are always sane, I for one, find insanity a much better way to spend life. It makes life much more interesting.

Second note: Oops! I think I hit the publish button by mistake on the new chapter. If you just finished reading and found it missing some parts, please go back and read again. That was my bad. I just don't know what went wrong...:derpyderp2:

s'good. Ponyland needs more species variety. Glad to see another kitsune fic. Kitsunes use chaos magic...? dun dun duuun...
Accelerated aging was an interesting twist, I'm assuming for plot convenience. Can't exactly carry a toddler around on adventures as a single kitsune mother. Not sure how old physically/mentally she is supposed to be perceived as.

Is this going to be anything like Dairies of a Madman?

Nightmare/Selene was the same age as the cake twins when Sam first found her. With the time skip and the accelerated aging, she is around one year and a half now. I was going for her being the same age as the CMC with no memories at first, but I smacked my head on my closet by accident and decided "Why not?" Before going with this.:rainbowlaugh: Hope this clears that up.

Você poderia deixar a OC como amo da Selene, pois algo me diz que ela vai precisar

Liked, followed, and looking forward to more!

I would love to see her in boast busters, ripping the mane 6 a new one for fucking up Trixie's magic show

could definitely use some editing and maybe a bit more fleshing out, but good job so far

I think being a displaced fic would be nice, there could be a lot of different outcomes depending on who visits her or who she visits.

Next is chapter 4, also i can see this story blow up soon like your other storys.

s'good. looking forward to more. kinda surprised with the direction you took the magic system though, seems hella OP. might need to introduce similarly OP villains, and/or have celestia and luna be likewise OP with a bad history with kitsune ('oh no! celestia exterminated the kitsune and covered it up from history!') cant wait for sam to meet discord though, that ought to be funny.

Actually, she is not that strong yet. And if she uses her powers too much, she will suffer from very unpleasant side effects. And yeah, Celestia and Luna will have a bad history with Kitsunes. But my headcanon is that they were always OP, even in the show, due to their connection with the Sun and Moon. The battles they lost was probably because they were either weakened or caught off guard in my opinion. Also on the subject of powers. I was planning on keeping the list of what she could use to a minimum for a long time, I think I'm only gonna introduce either two or three more traits and leave it at that for some time, and I do have some villains that match and even surpass her in power planned. A story wouldn't be all that fun if the protagonist always won easily anyway.

cool beans. yeah, ive always kind of boggled over the scale of how exactly celestia and lunas magic worked with the sun and moon. does the sun and moon orbit the planet? do they literaly reposition a star and moon in space, respectivly? frankly i think it would be more feasable that luna adjusts the moons orbit (because entropy threatened to pull the moon into the planet in the far distant past) and celestia simply adjusts the planets rotation (also due to entropy). that would be easier to stomach than having one being be powerful enough to move an object the size of the sun. plus in my 'headcanon', as you put it, celestia was only slightly more powerful than luna, but the mass of a sun comapred to a moon would make that rather disproportionate... dunno, i tend to overthink things.

looking forward to reading more of this story in any case.

I would love to see more of this

While I do like the crossovers, I am not really a fan of displaced so the answer is no. Also great story so far.

I think it's just a matter of how you do things, so I'd shoot for making it a Displaced fic. Plus, if you're planning on doing crossovers, it's essentially already a Displaced fic anyway. Or at least, it is in my eyes.

Let the Great and Friendly Trixie stay! As she no longer has a place to sleep anymore. :fluttercry:

I vote a yay for letting Trixie stay....
and a nay for making this a displayed story.

Displaced yes, do what you feel is natural as far as trixey is concerned .

Hmm... I think I would take Meloetta since it's technically not a legendary, it's a mythical Pokemon. If that does not count how ever I would pick a Froslass probably. And I do want Trixie to live with Sam cuz Trixie is amazing.

Now what is a displaced story anyways?

Aí Sunny, Trixie vivendo com a Samantha seria interessante e eu gostaria realmente de ter um Glaceon de inicial se ainda quiser alguma OC me manda um PM depois

Sunny preciso de mais dessa fic, só por curiosidade, é difícil vir ideia pra essa fic sua?

I like this story hope to read more in the future


Dis gon b gud

Do more

Owww my jaw fell through the concrete of my head as I was reading this from the ponies arrogance

Please write more of your amazing chapters :fluttercry:

She was HUMAN!!!! The wife I mean. Possibly, maybe, I honestly don't know, just guessing here.

Oh ho ho, it's more shocking than that, I assure you. The answer is actually hidden in this chapter, you just gotta connect some dots.

I shall reread this chapter and find out your secrets!!!! Mark my words.

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