• Published 30th Dec 2017
  • 2,443 Views, 339 Comments

Power Rangers: Legendary Guardians - Banshee531

When a new threat to their world reveals itself, the Guardian Rangers must unite once more to stop it. Join us for an adventure that is not just amazing, it's legendary.

  • ...

The Final Zord

Today we find four of our Rangers along with Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy and several other Canterlot High students, riding a bus along a country road.

They along with a class of younger students were on a field trip to a nearby wildlife preserve, where they were going to do an ecological study. They were all to write a report on whatever plant, animal or insect they found there, which was going towards their final years grade.

"I can't wait until we get there!" Pinkie said happily as she watched the country side fly by.

"Me too," Fluttershy said. "I bet there'll be lot of adorable friends animal to meet."

Sweetie and Lyra, who were sitting behind them, smirked at this. "Sounds fun," Sweetie said. "It's be ages since we've got to get out into nature."

Lyra nodded in agreement. "With all our work fighting as Rangers, we don't get a lot of time to simply enjoy the simple things in life."

On the other side of the bus, Rarity, Applejack, Micro and Sandalwood were also conversing. Rarity was wearing a pair of rubber boots and a large camouflage hat, she was also carrying a pink flower patterned metal bucket. "Who said nature couldn't be fabulous."

"Sure Rarity," Applejack said.

In that moment, Celestia stood up at the front of the bus. "Alright everyone, we'll be arriving there in a few minutes. Now remember, this preserve has generously offered to allow us access to all its wildlife. In return, all they ask is that we don't do any damage to the park. That include damaging any nest or habitats, trying to remove an animal from the preserve or leaving anything behind that could be become a threat to the wildlife. So no littering, understood?"

The students all called out their agreements and Celestia sat back in her seat.

"Oh," Rarity's sister Sweetie Belle squealed from her seat. "This is gonna be so much fun."

"I'm gonna find the coolest animal to write about," Scootaloo said.

"Me too," Applebloom agreed.

Finally the bus turned off the road and into a thick woodland area, which they drove down for five minutes before arriving outside a large wooden gate. A moment after arriving there, the gate began to open up until it was wide enough for the bus to drive through. It did and drove into a small parking lot.

The bus came to a stop and one by one the students stepped off and into the preserve, where a woman with green skin and pink dreadlocks was waiting for them.

"Welcome," she said in a mellow voice, "I am Tree Hugger. I run this preserve. I hope your time communing with nature, will help you all cleanse your spirits and get in touch with your spirit animals."

Celestia just stared a her in confused for several moments, only to blink and force a smile. "Yes...well, thank you again for letting us do our ecological study here."

"Nature belongs to everyone," Tree Hugger told her. "As long as we remember to respect it, then it will share it's bounty with us."

"I see," Celestia said before turning to the students. "Alright everyone, remember to stay in your groups and keep your phones on silent so as not to disturb the wildlife."

The other students nodded before each spreading out in their groups. Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and Scootaloo went in one group, while Sandalwood, Micro, Fluttershy, Lyra and Sweetie Drops went in another.

Micro pulled out a video camera, he and Sandal planning to do a video report with what he filmed, while Lyra had her binoculars.

"Let's find the best animals we can find," Sweetie told her.

"Right!" The others said.

While this was happening, the rest of the Ranger team were back at school in the base.

Rainbow and Soarin were sitting at the table playing battleships, while Flash watched as Twilight and Sunset worked on a computer. "Almost done," Twilight said.

"Awesome," Flash replied before giving her a confused look. "Almost done what?"

Twilight just rolled her eyes with a smile on her lips. "I'm almost done with the design for the Magi-X Charger."

Sunset nodded. "Once It's done, you'll be able to combine it with the Victory Charger to create a blast using all our Elements."

"Awesome," Soarin said from his spot on the table. "We can call it...Victory...Maximum!"

The others all agreed to the sound of that.

"There's just one problem," they looked back at Twilight. "The Magi-X Charger is designed to harness the power of the other five Elements that aren't in the Victory Charger, but since we don't have the exact energy readings of the Element of Darkness-"

"You can't make it," Flash finished.

"That's lame," Rainbow said.

"That just gives us more reason to find the Element of Darkness," Sunset told them.

"Which might be a problem."

They all turned to the entrance, where they were surprised to see both Shining Armor and Trail Blazer step in with Luna.

"Dad!" Flash moved over to his father and pulled him into a hug.

"Hello son," Trail said.

"What are you two doing here?" Twilight asked.

"We came to deliver some disturbing news," Shining replied.

"This doesn't sound good," Sunset said.

Shining nodded. "I'm not sure which of you know this, but since Havoc made his appearance I've been using my police resources to help locate the Element of Darkness. That includes connecting the E-Tector to the police's global satellite."

"Wow," everyone but Twilight and Sunset said.

"The satellite just finished its global scan, and it found no trace of the Element of Darkness."

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. "What's that mean?" Soarin asked.

"That the Element of Darkness isn't on earth," Luna explained.

"But how's that possible?" Rainbow asked. "Did an astronaut find it and take up into space or something?"

"Maybe," Twilight replied. "Who knows what could have happened to it."

"Well we're gonna have to find it," Flash said.

The others nodded, but in that second their ears were assaulted by the sound of beeping. Twilight moved over to her computer and started typing.

"Monster attack?" Sunset asked.

"No," Twilight replied, "some kind of trans-warp signature. Something just entered our universe and is in orbit...or it was."

"Was?" Shining asked.

"It's entered the atmosphere, and it's heading...for Canterlot."

"It's coming here," Flash said.

In the forest outside of town, everything was quite and peaceful.

That was until a bright light appeared in the sky, followed by something shooting towards the ground and landing with a loud crash.

When the smoke cleared, a small creator could be seen in the middle of the wooded area. Inside the creator, something made of metal and was ruffly the size and shape of a soccer ball. The metal sphere was still smoking due to the impact, but all in all it seemed completely undamaged.

"Over there!" Flash and the other four Rangers arrived on the scene, having judged the spot the asteroid had been heading and determined the impact sight.

The five of them gathered around the device, all confused as to what it was and what it was doing here.

"What is this thing?" Trail asked.

Sunset knelt down to take a closer look. "Some kind of satellite." But in that moment, a circular section on the top of the orb flipped open and something popped out.

It looked like the lense of a film projector, which extended out of the pod. It then flashed a light, that Sunset barely managed to dodge, which then seemed to take shape and become a holographic screen of some kind. The screen was nothing but black, with a white line in the centre.

"What the?" Shining asked.

"Greetings!" The line waved as a voice shoot out the pod. "I programmed this pod to activate, only when it detected the presence of an Element."

They all glanced at each other in amazement. How did this person know about the Elements?

The voice continued to speak. "I am the Guardian of Darkness, and I am sending you this message from a distant universe."

"So that's it," Sunset said. "The Element of Darkness has been in another universe this whole time."

"Though I am currently bonded to the Element of Darkness, the vast interdimensional distance between me and my Zord has prevented it from activating. I am sure that my Zord, the Basilisk Zord, will be a great help to you in your fight against the evils that threaten to take the Element for themselves."

"How does he know someone's after them?" Soarin asked.

"Maybe he had a run in with this Darklight guy before he came here," Trail guessed.

"Maybe," Flash said. His gut was telling him not to trust whoever this was. "How do we even know this guy has the Element of Darkness. Funny how he decided not to show who he is?"

The others were starting to agree.

"It is at this point that you are probably wondering whether or not you can trust me. Be assured, I am on your side. As proof, I have placed within this pod the energy readings for my Element. With it, you should be able to not only locate my Zord, but also create a Magi-Charger that will allow you to control it once it is awakened." With that, the hologram disappeared.

The others all shared a glance, trying to decide whether or not to trust this message. But then Sunset pulled out her phone and used it to connect to the pod.

"This way if it's carrying any kind of virus, it'll be contained and won't spread to our computers."

The others nodded as they watched her work, finally finishing the download.

"Done," she finally said.

"Good," Flash said, "now lets get the pod back to base so no one else can get it."

"Too late!"

The other turned towards the voice, only to be met by a flurry of laser fire that sent them all flying and then landing on the ground with a thud. Once they got back up, they looked over to see Havoc, Doom, Dust, Cogs and Heart walking towards them.

Havoc laughed as he stepped forwards. "Once we have that pod, we'll be able to locate the Zord and destroy it."

"Not happening," Flash said as he and the others pulled out their gear. "It's Morphin Time! Magi-Chargers!"

"Ready!" The others cried as they activated their Chargers and placed them inside their Morphing Blasters.


"Energise!" They pointed them to the sky. "Unleash the Power!" The five of them pulled the trigger and fired their energy shots, which transformed into their Zord heads and bit down upon them before exploding in a burst of light. Then the light faded, the Rangers were morphed and ready for battle.

"ATTACK!" Havoc cried as he and his minions charged forwards.

"Don't let them near the pod," Flash said as the Rangers rushed passed the orb towards the monsters.

"Hold still!" Havoc cried as he swung his sword around, only for Flash to leap of him before dealing and roundhouse kick to him. "You pest!"

"You know it!" Flash cried as he pulled out his Spirit Sabre and began dueling with the armoured monster.

Sunset and Cogs were also fighting, with the Gold Ranger using her Duel Morphin Blaster to fire at him. However, the metal monsters armour was to tough for the blasts to do much damage. "Blade Mode!" She cried as she unfurled her bayonet and rushed at him, only for Cogs to use his axe to defend against it.

"Not this time bacon head," Cogs told her as he tried to swipe at her. Luckily she managed to do a rolling dodge, getting behind him before slashing him down the back. "Ow!" He cried out, "that hurt!"


Soarin and Doom were also dueling with their swords, clashing blades again and again to try and strike the other one down.

"Today's the day I finally destroy you!" The monster cried.

"I don't think so!" The Thunder Ranger replied. He then managed to spin around and leg sweep Doom, causing him to fall to the floor while Soarin raised his sword. He swung it down, but Doom managed to raise his own sword in defence. But then Soarin kicked him in the hand, causing the spiked monster to loosen his grip and for Soarin to strike it like he was playing golf. The sword went flying and Doom was forced to roll to safety.

"I don't usually like the hit girls," Shining said as he fought against Heart. "But luckily you're no girl." He used his Spirit Sabre to slash at the pink monster, only for her to use her hook to catch it.

"How rude!" Heart screamed before jerking her hook and pulling Shining's sword free, causing it to go flying away. "How'd you like that!" She started swing the hook around, but the Silver Ranger managed to evade and then dealt several powerful strikes to her with his martial arts.

Dust and Trail were also fighting, with the two of them using their blasters to fire at one another.

"Hold still you little squirt!" Dust cried as he fired his Broom Blaster at the Orange Ranger.

"Only if you do you overgrown vacuum cleaner!" Trail replied as he ducked behind a tree, only to leap out again and fire off several rounds. They struck Dust in the chest and sent him flying, landing along with the other villains as the Rangers stood in a line.

"Alright," Flash said as they all held up their swords, "let's give these guys a sabre sendoff!"

The others nodded as they placed their Magi-Chargers into their weapons and raised them.


"Thunder Sabre Strike!"

The five attacks flew through the air and struck the monsters, exploding and sending them all flying.

They landed on the ground with a thud, all groaning as they picked themselves up. The only one not groaning was Havoc, who instead seemed to be laughing.

"We're done here," he said as he changed back to his human form and turned to leave.

"Get back here!" Flash ordered as they Rangers started to run after them, but Dust threw several of his kunai. They exploded and forced the Rangers to stop in their tracks, and when the smoke cleared they found their opponents gone.

"They got away!" Soarin growled.

"At least they didn't get the pod," Shining assured him. However, when they returned to the creator they found it empty.

"But how!" Sunset asked. "They didn't get anywhere near it."

"Which is what they must have been planning," Trail said.

Flash caught on to what his father was saying. "They must have had a Shade come in while we were fighting. This is bad."

"Now they'll be able to find the Basilisk Zord," Sunset said.

"Unless we find it first," Flash replied. "Come on. Let's get back to the base."

The others nodded and rushed off.

Back at the wildlife preserve Applejack's team had yet to find anything they wanted to do a report on.

"This is nuts!" Scootaloo complained. "We've been here for almost two hours and haven't seen anything."

Sweetie Belle nodded. "We'll never be able to make a great report like this."

"Don't worry dear," Rarity assured her sister. "We still have plenty of time."

"She's right," Applejack told them. "And you know, some of the best things in nature show up when ya'h not even looking fur them."

"Guys!" They all turned towards the sound of Pinkie's voice. "Come here quick!"

The all rushed through the trees towards her, finally exiting them and seeing the pink haired party lover standing on the shore of a ginormous lake. It was so large that they could not even see the other side.

"Whoa!" The three younger girls said as they looked out at it.

"Pretty cool huh?" Pinkie said.

"Ah'll say," Applebloom said. "Can you imagine the creatures living under that."

"See," Applejack said, "it showed up just like that."

"So how do we get close to them?" Sweetie Belle asked. "I don't think any of the wildlife is gonna be near the shore."

"That's true," Scootaloo said.

"Hey look!" They once again turned to Pinkie and saw she was pointing a nearby dock, which also had a row boat tied to it. "You think we're allowed to use that?"

"I don't see why not," Rarity said as they lot of them moved over to the dock. "I don't see a sign telling us we can't."

"Yes!" Scootaloo cried before she jumped onto the boat, grabbing one of its four life-jackets and putting it on. "Come on."

"It looks like the boat only holds four," Applejack said.

"Then you take the girls out," Rarity told her. "With your super strength, it'll be a piece of cake to row out there."

"Right," Applejack said before she and the other girls got in, put on their life-jackets, and began to row out onto the lake.

"Have fun!" Pinkie cried as she waved them off.

Back at the monster's ship, they were all in Cogs's lab as he worked to download the data they needed to locate the Basilisk Zord.

"How much longer?" Havoc asked.

"Actually," Cogs replied, "it's done. I'm uploading the data into the satellite now." He pressed a few buttons and the pod began to hum as its data was drained, while the computer connected to the satellite they used for the Gigatisor and started scanning the surrounding area for any sign of the Zord's energy signature.

It scanned for several minutes, until finally it beeped.

Cogs looked at the computer and pressed some more buttons, causing the image on the screen to switch to a larger one they could all see. The image was a very familiar looking giant lake.

"There it is!" Cogs said. The image changed to show an inferred like image, which revealed that below the lake was a robotic shape that resembled a large slug with three sets of legs.

"So that's the Basilisk Zord," Havoc said. "Interesting." He turned to his underlings. "Go and destroy it."

"But it's underwater," Heart stated. "How do we destroy it?"

Havoc smirked. "Luckily we have a monster who's got a few underwater skills. Now GO!"

"So the Element of Darkness found its way into another universe," Starswirl repeated after the Rangers told him what they had found. "This is an interesting development."

"If this guy is who he says he is," Flash said.

"We'll find out soon enough," Twilight replied. She and Sunset were using the information they had gotten from the pod to recalibrate the E-Tector, so it would only search for the energy readings that the pod had contained.

"Cross your fingers," Sunset said before activating it.

They watched as the device started scanning.

"I hope this works," Shining said.

"Me too," Trail agreed. "If it doesn't the monsters might find and destroy the Zord."

"We can't let that happen," Soarin said.

"We won't," Flash assured him.

Back at the lake, Applejack and the three girls were enjoying themselves. Already they had seen countless different fish and had taken many pictures, but none of them seemed to be awesome report worthy.

"Come on," Scootaloo said as she looked into the water. "Where are all the cool fish, like barracudas or piranhas."

Applejack chuckled at this. "Those a'h all salt water fish. Ya'h won't find them in a lake like this."

"Awe man," Scootaloo replied.

"So what kind of fish will we find here?" Applebloom asked her big sister.

Applejack thought for a moment. "Maybe some flounder or hag-fish, and if we're lucky some small ray fish."

"Cool," Sweetie Belle said.

Scootaloo continued to look out on the lake, until she suddenly spotted something that made her take a second look. "Er...Applejack. Are sharks by any chance lake fish."

"Erm," Applejack went for a moment, "a'h think hammerheads are. But they wouldn't be in a lake this far inland. Why?"

"Because," Scootaloo moved away from the side, "I think I see one coming at us."

The three girls looked towards her in confusion before looking passed her at where she had been looking, and they they saw it. It was a large blue dorsal fin like appendage, sticking out the water and shooting towards them at high speed.

"What the hay!" Applejack asked but did not have time to think anything else, as in that moment whatever the fin was attached to struck the boat. The force was so strong, that it caused the boat to rock so much that the four girls found themselves going overboard with a yell.

They struck the water with a splash and despite their life-jackets, they felt some kind of pulling force drag them all into the depths. Within seconds the four of them were gone, with only an empty boat to prove they were ever their to begin with.

Over by the shore, Dust and the rest of Havoc's posy watched as the blue fin shot towards the shore. Suddenly it shot out of the water and then landed on the shore, revealing it to be the shark man monster Riptide.

"Well?" Dust asked.

"Nothing yet," Riptide told him. "Give me some more time. It's a big lake and I'm only one monster."

"Just hurry up and find it," Doom yelled.

Riptide nodded before turning back towards the water and leaping in, blasting through the lake in search of the Zord he was meant to destroy.

Dust then turned to the others. "In the mean time, we make sure he isn't disturbed."

"That might be a problem," Heart said. She then pointed to another part of the shore, where they all saw Rarity and Pinkie.

The two girls idly walked along the shore.


They turned to see Lyra, Sweetie, Micro, Sandal and Fluttershy walking up to them.

"Hello," Rarity said, "find anything interesting?"

"A few rare birds," Lyra said.

"Couple of pretty insects," Sweetie continued.

"All caught on camera," Micro finished showing his recorder.

"That's great!" Pinkie said. "Hopefully the rest of our group will have something for us."

"Where is the rest of your group anyway?" Lyra asked.

"Oh they went out on a row boat," Rarity explained.

"Cool," Lyra said as she moved over to the edge and started looking through her binoculars.

In that moment, Celestia and Tree Hugger arrived.

"Hello everyone," the principle said. "Find anything interesting?"

The others all showed her what they had, before explaining the row boat.

"Oh don't worry about that," Tree Hugger said. "As long as they wear the life-jackets they'll be great."

However, when Lyra finally spotted the boat she froze. "Guys, we've got a problem." She looked towards them. "The boat's empty."

Everyone's eyes went wide at this, before Celestia took her binoculars and looked out at the boat. Seeing Lyra was right, she then turned to Tree Hugger. "Please tell me you have more then one boat here."

"No," Tree Hugger replied. "Only one."

This made everyone doubly worried.

"Sweetie Belle!" Rarity cried out. "Where are you!?"

"Applejack!" Pinkie cried.

"I'm having the rest of the students meet us here," Celestia said as she pulled out her phone. "I'm not having anyone else disappearing."

"I need to go back to the station and report this in," Tree Hugger said. "I'll have a search team come and comb the lake."

Everyone did not like the sound of that, but let her go anyway.

"Maybe we can call them?" Fluttershy asked.

"It's worth a shot," Sandal agreed.

Rarity nodded and pulled out her phone, finding Applejack's speed dial and calling it.

Applejack had been only half awake when she heard the sound of buzzing.

Opening her eyes, she saw she was in a dark space. Her clothes were soaked and she had no idea what had happened, but she was alive and that's what counted. As she picked herself up, she suddenly felt something besides her and look down to see a human shape through the darkness. Suddenly she remembered and realised what the shape was.

"Applebloom?" She shook the person next to her. "Sweetie, Scootaloo?"

"I'm okay sis," Applebloom replied to her.

"Me too," Sweetie agreed.

"Someone turn off the alarm," Scootaloo said.

"That's not an alarm," Applejack said. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her ringing phone, which she was surprised still worked doe to being soaked, and answered the call with speaker.

"APPLEJACK!" Rarity's voice screeched through it.

"A'm okay," Applejack said. "So are the girls."

"What happened?" Lyra's voice asked.

"A'h don't know. We were in the boat, then somethin attacked us. We fell into the water and were pulled under."

"What about Sweetie Belle?" Rarity asked.

"I'm fine," the young girl said.

"Where are you?" Celestia's voice asked them.

"Not sure," Applejack replied. She then used her phone's light to illuminated the room, which seemed to be made of metal. Then she saw something on a nearby wall and took a closer look, before her eyes went wide at what she saw. "Guys, ya'll gotta see this." She lifted her phone and took a picture, before she sent it to Rarity.

Rarity's phone pinged when it received the image, which the girl opened and made everyone gasp.

The image was that of the same upside-down pentagon that were on the Ranger's suits, along with being on the back wall of the Megazord's cockpits. The image on the shape was that of a serpent like face with blade like spikes on the side. It was then that they all realised where the four of them were. They had somehow gotten inside the final Zord.

Micro quickly went to his communicator and called the others.

"There it is," Twilight said. Once the others had called and told them what had happened, they had moved the scan over to the preserve and it detected something. "No wonder we didn't detect it sooner. It's running on fumes. Without its Element's energy readings we never would have been able to find it."

"Applejack and the girls are trapped inside," Micro said over the coms.

"This is bad," Sunset said.

"How?" Soarin asked, "we found the Zord."

Sunset shook her head. "If it's underwater and the cockpit isn't flooded, then that means it's airtight. Applejack and the girls will eventually run out of oxygen."

"Then we need to save them," Rarity said in a hysteric voice.

"Don't worry," Twilight told her. "We'll start working on a Magi-Charger so we can activate it. Once that happens, we'll be able to save them."

"Let's get over there," Flash said. He, Soarin, Trail, Shining and Sunset rushed out.

"Just hold on," Celestia told the girls over the phone.

"Yeah," Sandal said. "The Power Rangers just showed up. They're gonna help you."

"If you say so," Applejack said. But in that moment, the phone started to make an unusual rattling noise and the girls all screamed.

"What's happening?" Rarity asked.

"The whole place is shaking!" Applejack cried as she grabbed the girls and held onto them.

"What's happening!?" Sweetie screamed.

"You think something's attacking the Zord?" Pinkie asked in concern.

"Maybe," Lyra said.

"Not maybe!" They all spun around to see Dust and the rest of Havoc's flunkies, minus Doom, walking towards them. "Definitely. Our monster Riptide is about to rip your precious Zord to shreds."

"That's not gonna happen!" Sweetie cried out.

"We'll see," Dust said before pulling out his blaster and firing at the group.

Luckily, Rarity was able to use her geode powers to create a force field that protected them. Once the blasts ended, the shield disappeared and the four Rangers were shown to have their blasters out.

"Unleash the Power!" They all cried as they pulled the trigger, firing the energy blasts that flew around them before biting down in a burst of light. The light faded, revealing the four of them Rangered up and ready for action.


"Attack!" Dust ordered as the monsters charged forwards.

"Get to safety," Lyra told the others as the Ranger rushed up to counter the monsters.

The others nodded and rushed back into the trees, hiding in safety as they watched their friends do battle.

Micro and Sandal fought against Cogs, who swung his axe around while the two of them tried to get passed it and strike him. "We will destroy that Zord!" He cried as he swung his axe around, only for the two of them back flip out of the way.

"No extra Zord power for you!" Heart cried as she swung her heart shaped hook around to try and hit Lyra and Sweetie, only for the Pink Ranger to block with her shield.

"We'll see about that!" Lyra said as she spun her staff around and tried to slice at her.

While this was going on, Dust was busy watching for Riptide. "With Basilisk Zord destroyed, the Rangers won't be able to advance their Megazords. Without that, it's only a matter of time before they are defeated."

But suddenly a loud bird squawk filled the air, causing him to look up and see the Phoenix Zord flying towards them. Out of the Zord shot five lights, which flew down and landed on the ground to reveal the rest of the Rangers.

"Sorry we're late," Flash joked.

"Don't mind if we crash the party do yer?" Soarin said.

"Actually yes," Dust replied. "Shades!" The cloaked monster suddenly appeared around him before charging forwards, their daggers drawn.

"Let's do this!" The Red Ranger ordered as they too charged forwards.

Soarin was the first to strike, pulling out his sword and using it to slash the Shades down.

Shining was next, using his martial arts skills to disarm the Shades before dealing the decisive blows. "You guys never learn. You'll never beat us with those useless fighting skills."

Trail agreed, using his sword to strike the monsters down. "They say repeating the same thing and expecting a different result, is the first sign of madness."

"That explains so much," Sunset replied as she kicked down a Shade before blasting several more with her blaster.

Flash meanwhile was fighting against Dust, the two having their swords out and clashing against one another.

"Time to cut you down to size!" The Red Ranger cried out as he tried to slash down on his opponent, but Dust responded by pulling out his Dustpan Shield and blocking it.

"Unlikely you walking tomato!" He cried as he pushed Flash back before pulling out his blaster and unleashing a flurry of rapid fire, forcing Flash to go on the defensive and jump back to a safe distance.

"Fine," he pulled out his Legendary Charger, "then I'll just kick it up a notch."

"Riptide!" Dust cried.

Before Flash could activate his Charger, something shot out of the water and kicked him in the stomach. The Red Ranger fell to the ground, as he felt his Charger fly from his grip, only to roll back up and look to see Riptide standing infront of him.

"Sup dude!" The shark man monster said. "Wanna come for a swim?" He did not give Flash time to answer before grabbing him and jumping back into the water, pulling the Ranger down to the depths with him.

"FLASH!" The other Rangers cried seeing this.

Sunset spotted Flash's Legendary Charger and leapt of to grab it. "I've gotta get this to him."

"You're not going anywhere!" Dust said as he once again opened fire on the Rangers, forcing them to defend themselves.

Below the water, Flash was struggling against Riptide's grip.

His helmet was keeping the water out, but it also did not produce air so Flash was on a time limit.

Thinking fast, the Red Ranger pulled out his blaster and pointed it at Riptide. Pulling the trigger he unleashed a flurry of laser fire, striking the fish man and forcing him to let Flash go. Flash then started swimming to the surface as fast as he could, finally breaking the waters seconds before his lungs gave out.

Quickly swimming to the shore, Flash looked around to see he was a fair distance from the others. "I've gotta get back to them."

"I think not!"

Flash acted fast, leaping out of the way of a lightning bolt that flew at him. Once back on his feet, he looked over to see Doom standing between him and his friends.

The spiked monster laughed. "Without you, the other Rangers can't perform that fancy Victory attack." He raised his sword. "You're going down."

"Not happening!" Flash said as he pulled out his blaster. "Magitech!" He summoned his Dragon Breaker and rushed towards Doom. The two of them clashed, Flash trying to punch Doom while he tried to cut the Ranger's head off. Eventually Doom managed to strike Flash's weapon, forcing it from his grasp and leaving him defenceless.

"Finally!" Doom cried as he tried to slash at Flash, only to suddenly be struck by a magic blast and sent flying back.

Flash spun towards the source of the blast and his eyes went wide seeing Starswirl stepping up to him. "Thanks."

The wizard nodded at him before turning to Doom, raising his staff ready. "Lend my your strength."

Flash nodded and picked himself up before pulling out his Morphin Blaster, spinning its barrel and aiming it at Doom. The two fired off a blast, which struck the ground around Doom and sent him flying away.

With the threat gone, Starswirl turned back to Flash. "Twilight has almost completed the Basilisk Charger. I have come to awaken the Zord."

"You can do that?"

Starswirl nodded. "With the energy code we got from the Black Ranger, I will be able to perform a spell to activate it. Go help the others."

Flash nodded and rushed off, leaving the wizard to turn back to the lake. He raised his staff and unleashed a flurry of magic bubbles, which floated over the lake.

The other Ranger noticed this and turned towards the water body.

"I don't think It's monsters doing that," Micro said.

"Then what?" Sandal asked.

"Water's rise!" Starswirl chanted as he fired a burst of light into the air. It then exploded, creating a portal in the air while the bubbles flew into the water and then back up now filled with water. They floated into the portal, causing the lake to grow smaller and smaller.

One bubble suddenly burst, with Riptide falling to the earth and crashing into it with a thud. "What the heck just happened?" He asked as he got up and looked at the lake, seeing it slowly disappear.

Finally the last bubble flew into the portal, leaving the lake completely dried up.

The Rangers were all amazed at this, while the monsters were horrified. "This is bad," Cogs said.

"Let's get out of here!" Heart told him. He agreed and the two rushed off, leaving only Dust to fight.

"Come back cowards!" He cried, but in that moment he was suddenly struck from behind.

"Guys!" Flash cried as he rushed passed the monster towards his friends.

"Flash," Trail said happily, "you're alright."

"I am," Flash replied. "And Starswirl's about to awaken the Basilisk Zord."

Hearing this made Dust also think a tactical retreat was in order. "Riptide, you deal with this." He then rushed off.

"Coward!" Soarin cried after him.

"Forget it," Flash told him. He turned back to the water-less lake. "We've got more important things to worry about." They looked down and got good look at the Zord.

It was a large black robotic worm like creature. It had three sets of legs, three golden half rings circling the back of its neck and three sets of golden spikes running down its tail. Its head had a gold crown-like object surrounding it with two large horns pointing sideways. A gold strip ran down the centre of its black neck, while several golden sections sat on its back. [AN]

"So that's it," Lyra said.

"It's huge," Sweetie said.

"And Applejack and the others are trapped inside it," Flash said.

Starswirl once again raised his staff. "Basilisk Zord, your Element has bonded to a new Guardian. The time has come for your to awaken!" A golden light shot out of his staff, struck the Zord and caused it to glow. "Soon you will reactivate, my friend." The wizard turned away from the lake, before disappearing into a puff of smoke.

Riptide cried out in annoyance as he watched the Zord begin to power up, before turning to the Rangers. "If I can't destroy the Basilisk Zord, I'll just have to destroy you Ranger lamos!"

"Bring it!" Flash said as Sunset handed him back his Charger, which he then activated. "Summon," he threw the Charger in the air, "Legendary Dragon Zord!"


The Dragon Zord shot out of its hidding place and then shrank to its miniature form, before racing over to Flash and jumping in his arms. Flash changed him into his blaster form and pointed his at the sky. "ACTIVATE!" He pulled the trigger and unleashed the energy form of Drago, who flew around him before biting down and decking him out in his battlizer. "Red Legend Ranger...READY!"

The nine Rangers took up a fighting stance.

All: Protectors of right, ready to fight!

Flash: Power Rangers!


"You're all going down!" Riptide cried out as he charged forwards, while the Rangers did the same. He unleashed his claws, which he started swiping around to try and cut the Rangers down. Luckily the Rangers managed to block or dodge his claws before dealing their own attacks.

While this was happening, the Basilisk Zord's eyes half opened. Then, slowly, it started to raise its head before trying to get back on its six legs.

Celestia and the rest of the Mane Six watched in amazement as the gigantic Zord returned to life, before turning back to the Rangers. "Hurry everyone!" Rarity cried.

"The Zord's almost awake!" Pinkie cried.

"Just give us a minute," Sandal told them as he slashed at the monster.

"It'll take longer then that to destroy me," Riptide cried.

"I don't think so!" Shining said as he and Trail both punched him in the stomach and sent him staggering back.

"My turn!" Flash said as he pulled out both his Drago Blaster and Morphin Blaster. "Weapons combined!" He aimed at Riptide. "FIRE!" He unleashed his attack, which flew at Riptide.

"Not happening!" the fish man cried as he used his claws to deflect the attack. "I told you." But then Soarin, Trail, Shining and Sunset charged at him, while the other Rangers gathered around Flash.

"Then we'll pull out all the stops," Flash said as he took out a Magi-Charger. "Magi-Victory Charger, activate!" He clicked the Charger, causing it to flash all five of their colours, before placing it in Drago's mouth.


The other Rangers leapt away from Riptide, as the others got into position. They each began to glow their respective colour, that flew through the Rangers and into the Drago Blaster. Flash aimed the weapon at Riptide, as it fully charged.

"Magi-Victory...Final...STRIKE!" Flash pulled the trigger and unleashed the five blasts, which transformed into their respective Zord heads and flew towards Riptide at high speed, They struck him and exploded, causing the fish man monster to be sent flying away.

The Rangers all cheered seeing this, before turning back to the almost fully activated Basilisk Zord.

"You can do it big guy!" Soarin said.

"Don't give up!" Sweetie told it.

Finally the Zord stood a full high, before unleashing a powerful high pitched roar.

"It's up!" Flash cheered.

Suddenly there was an explosion nearby, causing them all to turn towards it and see a giant Riptide step out along with a pair of Shadzillas. "And it's going right back down!"

"That's not good," Sandal said.

Suddenly a gust a wind blew passed them all, making them turn to see a rainbow blur come to a stop and reveal itself as Rainbow and Twilight.

"Twilight!" Rarity cried out as she and the others rushed over to them. "Please tell me you can save the others."

"Don't worry," Twilight told her. She then turned to Flash and held out a new black Magi-Charger. "This will allow us to power and control the Basilisk Zord."

"Great!" Flash said as he took the Charger. "The rest of you need to act like you don't know who we are under our helmets, okay?"

They all nodded as they watched Flash step forwards. "Magi-Charger, ready!" He activated the Charger before tossing it in the air, causing it to grow full size and fly over to the Zord.

The Basilisk Zord turned towards the Charger before the front of it's neck folded down, allowing the Charger to enter before the neck shut.


As soon as the Charger was slotted in, the Basilisk Zord's eyes fully opened.

Inside the Zord, Applejack and the girls were nearing unconsciousness due to lack of air.

Suddenly the room was filled with light, while fresh air seeped in and filled their lungs.

"Looks like the Rangers did it," Applejack said before suddenly being consumed by light. The next thing she knew, she and the girls found themselves back on the shore.


"Sweetie Belle!" Rarity's voice cried out.

The girls all looked over to see Rarity and the others rushing towards them with the Power Rangers. The second she got to them, Rarity grabbed her sister and pulled her into a hug.

"You're alright!" She cried happily.

"I'm fine," Sweetie said.

"Looks like they're all okay," Micro said. The younger girl's eyes all went wide at the sight of them.

"Whoa," Applebloom said, "Power Rangers."

Flash stepped forwards. "I wanna thank you. With your help, we were able to find the Basilisk Zord."

"You're welcome," Scootaloo said.

"Thank you Rangers," Celestia said as she helped the girl up.

Flash nodded before turning to the giants. "Now we have a job to do. You'd all better get to safety."

They all nodded and rushed off into the trees, while the Rangers all turned towards Riptide.

"Alright guys," Flash said. "It's time to throw back this rotten fish."

"You're all in for a tsunami sized smack down!" Riptide cried.

"We'll see about that," Lyra cried before they leapt up into the Basilisk cockpit and activated their Mega-Drive.

They all looked around in amazement.

"Whoa," Sunset said, "this cockpit is amazing."

"And it feels powerful," Shining said.

"Let's show this guy what we've got," Flash said. The others nodded, before moving and speaking in sync. "ATTACK!"

The Zord began to finally move, slowly but with its colossal size it could move a great distance easily.

"Get it!" Riptide ordered the Shadzillas, who rushed towards the Zord.

"Here they come," Sweetie said.

"We're ready for them," Sandal said.

Flash nodded. "Basilisk, show us what you got."

The Zord let out another roar before suddenly jumping back onto its back legs, allowing one of the Shadzilla to get close before stomping down and crushing it flat. It then turned to the other Shadzilla and fired a beam from its eyes, which struck it and turned the monster to stone. Raising its large tail, the Zord spun around and slashed the stone monster with the sharp spikes and caused it to be turned to rubble.

"AWESOME!" Soarin yelled.

"This Zord has the power of a Megazord all on its own," Trail said.

"Then why don't we see what it can do as a Megazord!" Micro suggested.

"I like the sound of that," Flash agreed.

Once again they moved and spoke in unison. "ACTIVATE, SHADOW-FORCE MEGAZORD!"


The Basilisk's head, neck, tail and central legs detached as the body folded upwards so it now only stood on its front feet. Its hind legs extended and a fist came out the end of each one, while the head connected to where the tail once was with a human face folding out of its mouth. The tail linked to the end of the neck, forming an axe like staff that the Megazord caught.


The new Megazord stared down Riptide, who was done playing around.

"Let's see how you like this!" He rushed over and released his claws, which he swiped the Megazord with only to be met with nothing but sparks coming off his claws. "No way, my claws can cut through anything!"

"Obviously not!" Lyra said.

"Let's show him was a real attack looks like," Flash said.

The Megazord stepped forwards before raising it's giant weapon and slashing at Riptide, slicing him down the centre. It then spun around a used its right foot to smash him in the chest, causing him to fall to the ground.

"ARRRR!" He cried. "You guys are getting on my last nerve! Prepare yourselves!" He picked himself up and charged at the Megazord before slashing at it again, only for the giant robot to raise its axe to counter and actually break off his claws. "IMPOSSIBLE!" He creamed as he looked down at the remains of his weapons.

"Let's end this!" Flash order, getting nodes of agreement from the others before performing one final unified call.

"SHADOW-FORCE MEGAZORD, FINAL STRIKE!" The Megazord raised its axe, which began to glow, high in the air. "DARK DECAPITATION!" Shadow-Force swung its axe down and unleashed the light blade on Riptide, who screamed as the laser like blade cut him at the cellular level.

"WIPE-OUT!" He cried before falling to his doom and exploding.

"Guardian Rangers," Flash said, "victory is ours!"

Back at the ship, Havoc sat in his chair while his minions stood before him.

He looked at Doom. "Failure!" He looked at Heart. "Failure!" He looked at Cogs. "Failure!" He looked at Dust. "FAILURE!" He got up from his chair and looked down at that. "You are all nothing but failures. All your schemes, all your plans, all your efforts and what have they accomplished? NOTHING!"

"Master," Dust said, "if I may-"

"SILENCE!" Havoc interrupted. "No more excuses. I'm done playing!" He turned to Cogs. "You! Prepare the reanimator. We're gonna put your fusion process through the ringer. Take only the very best qualities of our best monsters and combined them."

"Yes master!" Cogs said.

"An if it fails," Havoc glared at them all. "Don't bother sticking around."

The monsters, even Dust, began fearing the worst.

Back at the preserve, the Rangers watched as Starswirl returned the lake back to its normal state.

"Let the water's return!" He cried as he reopened the portal, unleashing the water that flowed back into the creator. Once the lake was back to normal, the wizard turned back to the Rangers. "The fact that the Basilisk Charger worked on the Zord, proves that the one who sent the pod is in possession of the Element of Darkness."

"Which means its in another universe," Sunset finished.

"The one who sent the pod must be able to travel across multiverses," Twilight said. "So if we can contact them, we can get them to come help us."

Starswirl nodded. "Once all ten Elements are together, we can focus on our final task."

"Defeating Havoc," Soarin said.

"Which means we need to find their base," Trail said. "That's what I'm gonna focus on." He then turned to Flash. "We're getting close son. Pretty soon this will all be over and we can be together again."

Flash smiled at his father, before pulling him into a hug. "Stay safe dad, I'm gonna miss you."

Trail nodded before turning to head out, leaving the rest of the team behind.

Back at the bus, the three girls were telling everyone about their adventure.

Right now Scootaloo was talking "And then, the Red Ranger thanked us for helping find the Zord."

"Awesome!" Snips said.

The older teens all laughed at this, before seeing Celestia and Tree Hugger walking over to them.

"Alright everyone," the principle said. "It's time to head back."

Everyone nodded before climbing onto the bus.

"To bad we didn't get any cool pictures to write a report on," Pinkie said as she sat down.

"I wouldn't say that," Sweetie Belle replied. She then held up her phone and showed them a picture she took of the Basilisk Zord. "Think they'll let us do a report on a Zord? It is a living thing."

Everyone laughed as they felt the bus pull away and leave the preserve.

The Basilisk Zord had been found. Now only the Element and it's holder were left to find. Who were they, and when would they make an appearance?

Author's Note:

The final Zord and it's just as awesome as the others. I know a Basilisk is usually shown as a chicken or a big snake, but I've also seen it shown the way I've described it. The only question now is, who has the Element of Darkness?

AN: Think of a robotic Giratina, only it's black and gold and it doesn't have wings.