• Published 19th Dec 2017
  • 1,746 Views, 38 Comments

Ashes to Inferno - Sun Aura

Sunset Shimmer has reached her lowest point. Thankfully, there are those that would be happy to help her up.

  • ...

Not the Brightest Decision

“Dash,” Sunset sighed. “Why are you pulling me into an impromptu concert?”

“Because she wants to impress the new kid,” Pinkie answered over her.

“No,” Rainbow pouted. “I just want to prove him wrong!”

“Back up,” Sunset sighed. “What happened?”

Rainbow slowed to a stop, leaning her guitar against the lockers. Pinkie just gave her that ‘knowing smile’ Rainbow usually used when talking innuendos. With a glare to the pink girl, she sighed and began to explain.

“We got a new kid in our class,” Rainbow said. “I thought it was weird that a kid transferred half-way through Senior Year.”

“So she starts flirting-“Pinkie began.

“I did not!” Rainbow cut her off.

“Come on, Dashie!” she giggled. “You said, and I quote, ‘he kind of looks like a male Daring Do’. I mean, I disagree because his skin’s a bit more sand-colored and he had green eyes instead of pink, but the hair’s pretty right.”

“And you think she was flirting?” Sunset asked.

“Well, she pointed it out before she went to talk to him,” she said, despite Rainbow’s protest. “And she did that ‘be impressed with me’ thing that was different than her usual ‘I’m awesome’ thing, just like-wait, you didn't meet AJ's cousin in Freshman year, but ask the other girls it was like that thing she did then. Besides, I know that Daring Do is on her List.”

“What List?” she wondered.

“The list,” she said. “The ‘I’m not usually into girls but I’d make an exception because you’re you’ list.”

“Wait,” she said, turning to Rainbow. “You have a list of girls you’d like to date?”

“No,” Rainbow corrected. “First off, that’s not the list. The List is gender neutral. It’s more like a list where if they came up to me and offered a no repercussions, no strings attached, one night stand I’d take the opportunity because it’s someone who’s that awesome I’d love the bragging rights. It’s saved for people like celebrities, fictional characters, important people like that. Half of the Wondercolt Captains from the past ten years are on that list.”

“Wait, then what’s the other list?” Pinkie asked

“You have two lists?” Sunset sighed more than asked.

“The other list is less official,” Rainbow answered. “It’s more a list of people I’m not currently into, like, romantically, but if they fell in love with me I’d give them the chance. It’s people like you two, you know? People I already know and like even if it’s not in that way.”

“That’s a bit complicated,” she said. “I mean, I get it, but I never felt the need to actually list it. And what does any of this have to do with the new kid and this little concert?”

“Oh, right,” Pinkie said. “So Dash was flirting with this guy-“

“I wasn’t flirting!” Rainbow protested.

“And she mentioned the Rainbooms,” Pinkie said. “And she totally forgot the fact that people from out of town probably don’t know about Magic and would think she’s crazy if she says ‘We’re an awesome band with magical powers’.”

This time, there was only minor pouting from Rainbow. Oddly enough, it brought her onto Pinkie’s side in this.

“So he got kinda uppity about that,” Rainbow said. “I mean, okay, yeah, bad on me for forgetting. But come on. You have twenty some students and even the teacher telling you that I really do have Magical Abilities and you’re still kinda skeptical? No.”

“Which is why you dragged me out of history class,” Sunset said. “You do know that ‘proving a point’ is not a magical emergency, right?”

“Well, yeah,” she said. “But Mr. Birch is petty. Anything for a learning experience.”

She followed them into the classroom, rolling her eyes the whole way. The classroom was pretty usual, since it wasn’t a Lab Day. Most students were waiting in mild amusement, and the teacher looked up at them with an almost wild smile.

“Good to see you Miss Shimmer!” Mr. Birch grinned.

“I just saw you, like, twenty minutes ago,” Sunset replied.

“Yes, well, sometimes people can make it seem longer,” he replied. "I'll let you handle this."

One of the kids in the back groaned, causing the rest to stifle some snickers. Sure enough, there was a new face just like Pinkie had described. She could see why Rainbow thought he looked like a male Daring Do, but he didn’t look like the adventuring type. Though that was mostly because ‘adventurers’ don’t wear red glasses.

Sunset grabbed an empty chair, pulling it over to the kid. Deciding to go more relaxed by sitting backwards, she offered her hand.

“Hey there,” Sunset greeted. “My name’s Sunset Shimmer.”

“Bright Heart,” he introduced, shaking her hand. “Let me guess, you’re in on the whole ‘magical band’ thing.”

Most of the class snickered, but Sunset kept a straight face. She’d point out later how they all had reacted to learning that Magic was real.

“It’s not just the band,” Sunset said. “Well, it kind of is, as the other Rainbooms are the only Humans that can use Magic.”

“Right,” Bright nodded, raising an eyebrow. “And you sound like you’re excluding yourself from them, Miss Shimmer.”

“Well, I am part of the band,” she said, trying not to question the formality in his voice. “But I’m not Human. I only look Human in this Dimension, but I’m actually a Unicorn.”

Bright looked up at the rest of them, his expression asking when the joke will be over. As no one went ‘surprise, we’re kidding’, he looked back to her.

“Okay, okay,” Sunset said. “A guy like you needs proof. Well, I don’t think this warrants tossing you through the portal to see what kind of Pony you’d be. But Rainbow here is just dying to show off. Got that thing tuned yet?”

“I’ve been ready for the last few minutes,” Rainbow replied.

Rainbow had grabbed an acoustic guitar this time, since she hadn’t wanted to set up amps for her usual electric guitar. Within the first few chords of ‘Awesome As I Want To Be’, she had started to glow. A few students ducked so that she didn’t slap them with her wings.

Bright, for his credit, didn’t faint. He was definitely confused and surprised, but he seemed a little skeptical still.

“How’d you do that?” Bright asked, met with much groaning.

“It’s Magic!” one of the other students shouted.

“You can fake a light show,” he glared at them.

“Can you fake wings and ears?” Sunset asked, oddly much calmer than everyone else despite being the Unicorn.

“Your school is quite known for its headbands,” he countered. “And I have seen items that move on command like that. They're expensive, but considering how many you have in on this, if you pooled your money together you could manage.”

"Ah, Human stubbornness," she smiled. "You need a metaphorical slap in the face to realize Magic exists, but after that you'll just shrug and say 'yeah, sure. Sounds possible'. And perhaps forget how strange it seemed in the beginning."

That last part had been said with a pointed look over the shoulder to the rest of the class. To their credit, they did get the message and look decently ashamed. Rainbow, on the other hand, had already gotten that message and was now getting decently frustrated.

“Okay,” Rainbow huffed. “Follow me. You want proof of Magic? You’ll get it!”

Upon realizing that something entertainingly stupid was about to happen, Sunset just sat back and watched. Rainbow stomped over to the window, tossing it open and checking the height from this floor to the ground. As soon as she put one foot on the sill, Bright ran over to her.

“Miss Dash, don’t you think this is a bit extreme?”Bright asked, slightly panicked. “You should really get-“

His warning turned into a slightly strangled scream as Rainbow grabbed him before jumping out of the window. That got a bit more alarm from the rest of the class, as very few people had actually been carried by her. Sunset wasn't too worried. Someone like Rainbow would have the wingpower to carry someone their own size. Bright actually might be smaller, considering the muscle weight of the star athlete.

“So, how do you like flying?” Rainbow asked.

“I don’t!” Bright shouted, clinging to her waist. “Put me down!”

“Alright,” she sighed, hovering closer to the window. “You’re fine. I wasn’t going to drop you.”

“While I appreciate that intention, you are literally dangling me from the second story!” he retorted.

It was relatively easy for him to swing back through the window once she got close enough. Pinkie and Sunset made sure he didn’t straight up collapse. He seemed to catch his breath for a moment, but after that he readjusted his glasses and turned back to the window.

“Y-you’re flying….” Bright muttered, realization only now setting in.

“Yep,” Rainbow nodded. “Magic and stuff. I get wings and I can fly. Pretty fu- pretty freaking cool, right?”

“You’re flying,” he repeated. “That- I- what?”

“Yeah, most people have that reaction,” Sunset said. “You get used to it pretty quick, apparently. A few days and you'll just be like 'yeah, this is happening now'.”

“So,” Pinkie grinned as Rainbow landed through the window. “What do you think?”

“What do I think?” Rainbow wondered.

“Yeah,” she nodded. “About Bright.”

“Is this about the supposed flirting?” she pouted. “I wasn’t flirting. And I will never flirt with him. He’s frustratingly stubborn!”

“Frustratingly stubborn!” Bright scoffed, snapping out of his bewilderment. “Says the girl who dangled me from a second story to prove a point!”

“It did the job, didn’t it?” she retorted. “You see a girl suddenly grow wings, and you say ‘oh it’s a trick of the light’.”

As they continued to bicker, Sunset slid over to where Pinkie was watching. The girl looked almost gleefully smug at the events.

“It’s kind of like watching her talk to a mirror,” Sunset said.

“Well, if that mirror looked totally different,” Pinkie said. “And there’s the whole jock-slash-nerd thing.”

“Glasses doesn’t mean nerd,” she pointed out.

“Yeah,” she nodded. “But you know me and looking into people. Good grades in classes, taking the online college courses that CHS offers, and a heavy leaning towards medical? Total nerd compared to our Dashie.”

“Should I ask how you managed to find out what classes he’s taking?” she sighed.

“I have my ways,” she said, giving a mysterious shrug.

Author's Note:

First things first: Someone's probably going to point out the similarities between Bright Heart and Quibble Pants. Bright was an established OC of mine for like a year before Quibble showed up, and Bright's overall a better person so I kept him. Quibble is like, store brand Bright Heart.
Secondly, we'll be starting the Friendship Games Arc soon! I might post it in multiple chapters, due to some scenes.