• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 378 Views, 0 Comments

A Light Reflected Off A Mirror - ChAoS pOnY

Some gifts can touch your heart and make you want to pull out your mane at the same time.

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The Mirror

The Mirror

A long long time ago, many many millenniums before the unification of the three tribes, there came a great cataclysm that shook both the pillars of Elysium and tore a chasm so deep that the fiery heart of the world could be seen where eventually the gates of Tartarus would stand. During that time both the old gods and daemon lords fell from power, the sun and moon stopped moving, and nature itself was nearly overwhelmed by new and nightmarish beasts and plants pouring forth in an unending tide of destruction. lightning fell like rain, winds howled like wolves and clawed at the earth like a wild animal, blizzard and hail of fire warred across the planet, and death stalked the lands like never before.

But even in these darkest of times a glimmer of hope flickered like a lone candle in the darkest of nights. For one lone goddess remained and called forth the last 650 ponies to her and gave them the last of her powers with the promise that some day in the future new gods would rise once more. To the earth ponies she gave power over both beast and plants as well as the strength of the earth itself to push back the monsters. To the pegasi she gave power over the weather and gifted them with the ability to live in the clouds so they may be ready to tame even the wildest of storms at a moments notice, to the bat ponies she gave power over the dark and gifted them with echolocation to aid them in the deep dark places. To the flutter ponies she gave power over the heart and gifted them with shape shifting, but warned them to never abuse their power or it would twist them into monsters. To the kirin she gave power over fire and gifted them with dragon scales to protect them from it. To the windigos she gave power over ice and gifted them with ethereal bodies that would never feel the cold. To the unicorns she gave power over the sun and moon and gifted them with magic to aid themselves and others when needed. Finally she gave the crystal ponies her heart to protect and inspire all with it's light.

As she drifted into her final slumber she saw the last daemon lord, Death, and he spoke gently to her:

Rest now beloved queen, for your tasks are done.

Rest gentle in your slumber and dream of what is yet to come.

Fear not for your ponies, for I will stand the long watch.

And await the day when you wake once more.

For I will not take any before their time and your days are not yet done.

For you will wake once more, for when two gods calm a child born of fire and fear

In a place of both shattered time and nightmares of what could have been.

Aided by a child born of sin and sorrow that was not hers to bear and a noble who

Hides his feelings of uselessness behind a mask of false bravado and selfishness.

In a place that never was, in a time that will never be can the four awaken you from your sleep

And we can be together once more.

With that Death kissed her and changed her body into a mirror that if you stand in front of it with the setting sun's light reflecting off of it onto you an altered child version of yourself will step from the mirror.

"How does that explain where I came from daddy?" Screwball asked as Discord closed the book he had been reading her.

"Simple my dear, I happen to be holding the mirror for an old friend and one day I stepped into the light reflecting off of it at sun set and you tumbled out with a huge grin and giggling up a storm." Discord told her as he tucked her into her hammock.

"But why am (yawn) I a pony then?" She asked while trying to stay awake.

"Because it's like a fun house mirror and changes what it reflects, only it can only make ponies. So it made took my wonderful chaotic looks and created the most beautiful chaotic filly ever born just for me to spoil." Discord explained as he floated her Flutterbat plushie over to her.

"I love you daddy...zzzz" Screwball said as she fell asleep cuddling her Flutterbat.

"I love you too Screwy." Discord said as he smiled down at her before turning and looking at you and saying, "Oh hush, I'm aloud to have soft and tender moments with my little girl. Besides that was the heavily edited version of the story." Getting up and walking out of the room, flipping the light off and checking to make sure her Maud Pie nightlight was on before closing the door. "I mean I'm just glad she didn't ask about the kiss at the end because then I'd have to explain the whole star crossed lovers thing those two had going on before the cataclysm. Then there is the whole cataclysm itself and trust me that would defiantly would have been not foal friendly and decidedly not safe for woona, but drove this story straight into mature rating category. Trust me there were 1.5 million ponies before the cataclysm and how they went would have put a gore tag on this one."

Walking down the hall he stopped at a closet and pulled out a mirror with a frame made of living green ivy and sat it next to a gift wrapped present of the exact shape and size with a card that read 'HaPpY bIrThDaY aNt TiA fRoM sCrEwBaLl' in purple crayon. With a snap of his claw the mirror was replaced with mirror with a hot pink frame before shoving it into the closet and looking at you again. "What? Do you really think I'd leave this perfect chance for chaos just slip right past me? Anyways I'm going to hit the hay so, as Apple Horse puts it, y'all can show yourselves out."