• Published 21st Jul 2012
  • 1,684 Views, 32 Comments

Bronze, Thunder, and Rain - epicdonus1123 BOT

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Chapter 1

"Ouch, haha." said Capri with her cute little face. Capri is an eight year old, turning nine, with dark brown hair, light brown eyes, and brown skin. She always loved to play with AJ and me, more than anything in the world.We'd normally play bull, or tackle each other, or any other childish game you can think of. The annoying thing about her was that, she was annoying! She'd constantly bother you about random things that go on in the world, but they were always fun to talk to her about. At the moment, we were wrestling around in me and AJ's room.

"Ya going to get it now." AJ said with a devilish smirk on his face. AJ was an eleven year old, with dark brown hair, dark brown skin, and dark brown eyes. AJ was definitely the bossiest one out of the three of us. He'd like to give commands, and to take charge. It's just his nature to be like that. He lived in the same room as me, which was always fun. At night, he would turn on the TV, and put on the movie "Rags". That movie was always a good movie to fall asleep to, and it was fun to do it with AJ. It was a thing he and I would love to do together. Capri and AJ would always fight and argue with each other, but I would usually have to stop it. They would normally tackle and wrestle each other onto the couches in the living room. Out of us three, he was the one with the shortest fuse. Every now and then, I would annoy him to the brink of rage, just to test him. Most of the time, he would fail the test and throw a fit.

"Hey you two, knock it off." Finally, we get to me. My name is Brandon, and I have kinda dark skin, dark brown eyes, and dark brown hair. I am twelve years old, and I'm in accelerated math. I am a bit of a perfectionist, like if the window isn't pulled all the way on both sides and stuff like that. My little sister and brother are one of the most important things to me in life, alongside my mom and big sister. My big sister isn't really much of a MLP fan, nor is my mom. Like I was saying, I love to play with my little brother and sister. We'd always play games, and tackle each other, and be plain out lazy with each other. I tend to ignore my siblings, but in the end, we always come out through.

"I don't wanna." Capri whined.

"Yeah. Ya not the boss of me." agreed AJ, who at this time was on top of Capri.

"C'mon you two, mom will be mad at us."

"Fine." I finally got AJ to stop, after about an hour of continuous fighting.

"Okay, fine." Capri stopped attacking AJ, and stood up. She then went and sat down on my part of the bunk bed. I have an issue when people use my things without my permission. I get irritated, and throw them off or away from it. This happens so often, that when I get up, AJ and Capri run away. Capri saw the anger in my eyes, so she jumped off my bunk.

"Why were you on my bunk?"

"Because I can." I hate it when people say that to me. I snorted at her, and she ran away into her room. I tend to snort when I laugh or when I'm angry. We kept hearing little peeps from the living room. Then we knew what was making once she yelled our names,

"Anthony! Brandon! Capri!" It's pretty funny, because our names make the first letters of the ABC's. We immediately ran out the door to mom's attention.

"Yes ma'am?" we all asked in unison.

"You guys have been in that room all day. You should go out, it's a nice day." Everyone knows that when she says "you should go out" she really means "go out, you three", no exception. Me, AJ, and Capri obey a lot, it's just that our listening holes tend to shut down. AJ and I ran to our room, and started to put on some clothes. What I where on a normal basis is very careful, just in case we get kidnapped: t-shirt, shorts, tennis shoes, socks, hat, glasses, key to house, and phone. AJ usually puts on a t-shirt, shorts, glasses, and flip-flops, nothing to fancy nor careful. We ran through our door, and out the front door. There, we impatiently started to wait for Capri to get her stuff on. We didn't like having Capri around with us, because she makes us look like dweebs. Nevertheless, I love to have her around with us. Capri opened the door, and we started off down our neighborhood. We went in search for Emmanuel, the third grader with a potty mouth, or some one that wasn't in high school. It's summer and nobody is out, what a shocker. We then noticed my friend, Harper, playing down at the dumpster. The dumpster is like the basketball court for us, since its the only place that has a basket. We ran all the way to the dumpster to have something to do. Our neighborhood is sloped, with the dumpster at the bottom. We live on the third street, so it was a tiresome jog. When we actually got there, Harper was happy to see me.

"Sup Brandon. Hey AJ and Capri." he said with boredom in his eyes.

"Hey Harper, whatcha doing?" I replied.

"Nothin' much. I'm just happy that ya here." Harper was a always happy to have me around. Though he is a bad influence, he is still a pretty cool guy.

"Hi Harper." Capri waved with excitement in her eyes. She would always be late on the subject, just like me. That's a bad part of my personality, I don't seem to pay attention a lot. I would look away, and in the next second, I'd be locked up in my own little world. In my world, I would always think about ponies. I'd think about how cool ponies were, and how much I wanted to be one.

"Hey Capri, again."

"So Harper," I wanted to keep this conversation rolling. "What did ya think about "Cupcakes"?"

"It gave me nightmares, to be honest." Harper wasn't really a brony, but "Cupcakes" sure did freak him out. I turned around to notice Capri looking up in the sky, for some reason.

"CP? Whatcha doin'?"

"There are dark clouds in the sky. It looks like it's about t' rain." Down here in Georgia, the weather changes a lot. Last year, we had snow that was five inches thick, and it never snows here. The high could be 105 degrees and the low 65 degrees. Yup, that's how messed up Georgia can be.

"Hey Brandon, want t' play some basketball?"

"Sure. I'm warning ya, I stink at it."

"Oh don't worry, I do too." AJ and Capri kept bothering me to join the game, and by bothering, I mean bothering.

"C'mon Brandon, please please please please please?"

"Yeah Brandon, c'mon. Please?"

"I will stop annoying you if you let us."

"Me too. What do ya say?"

"Ugh...fine! Just shut up, will ya?" I said in a annoyed tone. They kept bouncing around me, thanking me for letting them play. Then, we felt some water drip on us. One raindrop actually landed on my nose, making me swat at it. Yeah, my reflexes aren't really the best in the business.

"Aw man, it's raining." Capri cried out, because she never gets to play basketball.

"How about we just play? Maybe the rain will go away? That is how the song goes, right?" Harper sure did know how to lighten up a bad situation.

"Ya right. Let's play." Me, Capri, Harper, and AJ just did that. We would attempt to do cool tricks, sometimes they'd work. Harper actually made a three-pointer backwards, impressive. After about two hours of playing basketball, mom called and told us to come back home.

"Yes ma'am...yup....yeah their fine....yup...yes ma'am...okay, love ya too. Bye."

"So, what did she say?" AJ pondered.

"She said to come back home. Later Harper."

"Later." We walked back up the soggy road together. On the way there, we happened to pass a deep looking hole. Capri hovered over it, like she hasn't ever seen a hole before.

"Look, a hole." she stated with observance.

"I know. Just because I have glasses, doesn't mean I'm blind." AJ replied irritably. The muddy dirt caused her to slip into the questionably deep hole. AJ jumped in after her, not the brightest move.

"CAPRI!" I grabbed AJ's leg while he had Capri's. I wish it wasn't raining at the moment, for which I started to slip. Eventually, I slipped into the hole with AJ and Capri.