• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 1,230 Views, 5 Comments

A Shattered Heart - Broman

A Villian strives to have a normal life in the city of Maretropolis. It's more difficult then it sounds.

  • ...

The Solider

Location: United States, Austin, Texas, Undisclosed Location
Local time, 06:30
Swat lieutenant, Jake Alec Williams

“Alright everybody, listen up,” Jake could hear the commander on the radio, “our European ambassador is being held hostage within that home. It’s your job to find her, and eliminate the terrorists before they do any harm to her, understand?”

“Yes sir,” Jake and four other swat members said in unison.

“Sir,” he heard Briggs say nearby, “Do we have any camera feed on the inside?”

“We do, the terrorists have been fortifying the windows and our air boys are overlooking the sky. They have nowhere to run, but even a trapped rat can be provoked.” the commander said, speaking in that Texas accent.

“What’s are feed now?” Briggs asked, as a small camera feed appeared on their phones.

“Bringing live feed now,” the commander said, as the screen flickered to life. Jake looked at the screen and saw the small drone moving about the room. The camera was moving through what appeared to be the second floor, and he already saw a flurry of activity.

“We got three, no, four terrorists setting up shop, they are hunkering down for a fight.” the commander spoke, as the camera continued to move on. It spun and some noise was picked up from a panicked voice. The camera moved along into a room where it looked like a young kids bedroom, with assortment of toys and pictures of Power Rangers on the walls. The camera spotted a woman on the ground and she looked at a terrorist who was observing what was outside. The drone moved closer and stayed near a corner, hoping to get a perfect shot of what was going on. Just as it did, the Ambassador turned and saw it, her eyes flaring in some glimmer of hope.

“Here,” she half whispered, half whimpered, waving hand for the drone to get closer, “there going to kill me, please you have to help,” she said but was cut off when the terrorist came over and pushed her away. He spotted the camera and quickly smashed it with his foot.

“Damn, they spotted us, I think that might have been Havoc, the leader of this terrorist cell.” the commander said on the other line. Jake took a deep breath, checking his M4 Carbine and making sure it was ready. Looking at the others he could hear the commander’s voice on the line, “Alright listen up, your insertion is through the yard and up the stairs, you will have to fight your way through to get to the ambassador. Once extracted make your way to the safe zone. Lieutenant Williams, it's your call from here on out, we’ll monitor you of any changes, good luck.” he said as his voice checked out, and Jake spoke directly to his team.

“Alright guys we’ve got at least five bad guys inside, we got a hostage situation and time is against us. We’re going in.” he said, the four other members of his squad gave a hooah. The door from their swat car opened up and they all exited out of the vehicle. Once outside and into the cold night air they grouped up, making a column as they entered the yard of the home. There was a small shack nearby, at least twenty to thirty feet away from the home. He motioned his hands towards the shack and the squad followed, stacking up right behind the structure.

Once situated he took a peek to see the second story windows of the home, seeing the terrorist setting up the last of the barriers over the windows. He took another deep breath and looked back at his squad. Briggs was wearing heavy gear and was carrying a riot shield. Sully, their sniper, was checking out the last finishing touches on his rifle before giving a nod that he was ready. Zeke, had his tactical shotgun at the ready, and had a set of stun grenades on his belt, ready to stun any of the terrorists before they could get a shot off. Lastly was Kim, who carried a standard M4, and looked ready to follow his command.

“Alright guys, I think we should be ready to move in soon.” he said, as he looked to the sky, seeing two helicopters above them, their search lights spotted directly on the house. He felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked to see his friend Briggs gave him a smile.

“Don’t worry buddy, we’ve got this.” he said, giving a voice of confidence. Jake turned back at the house, then cast a glance back to the shack.

“Sully, change of plans, set up on top of the shack, give callouts to whatever movements you spot.” Jake said while Sully quickly went to the ladder.

“On it,” Sully said, climbing up the ladder to give overwatch of the house.

“Lieutenant, isn’t that bending the commander’s orders?” he heard Zeke say, but he quickly quieted him down.

“We’re on the ground and in unknown territory, we have to make changes on the fly. Don’t worry, this isn’t a suicide mission.” he said as he motioned the other to follow. He moved forward, his gun aimed low, and his eyes focusing on the building ahead. Briggs, followed close behind. Zeke and Kim hurried along, and they were closing the distance to the home. After moving around the house he soon spotted their target.

“The Ambassador is in that room ahead. We can’t head up the stairs, they would be waiting for us. Let's make a loud entrance.” He said, pausing near the edge of the home.

“There's three windows leading inside that room. Rappel up and blow it open?” Kim suggested, as Jake calculated at the possibility of that move. He liked the idea, and it would give a nasty surprise to the terrorists.

“Good idea Kim, everyone rappel up,” he said, while switched to radio, “Sully, we’re rappelling up, give us overwatch.”

“Copy, you're still golden.” he heard his voice on the other line and he motioned forward with the others. They quickly followed behind him as he situated himself under a window. Briggs joined him, Kim and Zeke situated on the other windows. Jake quickly grabbed his rope from his belt and threw the rappel up. It quickly attached and after shouldering his weapon he immediately began to climb up. Once on the second floor Briggs soon joined him near the window and it was boarded up tight.

“Setting charges,” Briggs said, placing the device on the window. Jake took a deep breath as he did this, remembering from training all of the little details and all of the intrigue mechanics that came with these charges. The blast would be enough to blow the window and give them a clear view of the room, but he had other ideas.

“Command is not going to be happy about this,” Briggs almost whispered, finishing getting the charge setup.

“They're not happy about anything when it comes to saving a life,” Jake replied checking his weapon one last time before he turned to the radio, “Zeke, Kim, how are your charges, you set?”

“I’m all ready to go,” Kim said, hearing him place himself on the window and ready to move in.

“Almost there,” Zeke said, struggling to get his charge in place. Time was of the essence, and every second wasted the terrorists would know what was going on. “Alright, got it,” he finally heard Zeke and he was ready to move in.

“Alright, we detonate on three and we rappel inside, got it?” he said in the radio and all were silent, but he knew that they understood what was at stake. He readied his M4 and held the detonator in the other hand. On his left he could see Briggs pulling out his shield, ready to defend him if anything goes wrong. He counted slow and readied to breach.

“One, two, Three!” he and Briggs repelled back into the air, the weapons directly at the window. In that moment of suspension they triggered the detonators and the charges exploded, just as he had planned. The windows blasted open, revealing a stunned terrorists as wood flew across the room. He aimed his M4 shooting directly at his chest. The terrorist flew back from the bullets, and he fell onto the bed. All four of them were inside, sweeping their weapons and making sure there were no enemies.



“All clear sir,” Briggs said, his riot shield displayed near the door, and ready for the enemy to come in if they do.

“Nice job lads, I see you all inside,” he heard Sully on the comms, but it was starting to fill with static.

“Hold position, we’re not out of the woods yet,” he said and he turned to his squad mates, “Zeke, grab the ambassador. Kim, you and Briggs be ready to move through the window, we’re going to get her out of here.” He explained and they all nodded to his orders.

“Oh thank god, thank you, thank you.” the ambassador said as she clung to Zeke. Jake could see the tears running down her cheeks and her mascara covered over her eyes. She was a mess, but she will be alright. As they quickly moved to their position, he signaled his commander to tell him the news.

“Commander, we have the European ambassador, we’re on our way out,” he said, but all he got back was static.

“Sir, anyone there-” he said, but an explosion of bullets came out of the wall nearby. Panic was in the room as Kim was hit on the side and he fell down. Bullets hit the riot shield on Briggs and the ambassador screamed out.

“It’s Havoc! We have to get him!” he yelled, as Zeke quickly got behind Briggs and began firing his shotgun into the wall, the hole getting bigger as a result of the fire fight. Jake fired three bursts shots into the open hole. His blood pumped in his body as he fired, his eyes focusing on the sole target of this mission. The attack was forcing Havoc to fall back from his position, as he fired at random.

“I got you Kim!” Jake said as he went over to his squadmate, seeing him grab his side and he was gritting his teeth. Jake observed the wound and saw the mark on the side.

“Bullet hit the armor, you're good!” he said as he pulled him up from the ground and turned to his squadmates, “Zeke hold position and defend her with your life, everyone else push forward!” he said, as Briggs moved through the destroyed wall and into another larger bedroom. Jake kept his gun steady, waiting for the terrorist to slip up. He soon spotted Havoc, moving across the room and into what appeared to be a bathroom.

“Don’t let him get away!” He called out, as Briggs and Kim followed behind. They shot away at the target as Havoc exchanged fire, and was in the corner of the bathroom. Seeing an opportunity, Jake went to the wall for cover and whipped his M4 over to fire at him. However, before he could get a shot he heard glass break and Havoc going through a broken window.

“Havoc’s escaping!” he called out. He headed to the window in hopes to stop him, but once he arrived he couldn’t see him.

A scream from the ambassador alerted him and he whipped around to the other door way. He went over to it but stopped when a hail of bullets hit the bathroom wall, large holes filling from where the bullets made impact.

“I got you, I got you!” Briggs yelled as he placed the riot shield in front of the doorway, as Kim laid down cover fire. Jake quickly got up, reloading his M4 before quickly taking a peek as to what was going on. His eyes widened and he saw Zeke’s body on the ground and three terrorists in the main hallway. Two of them held the ambassador and taking her down the stairs, while the third placed what appeared to be a metallic barrier.

“Damn it!”, firing several shots out but the shots hit the metal barrier, while he was firing a heavy machine gun at them.

These terrorists were more sophisticated than he was lead on.

“Sully! Can you get a clear shot on this guy!” Jake yelled in the coms, hoping that Sully would get the shot need.

“Negative! I can’t shoot what I can’t see! You’ve got to take out those windows before I can help lad,” he yelled back. Jake looked through the open holes and he could see the windows that were covered in wooden barricade. Taking aim down the sights he fired a dozen rounds toward the windows, the wood and glass shattering to pieces, and light from the early morning entered inside.

“Got the shot,” Sully said on the radio, and the distinct sound of the sniper fire came a moment later. The terrorists fell within moments, and his heavy machine gun clattered to the ground. After an excruciatingly tense moment, Jake gave the call out.

“Briggs, take point. Kim reload and follow behind me. The ambassador is a top priority.” he said, quickly reloaded their weapons and began to move forward. As they went across the open second floor, Jake spotted Zeke’s body curled inward and laid there inside the kid room. A deep regret filled in his heart but he knew he had to mourn later. Refocusing on what’s ahead, they made their way to the stairs, taking it slow and making sure they were prepared for what’s to come. They headed down the stairs, making sure their corners were covered before they went onto the basement.

“Alright, be prepared for anything, we have to-” Jake said before his eye caught movement in the hallway to the right. He quickly followed, gun at the ready.

“It’s Havoc!” he called out, as he spotted him moving into the kitchen and hopping out the open window, “Sully, careful out there, he ran outside just now!" he said as he fell back to the rest of his squad, who were already making their way down the next set of stairs.

“Copy sir, but I don’t have a visual of the cunt.” Sully’s voice came on the radio, though it began to fill with static.

“I hear them below,” Kim said, making their way onto the first floor behind them. Moving with caution, they went down to the basement. Jake heard a pair of voices in the next room on their left. Jake patted Briggs on the shoulder and he held his position. On the left was a door leading to a living room and there was a laundry room on their right.

“Alright, get a drone ready so that we can see what’s going on in there,” he said as Kim brought out a small thin drone and he placed it upon the ground. The thin drone, which was about the size of a small notebook, moved on the ground by his phone and was already moving inside. On the phone Jake could see all that was happening with the ambassador and the terrorists.

“We got one setting up a barrier near the door, the other is using the hostage as a shield. Their is another stairway across from them,” he said, the drone stayed in the back and allowing them to have a clear view of what was going on.

“I’m going up, plant a charge right over those bastards heads. Death from above,” Jake said, quickly going up the stairs.

“Be careful,” Briggs said as he continued to wait and open the door. Jake went up the stairs, and was up on the main floor. He looked to his left and opened the door leading into the main room. He did a quick sweep, making sure that Havoc was not lingering around. He took a few steps forward when his radio clicked in.

“I got sights on you lad,” Sully’s voice was heard, as Jake placed a hand on the radio and bending low so that he could stay as small of a target.

“Placing charges where the hostage is held, keep an eye out Sully,” he said as he heard static come over the radio.

“Alright lad, don’t get your knickers in a bunch, this is after all your… hold on,” Sully’s voice went deathly silent. Jake raising the radio back up.

“Sully? Sully come in.” he asked into the radio. Shots were heard from outside, Jake turned to the window and seeing a few audible flashes out in the yard. He cursed under his breath and placed the charge onto the floor right where the remaining terrorists would be.

“Planting charges, I’m ready to go.” He said, readying his weapon and pointing at the ground.

“Ready for breach,” he heard Briggs on the radio. With the charge in hand, he counted to three and gave the call.

“Breach, Breach, Breach!” he called out, clicking the detonator and blowing a hole into the ground. The blast sent wood into the air and blowing a nice size hole into the basement. The two terrorists were too disoriented from the blast that they didn’t pay attention to him. Aiming down sights he fired directly into their backs. Within a few seconds the two terrorists were down, one slumping on his barrier and the other dropping to the ground, leaving the stunned ambassador scrambling away. Jake jumped down through the hole, landing on his feet and spreading the impact by placing his right hand out to cushion the fall.

“Clear!” he called out as Briggs and Kim swept the area. Jake turned to the ambassador and offered a hand. She tenderly grabbed it and was pulled up to his side.

“Ambassador secure, let's get out of here.” he said, the ambassador clutching to his side as he put away his main weapon and pulled his pistol out.

“Alright moving upstairs,” Briggs said. Kim followed him up the second set of stairs with Jake taking up the rear. They opened the door and took point, sweeping the area of the kitchen, close to where the main room was.

“Kim find us an exit. We gotta get out of here,” Jake ordered, holding to the terrified ambassador. She practically clung to him and was a quivering mess. He did his best to calm her, but right now the remaining threat was Havoc.

“Negative, lieutenant. All the exits are blocked.” he said, Jake taking a look and saw most of the doors had been blocked with furniture.

“Find us one Kim.” he ordered. Kim took point and they entered the front entrance, right were the main door had a small barrier.

“Alright, found an exit. He lifted his M4 and pointed directly at the door. Briggs kept an eye near the stairs and keeping his shield towards the main room. Jake smiled briefly and turned to the ambassador.

“Don’t you worry, we're going to get you home. I promise you th-,” he didn’t finish when a hail of bullets struck the door and he pulled the ambassador with him against the wall.

“Oh my god!” the ambassador screamed, and Briggs hurried over to defended them with his shield.

“Shooter in the kitchen!” he yelled. They both fired their pistols were Havoc was behind an island, Jake using his own body as an extended shield to protect her. Kim rushed over, firing his M4 into the mix, but Havoc slipped away towards the main room.

“We got this, get her out of here!” Briggs yelled, lifting his shield, which riddled with bullets, towards the entrance. Jake followed, with Kim taking point.

“Taking out the main entrance!” Kim yelled, raising his M4 directly at the door. He didn’t get to fire a shot when a bullet lodged into his side and he fell on the stairs. Jake cursed, firing his pistol towards the main room. Havoc slipped past their firing sight yet both Briggs and Jake kept covering fire.

“I’m getting her out!” Jake yelled, heading up the stairs and towards the second floor. Briggs followed slowly, keeping his riot shield up as best he could. Jake reached the top of the stairs when more fire was aimed at them. A stray bullet hit the ambassador in the leg and she collapsed to the ground clutching her wound.

“She’s hit!” he yelled. He went to her side, ducking low as bullet shot overhead.

“I got you!” Briggs yelled out, placing his shield in front of him and trying to reload his pistol. Jake looked at the leg and saw that it was a clean shot.

“Can you walk?!” he asked over the gunfire. She nodded, tears in her eyes. He grabbed her right arm and hoisted over his shoulder. Jake eyed the stairs, Havoc was coming up at a quick pace.

“I got you! Head to the window! Now!” Briggs yelled, firing his pistol at Havoc, who only shook it off from his bullet proof vest. Jake ran towards the window in the kids room, dragging the ambassador with him. A cry from Briggs came from behind and the gunfire ceased, yet Jake kept running, heading straight for the window. They entered the kids room and quickly went to the far end of the room and he quickly placed the ambassador near the window, ready for extraction. He watched her turn her head around and horror filled her eyes.

“Look out!” she screamed. Jake wasted no time in whipping his pistol around, seeing Havoc stand before him with his own. Within seconds both fired their pistols with simultaneously bangs filling the room. Jake was hit and his whole world went black.

Beep Beep Beep. Beep.

“Simulation complete. Simulation Complete. Terrorists have won. All participants please return your weapons to the weapons depot and report to your assigned officers. Clean up crew will be ready to clear up the debris and replace broken and damaged walls.”

Jake remained still as lights turned back on around him. His eyes widened in shock yet he kept his mouth shut. He had failed the simulation. Havoc, aka lieutenant major Bruce McKinley, was looking at him with a shit eating grin on his face.

“You were close, Jake. You could have gotten me.” he said, lowering his pistol. Jake kept his gun up, and eyeing the spot he fired. He saw a small hole that was a few centimeters off target and Jake fumed at this while Bruce took a step forward and holstering his pistol.

“You know, if I were you, I could have gone a different route if I were in charge.” he said, offering a hand to him. Jake eyed the hand and back at Bruce. A small smirk came up on his face.

“Your right Bruce. I screwed up,” he admitted, lowering his pistol, “but you want to know something else?” he asked, to which Bruce gave another arrogant grin.

“And what is that, second rate?” he said, not noticing that Jake had lowered his pistol a little further south.

“You can be a dick at times.” he fired his pistol directly into the man’s crotch. Bruce doubled over and all the breath went out of him as he clutched his privates with his hands. Both the ‘dead’ terrorist on the bed and his buddy Zeke saw this and were rolling in laughter, watching their comrade squirm from the hit.

“Dammit! I hate paintballs!” Bruce squealed in a high pitch tone. Jake chuckled at this and offered a hand to the ambassador, aka Cindy Jules, the best actress he has ever seen.

“You okay Cindy?” he asked her. She merely waved her golden hair with one of her hands and gave a sweet smile to him.

“I’m alright sweetie. I can take a hit.” she said with a little upbeat in her voice.

“You were terrific out there. You make a damn good damsel in distress.” he replied, to which she gave a soft chuckle.

“If I were a damsel in distress then I would be going for fantasy roles instead.” she said, raising a hand to her head in a mock role. “Oh my Shining Armor, save me. Save me.” she exaggerated with great effect, making Jake smile and laugh at her acting. After sharing their moment and seeing his colleagues get up from playing dead, he cleared his throat for them to hear.

“C,mon everyone! Let's get out so clean up crew can do their work!” he called out, and throughout the house he heard various voices call out to him. He escorted miss Jules by the hand, stepping over Bruce who withered in pain. It was a cheap shot but it was well worth it, considering it he caused him the loss. The two soon headed down the stairs and to the front entrance were it opened up and he already saw everyone had gathered there. They were all covered in paintball mesh in various colors and some of them pointed to the various hits and nasty stings. Once their group was outside the lights soon dimmed of their surroundings.

They were inside a large texas warehouse filled with swat cars, police cruisers, and several building sets to be used in different simulations. The area they were in was one such simulation as well. The walls that were used in training were filled with a small explosives covering every square inch. Whenever a high velocity impact took place the wall would exploded, creating a very real life scenario. Their group, and many others, have trained in these facilities for many months. They were training them to be on the task force for police work, National Guard, and military combat.

It never ceased to amaze Jake of how the higher ups are able to get such good hardware for their police force and the service men and women of Texas.

“Oi lad!” the cheery Scottish voice from Sully was heard, and Jake saw his friend come over to him. Sully was tall in stature and had bright red hair and vibrant blue eyes. If he lived in the medieval ages people would call him a demon, but in today’s standards, he would be the opposite.

Sully was every bit a of the word a proud Scotsman.

“Hey Sully. Heard the radio went out, what did ‘Havoc’ do?” he asked, making finger gestures about the lieutenant major, to which Sully chuckled by his remark.

“Well the crafty bastard had snuck up behind me when I was flat on me belly,” he began, speaking in his deep Scottish accent, “I heard the wood creak from the added weight and before I could react the sod shot me three times between the shoulder blades.” he said while turning around, revealing three paintball shots right in his back.

“Ouch, that’s gotta be painful,” Jake observed. Sully turned around, pounding a fist into an open palm.

“I’ll say. Where is that ole Brucie? I want to tear his arse a new one for that cheap shot.” he said, looking around for him. Jake couldn’t help but bear a grin.

“Last I saw he was back inside clutching his crotch,” he said, to which another hearty laugh came from the Scotsman.

“You hit him right in the jambags! Classic!” he shouted out, before looking past Jake and the group.

“Ah Bruce!” he shouted. Jake turned around to see the lieutenant major walking awkwardly and had one hand covering his parts. Sully raised a fist and gave him the finger. “Jake shot you in the knickers. That’s a win for Scotland ya cheeky sod!”

“Oh fuck off you bloody ginger!” Bruce yelled back in a distinguishable Irish accent.

“At least this ginger gets all the ladies you Irish twat!” he yelled back, causing the group to laugh it off. The two always had a rivalry between one another, mostly between sports or getting a higher score at the shooting range. Despite the mutual animosity the two were actually decent friends.

In a frenemy sort of way.

“Lieutenant Williams, Captain Sullivan, Sergeant Briggs, please report to Commander Smith’s office.” the announcer spoke and the fun and laughter soon died down. After they went off to the weapon racks and dropped off their gear, Jake turns to Cindy Jules and calls out to his group.

“Alright everybody! Round of applause to our greatest actress Cindy Jules!” Everyone began clapping and shouting praise, cheering her name as she gave a humble bow.

“For the lovely miss Jules!” Briggs came forward, bringing out a giant Balloon that says ‘congrats’ on the side and holding a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates. She gasped slightly and accepted the generous gifts.

“Oh boys thank you.” she smelled the roses and she went over to give Briggs a kiss on the cheek. He blushed and the rest of the guys gave him catcalls.

“It was all our idea, since you are heading to New York. Thought we send you off with a fun gift.” Briggs said, and everyone nodded to him. Cindy gave the most warmest smile and looked at each of them in turn.

“Oh thank you all for this. I can’t wait to get there and practice my acting. I don’t know how long I get into some fancy gigs but it will be a fun experience.” She then gave a wave goodbye and headed off towards the exit of the warehouse. She paused before stopping to give one final wave.

“Broadway here I come!” she called out. They all waved back, giving their farewells and well wishes at her as she soon disappeared and left them to their own devices.

“Man, she was awesome having around.” Briggs said.

“Aye…. she’s a good lass. Happy to know she will be doing well for herself.” Sully said, giving him a little nudge into Briggs, who the latter tried to wave it off.

“C’mon guys. Let's go see what Commander Smith wants.” Jake said as the three headed off towards the commander's office.

Knowing they were to meet up with the commander, it was usually never good.

“You three are quite ignorant, aren't you?” Commander Liam Smith said, sitting from his desk as Jake sighed internally.

It was not good.

The commander eyed each of them in turn, holding three large documents of the three. They were standing at ease in front of his large office, the room filled with many decorations, case files, and many heirlooms. Fiddling through the files like they were rap sheets he selected the first one that popped up.

“Tyrone Briggs. Goes by the name Briggs. Former Police officer from New York City and served two years before being transferred to Texas as a newly made Swat officer at the rank of sergeant. Good solid work ethic, made multiple arrests against criminals off the streets but gets bad reputation for ‘brutal tactics’ when apprehending and dealing with gangs and drug dealers.” He paused, letting the words sink in as Briggs was silent on hearing his former work life being told to him.

The commander gave him a nod before filing the second sheet in front of him.

“Captain Bernard James Sullivan. Goes by Sully among friends. Served three tours in the later years of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and extinguishing terrorists cells in both regions. You were top of the class sniper and weapons expert while serving with honors in the British SAS. After leaving and settling in the United States you become part of the SWAT police forces within Texas. A skilled soldier and yet having a foul mouth that runs wild at times when you get angry. You even got into a bar fight with your comrade McKinley over some dispute.” he explained. Sully gave a small smile and eyed the ground at this.

Jake heard a small chuckle escaping past him, and no doubt that he had won in that bout.

The Commander finally rested his eyes on him, pulling up his personal records and began to read through.

“Lieutenant Jacob Alec Williams. Sometimes goes by Jack or Jake. Youngest man to reach the rank of lieutenant at the age of Twenty five. Posted in San Francisco California as a young deputy at age eighteen and making successful arrests and earning promotions that have excelled you through the ranks. You know currently reside in Utah where you work with local officials and help in any cases. However, despite the near flawless record, you had once had a criminal background, shoplifting at a young age.” he paused, looking back at Jake who looked rather ashamed of hearing that particular news.

“I know you don’t like to talk about so I won’t go prying into it further.” he added, going to his desk and settling the documents onto the table. He then settled himself on the tables edge, looking at the three in turn. “You three have some spot of trouble from your pasts and what I saw out there today confirmed my suspicions.” the three remained still, ready to take whatever punishment he had laid out for them. The Commander soon bore a large grin.

“I think you three would be perfected candidates for what I have in mind.”

The three looked at him with confusion. Jake looked to his friends and they both shared equally perplexed expressions. Sully was the first to clear his throat and speak out.

“So your not mad at us, if ye don’t mind me asking?”

“Indeed,” he replied, nodding to the Scotsman before lifting himself from the table, “though I did question your methods.” Commander Liam turned to an open window with his hands behind his back, staring outside to observe the hundreds of people that were mingling about upon the training grounds.

“Originally it was suppose to be you captain to lead the simulation, instead you offer the task to Jacob. Instead of following the original plan he improvised on the spot, and forcing the other team to switch tactics and get the upper hand. Watching from the monitors I saw every detail and every quick action. You faced experienced vets who have seen through these type of situations and you nearly beaten the situation. Despite that, your command of the simulation has definitely earned a notification from me.” he said, staring at the outside for a moment longer before Briggs threw his voice in the matter.

“Um, sir. I get the high praises in all but what do you mean by candidates?”

“Don’t worry, I was just getting to that.” the commander said, taking a seat in his office chair, “I’m not sure if you three have been getting into the news of late but did you know that David Bronco is leading in the polls?”

Jake blinked a few times and he looked at his friends who equally had confused expressions. When they didn’t reply to the commander cleared his throat to speak once again.

“David Bronco has been having a successful lead over his competitor by wide margins. The current mayor is so out of touch with the people that they opened their gates to him. He is young, having big ideas, thoughtful and bearing an open mind. He managed to gain quite a bit of traction over the election cycle and since crime was on the rise and scaring the pants off the citizens they want a strong man who can get the job done. Within a few weeks the vote will be out and I have no doubt that he is going to win in a landslide.”

“Commander if you don’t mind me saying but that seems a little to early for a victory celebration.” Jake asked, earning a chuckle from the commander.

“Actually he has it all planned out.” The commander said, pulling up a few sheets of paper from his desk and settling on the table in front of them.

“These papers here are transfer documents to the MTPD. For all three of ya.”

“Transfer?” the three almost said in unison. They looked at each other in surprise, not expecting this outcome. Jake heard his commander chuckle heartily and slapping a hand onto the table.

“Of course! So get packed up boys! In one week's time you will be heading to Maretropolis.”

Author's Note:

Another chapter and a human is introduced. How will he cope with heading to Equestria's biggest city of Maretropolis? The answer to that will be soon enough.

Hope you guys enjoyed, leave your thoughts and comments down below, and I'll see you there.

Comments ( 3 )

This is a really good story so far, and I can't wait to read more of it!:pinkiehappy:

How long till part 3

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