• Published 11th Jan 2018
  • 2,848 Views, 5 Comments

Kitzumi's adventures through the looking glass. [edited] - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi's adventures across the multiverse, and the search for home.

  • ...

A long road home

Using Cloudsdale as a base whenever Kitzu returned from the Fox enclave in the northwest had proven to be interesting as it meant finding Cloudsdale. Cloudsdale just never seemed to be in the same place twice. Kitzu had been jumping back to the world where she could visit with Midnight Estar and continue studying unicorn magic, along with forays into other worlds. She’d gone back to where she had experienced the changeling invasion first hoof and even managed to relocate the world where she’d met Twilight as a filly among other worlds. Namely the human world, but we’ll save that for another time. The ponies from the world where Twilight was still a filly had been ecstatic to know she was alright but horrified when they heard what she’d been through. The downside to using Cloudsdale as a jump point is she had to be sure she knew where Cloudsdale was going to be on the return trip being the jump required physical and or stellar points of reference. Jump points had to be fixed. Cloudsdale being movable simply did not work as a reference point for dimensional travel, and materializing in mid-air miles from the city was never fun.

Five years was nearly up, her younger counterpart was approaching the age where she’d go back in time, and the last year had been interesting, to say the least.

Kitzu materialized high over Equestria wearing a genuine Shadowbolt uniform, a souvenir of the world she’d just returned from. Fortunately, Kitzu could fly now. I mean really fly. The Shadowbolt uniform was a modern version, gray, nothing like the stylized palace uniform of a thousand years ago, and not likely to be recognized. The uniform consisted of a gray flight suit that fit tight to the body made of spider silk, flexible yet incredibly strong. Over the top of that, she wore a gray waistcoat with epaulets, high collars, and trimmed with black piping, made of pressed wool felt with an outer shell made from spider silk fabric. On the left color was pinned silver bat-winged pin. Attached to the epaulets were black shoulder boards with a thin silver stripe across the length and a crescent moon above the stripe. It was functional and intended as lightweight armor as the spider silk weave resisted puncturing, and cutting very well. It also served as padding for plates that could be strapped on. The felt of the waistcoat helping to protect from blunt strikes. She also wore a black peytral with her moon pendant fitted into it along with two crystals fitted to mimic her cutie mark both having been charged with warding spells added to the pendant, her saddlebags, the ones with the royal crest hung beneath her wings thanks to a harness along with a long narrow backpack on her back, and, a cap with earmuffs made of undyed felted wool which was the helmet lining from a unicorn helmet on her head on which was attached a small then oblong pouch. Built into the earmuffs was a two-way radio dependent on magic plus she’d an MP player she’d added to the radio. Dark shaded goggles that were more oblong than round with a section cut to fit the snout finished off the outfit. There was more to the uniform, that being a hard shell of plate armor made from thin laminated sheets of carbon-infused laminated spider silk. They were lightweight and extremely durable, capable of stopping a dart propelled by unicorn magic at short range. These she chose to keep in her pack rather than wear them. Being black they created an intimidating appearance.

Kitzu spread her wings, cast a full-body force field, brought it in tight to her body, caught an updraft, and soared high into the stratosphere in hopes of spotting Cloudsdale. Trapped air within the force field would keep her warm and provide an air reserve for about an hour at the high altitudes she liked to fly.

For four years Magnus had been like a father to her, and then she found herself in a world where Luna was Queen. Kitzu had been careless in her calculation. A mistake she came to regret very quickly. Her reception there was interesting, she’d found herself pressed into service, her precious books taken from her. She was desperate to have them back, but they’d been locked up, even the book she’d been using to keep in touch with Magnus. Her only option was to do as she’d been told until she could get her books back. Granted most of the books could be replaced with one exception, that being the book she’d need to prove to her mother who she was.

Boot camp had been grueling, and yet she’d managed to keep up with the other cadets while hiding the fact she had a unicorn horn. At least until one fateful day when the drill Sargent was lambasting her for getting her feathers all over the place. Of course, she had little choice but to put up with it.

Feathers all over the place.

Her feathers



the place.

Completely forgetting about the Sargent yelling at her she checked one wing and then the other.

She was molting.

“I’m molting.”

“I can see that you little snot!” Shouted the Sargent. Kitzu had been a difficult nut to crack. Unlike the other recruits, Kitzu never broke down. The other foals in the group, even though they were older, every one of them had broken down and cried at least once. Kitzu held firm because there was little they could do to her that could even begin to compare with the horror of between. That and her only real fear was not getting her precious books back. No matter what, she had to push on.

“I’m molting!” Kitzu shouted happily.

“What does it take to get through to you?!” The Sargent shouted as Kitzu excitedly danced in place while flipping back and forth from one wing to the next. She got so excited she forgot to keep her illusion spell up that hid her horn, pendant, and amulet.

Kitzu could laugh about it now but at the time, the Sargent seeing a horn, and a moon pendant pulled back in horror, and rushed out of the room. This left Kitzu momentarily confused, especially being the other cadets were now eyeing her with caution. Up to this point, Kitzu had been at the bottom in regards to performance and had been using her magic to keep up.

“You’ve been cheating!” One of the older cadets accused. “Using magic.”

“Oh give me a break. Look at me, I haven't even fledged yet. How else was I supposed to keep up?”

“She’s got a point there.” Whispered another cadet.

“I’m going to be able to fly without having to rely on magic!” Kitzu shouted excitedly and danced about. “So where’d the Sargent go?”

“Hello, you’re an alicorn. I imagine he’s freaked out.” Another student offered.

“Ali...” Kitzu looked and realized every pony could see her horn. Not just the horn, but her pendants were now plain to see as well. “Aw crud. - Sargent?” Kitzu stepped out of line and took off after the Sargent. “Sargent? - It’s probably not what you think.”

Kitzu had completely forgotten about the situation she was in as she wandered through the halls of the complex they were in, and on sighting Queen moon, trotted up to her, addressed her as Muma while announcing to all ponies present that she was molting.

“Do we look like your Muma?” Queen Moon scolded harshly. Kitzu froze realizing her mistake. “Well do I?” Queen Moon demanded as Kitzu bowed her head.

“Yes” came the meek reply.

“Yes?” Queen Moon asked as she closed in slowly. “Wait...” Luna looked at the horn for a moment or two. She backed off a bit. She craned her neck to look at the wings. “Show us thy wing.”

Kitzu held out the wing closest.

“For the sake of thy ancestors, gentle colts, please explain why this young alicorn was not brought to our attention right away? - Bad enough she hasn’t even fledged yet. Are things so dire we must take babes from their mothers?”

“You’re majesty, I’m from a different world. I came here by mistake. - I hid my horn.” Kitzu interjected while Luna’s officers all searched for an answer. “I sort of got herded in with the recruits. - And they took my things.”

“What is thy name, young one?” Luna asked.

“Kitzumi Nightfoal.”

“And your Muma’s name?”

“Luna Moon Nightfoal.” Kitzu’s answer had been carefully thought out. When she first arrived she’d used Kitzumi Nightfoal because that’s what Commander Flash Magnus and his friends knew her as. She also knew that if this Luna were to probe her mind, she’d get that name, and likely see far more then she bargained for.

Queen Moon sensed that Kitzu was telling the truth even if she was holding back.

“You’re highness, forgive us!” Shouted Kitzu’s Captain accompanied by her Sargent. Both looked like they expected a beating.

“Oh don’t go getting all soft and intimidated just because you found out.” Kitzu scolded, head still down. She probably should have held her tongue, but their demeanor just rankled. “Pushing me to my limits may have been hard on me, but I did it. I did everything asked of me. - Now give me back my books!”

Luna smiled, and let out just a hint of a laugh. “I swear she sounds like my great, great Granddaughter Twilight. - I want you to bring me her possessions. - Princess, stay by my side till I say otherwise.”

A short time later Kitzu found herself in a war meeting. To her horror, she learned that the Moon Kingdom along with the Kingdom of Canterlot was in a desperate struggle against King Sombra and the Crystal Empire. Kitzu looked around at the faces of the generals, gathered as to attend a black mass they were, all looked resolute. All but one, a pegasus who’s eyes had a glassy sheen. They were intent on every detail, but it looked as though no pony was home. No, that wasn’t quite right. Kitzu had been well instructed on how to spot someone who was being mind-controlled, and how to deal with it. Kitzu quietly crept around to where the general was standing, leapt up, and employed a maneuver she’d learned from the other cadets. Hooves to the nerves on both wing shoulder joints. The effect was immediate, down he went, front legs collapsed, back, wings extended, Kitzu on top, wings out looking like a predatory bird that had just made a kill, her horn and lamp pendant lit up, and she grabbed hold of the invading mind. The yell that came out of the pegasus’s mouth sounded like the cries of an enraged wounded demon.

“Sombra!” Luna shouted the moment her racing mind grasped the situation. Her staff was frozen. Kitzu held on as long as she could, her lamp glowing, foxfire swirling about, and purple smoke pouring out of the eyes of the general. Kitzu’s moon pendant lit up momentarily shrouding her in the ghostly image of Nightmare Moon.


The struggle was over. The general out cold, and Kitzu had been thrown off by a blast of dark magic.

“I’m OK.” Kitzu offered, breaking the silence. She got up and shook herself out. She was also quite oblivious to the danger she’d placed herself in or of the protection spell of the moon amulet that had quite possibly saved her life.

“Sombra, he knows our plans!” One of the generals exclaimed.

“How many of our own people have been compromised?” Luna asked softly. “It’s no wonder he’s been able to counter our every move. - What do we do?”

“First off...” Kitzu began as she jumped up on the table.

“Has they Muma ever told you that thy are a precocious brat?” Luna asked.

“Many times,” Kitzu replied with a grin. “I was about to suggest that what just happened, not leave this room.”

“That much I can figure out on my own,” Luna growled.

“Spread the word that there is a new princess in town.” Kitzu offered. The generals all agreed as it would be good for morale.

“And what good are you? You’re just a filly who doesn’t even have a proper set of flight feathers yet.” Luna replied giving Kitzu a dirty look.

“Hope. I can give them hope.” Kitzu offered and then repeated herself. “I can give them hope.”

“You would help us?” Luna asked curious, realizing there’d be little she could do to hold onto a pony that could teleport to other dimensions.

“I’m a filly, and you’re the image of my Muma who I love very much.” Kitzu offered. “That and if you were in any way tainted by dark energy you’d have started squirming the moment I powered up my little lamp.”

☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁

Looking back, Kitzu just had to chuckle at the look on Queen Moon’s face. For the present Kitzu had spotted a flash of light glimmering high above the clouds, turned on her music, and headed in that direction hoping it was Cloudsdale.

Sometime later, as the cold began to seep in, and her head started getting fuzzy, she knew it was time to get back down to a more respectable altitude. Down below she could see earth ponies along with the occasional unicorn going about their daily routine. Spotting what looked like a respectable tavern, Kitzu camouflaged her horn, dropped down, landed out front, shut off her music, and walked on in.

“We don’t serve minors.” The barkeep called. Kitzu was only somewhere around the age of thirteen, and technically a minor, but she hadn’t come in for alcohol.

“You see a shovel in my hooves?” Kitzu asked sounding a bit put out.

“I said minor, not miner. - Don’t go getting smart with me.”

“All I want is something to eat, some water, and this is the only place I could see that looked decent.”

“Alright fine, but sit at a table. Can’t have you sitting at the bar.”

“Fair enough,” Kitzu replied respectfully as she walked over to a table.

“So is that supposed to be some kind of uniform?” He asked as he filled a goblet with water. Kitzu snapped to attention.

“Ensign Kitzumi Nightfoal, sir.”

“Ensign? - Can’t say I recognize the uniform though it kind of resembles the uniform worn by the local military.”

“I was on a world tour.” Kitzu offered as she relaxed, pulled out a chair, and sat down. “Wandered into the wrong country, and got drafted.”


“They finally let me go, and I’m on my way to Cloudsdale. Any idea where they put it?”

“Not a clue. - Afraid you’re on your own.”

Kitzu pulled her goggles and cap off and stuffed them in a saddlebag.

“Ah, a fox pony.”

“That’s not going to be a problem is it?” Kitzu asked as her ears went back. The officer on board the airship had only been the first of many ponies who just didn’t seem to like fox ponies. Why any pony would judge another so harshly on looks, not just looks, but heritage was beyond her. They knew nothing about her, and yet they always assumed the worse.

“Oh, no, I’m not like some of them I imagine you’ve run across. I’ll never understand some ponies.” Anyway, there’s a small community out in the forest. There’s a trail marked with ghost lights of all things. No pone really knows anything about them, but the Timberwolves won’t go anywhere near them. Some say they were created by a goddess to protect the ponies. I say they had to be created by mortals. We just haven't figured out the riddle yet.” He offered as he brought the goblet over, and set it down. “Beyond that, there’s nothing but the Everfree forest.”

“What if I told you-you are right about the lamps, and is there really nothing out past the fox village?”

“Afraid not. - OK, we’ve hay burgers, salad, nachos, ah, but I bet you’d be interested in the roast fish. No?”


“You can pay for it? it’s expensive.”

“Is it fresh?”

“Swimming in a tank.”

“I got money. Even got money for this country.” Kitzu offered with a grin. "Worst case, I got gems for trading."

“Ha, that’s good. I wouldn't know what to do with money from another country. - I’ll get right on it.” He then went back behind the counter and began preparing the food. “So what was the name of that place you were at, and how long were you there, and do you really think I’m right about the lamps?”

“Kingdom of the Moon. They were allied with the kingdom of the Sun. Kind of like if Princess Luna and Princess Celestia were to split Equestria into two kingdoms only without Princess Celestia. - There was a Queen Moon, I ended up as a courier because I’m a really fast flier, but I'm trained as a medic. Spent a whole year out there. As for the lamps, I suspect that old wizard Star Swirl knows the truth, but he’s keeping it to himself. That’s just based on a bit of scuttlebutt I’ve heard. I also would not be one bit surprised if a certain draconequuss has had a claw in it.”

“Ya don’t say. It kind of makes sense. - What about your parents, you got family? I mean, you seem rather young to be traveling the world?” He eyed the gems on Kitzu’s peytral.

“It’s complicated.” Kitzu offered. “I’m presently the ward of an old pegasus. Retired military. He was alright with me traveling as I’d be stopping off with ponies we knew. Going back and forth between different schools. Sort of a road scholarship if you like. We communicate via letter. Neither one of us thought I’d end up taking a year longer than planned.”

“So does he know you are back?”

“He knows I’m on my way. - I’m not really back till I’ve found Cloudsdale.”

“Having one’s home in a city that moves around must be interesting.”

“It is at that. Spend too much time away and it’s not where I left it last. Most inconvenient.”

They both laugh at the notion of losing an entire city.

A short time later he brought out the roasted fish, it was smothered in butter and had herbs sprinkled on top, with a side of green beans and little red potatoes. Kitzu thanked him and dove right in.

♦ ♦ ♦

“That was so good. You could cook for the palace.” Kitzu offered once she’d finished.

“Oh, I’m sure they have much better cooks than aye.” he offered.

“The only pony I know who can cook a roast fish like this is Miss Fluttershy out in Ponyville.”

“You mean as in the element barer?”

“One and the same. - She helped me out once or twice when I was little… er, littler.”

“Wasn’t going to say anything. - So you know Miss Fluttershy?”

“One of the few medical practitioners who knows anything about fox ponies.”

“I see. I imagine that’d be a problem.”

“So what do I owe you?”

“Twenty bits.”


“Hey, getting fish and keeping them fresh isn’t easy.”

“Alright, all right,” Kitzu replied and pulled a small bundle of money from a pocket in the waistcoat. “And an extra five for the wonderful service.”

“I thank you most kindly.”

“Before you go, can I ask you about that symbol on that thing you’re wearing?”

“Oh, that’s just my cutie mark.”


A short time later Kitzu was headed down the road in search of the ghost lights, and after having asked a few ponies she was soon on her way. Sure enough, there was a string of ghost lights leading into the forest, but walking was proving to take too long so she chose to fly through the trees. Flying through trees was always fun. At least it was fun when she wasn’t trying to shake pursuers. It was during such a chase that she learned the dangers of teleporting while traveling at a high rate of speed. All that kinetic energy resulted in a considerably large implosion at the starting point and an explosion at the endpoint. Kitzu had done a pop teleport to avoid hitting a large tree, one side to the other, only to wind up getting hit by large splinters from the tree as the two opposing forces shredded it. Fortunately, she hadn’t been injured too badly. The ponies that were after her were all killed. Something she didn’t find out till later being she had no desire to double back to check out her handiwork.

Kitzu’s ears perked up at the sound of someone crying out for help. She hated to leave the path, but she had to go and at least try to help.

Kitzu zipped through the trees, left, right, left, left, right.

“Some pony help!”

There, high in a tree, an earth type fox pony kit had treed themselves. Kitzu slowed to a gentle glide, drifts over to the tree, tips herself up, and lands on the side of the trunk clinging to it with her hooves. “So, you are saying you can’t just walk down?”

“I can’t!” The kit protests with eyes closed tight while hanging onto a branch desperate not to let go.

“How’d you get up here?”


“And you can’t climb down?”

“I’m too high.”

“So you need to be rescued.”


Kitzu let out a sigh. “I guess I’ll have to do it.” Kitzu offered. She climbed up to the kit. “Think you can manage climbing onto my backpack? - Or do I have to grab hold of your scruff? - You got a name?”


“I’m Ensign Nightfoal. - Roxie, you going to open your eyes, and climb on?”

“I can’t.”

Kitzu let out a small sigh, plucked her off the branch she was clinging to, walked out onto the branch, and pressed her to the backpack. “Hang on.” Then instead of climbing down, or in Kitzu’s case, simply dropping away the moment she could feel Roxie clinging tight, Kitzu walked further out on the limb...

“What are you doing?”

..spread her wings, and simply glided off.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m a pegasus, I’m flying.”

“What?” Roxie asked as she dared to open her eyes.“Oh my gosh! I’m flying!”

“You really freaked yourself out back there, didn’t you?”

“Wow, I’m flying!”

Kitzu couldn't help but laugh at the little filly clinging to her pack. “Hey, Roxy. Do yourself a favor and don’t climb up trees you can’t climb back down again. - How old are you anyway?”

“I’ll be five next week.”

“You've got a birthday coming up. Congrats.” Kitzu offered as she made a slow easy turn around a big tree. A moment later she had the path again and could see the village up ahead. Moments after that they passed the village gate, ignored the shouts of guards, found their way to the village plaza, circled three times, and landed by what looked like a group of elders. They gave Kitzu a curious look and then brightened upon seeing Roxy.

“Welcome, stranger. I see you’ve rescued little Roxy.”

“Did you know she was up a tree?” Kitzu asked.

“Wouldn't be the first time she’s gotten stuck.” A stallion offered walking up to them. “She’s really good at climbing up, but loses her nerve once she gets up there.”

“And I thought I was bad at that age.” Kitzu offered with a grin. “I liked to climb on ceilings.”

“Being a pegasus, I imagine that wasn’t too big an issue.” he offered as a pair of guards walked up to them.

“I’ve two moms, well a mom and a grandmother really, both decent enough fliers they could come up after me if they’d a mind. Grandmother had a habit of dislodging me by yelling. My hooves would come unstuck, and down I’d go. Couldn't fly worth a lick so they had to catch me.”

“You couldn't fly?” Asked a smallish pegasus who’d joined a growing crowd. She was mostly blue with streaks of white, and a white mane and tail. Kitzu gave the filly a smile.

“She can’t fly.” a pony offered.

“Does she have any pony who can teach her how to exercise her wings properly?” Kitzu asked reaching over to give the filly a rub on the head. Kitzu paused for a moment on feeling the lump of a button horn. “Parents?”

“My mommy and daddy don’t want me.” She replied dropping her head down.”

“You’ll be able to fly. Soon as you hit puberty, you’ll get a whole new set of wings, just like mine, but you have to work those muscles every day.” Kitzu informed her. “I’m kind of an expert on button heads.”

“We don’t really like to use that term.” One of the ponies there stated flatly.

“I can certainly understand.” Kitzu offered as she messed up the filly's mane. “Stupid ponies worshiping alicorns, but should one be born in their midst they abandon them, that or they just don’t know enough to provide them with the proper support.”

Kitzu’s statement was met with a moment of stunned silence as they just looked at her.

“Excuse me?” A mare asked with an air of incredulity.

Kitzu used her unicorn magic to levitate Roxy off her back, and down to the ground. She then went over to a souvenir stand where they had a number of small lanterns for sale.

“Flew right in without paying the fee.” One of the guards stated as Kitzu examined a lantern.

“Right stone, right inscription. - Have you forgotten how to activate the charm?” Kitzu commented not bothering to look at them.

“Now look here.” The mare who’d spoken harshly to her before scolded, and started forward. She froze in her tracks when light burst forth from the lamp. “How?”

“Activation spell.” Kitzu offered. Her tone kind, but reproachful. “Granted it only responds to fox magic.” Kitzu turned to look at them. “Roxy, do you know the charm activation spell?” Roxy nodded that she did. “Well then, see if you can activate one?”

Roxy went up to the booth took a lamp in hoof, recited the spell, and nearly dropped the lantern when light burst forth from it. “I did it!”

“Now I’m really confused?” The mare offered.

“I’ll give you one guess, and his name starts with a ‘D’.” Kitzu offered. “Somehow you’ve all forgotten that you were the ones who made the ghost lamps around this village. Not in their present form, but you were the ponies who built, and hung them up. - Now, little miss.” Kitzu said turning her attention to the little button head. “What’s your name?”

“Cirrus. - Will I really be able to fly?”

“Sure you will. I’m just like you.” Kitzu offered. Call me Kitzu. - Come on over here while they marvel at those lamps, and I’ll show you some exercises. - I only just started flying about a year ago. - Now, first, we need to do wing stretches, one wing at a time, reach out as far as you can.” Kitzu demonstrated while keeping an eye on the others who were discovering they could, in fact, activate the lamps. First, they did the left-wing, stretched out, then forward, and sweeping back. Then came the right, followed by both wings. This was followed by flapping the wings. Kitzu had her count ten times each, then start over and do the repetitions four more times. “Do that every day, twice a day. After one week add another rep. Keep adding reps each week till you’ve built up a nice workout. Also, you’ll need to do wing push-ups.” Kitzu lay down on the ground, spread her wings out so the outer half of her wings were flat on the ground. She then lifted her body up, legs tucked and off the ground.

“Ugg, I can’t do that.” Cirrus protested trying to do the same thing.

“Work on it every day till you can. Push up and hold it. Do that till you can start doing reps, and just keep working on it.” Kitzu offered still holding herself with her wings. "The longer you can hold it, the longer you'll be able to stay aloft."

“How long can you do that?”


“No way.”

“Yes way, and you’ll be able to do it too. Keep working on it. Every day. That way when you get your flight feathers, you won’t be too far behind.”

“Am I really an alicorn?”

Kitzu looked around to see if any pony was paying attention. On seeing that they were all mesmerized by their new discovery, Kitzu dropped the camouflage from her horn.

Cirrus’s jaw dropped.

“I’m also the inventor of the lamps. That’s how I know so much about them. Well, not so much the inventor but the first pony to come up with the idea of using a gem to amplify the warding spell.” The lack of chatter gave Kitzu to know the other ponies had spotted her horn. “Say, before I take off again, I could help you to fly with a little magic assist.” Kitzu offered, getting up.

“Really, could you?” She asked spreading her wings and bouncing to her hooves.

“Sure, why not. Just keep your wings spread.” Kitzu lifted Cirrus into the air with her magic, spread her own wings, and then pushed off the ground. The two proceeded to circle about the square followed by a figure eight, as Kitzu instructed her on how to bank and turn. Not that it would have made much difference considering it was Kitzu controlling her flight. After they made a dozen circuits of the plaza Kitzu decided it was time to set her down.

“Aww, I was having so much fun.” Cirrus protested.

“Well, then I’ll just have to visit more often.” Kitzu offered, reaching over with a wing and giving her a hug. Kitzu stopped on realizing the ponies around her were all bowing. “Will you stop that.”

“But you're a goddess?”

“I’m no goddess, I’m just a very clever pegasus who grew a horn and can do magic. - Miss Cirrus’s horn would grow too if she had access to a relative who could use magic.”

“Oh, so if...” Cirrus began with a hint of disappointment.

“I suppose even if it does grow, there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to do magic anyway.” Kitzu consoled. “Afraid I don’t have all the answers as I haven't encountered many ponies like ourselves.

“You mean I’d be like an alicorn impersonated?” Cirrus asked.

“If the wings and horn are real, the pony is an alicorn regardless of magical ability. If a unicorn can’t do magic no one calls them a unicorn impersonator, do they? Well?”

“Well no, I suppose not,” Cirrus replied. “Still though.”

“Tell you what...” Kitzu began as she retrieved her old lamp pendant from a saddlebag. “I’m going to let you take care of this for me.” Kitzu fastened the pendant about Cirrus’s neck. “It’s just like the others only this one is infused with harmony magic. May it bring you good luck.”

“But I couldn't.”

“Sure you can. - Now, I need to get going.”

“Won’t you stay the night?” One of the town ponies asked. “The sun will be setting soon.”

“I’m part fox pony. Perhaps you hadn’t noticed. I do my best flying at night, and there’s a full moon.” Kitzu replied. “I’ll promise to spend more time the next time I visit, but right now I really want to get going.” Kitzu offered. “Oh, and one more thing, don’t tell any pony about me. Not just yet. - If you see an announcement in the papers pertaining to a new alicorn, then yes, otherwise I doubt anyone would believe you. I'm just a pegasus with a button horn.” Kitzu gave them a wink, took a few steps, and lifted up into the air. She did a circle and then shot out through the opening in the tree canopy created by the buildings and plaza.


Kitzu made a mental note to remember the location of the village, climbed as high as she could and looked out over the forest, and on spotting the glint of spires highlighted by the late afternoon sun, adjusted her wings for speed, and used her magic like an afterburner.

“Ha, they’ll be calling me goddess of thunder now too.” Kitzu mused as she pushed past the air cone breaking the sound barrier. Sure enough, the village she’d just left was rocked a few moments later as though there’d been a nearby lightning strike. Down below the forest grew thicker and thicker with rugged peaks and ridges thrusting up like the backs of giant dragons. In fact, the closer she got to her target, the more rugged the landscape got. Kitzu watched as a flock of cockatrice formed and lifted up into the air as if to pursue her but faltered as they reached their altitude limit.

Kitzu began to become concerned, her air reserve would soon run out, and she was now in the very heart of the Everfree. She had little choice but to drop back down.

Kitzu dove down throwing caution to the wind while leaving her air cone far behind. She’d decided to get in and out as fast as she could, replenish her air, and get back up to altitude.

Black thorny vines began to shoot heavenward in an attempt to snare her as she passed over the forest. Fortunately, she was going too fast. Quick as she could, Kitzu recast her shield spell to capture fresh air, then poured on the afterburner rocketing back up into the stratosphere. The forest was definitely trying to stop her from reaching her goal. She was in the no-go zone which worried her considerably. Why would Cloudsdale... No, there was no way, she must have seen the spires on the other side of the forest. She had to chastise herself for knowingly flying out over the Everfree and its exclusion zone.

When Kitzu had regained her altitude, there before her high on a mountain peak stood a shining citadel and not Cloudsdale as she had thought. Kitzu wasn’t quite sure if the buildings were gold or if it was the light of the setting sun, but it was definitely not Cloudsdale. As she approached she backed off on her speed. The citadel was high up, just at the edge of the tree line, and the mountain itself looked quite rugged. Far below the Everfree encircled the mountain, an impenetrable barrier of thorn which looked as though it was deliberately set to keep all comers out. The mountain itself seemed untouched by the Everfree having its own unique forest of conifers clinging to those slopes that afforded a place to cling on to. There was a road of sorts that wound it’s way up the mountain, though impassable in places. Many of the bridges were gone, and sections lost to landslides. As inhospitable as the forest, and the road up, Kitzu reasoned that it’d be impossible to gain access by hoof, or going the normal pegasus flight limits. This was a place only an alicorn could get to, and then only if they were an excellent flier, and knew the trick to flying above the altitude limit of the creatures of the Everfree.

The city itself had massive ramparts built into the side of the peak made from stones of monolithic size and fitted together like puzzle pieces. Beyond them, the top of the mountain looked to have been sheared off, in fact, the mountain itself was so massive that the final approach was a nice easy incline.

“Wow!” Kitzu said spotting two massive stone-carved alicorns standing to either side of the entrance. She circled down and landed on the entryway to admire the golden-hued statues. As the sun went down their color shifted to the gray of the stone. Before her, there was a massive gate lacking any battlements that she could see. Kitzu got it into her head to announce herself. “I am Princess Hope, daughter of Princess Twilight Sparkle, adopted daughter of Princess Luna Moon, Kitzumi Nova Nightfoal Silvermane by name. I’ve come here by chance bearing no ill will.” Only the wind answered. “Queen of the sky, goddess of thunder.” Kitzu couldn't resist throwing in the last. A number of the ponies in the Moon kingdom had jokingly called her that. The gate itself hung ajar, so Kitzu decided to walk through instead of flying over the top. The gap wasn’t big, but then she wasn’t a large pony. Beyond the gate was a guard post, and what looked to be a customs facility, and everything was plastered white with a variety of colors trimming the buildings. At least it was where the paint remained. Various plants clung to life here and there, grasses, bushes, and lichens on walls, with a few diminutive gnarled old trees. There was also a feeling like the entire place had a strong magical field about it.

The sound of her hooves echoing off the walls was a bit unnerving, a few doors hung open, and windows were broken. Kitzu walked over to an open door and levitated one of her lamps inside. The place looked as though the occupants might return at any moment, some items showing their age while others looked to have been preserved with magic.

Kitzu continued on in hopes of finding some community or government buildings. In her mind, she reasoned that something dramatic must have happened, and the ponies that had lived here had been forced to leave in a hurry. As she went the buildings got bigger and fancier, many with ornate carvings in the stone, life-sized Alicorn statues just about everywhere, and then she came to a very large structure set slightly apart from the other buildings raised up with wide steps going up to it, with two more large alicorn statues at the top of the stairs. Kitzu spread her wings and flew up to the top landing. Before her, large doors of hardwood with carved scenes of ponies engaged in learning, but when she tried to open a door it held fast. The same was true for all seven doors that were on the front of the building. Curiosity getting the better of her she flew around the building till she found a balcony that had a door that would open.

Quietly she crept in, all three of her lamps floating out ahead. She soon found herself on a wide sweeping loft which ran along the side of a great room with books along the sides of the walls. Books, thousands of books! Going to the railing of the loft she looked out over a library that rivaled the library in Canterlot.

“Books! Thousands, and thousands of books!” Kitzu dropped to her haunches and got out her diaries. Books, I found books, thousands of them! She wrote in each one. Kitzu smiled wondering if ‘her’ Twilight would finally answer.

Twilight did answer, filly Twilight, Twilight who was Luna’s granddaughter, and the Twilight where Kitzu’s counterpart was a unicorn. All wanted to know where? Kitzu quickly penned in each book that she’d found a citadel high on a mountain in the Everfree. She then explained that the only way to get to it was by using her high altitude flying trick. There were a few moments where no pony answered, and then Granddaughter Twilight said that Princess Celestia wanted to know if there were statues of alicorns.

One by one each asked the same question. Kitzu replied yes, and informed them that she’d found it by following the glimmer off the tile roofs, and stone towers reflecting the setting sun. She’d mistaken it for the towers of Cloudsdale. There was also some concern as the place was supposedly protected by powerful enchantments. Kitzu informed them that there was a strong magical field, that she’d entered through the front gate after having announced herself, and there’d been no sign of any charms or traps that might be dangerous.

The book she used to communicate with Magnus finally returned a reply. [I’ll assume it’s going to be a bit longer till you are back then.] Love you too, Kitzu wrote back. Meanwhile, the other books had all replied with the pronouncement that Kitzu had likely found an ancient alicorn city that had been cut off by the forest, along with warnings to be cautious.

Now Kitzu wanted to know if the rumored observatory from fable and myth actually existed, informed every pone that she was going to see if she could find it, and put everything away. She then went back out the way she came, made sure the door latched and flew up above the buildings in search of what looked like a likely prospect.

After looking around a bit she spotted a large building with a massive dome and decided to check it out. Of course, there were more alicorn statues, and the doors had been left open. It didn’t seem to matter much as she walked in, it was as though she’d walked through some kind of invisible barrier into another world. Inside beyond the atrium was a massive arboretum featuring a central white tree that looked like it could have produced the timber columns inside the Lunar viewing hall at Canterlot with its branches. It was covered in pale green leaves and pale pink blossoms that hung like wisteria. It was also undeniably the source of the powerful aura she was experiencing.

“Wow,” Kitzu said breathlessly. She quietly introduced herself to the tree and bowed. It just seemed the appropriate thing to do as it felt to her as though the tree itself was somehow aware of her. Like the columns, there was light emanating from the tree. High above, the dome let the fading light in through thousands of small windows supported by a heavy concrete structure. Kitzu hadn’t noticed it from outside. Among the plants, there were brightly colored birds, butterflies, and a squirrel-like animal that glided from branch to branch, and tree to tree.

But as amazing as it was, this wasn’t what she was looking for. Kitzu went back out, and flew up into the darkening sky, up where she could see the layout of the streets. She had to stop for a moment to have a look at the top of the arboretum dome, much of the window panels showed signs of sand etching, but she could still see-through. From there she decided to follow the main thoroughfare to what had to be the largest complex in the city in front of which was several long flights of steps, and more alicorn statues at the base, three landings, and the top. She decided to land at the top rather than climb the stairs. Before her, there was a grand entrance beyond which were rows of carved stone columns supporting a massive stone roof.

Kitzu slowly entered. Once more the sound of her own hooves reminded her of just how alone she was as she passed yet more alicorn statues standing between the columns. Was this an observatory, or a temple, she wondered? Perhaps both.

More stairs lead upwards to a large open rotunda from which she could look out over all of Equestria, with a circle of upright stones with stones on top spanning the gap between each forming a giant ring all ornately carved with symbols she couldn't begin to understand. In the center of all this was a massive model of the solar system. In the center Equestria’s Earth being orbited by the moon, and further out a small star orbiting the planet which was their sun. Beyond that a great bowl on which was a tiny gem for each and every star. Kitzu looked at it in amazement. And then her jaw dropped when she saw the moon being enveloped by Princess Luna’s magic. Above her, the great stone ring began to vibrate and glow. Kitzu ran to the edge of the rotunda and looked out towards the horizon, and discovered that a sliver of energy was being projected from the stone ring to the moon.

“It’s an amplification system,” Kitzu said in awed wonder, though she was unable to tell if Luna was tapping directly into the model, or if the presence of Luna’s magic was a side effect of moving the moon directly. She ran back to the model. “This is what I touched when I touched the moon. I think I’m not sure?” She sat down on her haunches, let her magic touch the globe for a moment, and just gazed at it for the longest time. Her mind was going a mile a second until one more revelation hit her. The model of the Earth was detailed down to the finest feature, every cloud even including a moving Cloudsdale. But the best part is she would be able to calculate positions. The first thing she did was ask Magnus to give her the approximate position of Cloudsdale. His reply made her ecstatic. She then calculated the exact position and asked him to verify it.

[Well if you know that exactly, why aren’t you here already?] came his reply.

The globe was showing the exact position of Cloudsdale, where it was at that precise moment. She then found the citadel on the globe and calculated its position. Once she was sure she hadn’t miscalculated she entered the coordinates in each of her books. She then went to look over the edge to locate a peak she knew the elevation for so she could calculate her elevation. She had to calculate it several times as the angle was giving her an estimated altitude of somewhere around eight to nine thousand horns, a horn being a unit equivalent of the average adult pony unicorn horn length. Slightly over one foot, or 30.5 centimeters for this narrative.

She asked Magnus to verify the known heights of the peaks around the Everfree forest and then waited. She thought about asking the others, but wondered if they’d be the same heights? Magnus wasn’t answering so she decided to go for it anyway. Three Twilights returned all the same answers.

When Magnus finally replied he stated that Wind Rider said she was on top of Mount Thorn, and how in Equestria did she manage to get out there? The name rang all kinds of bells in Kitzu’s head. Mount Thorn, a peak in the center of the Everfree. A peak no pone could get near because the forest itself actively fought to keep them away. Estimated elevation at eight thousand seven hundred horns. And all Kitzu wanted to do was to make sure she’d be able to find it again. Kitzu had been the first pony to penetrate the forest in thousands of years.

Kitzu let the others know and reassured Magnus she was fine and wasn’t pulling his leg. She then went back to the globe and checked her location in regards to the closest edge to the forest. Ponyville. Kitzu gathered up her things and went back to the arboretum, eat the box lunch she had brought, and decided it’d be best to take a nap being she didn’t want to show up in Ponyville in the middle of the night. From there she could move on to Cloudsdale.

Kitzu took off her Peytral, placed it in her backpack, and lay down under the tree with everything else still on. Sure it was early yet, but her time with Queen Moon had taught her to be flexible and sleep when she could. Missions didn’t care about sleep cycles.


Kitzu woke with a start, sat up, and chased off a flock of birds that were after her mane and tail. “Hey, that’s my fur! You little...” Somewhere in the branches of the great tree, a squirrel chattered at her, and the great tree seemed to smile.

“Fine, I know when I’m not wanted,” Kitzu said getting up and stretching. She was stiff, sore, and hadn’t had anywhere near enough sleep. She was also hungry, and needed water having drunk up the last of her own the night before. As for why she’d slept with her equipment on; experience had taught her to be able to move without even so much as a moment’s notice when not sure of the environment. There’d been times where any pony who stopped long enough to pick something up, never made it back. Kitzu stretched out her muscles some more and headed for the door. Once outside she made her way to the edge she knew to be closest to Ponyville. She looked about, spotted the crag that loomed above Canterlot, the morning sun making it look like a giant hunk of gold on the horizon. Kitzu let out a sigh, part of her wanted to go back to sleep, but the emptiness of the place, and the fact she’d no back up just bothered her. She checked her gear, powered up the crystals in her bags, put her cap and goggles on, and dove off the edge.

Down she went, faster, and faster. Just a little push was all it took to punch through the air cone breaking the sound barrier. If she was going to make the distance across the forest, she’d need oxygen-rich air. The air up where she was at was too thin, and she estimated her needed cruising altitude to be at least ten thousand horns to be above the range of the flying creatures of the Everfree. She could go higher, but that used too much magic and was way too impractical.

The forest was coming up on her fast. She could see black tentacle-like thorny vines reaching up out of the canopy. The forest knew she was there, but what kept it back was a mystery. Was it the great tree itself?

Level out, cast the shield spell creating a bubble, bring it in tight to capture the air, full magic to the afterburners, and rocket upwards into the sky and far away from the menace of the forest below. A little over an hour later, Ponyville was in sight.

Kitzu dropped back down to a more normal altitude, and slowly backed off the speed so that she could drift on in without any pone noticing her. Just another pegasus. She’d nearly forgot to raise the camouflage to hide her horn. Now she was just another pegasus. Kitzu then decided to circle round so it’d look like she just came from Canterlot.

The castle of the two sisters, Kitzu had just passed over it, and while she wasn’t doing mach speed, she was still going at a mighty fast clip when she passed over. Kitzu listened into the two way hoping no pone had seen her and chastised herself for making such a dumb move. Granted there was a part of her that just wanted to drop down and say hi I’m home, but that just wasn’t going to work. Not just yet.

Just to be safe Kitzu decided to drop down into the trees, and made her way out of the woods that bordered the Everfree. Chatter was still quiet.

Kitzu exited the woods flying low between hills, turned, and headed back towards Ponyville. At this point, she just couldn't resist just doing some lazy back and forth swaying along with the occasional roll. It’d been a while since she’d been in Ponyville, and it kind of felt good. Even if she couldn't stay. A little breakfast at the diner should be safe enough.

Kitzu took her cap and goggles off, landed, and stuffed them in a saddlebag. She then took off again and glided on into town. Fortunately, she knew exactly where she wanted to go, and a few minutes later landed in front of the Ponyville Diner.

“Good morning.” Offered a young waitress as Kitzu entered. “Sit wherever you like.”

“Oh, good morning Apple Bloom. I didn’t know you were working here?” Kitzu said on seeing her.

“Ummm, do I know you?”

“I’m one of Scootaloo’s friends from Cloudsdale. - I’m Kitzu, Kitzu Nightfoal. - Little Scoots’ friend.”

“Oh right, she’s mentioned you. Weren’t you away somewhere?”

“I got drafted during my last trip. They finally let me go, though. It got kind of intense.” Kitzu offered. “I’m on my way home to Cloudsdale.”

“Drafted? Holy buck!”

“Apple Bloom, what have I told you about that mouth of yours?!” Shouted a mare who looked to be in charge.

“Sorry mam, won’t happen again.” Apple Bloom offered and then switched back to Kitzu. “So aren’t you a little off course for Cloudsdale? - And drafted, at your age? You’d be about the same age as Sweetie Belle.”

“Things were kind of desperate where I was, and not my fault Cloudsdale’s not where I left it. I swear, I leave for a little while, and they up and move my whole city away. A pony’d think someone was trying ta tell me something.” Kitzu replied with a smile, and a wink. Apple Bloom laughed at the bad impersonation of her sister. “Why don’t I go sit over here...” Kitzu headed over to a table by the wall opposite the counter, stowed her pack against the wall, and sat down.

“Let me get you a menu.” Apple Bloom offered and dashed over to retrieve a menu from a stack on the counter. She handed Kitzu the menu a moment later. “So where’d you end up at? See any fighting?”

“Little kingdom known as the Moon Kingdom. And yes, and Apple Bloom now’s a bad time for that conversation. No, you were about to ask if I saw any pony get killed weren’t you?”

“Maybe. OK, ya, that’s probably not something you want to think about prior to eating.”

“Oh, hey, the Apple family-style breakfast looks good. One order of that please.”

“You sure, that’s a lot of food?”

“Haven't had anything to eat since yesterday, and worked up an appetite flying in from where I bed down.”

“Alright then, one Apple Family-style breakfast coming up. - Hey Madge...”

“Ya, I heard, one AFB coming right up.”


A short time later, and way more food than Kitzu had any business eating, we find Kitzu leaning back in her chair with numerous empty plates, along with a teacup and empty glass in front of her. “Kami Sama I’ll be grounded for a month after that.” Kitzu moaned with her eyes shut.

“Glad you like it,” Madge said from behind the counter as she looked out on her customers. Her eyes went to the door as Thunderlane entered. He was wearing his Wonderbolt uniform. “The usual?”

“Sorry Madge, official business,” Thunderlane announced.

“Ooooh, official business,” Madge replied while rolling her eyes. “You sure you don’t want some breakfast?”

“Aww come on Madge, I’m serious. I need to know if you’ve seen any suspicious ponies?”

“Whatever for?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Some pony went blasting through the air space of the royal compound out on the edge of the Everfree forest.”

“Nope, haven't seen a thing,” Madge replied. “Maybe you could ask Miss Kitzu over there if she saw anything?”

“Nope, afraid she died.” Apple Bloom offered. Kitzu was sound asleep with her head back.

“Damn; third time this week,” Madge replied.

“Hey, Kitzu, you can’t sleep here.” Apple Bloom said while giving Kitzu a prod.

“I’m not dead!” Kitzu shouted, waking with a start.

“Nearly dead.” Apple Bloom offered. Kitzu looked about, took a moment to clear her head.

“I’m getting better.” Kitzu offered, letting her eyes close.

“Thunderlane is looking for suspicious ponies, you see any on your way in?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Thunderlame did you say?” Kitzu asked.

“Lane. It’s pronounced lane, as in a road.” Thunderlane corrected. “Who are you, and what’s a Ghost Squadron flier doing in Ponyville?”

“Any resemblance to my uniform and the ghost squadron are purely circumstantial.” Kitzu countered. She’d no idea what he was talking about being she knew nothing about a Ghost Squadron short of they were the unit she'd heard about the day before.

“OK, so who are you?” Thunderlane pressed.

“I’m the goddess of thunder.”

“She’s one of Little Scoot’s friends.” Apple Bloom offered.

“Goddess of thunder my plot.” Thunderlane scoffed. Kitzu opened one cat-like eye to look at him.

“I can outfly any pony any day or night of the week… except right now,” Kitzu informed him.

“Oh sure, but just not right now?” Thunderlane scoffed as Apple Bloom picked up a stack of plates.

“Apple Family Style breakfast.” Apple Bloom offered. “The whole thing. By herself. - She’d be lucky to get off the ground.”

“Damn...” Thunderlane replied as a smile formed on her lips. “Heck, if a filly can do it, so can I. Madge, one AFB.”

A short time later Thunderlane was passed out with his face in a plate full of food.

“Lightweight.” Apple Bloom said looking down at him.

“So what do I owe you?” Kitzu asked.

“On the house.” Madge offered.

“On the house?” Kitzu asked looking over at her, confused.

“Rules are if you can eat the AFB in one go, and that's every last bite, you don’t have to pay.”

“Sweet,” Kitzu replied. “So when’s the next southbound train?”

“Should be in about an hour. Not flying?” Madge offered.

Kitzu slowly got up. “I’ll be lucky to make it as far as the train station. - That and I was hoping to get some sleep on the train.”

“Apple Bloom, why don’t you help your friend to the station,” Madge suggested.

“Oh, I wouldn't want to impose.” Kitzu protested, but Apple Bloom insisted, and a short time later the two are walking, all be it slowly, to the train station with Kitzu’s pack on Apple Bloom’s back.

“Oh wow, there are palace guards patrolling the streets.” Apple Bloom commented as they walked down Main street. “I wonder if some big shot is visiting. I mean, this is sure a lot of fuss over a ponarazzi.”

Kitzu stopped, pulled out her cloak, turned it right side out to student mode, and put it on. It was a bit on the tight side but still fit.

“Kitzu?” Apple Bloom asked frozen from astonishment.

“Well if they are looking for a pegasus, then I’ll be a unicorn.”

“Don’t tell me you’re a changeling?”

“What? No! - I’m an alicorn.” Kitzu held out a wing for a moment. “It’s a little difficult to explain, but if I were to become involved with the authorities right now bad things might happen.”

“What kind of bad things?” Apple Bloom asked sounding as though she wasn’t too sure about her present situation.

“I’m sorta from the future. That means I have to avoid making any big impacts.”

“Ah, right. And an alicorn getting tangled up with the authorities would be a big impact.”

“Are we OK?”

“Ya let's go.”

“Thanks. - I swear, if I had to make a run for it, I’d lose my breakfast.”

“Well, we sure wouldn't want that happening.”

Both fillies started laughing and then continued down the street with big smiles on their faces. When they arrived at the station Kitzu bought a ticket that would get her close to Cloudsdale’s present position. They then went out to the platform and waited.

“Oh wow, more guards,” Apple Bloom stated seeing a dozen palace guards spaced out along the station platform.

“Maybe there’s a dignitary arriving on the train? - I’m going to go wait in the waiting room. You don’t have to stay if you don’t want.”

“Are you foaling, I want to see who gets off that train. - That and I still have your pack.”

“Alright, suit yourself,” Kitzu replied, and then the two went inside to wait. And yes there were more guards inside.

This was making Kitzu nervous, and to make matters worse the train was late. Ponyville trains were usually right on time.

“Oh look, Princess Twilight!” Apple Bloom announced, got up, started for the door to go out and say hello to Twilight only to be blocked by the guards.

“What are you doing here, and what do you want with the princess?” A guard demanded.

“She’s here to see me off, and a personal friend of Princess Twilight.” Kitzu scolded, having chased after Apple Bloom. “Come on Apple Bloom. Let's sit, you can see Princess Twilight another time.”

“Aww, I just don’t get to see her that much anymore.” Apple Bloom protested as they went back to their seats. “Or any of my old friends for that matter. Sweetie Belle is in Canterlot, and Scootaloo, well little Scoots is in Cloudsdale. Babs is in Manehatten, and big Scootaloo is in the Canterlot Wonderbolt junior academy.”

“I bet that sure threw you for a loop when you found out there were two Scootaloos.” Kitzu offered with a smile.

“No kidding. I was getting letters from both wondering what kind of stunt she was trying to pull, and then Scoots sends me a letter telling me about you, and that there’s another Scootaloo. - I thought it was an elaborate prank till I got a picture of the two together. - Twilight is mystified. There’s a mirror world, but there is already a Scootaloo there.”

“There is?” Kitzu asked, as her mind tried to make sense of the information. “Hang on, little Scoots came over in an alternate timeline, but if discord were to slam the unaltered timeline and the altered timelines together without taking into account that in the original timeline the human Scootaloo hadn’t come to Equestria… yes, of course, we’d end up with an extra Scootaloo.”

“You want to run that by me again?”

“It has something to do with why I’m here.” Kitzu offered quietly. “I went into the past, and a brand new timeline was created even while the original timeline remained. After all, I can’t very well go into the past to create a new timeline if the old timeline no longer existed. Anyway, a brand new timeline was started, due to the deviation of events, and the human Scootaloo came over to Equestria. Discord, for his own selfish reasons somehow managed to get the new timeline to converge on the old while favoring the old line, no idea how, while not erasing the new thus causing a plurality where an extra Scootaloo now exists. - Apple Bloom… Apple Bloom are you alright?”

“Hu? Wha…?”

“You OK, Apple Bloom?”

“Ya, but I swear you sounded just like Twilight right now.” Apple Bloom replied after shaking her head the way one does when there is loose wax in the ears. “You even kind of look like her, hell you look a lot like… Oh, sheeeee-mf!” Kitzu put a hoof on Apple Bloom’s mouth to keep her from blurting it out.

“Not one word. You can talk to little Scoots, but aside from that you can’t say anything.”

“And why the buck not?” Apple Bloom asked after pulling Kitzu’s hoof down.

“Because it’ll just make things worse. - Trust me. - All we can do is wait. Just go about your life without second-guessing anything. “When it happens, well, then it’s fine, and I think you’ll know when it does happen. But until then we can’t risk screwing up the timeline more than it’s already been screwed up. We could end up with wall to wall Scootaloos!” Kitzu leaned in close. “And being you’ve figured it out, I’ve got a hunch Princess Skystar may be on that train. - And we’ve front row seats.”

“Really!” Apple Bloom replied enthusiastically as she set aside her concerns for Kitzumi. After all, Apple Bloom had learned that there were indeed times when it was best to leave well enough alone, and move on.


“Oh right.”

So the two waited in quiet anticipation until the train arrived, and sure enough, when the train arrived several hippogriffs stepped off the train to include princess Skystar who was warmly greeted by Princess Twilight. After they left, Kitzu was able to board the train, with Apple Bloom helping with the pack. She said goodbye to Apple Bloom and then found a small unoccupied compartment. Once there she got out book number one and wrote in it, Hi mom, saw you with Princess Skystar at the train station. It was all I could do to stay put and not run out to you.

After Kitzu finished updating her books, she put them back in her saddlebags, reversed her cloak, put on her cap, turned on her music, and snuggled up to the wall by the window to get some sleep.

Author's Note:

Altitude: OK, so when I originally typed this out I'd used feet... and then I was like, but ponies don't have feet. I thought about converting the values to metric, but that would mean converting the values. And for that matter would ponies even use metrics? Next best thing, use find and replace to change feet to a pony equivalent length. But what length? That's when I hit upon the idea of the average horn length, and then made it 30.5 centimeters. Looking up horn lengths on line I found no consistency, and just thought I'd use 30.5 centimeters. But what about using Celestia's horn length, you may ask? It occurred to me that as Celestia ages, it may be possible that her horn grows with age. So I came up with horns as a basic unit of measurement, with a horn being broken up into four hooves.

Apple Family Breakfast. Kitzu orders the Apple family style breakfast, and then I abbreviate it as AFB, which just happens to be the abbreviation for Air Force Base. The idea is that it's a obscene amount of food.

In writing this, I kept going on into the next chapter, and doubled back several times as I thought of details I could add. Glad I did, as I kept thinking of nice little details. As for the approach I took, I wanted to write two things at once, and was afraid if I went into too much detail in the world of Queen Moon, I'd get bogged down, and be stuck there for like the next three chapters at the very least. So to avoid that I chose to go with flashbacks.

I intend to update the sketch later, but the ruff sketch is supposed to represent Kitzumi as a teen.

The great cosmic clock: I was thinking to myself, what if Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had been unwittingly taping into an ancient alicorn device that controlled not just the heavens, but pretty much everything in Equestria? Expect to see more of the device.